1 Kings 5

  1 H2438 And Hiram H4428 king H6865 of Tyre H7971 sent [H8799]   H5650 his servants H8010 unto Solomon H8085 ; for he had heard [H8804]   H4886 that they had anointed [H8804]   H4428 him king H1 in the room of his father H2438 : for Hiram H3117 was ever H157 a lover [H8802]   H1732 of David.
  2 H8010 And Solomon H7971 sent [H8799]   H2438 to Hiram H559 , saying [H8800]  ,
  3 H3045 Thou knowest [H8804]   H1732 how that David H1 my father H3201 could [H8804]   H1129 not build [H8800]   H1004 an house H8034 unto the name H3068 of the LORD H430 his God H6440 for H4421 the wars H5437 which were about him on every side [H8804]   H3068 , until the LORD H5414 put [H8800]   H3709 them under the soles H7272 of his feet.
  4 H3068 But now the LORD H430 my God H5117 hath given me rest [H8689]   H5439 on every side H7854 , so that there is neither adversary H7451 nor evil H6294 occurrent.
  5 H559 And, behold, I purpose [H8802]   H1129 to build [H8800]   H1004 an house H8034 unto the name H3068 of the LORD H430 my God H3068 , as the LORD H1696 spake [H8765]   H1732 unto David H1 my father H559 , saying [H8800]   H1121 , Thy son H5414 , whom I will set [H8799]   H3678 upon thy throne H1129 in thy room, he shall build [H8799]   H1004 an house H8034 unto my name.
  6 H6680 Now therefore command [H8761]   H3772 thou that they hew [H8799]   H730 me cedar trees H3844 out of Lebanon H5650 ; and my servants H5650 shall be with thy servants H5414 : and unto thee will I give [H8799]   H7939 hire H5650 for thy servants H559 according to all that thou shalt appoint [H8799]   H3045 : for thou knowest [H8804]   H376 that there is not among us any H3045 that can skill [H8802]   H3772 to hew [H8800]   H6086 timber H6722 like unto the Sidonians.
  7 H2438 And it came to pass, when Hiram H8085 heard [H8800]   H1697 the words H8010 of Solomon H8055 , that he rejoiced [H8799]   H3966 greatly H559 , and said [H8799]   H1288 , Blessed [H8803]   H3068 be the LORD H3117 this day H5414 , which hath given [H8804]   H1732 unto David H2450 a wise H1121 son H7227 over this great H5971 people.
  8 H2438 And Hiram H7971 sent [H8799]   H8010 to Solomon H559 , saying [H8800]   H8085 , I have considered [H8804]   H7971 the things which thou sentest [H8804]   H6213 to me for: and I will do [H8799]   H2656 all thy desire H6086 concerning timber H730 of cedar H6086 , and concerning timber H1265 of fir.
  9 H5650 My servants H3381 shall bring them down [H8686]   H3844 from Lebanon H3220 unto the sea H7760 : and I will convey [H8799]   H3220 them by sea H1702 in floats H4725 unto the place H7971 that thou shalt appoint [H8799]   H5310 me, and will cause them to be discharged [H8765]   H5375 there, and thou shalt receive [H8799]   H6213 them : and thou shalt accomplish [H8799]   H2656 my desire H5414 , in giving [H8800]   H3899 food H1004 for my household.
  10 H2438 So Hiram H5414 gave [H8802]   H8010 Solomon H730 cedar H6086 trees H1265 and fir H6086 trees H2656 according to all his desire.
  11 H8010 And Solomon H5414 gave [H8804]   H2438 Hiram H6242 twenty H505 thousand H3734 measures H2406 of wheat H4361 for food H1004 to his household H6242 , and twenty H3734 measures H3795 of pure H8081 oil H5414 : thus gave [H8799]   H8010 Solomon H2438 to Hiram H8141 year H8141 by year.
  12 H3068 And the LORD H5414 gave [H8804]   H8010 Solomon H2451 wisdom H1696 , as he promised [H8765]   H7965 him: and there was peace H2438 between Hiram H8010 and Solomon H8147 ; and they two H3772 made [H8799]   H1285 a league H8147 together.
  13 H4428 And king H8010 Solomon H5927 raised [H8686]   H4522 a levy H3478 out of all Israel H4522 ; and the levy H7970 was thirty H505 thousand H376 men.
  14 H7971 And he sent [H8799]   H3844 them to Lebanon H6235 , ten H505 thousand H2320 a month H2487 by courses H2320 : a month H3844 they were in Lebanon H8147 , and two H2320 months H1004 at home H141 : and Adoniram H4522 was over the levy.
  15 H8010 And Solomon H7657 had threescore and ten H505 thousand H5375 that bare [H8802]   H5449 burdens H8084 , and fourscore H505 thousand H2672 hewers [H8802]   H2022 in the mountains;
  16 H8269 Beside the chief H8010 of Solomon's H5324 officers [H8737]   H4399 which were over the work H7969 , three H505 thousand H7969 and three H3967 hundred H7287 , which ruled [H8802]   H5971 over the people H6213 that wrought [H8802]   H4399 in the work.
  17 H4428 And the king H6680 commanded [H8762]   H5265 , and they brought [H8686]   H1419 great H68 stones H3368 , costly H68 stones H1496 , and hewed H68 stones H3245 , to lay the foundation [H8763]   H1004 of the house.
  18 H8010 And Solomon's H1129 builders [H8802]   H2438 and Hiram's H1129 builders [H8802]   H6458 did hew [H8799]   H1382 them, and the stonesquarers H3559 : so they prepared [H8686]   H6086 timber H68 and stones H1129 to build [H8800]   H1004 the house.