Joshua 17:16 Cross References - new

  16 H1121 And the sons H3130 of Joseph H559 [H8799] said, H2022 The mountain H4672 [H8735] is not enough H3669 for us: and all the Canaanites H3427 [H8802] that dwell H776 in the land H6010 of the valley H7393 have chariots H1270 of iron, H1052 both they who are of Bethshean H1323 and its towns, H6010 and they who are of the valley H3157 of Jezreel.

Joshua 17:11

  11 H4519 And Manasseh H3485 had in Issachar H836 and in Asher H1052 Bethshean H1323 and its towns, H2991 and Ibleam H1323 and its towns, H3427 [H8802] and the inhabitants H1756 of Dor H1323 and its towns, H3427 [H8802] and the inhabitants H5874 of Endor H1323 and its towns, H3427 [H8802] and the inhabitants H8590 of Taanach H1323 and its towns, H3427 [H8802] and the inhabitants H4023 of Megiddo H1323 and its towns, H7969 even three H5316 countries.

Joshua 17:18

  18 H2022 But the mountain H3293 shall be thine; for it is a forest, H1254 [H8765] and thou shalt cut it down: H8444 and the borders H3423 [H8686] of it shall be thine: for thou shalt drive out H3669 the Canaanites, H1270 though they have iron H7393 chariots, H2389 and though they are strong.

Joshua 19:18

  18 H1366 And their border H3157 was toward Jezreel, H3694 and Chesulloth, H7766 and Shunem,

Judges 1:19

  19 H3068 And the LORD H3063 was with Judah; H3423 [H8686] and he drove out H2022 the inhabitants of the mountain; H3808 but could not H3423 [H8687] drive out H3427 [H8802] the inhabitants H6010 of the valley, H7393 because they had chariots H1270 of iron.

Judges 4:3

  3 H1121 And the sons H3478 of Israel H6817 [H8799] shrieked H3068 to the LORD: H8672 for he had nine H3967 hundred H7393 chariots H1270 of iron; H6242 and twenty H8141 years H2394 he mightily H3905 [H8804] oppressed H1121 the sons H3478 of Israel.

Judges 4:13

  13 H5516 And Sisera H2199 [H8686] gathered together H7393 all his chariots, H8672 even nine H3967 hundred H7393 chariots H1270 of iron, H5971 and all the people H2800 that were with him, from Harosheth H1471 of the nations H5158 to the river H7028 of Kishon.

Judges 6:33

  33 H4080 Then all the Midianites H6002 and the Amalekites H1121 and the sons H6924 of the east H622 [H8738] were gathered H3162 together, H5674 [H8799] and went over, H2583 [H8799] and encamped H6010 in the valley H3157 of Jezreel.

1 Kings 4:12

  12 H1195 Baana H1121 the son H286 of Ahilud; H8590 to him pertained Taanach H4023 and Megiddo, H1052 and all Bethshean, H681 which is by H6891 Zartanah H3157 beneath Jezreel, H1052 from Bethshean H65 to Abelmeholah, H5676 even to the place that is beyond H3361 Jokneam:

1 Kings 18:46

  46 H3027 And the hand H3068 of the LORD H452 was on Elijah; H8151 [H8762] and he girded H4975 his loins, H7323 [H8799] and ran H6440 at the face of H256 Ahab H935 [H8800] to the entrance H3157 of Jezreel.

1 Kings 21:1

  1 H310 And it came to pass after H1697 these things, H5022 that Naboth H3158 the Jezreelite H3754 had a vineyard, H3157 which was in Jezreel, H681 close to H1964 the palace H256 of Ahab H4428 king H8111 of Samaria.

1 Kings 21:23

  23 H348 And of Jezebel H1696 [H8765] also spoke H3068 the LORD, H559 [H8800] saying, H3611 The dogs H398 [H8799] shall eat H348 Jezebel H2426 by the wall H3157 of Jezreel.

2 Kings 9:10

  10 H3611 And the dogs H398 [H8799] shall eat H348 Jezebel H2506 in the portion H3157 of Jezreel, H6912 [H8802] and there shall be none to bury H6605 [H8799] her. And he opened H1817 the door, H5127 [H8799] and fled.

2 Kings 9:37

  37 H5038 And the dead body H348 of Jezebel H1828 shall be as refuse H6440 upon the face H7704 of the field H2506 in the portion H3157 of Jezreel; H559 [H8799] so that they shall not say, H348 This is Jezebel.

Hosea 1:4-5

  4 H3068 And the LORD H559 [H8799] said H7121 [H8798] to him, Call H8034 his name H3157 Jezreel; H4592 for yet a little H6485 [H8804] while, and I will avenge H1818 the blood H3157 of Jezreel H1004 upon the house H3058 of Jehu, H7673 [H8689] and will cause to cease H4468 the kingdom H1004 of the house H3478 of Israel.
  5 H3117 And it shall come to pass at that day, H7665 [H8804] that I will break H7198 the bow H3478 of Israel H6010 in the valley H3157 of Jezreel.

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