Genesis 31:53 Cross References - new

  53 H430 The God H85 of Abraham, H430 and the God H5152 of Nahor, H430 the God H1 of their father, H8199 [H8799] judge H3290 between us. And Jacob H7650 [H8735] swore H6343 by the fear H1 of his father H3327 Isaac.

Genesis 11:24-29

  24 H5152 And Nahor H2421 [H8799] lived H8672 nine H6242 and twenty H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H8646 Terah:
  25 H5152 And Nahor H2421 [H8799] lived H310 after H3205 [H8687] he begat H8646 Terah H3967 H8141 an hundred H6240 H8672 and nineteen H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H1121 sons H1323 and daughters.
  26 H8646 And Terah H2421 [H8799] lived H7657 seventy H8141 years, H3205 [H8686] and begat H87 Abram, H5152 Nahor, H2039 and Haran.
  27 H8435 Now these are the generations H8646 of Terah: H8646 Terah H3205 [H8689] begat H87 Abram, H5152 Nahor, H2039 and Haran; H2039 and Haran H3205 [H8689] begat H3876 Lot.
  28 H2039 And Haran H4191 [H8799] died H6440 at the face of H1 his father H8646 Terah H776 in the land H4138 of his nativity, H218 in Ur H3778 of the Chaldees.
  29 H87 And Abram H5152 and Nahor H3947 [H8799] took H802 them wives: H8034 the name H87 of Abram's H802 wife H8297 was Sarai; H8034 and the name H5152 of Nahor's H802 wife, H4435 Milcah, H1323 the daughter H2039 of Haran, H1 the father H4435 of Milcah, H1 and the father H3252 of Iscah.

Genesis 11:31

  31 H8646 And Terah H3947 [H8799] took H87 Abram H1121 his son, H3876 and Lot H1121 the son H2039 of Haran H1121 his son's H1121 son, H8297 and Sarai H3618 his daughter in law, H1121 his son H87 Abram's H802 wife; H3318 [H8799] and they went forth H218 with them from Ur H3778 of the Chaldees, H3212 [H8800] to go H776 into the land H3667 of Canaan; H935 [H8799] and they came H2771 to Haran, H3427 [H8799] and dwelt there.

Genesis 14:22

  22 H87 And Abram H559 [H8799] said H4428 to the king H5467 of Sodom, H7311 [H8689] I have lifted H3027 my hand H3068 to the LORD, H5945 the most high H410 God, H7069 [H8802] the possessor H8064 of heaven H776 and earth,

Genesis 16:5

  5 H8297 And Sarai H559 [H8799] said H87 to Abram, H2555 My violence H5414 [H8804] be upon thee: I have given H8198 my maid H2436 into thy bosom; H7200 [H8799] and when she saw H2029 [H8804] that she had conceived, H7043 [H8799] I was despised H5869 in her eyes: H3068 the LORD H8199 [H8799] judge between me and thee.

Genesis 17:7

  7 H6965 [H8689] And I will raise H1285 my covenant H2233 between me and thee and thy seed H310 after thee H1755 in their generations H5769 for an everlasting H1285 covenant, H430 to be a God H2233 to thee, and to thy seed H310 after thee.

Genesis 21:23-24

  23 H7650 [H8734] Now therefore swear H2008 to me here H430 by God H8266 [H8799] that thou wilt not deal falsely H5209 with me, nor with my son, H5220 nor with my son's son: H2617 but according to the mercy H6213 [H8804] that I have done H6213 [H8799] to thee, thou shalt do H776 to me, and to the land H1481 [H8804] in which thou hast sojourned.
  24 H85 And Abraham H559 [H8799] said, H7650 [H8735] I will swear.

Genesis 22:20-24

  20 H310 And it came to pass after H1697 these things, H5046 [H8714] that it was told H85 to Abraham, H559 [H8800] saying, H4435 Behold, Milcah, H3205 [H8804] she hath also borne H1121 sons H251 to thy brother H5152 Nahor;
  21 H5780 Huz H1060 his firstborn, H938 and Buz H251 his brother, H7055 and Kemuel H1 the father H758 of Aram,
  22 H3777 And Chesed, H2375 and Hazo, H6394 and Pildash, H3044 and Jidlaph, H1328 and Bethuel.
  23 H1328 And Bethuel H3205 [H8804] begat H7259 Rebekah: H8083 these eight H4435 Milcah H3205 [H8804] bore H5152 to Nahor, H85 Abraham's H251 brother.
  24 H6370 And his concubine, H8034 whose name H7208 was Reumah, H3205 [H8799] she bore H2875 also Tebah, H1514 and Gaham, H8477 and Thahash, H4601 and Maachah.

Genesis 24:3-4

  3 H7650 [H8686] And I will make thee swear H3068 by the LORD, H430 the God H8064 of heaven, H430 and the God H776 of the earth, H3947 [H8799] that thou shalt not take H802 a wife H1121 for my son H1323 of the daughters H3669 of the Canaanites, H7130 among H3427 [H8802] whom I dwell:
  4 H3212 [H8799] But thou shalt go H776 to my land, H4138 and to my kindred, H3947 [H8804] and take H802 a wife H1121 for my son H3327 Isaac.

Genesis 26:28-31

  28 H559 [H8799] And they said, H7200 [H8804] We saw H7200 [H8800] certainly H3068 that the LORD H559 [H8799] was with thee: and we said, H423 Let there be now an oath H996 between H996 us, even between H3772 [H8799] us and thee, and let us make H1285 a covenant with thee;
  29 H6213 [H8799] That thou wilt do H7451 us no harm, H5060 [H8804] as we have not touched H6213 [H8804] thee, and as we have done H7535 to thee nothing but H2896 good, H7971 [H8762] and have sent thee away H7965 in peace: H6258 thou art now H1288 [H8803] the blessed H3068 of the LORD.
  30 H6213 [H8799] And he made H4960 them a feast, H398 [H8799] and they ate H8354 [H8799] and drank.
  31 H7925 [H8686] And they rose early H1242 in the morning, H7650 [H8735] and swore H376 one H251 to another: H3327 and Isaac H7971 [H8762] sent them away, H3212 [H8799] and they departed H7965 from him in peace.

Genesis 28:13

  13 H3068 And, behold, the LORD H5324 [H8737] stood H559 [H8799] above it, and said, H3068 I am the LORD H430 God H85 of Abraham H1 thy father, H430 and the God H3327 of Isaac: H776 the land H7901 [H8802] on which thou liest, H5414 [H8799] to thee will I give it, H2233 and to thy seed;

Genesis 31:42

  42 H3884 Except H430 the God H1 of my father, H430 the God H85 of Abraham, H6343 and the fear H3327 of Isaac, H7971 [H8765] had been with me, surely thou hadst now sent me away H7387 empty. H430 God H7200 [H8804] hath seen H6040 my affliction H3018 and the labour H3709 of my palms, H3198 [H8686] and rebuked H570 thee last night.

Exodus 3:6

  6 H559 [H8799] Moreover he said, H430 I am the God H1 of thy father, H430 the God H85 of Abraham, H430 the God H3327 of Isaac, H430 and the God H3290 of Jacob. H4872 And Moses H5641 [H8686] hid H6440 his face; H3372 [H8804] for he was afraid H5027 [H8687] to look H430 upon God.

Deuteronomy 6:13

  13 H3372 [H8799] Thou shalt fear H3068 the LORD H430 thy God, H5647 [H8799] and serve H7650 [H8735] him, and shalt swear H8034 by his name.

Joshua 24:2

  2 H3091 And Joshua H559 [H8799] said H5971 to all the people, H559 [H8804] Thus saith H3068 the LORD H430 God H3478 of Israel, H1 Your fathers H3427 [H8804] dwelt H5676 on the other side H5104 of the river H5769 of old, H8646 even Terah, H1 the father H85 of Abraham, H1 and the father H5152 of Nahor: H5647 [H8799] and they served H312 other H430 gods.

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