Genesis 43:30 Cross References - KJV_Strongs

  30 H3130 And Joseph H4116 made haste [H8762]   H7356 ; for his bowels H3648 did yearn [H8738]   H251 upon his brother H1245 : and he sought [H8762]   H1058 where to weep [H8800]   H935 ; and he entered [H8799]   H2315 into his chamber H1058 , and wept [H8799]   there.

Genesis 42:24

  24 H5437 And he turned himself about [H8735]   H1058 from them, and wept [H8799]   H7725 ; and returned to them again [H8799]   H1696 , and communed [H8762]   H3947 with them, and took [H8799]   H8095 from them Simeon H631 , and bound [H8799]   H5869 him before their eyes.

Genesis 45:2

  2 H6963 And he wept H1065   H5414 aloud [H8799]   H4714 : and the Egyptians H1004 and the house H6547 of Pharaoh H8085 heard [H8799]   H8085   [H8799]  .

Genesis 45:14-15

  14 H5307 And he fell [H8799]   H251 upon his brother H1144 Benjamin's H6677 neck H1058 , and wept [H8799]   H1144 ; and Benjamin H1058 wept [H8804]   H6677 upon his neck.
  15 H5401 Moreover he kissed [H8762]   H251 all his brethren H1058 , and wept [H8799]   H310 upon them: and after H251 that his brethren H1696 talked [H8765]   with him.

Genesis 46:29

  29 H3130 And Joseph H631 made ready [H8799]   H4818 his chariot H5927 , and went up [H8799]   H7125 to meet [H8800]   H3478 Israel H1 his father H1657 , to Goshen H7200 , and presented [H8735]   H5307 himself unto him; and he fell [H8799]   H6677 on his neck H1058 , and wept [H8799]   H6677 on his neck H5750 a good while.

1 Kings 3:26

  26 H559 Then spake [H8799]   H802 the woman H2416 whose the living H1121 child H4428 was unto the king H7356 , for her bowels H3648 yearned [H8738]   H1121 upon her son H559 , and she said [H8799]   H994 , O H113 my lord H5414 , give [H8798]   H2416 her the living H3205 child [H8803]   H4191 , and in no wise [H8687]   H4191 slay [H8686]   H559 it. But the other said [H8802]   H1504 , Let it be neither mine nor thine, but divide [H8798]   it .

Jeremiah 31:20

  20 H669 Is Ephraim H3357 my dear H1121 son H8191 ? is he a pleasant H3206 child H1767 ? for since H1696 I spake [H8763]   H2142 against him, I do earnestly [H8800]   H2142 remember [H8799]   H4578 him still: therefore my bowels H1993 are troubled [H8804]   H7355 for him; I will surely [H8763]   H7355 have mercy [H8762]   H5002 upon him, saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD.

Hosea 11:8

  8 H5414 How shall I give thee up [H8799]   H669 , Ephraim H4042 ? how shall I deliver [H8762]   H3478 thee, Israel H5414 ? how shall I make [H8799]   H126 thee as Admah H7760 ? how shall I set [H8799]   H6636 thee as Zeboim H3820 ? mine heart H2015 is turned [H8738]   H5150 within me, my repentings H3648 are kindled [H8738]   H3162 together.

John 11:33-38

  33 G5613 When G2424 Jesus G3767 therefore G1492 saw [G5627]   G846 her G2799 weeping [G5723]   G2532 , and G2453 the Jews G2799 also weeping [G5723]   G4905 which came [G5631]   G846 with her G1690 , he groaned [G5662]   G4151 in the spirit G2532 , and G5015 was troubled [G5656]   G1438  ,
  34 G2532 And G2036 said [G5627]   G4226 , Where G5087 have ye laid [G5758]   G846 him G3004 ? They said [G5719]   G846 unto him G2962 , Lord G2064 , come [G5736]   G2532 and G1492 see [G5657]  .
  35 G2424 Jesus G1145 wept [G5656]  .
  36 G3767 Then G3004 said [G5707]   G2453 the Jews G2396 , Behold G4459 how G5368 he loved [G5707]   G846 him!
  37 G1161 And G5100 some G1537 of G846 them G2036 said [G5627]   G1410 , Could [G5711]   G3756 not G3778 this man G3588 , which G455 opened [G5660]   G3788 the eyes G5185 of the blind G4160 , have caused [G5658]   G2443 that G2532 even G3778 this man G599 should G3361 not G599 have died [G5632]  ?
  38 G2424 Jesus G3767 therefore G3825 again G1690 groaning [G5740]   G1722 in G1438 himself G2064 cometh [G5736]   G1519 to G3419 the grave G1161 . G2258 It was [G5713]   G4693 a cave G2532 , and G3037 a stone G1945 lay [G5711]   G1909 upon G846 it.

Acts 20:19

  19 G1398 Serving [G5723]   G2962 the Lord G3326 with G3956 all G5012 humility of mind G2532 , and G4183 with many G1144 tears G2532 , and G3986 temptations G3588 , which G4819 befell [G5631]   G3427 me G1722 by G1917 the lying in wait G2453 of the Jews:

Acts 20:31

  31 G1352 Therefore G1127 watch [G5720]   G3421 , and remember [G5723]   G3754 , that G5148 by the space of three years G3973 I ceased [G5668]   G3756 not G3560 to warn [G5723]   G1538 every G1520 one G3571 night G2532 and G2250 day G3326 with G1144 tears.

Acts 20:37

  37 G1161 And G3956 they all G2805 wept G1096   [G5633]   G2425 sore G2532 , and G1968 fell [G5631]   G1909 on G3972 Paul's G5137 neck G2705 , and kissed [G5707]   G846 him,

Philippians 1:8

  8 G1063 For G2316 God G2076 is [G5748]   G3450 my G3144 record G5613 , how G1971 greatly I long after [G5719]   G5209 you G3956 all G1722 in G4698 the bowels G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ.

Philippians 2:1

  1 G3767 If there be therefore G1536 any G3874 consolation G1722 in G5547 Christ G1536 , if any G3890 comfort G26 of love G1536 , if any G2842 fellowship G4151 of the Spirit G1536 , if any G4698 bowels G2532 and G3628 mercies,

Colossians 3:12

  12 G1746 Put on [G5669]   G3767 therefore G5613 , as G1588 the elect G2316 of God G40 , holy G2532 and G25 beloved [G5772]   G4698 , bowels G3628 of mercies G5544 , kindness G5012 , humbleness of mind G4236 , meekness G3115 , longsuffering;

2 Timothy 1:4

  4 G1971 Greatly desiring [G5723]   G1492 to see [G5629]   G4571 thee G3415 , being mindful [G5772]   G4675 of thy G1144 tears G2443 , that G4137 I may be filled [G5686]   G5479 with joy;

1 John 3:17

  17 G1161 But G3739 whoso G302   G2192 hath [G5725]   G2889 this world's G979 good G2532 , and G2334 seeth [G5725]   G846 his G80 brother G2192 have [G5723]   G5532 need G2532 , and G2808 shutteth up [G5661]   G846 his G4698 bowels G575 of compassion from G846 him G4459 , how G3306 dwelleth [G5719]   G26 the love G2316 of God G1722 in G846 him?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.