Luke 4:16 Cross References - AKJV_Strongs

  16 G2064 And he came G3478 to Nazareth, G3757 where G5142 he had been brought G3588 up: and, as his custom G1486 G1525 was, he went G1519 into G4864 the synagogue G1722 on G4521 the sabbath G2250 day, G450 and stood G314 up for to read.

Matthew 2:23

  23 G2064 And he came G2730 and dwelled G4172 in a city G3004 called G3478 Nazareth: G4137 that it might be fulfilled G3588 which G4483 was spoken G4396 by the prophets, G2564 He shall be called G3480 a Nazarene.

Matthew 13:54-55

  54 G2064 And when he was come G1519 into G3968 his own country, G1321 he taught G4864 them in their synagogue, G5620 so G1605 that they were astonished, G3004 and said, G4159 From where G3778 has this G3778 man this G4678 wisdom, G3588 and these G1411 mighty works?
  55 G3778 Is not this G5045 the carpenter’s G5207 son? G3384 is not his mother G3004 called G3137 Mary? G80 and his brothers, G2385 James, G2500 and Joses, G4613 and Simon, G2455 and Judas?

Mark 6:1-3

  1 G1831 And he went G1564 out from there, G2064 and came G1519 into G3968 his own country; G3101 and his disciples G190 follow him.
  2 G4521 And when the sabbath G1096 day was come, G756 he began G1321 to teach G4864 in the synagogue: G4183 and many G191 hearing G1605 him were astonished, G3004 saying, G4159 From where G5129 has this G5023 man these G5101 things? and what G4678 wisdom G3588 is this G1325 which is given G2532 to him, that even G5108 such G1411 mighty G1096 works are worked G5495 by his hands?
  3 G3778 Is not this G5045 the carpenter, G5207 the son G3137 of Mary, G80 the brother G2385 of James, G2500 and Joses, G2455 and of Juda, G4613 and Simon? G79 and are not his sisters G5602 here G4624 with us? And they were offended G1722 at him.

Luke 1:26-27

  26 G1623 And in the sixth G3376 month G32 the angel G1043 Gabriel G649 was sent G2316 from God G4172 to a city G1056 of Galilee, G3686 named G3478 Nazareth,
  27 G3933 To a virgin G3423 espoused G435 to a man G3739 whose G3686 name G2501 was Joseph, G3624 of the house G1138 of David; G3933 and the virgin’s G3686 name G3137 was Mary.

Luke 2:39

  39 G5613 And when G5055 they had performed G537 all G2596 things according G3551 to the law G2962 of the Lord, G5290 they returned G1519 into G1056 Galilee, G4172 to their own city G3478 Nazareth.

Luke 2:42

  42 G3753 And when G1427 he was twelve G2094 years G305 old, they went G2414 up to Jerusalem G2596 after G1485 the custom G1859 of the feast.

Luke 2:51

  51 G2597 And he went G2597 down G2064 with them, and came G3478 to Nazareth, G5293 and was subject G3384 to them: but his mother G1301 kept G3956 all G5023 these G4487 sayings G2588 in her heart.

Luke 4:15

  15 G2258 And he taught G1321 G4864 in their synagogues, G1392 being glorified G3956 of all.

Luke 4:21

  21 G756 And he began G3004 to say G4594 to them, This G4594 day G3778 is this G1124 scripture G4137 fulfilled G5216 in your G3775 ears.

John 18:20

  20 G2424 Jesus G611 answered G2980 him, I spoke G3954 openly G2889 to the world; G3842 I ever G1321 taught G4864 in the synagogue, G2411 and in the temple, G3699 where G2453 the Jews G3842 always G4905 resort; G2927 and in secret G2980 have I said G3762 nothing.

Acts 13:14-16

  14 G1330 But when they departed G4011 from Perga, G3854 they came G490 to Antioch G4099 in Pisidia, G1525 and went G1519 into G4864 the synagogue G4521 on the sabbath G2250 day, G2523 and sat G2523 down.
  15 G3326 And after G320 the reading G3551 of the law G4396 and the prophets G752 the rulers G752 of the synagogue G649 sent G3004 to them, saying, G435 You men G80 and brothers, G1487 if G2076 you have G5100 any G3056 word G3874 of exhortation G2992 for the people, G3004 say on.
  16 G1161 Then G3972 Paul G450 stood G2678 up, and beckoning G5495 with his hand G2036 said, G435 Men G2475 of Israel, G5399 and you that fear G2316 God, G191 give audience.

Acts 17:2

  2 G3972 And Paul, G1486 as his manner G1525 was, went G5140 in to them, and three G4521 sabbath G1256 days reasoned G1124 with them out of the scriptures,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.