John 1:15 Cross References - AKJV_Strongs

  15 G2491 John G3140 bore G3140 witness G2896 of him, and cried, G3004 saying, G3778 This G3739 was he of whom G2036 I spoke, G2064 He that comes G3694 after G1715 me is preferred G1715 before G4413 me: for he was before me.

Proverbs 8:22

  22 H3068 The LORD H7069 possessed H7225 me in the beginning H1870 of his way, H6924 before H4659 his works H227 of old.

Isaiah 9:6

  6 H3206 For to us a child H3205 is born, H1121 to us a son H5414 is given: H4951 and the government H7926 shall be on his shoulder: H8034 and his name H7121 shall be called H6382 Wonderful, H3289 Counselor, H1368 The mighty H410 God, H5703 The everlasting H1 Father, H8269 The Prince H7965 of Peace.

Micah 5:2

  2 H1035 But you, Bethlehem H672 Ephratah, H6810 though you be little H505 among the thousands H3063 of Judah, H3318 yet out of you shall he come H3318 forth H4910 to me that is to be ruler H3478 in Israel; H4163 whose goings H4163 forth H6924 have been from of old, H5769 from everlasting.

Matthew 3:11

  11 G3303 I indeed G907 baptize G5204 you with water G3341 to repentance. G2064 but he that comes G3694 after G2478 me is mightier G3739 than I, whose G5266 shoes G1510 I am G2425 not worthy G941 to bear: G907 he shall baptize G40 you with the Holy G4151 Ghost, G4442 and with fire:

Matthew 3:13-17

  13 G5119 Then G3854 comes G2424 Jesus G1056 from Galilee G2446 to Jordan G2491 to John, G907 to be baptized of him.
  14 G2491 But John G1254 forbade G3004 him, saying, G2192 I have G5532 need G907 to be baptized G2064 of you, and come you to me?
  15 G2424 And Jesus G611 answering G2036 said G863 to him, Suffer G737 it to be so now: G3779 for thus G4241 it becomes G4137 us to fulfill G3956 all G1343 righteousness. G5119 Then G863 he suffered him.
  16 G2424 And Jesus, G907 when he was baptized, G305 went G2117 up straightway G5204 out of the water: G2400 and, see, G3772 the heavens G455 were opened G1492 to him, and he saw G4151 the Spirit G2316 of God G2597 descending G5616 like G4058 a dove, G2064 and lighting on him:
  17 G2400 And see G5456 a voice G3772 from heaven, G3004 saying, G3778 This G27 is my beloved G5207 Son, G3739 in whom G2106 I am well G2106 pleased.

Mark 1:7

  7 G2784 And preached, G3004 saying, G2064 There comes G2478 one mightier G3694 than I after G2438 me, the lace G3739 of whose G5266 shoes G1510 I am G2425 not worthy G2955 to stoop G3089 down and unloose.

Luke 3:16

  16 G2491 John G611 answered, G3004 saying G537 to them all, G3303 I indeed G907 baptize G5204 you with water; G2478 but one mightier G2064 than I comes, G2438 the lace G3739 of whose G5266 shoes G1510 I am G2425 not worthy G3089 to unloose: G907 he shall baptize G40 you with the Holy G4151 Ghost G4442 and with fire:

John 1:1-2

  1 G746 In the beginning G3056 was the Word, G3056 and the Word G2316 was with God, G3056 and the Word G2316 was God.
  2 G3778 The same G746 was in the beginning G2316 with God.

John 1:7-8

  7 G3778 The same G2064 came G3141 for a witness, G3140 to bear G3140 witness G5457 of the Light, G3956 that all G1223 men through G4100 him might believe.
  8 G5457 He was not that Light, G3140 but was sent to bear G3140 witness G5457 of that Light.

John 1:27

  27 G3588 He it is, who G2064 coming G3694 after G1096 me is preferred G1715 before G3739 me, whose G5266 shoe’s G2438 lace G1510 I am G514 not worthy G3089 to unloose.

John 1:29-34

  29 G1887 The next G1887 day G2491 John G991 sees G2424 Jesus G2064 coming G3004 to him, and said, G2396 Behold G286 the Lamb G2316 of God, G3588 which G142 takes G266 away the sin G2889 of the world.
  30 G3778 This G3739 is he of whom G2036 I said, G3694 After G2064 me comes G435 a man G3739 which G1096 is preferred G1715 before G4413 me: for he was before me.
  31 G1492 And I knew G5319 him not: but that he should be made G5319 manifest G2474 to Israel, G1223 therefore G5124 G2064 am I come G907 baptizing G5204 with water.
  32 G2491 And John G3140 bore G3140 record, G3004 saying, G2300 I saw G4151 the Spirit G2597 descending G3772 from heaven G5616 like G4058 a dove, G3306 and it stayed on him.
  33 G1492 And I knew G3992 him not: but he that sent G907 me to baptize G5204 with water, G1565 the same G2036 said G3739 to me, On whom G1492 you shall see G4151 the Spirit G2597 descending, G3306 and remaining G1909 on G3778 him, the same G907 is he which baptizes G40 with the Holy G4151 Ghost.
  34 G3708 And I saw, G3140 and bore G3140 record G3778 that this G5207 is the Son G2316 of God.

John 3:26-36

  26 G2064 And they came G2491 to John, G2036 and said G4461 to him, Rabbi, G4008 he that was with you beyond G2446 Jordan, G3739 to whom G3140 you bore G3140 witness, G2396 behold, G3778 the same G907 baptizes, G3956 and all G2064 men come to him.
  27 G2491 John G611 answered G2036 and said, G444 A man G1410 can G2983 receive G3762 nothing, G3362 except G1325 it be given G3772 him from heaven.
  28 G5210 You yourselves G846 G3140 bear G3140 me witness, G2036 that I said, G1510 I am G5547 not the Christ, G1510 but that I am G649 sent G1715 before him.
  29 G2192 He that has G3565 the bride G3566 is the bridegroom: G5384 but the friend G3566 of the bridegroom, G3588 which G2476 stands G191 and hears G5463 him, rejoices G5479 greatly G1223 because G3566 of the bridegroom’s G5456 voice: G3778 this G5479 my joy G3767 therefore G4137 is fulfilled.
  30 G1163 He must G837 increase, G1642 but I must decrease.
  31 G2064 He that comes G509 from above G1883 is above G3956 all: G1093 he that is of the earth G1537 is earthly, G3588 G1093 G2980 and speaks G1093 of the earth: G2064 he that comes G3772 from heaven G1883 is above G3956 all.
  32 G3739 And what G3708 he has seen G191 and heard, G3140 that he testifies; G3762 and no G3762 man G2983 receives G3141 his testimony.
  33 G2983 He that has received G3141 his testimony G4972 has set G4972 to his seal G2316 that God G227 is true.
  34 G3739 For he whom G2316 God G649 has sent G2980 speaks G4487 the words G2316 of God: G2316 for God G1325 gives G4151 not the Spirit G3358 by measure to him.
  35 G3962 The Father G25 loves G5207 the Son, G1325 and has given G3956 all G1722 things into G5495 his hand.
  36 G4100 He that believes G1519 on G5207 the Son G2192 has G166 everlasting G2222 life: G544 and he that believes G5207 not the Son G3700 shall not see G2222 life; G3709 but the wrath G2316 of God G3306 stays G1909 on him.

John 5:33-36

  33 G649 You sent G2491 to John, G3140 and he bore G3140 witness G225 to the truth.
  34 G2983 But I receive G3141 not testimony G444 from man: G5023 but these G3004 things I say, G4982 that you might be saved.
  35 G2545 He was a burning G5316 and a shining G3088 light: G2309 and you were willing G5610 for a season G21 to rejoice G5457 in his light.
  36 G2192 But I have G3187 greater G3141 witness G2491 than that of John: G2041 for the works G3739 which G3962 the Father G1325 has given G5048 me to finish, G846 the same G2041 works G4160 that I do, G3140 bear G3140 witness G3962 of me, that the Father G649 has sent me.

John 8:58

  58 G2424 Jesus G2036 said G281 to them, Truly, G281 truly, G3004 I say G4250 to you, Before G11 Abraham G1510 was, I am.

John 17:5

  5 G3568 And now, G3962 O Father, G1392 glorify G4572 you me with your G4572 own G4572 self G1391 with the glory G3739 which G2192 I had G4253 with you before G2889 the world was.

Philippians 2:6-7

  6 G5225 Who, being G3444 in the form G2316 of God, G2233 thought G725 it not robbery G2470 to be equal G2316 with God:
  7 G1096 But made G1438 himself G5013 of no G2758 reputation, G2983 and took G3444 on him the form G1401 of a servant, G1096 and was made G3667 in the likeness G444 of men:

Colossians 1:17

  17 G4253 And he is before G3956 all G3956 things, and by him all G4921 things consist.

Hebrews 13:8

  8 G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G846 the same G5504 yesterday, G4594 and to day, G165 and for ever.

Revelation 1:11

  11 G3004 Saying, G1510 I am G1 Alpha G5598 and Omega, G4413 the first G2078 and the last: G3739 and, What G991 you see, G1125 write G975 in a book, G3992 and send G2033 it to the seven G1577 churches G3588 which G773 are in Asia; G2181 to Ephesus, G4667 and to Smyrna, G4010 and to Pergamos, G2363 and to Thyatira, G4554 and to Sardis, G5359 and to Philadelphia, G2993 and to Laodicea.

Revelation 1:17-18

  17 G3753 And when G1492 I saw G4098 him, I fell G4314 at G4228 his feet G3498 as dead. G2007 And he laid G1188 his right G5495 hand G3004 on me, saying G5399 to me, Fear G1510 not; I am G4413 the first G2078 and the last:
  18 G1510 I am G2198 he that lives, G3498 and was dead; G2400 and, behold, G1510 I am G2198 alive G3588 for ever more, G165 G281 Amen; G2192 and have G2807 the keys G86 of hell G2288 and of death.

Revelation 2:8

  8 G32 And to the angel G1577 of the church G4668 in Smyrna G1125 write; G3592 These G3004 things said G4413 the first G2078 and the last, G3739 which G3498 was dead, G2198 and is alive;

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.