14 Yet you, yourself, be constantly remaining within what you learned and in those things of which you were persuaded and became convinced (became assured),
having seen, and so knowing, from whose (what folks')
side you learned [
these things]
15 and that from an infant (babe)
you have seen and thus know [
sacred Scriptures (or: Temple writings):
the ones being constantly able (those continuously having power)
to give you wisdom – [
that leads you]
into deliverance (wholeness, good health, rescue and salvation) –
through Jesus' faith, resident within Christ (or: through means of the faith and trust that [exists] in Jesus [the] Anointed; by faith which is Jesus in union with an Anointing).
16 All Scripture [
God-breathed, and [
beneficial to furtherance toward instruction (or: Every inspired-of-God [temple] writing [is] also profitable {of advantage; [gives] augmentation} with a view to teaching and training),
toward (with a view to)
testing unto proof (or, negatively: exposure; laying bare),
toward full restoration to straightness (or: straightening-up upon; = improvement),
toward child-training (education; discipline)
of the person within the Way pointed out (the one in rightwised [covenantal] relationships with fair and equitable dealing),
17 to the end that God's [
Person (or: the person belonging to God; the human having his origin in God; humanity in relation to God)
may be exactly fitted (can exist being precisely prepared; would be entirely suited),
being one having been completely furnished and equipped toward every good work (with a view to every virtuous and excellent action).