Numbers 2:1-34

IHOT(i) (In English order)
  1 H1696 וידבר spoke H3068 יהוה And the LORD H413 אל unto H4872 משׁה Moses H413 ואל and unto H175 אהרן Aaron, H559 לאמר׃ saying,
  2 H376 אישׁ Every man H5921 על by H1714 דגלו his own standard, H226 באתת with the ensign H1004 לבית house: H1 אבתם of their father's H2583 יחנו shall pitch H1121 בני of the children H3478 ישׂראל of Israel H5048 מנגד far off H5439 סביב about H168 לאהל the tabernacle H4150 מועד of the congregation H2583 יחנו׃ shall they pitch.
  3 H2583 והחנים pitch H6924 קדמה And on the east side H4217 מזרחה toward the rising of the sun H1714 דגל shall they of the standard H4264 מחנה of the camp H3063 יהודה of Judah H6635 לצבאתם throughout their armies: H5387 ונשׂיא captain H1121 לבני the son H3063 יהודה of Judah. H5177 נחשׁון and Nahshon H1121 בן of the children H5992 עמינדב׃ of Amminadab
  4 H6635 וצבאו And his host, H6485 ופקדיהם and those that were numbered H702 ארבעה of them, threescore and fourteen H7657 ושׁבעים of them, threescore and fourteen H505 אלף thousand H8337 ושׁשׁ and six H3967 מאות׃ hundred.
  5 H2583 והחנים And those that do pitch H5921 עליו next unto H4294 מטה him the tribe H3485 ישׂשכר of Issachar: H5387 ונשׂיא captain H1121 לבני the son H3485 ישׂשכר of Issachar. H5417 נתנאל and Nethaneel H1121 בן of the children H6686 צוער׃ of Zuar
  6 H6635 וצבאו And his host, H6485 ופקדיו and those that were numbered H702 ארבעה and four H2572 וחמשׁים thereof, fifty H505 אלף thousand H702 וארבע and four H3967 מאות׃ hundred.
  7 H4294 מטה the tribe H2074 זבולן of Zebulun: H5387 ונשׂיא captain H1121 לבני the son H2074 זבולן of Zebulun. H446 אליאב and Eliab H1121 בן of the children H2497 חלן׃ of Helon
  8 H6635 וצבאו And his host, H6485 ופקדיו and those that were numbered H7651 שׁבעה and seven H2572 וחמשׁים thereof, fifty H505 אלף thousand H702 וארבע and four H3967 מאות׃ hundred.
  9 H3605 כל All H6485 הפקדים that were numbered H4264 למחנה in the camp H3063 יהודה of Judah H3967 מאת a hundred H505 אלף thousand H8084 ושׁמנים and fourscore H505 אלף thousand H8337 ושׁשׁת and six H505 אלפים thousand H702 וארבע and four H3967 מאות hundred, H6635 לצבאתם throughout their armies. H7223 ראשׁנה These shall first H5265 יסעו׃ set forth.
  10 H1714 דגל the standard H4264 מחנה of the camp H7205 ראובן of Reuben H8486 תימנה On the south side H6635 לצבאתם according to their armies: H5387 ונשׂיא and the captain H1121 לבני of the children H7205 ראובן of Reuben H468 אליצור Elizur H1121 בן the son H7707 שׁדיאור׃ of Shedeur.
  11 H6635 וצבאו And his host, H6485 ופקדיו and those that were numbered H8337 שׁשׁה and six H705 וארבעים thereof, forty H505 אלף thousand H2568 וחמשׁ and five H3967 מאות׃ hundred.
  12 H2583 והחונם And those which pitch H5921 עליו by H4294 מטה him the tribe H8095 שׁמעון of Simeon: H5387 ונשׂיא and the captain H1121 לבני of the children H8095 שׁמעון of Simeon H8017 שׁלמיאל Shelumiel H1121 בן the son H6701 צורי שׁדי׃ of Zurishaddai.
  13 H6635 וצבאו And his host, H6485 ופקדיהם and those that were numbered H8672 תשׁעה and nine H2572 וחמשׁים of them, fifty H505 אלף thousand H7969 ושׁלשׁ and three H3967 מאות׃ hundred.
  14 H4294 ומטה Then the tribe H1410 גד of Gad: H5387 ונשׂיא and the captain H1121 לבני of the sons H1410 גד of Gad H460 אליסף Eliasaph H1121 בן the son H7467 רעואל׃ of Reuel.
  15 H6635 וצבאו And his host, H6485 ופקדיהם and those that were numbered H2568 חמשׁה and five H705 וארבעים of them, forty H505 אלף thousand H8337 ושׁשׁ and six H3967 מאות hundred H2572 וחמשׁים׃ and fifty.
  16 H3605 כל All H6485 הפקדים that were numbered H4264 למחנה in the camp H7205 ראובן of Reuben H3967 מאת a hundred H505 אלף thousand H259 ואחד and one H2572 וחמשׁים and fifty H505 אלף thousand H702 וארבע and four H3967 מאות hundred H2572 וחמשׁים and fifty, H6635 לצבאתם throughout their armies. H8145 ושׁנים in the second H5265 יסעו׃ And they shall set forth
  17 H5265 ונסע shall set forward H168 אהל Then the tabernacle H4150 מועד of the congregation H4264 מחנה with the camp H3881 הלוים of the Levites H8432 בתוך in the midst H4264 המחנת of the camp: H834 כאשׁר as H2583 יחנו they encamp, H3651 כן so H5265 יסעו shall they set forward, H376 אישׁ every man H5921 על in H3027 ידו his place H1714 לדגליהם׃ by their standards.
  18 H1714 דגל the standard H4264 מחנה of the camp H669 אפרים of Ephraim H6635 לצבאתם according to their armies: H3220 ימה On the west side H5387 ונשׂיא and the captain H1121 לבני of the sons H669 אפרים of Ephraim H476 אלישׁמע Elishama H1121 בן the son H5989 עמיהוד׃ of Ammihud.
  19 H6635 וצבאו And his host, H6485 ופקדיהם and those that were numbered H705 ארבעים of them, forty H505 אלף thousand H2568 וחמשׁ and five H3967 מאות׃ hundred.
  20 H5921 ועליו And by H4294 מטה him the tribe H4519 מנשׁה of Manasseh: H5387 ונשׂיא and the captain H1121 לבני of the children H4519 מנשׁה of Manasseh H1583 גמליאל Gamaliel H1121 בן the son H6301 פדהצור׃ of Pedahzur.
  21 H6635 וצבאו And his host, H6485 ופקדיהם and those that were numbered H8147 שׁנים and two H7970 ושׁלשׁים of them, thirty H505 אלף thousand H3967 ומאתים׃ and two hundred.
  22 H4294 ומטה Then the tribe H1144 בנימן of Benjamin: H5387 ונשׂיא and the captain H1121 לבני of the sons H1144 בנימן of Benjamin H27 אבידן Abidan H1121 בן the son H1441 גדעני׃ of Gideoni.
  23 H6635 וצבאו And his host, H6485 ופקדיהם and those that were numbered H2568 חמשׁה and five H7970 ושׁלשׁים of them, thirty H505 אלף thousand H702 וארבע and four H3967 מאות׃ hundred.
  24 H3605 כל All H6485 הפקדים that were numbered H4264 למחנה of the camp H669 אפרים of Ephraim H3967 מאת a hundred H505 אלף thousand H8083 ושׁמנת and eight H505 אלפים thousand H3967 ומאה and a hundred, H6635 לצבאתם throughout their armies. H7992 ושׁלשׁים in the third H5265 יסעו׃ And they shall go forward
  25 H1714 דגל The standard H4264 מחנה of the camp H1835 דן of Dan H6828 צפנה on the north side H6635 לצבאתם by their armies: H5387 ונשׂיא and the captain H1121 לבני of the children H1835 דן of Dan H295 אחיעזר Ahiezer H1121 בן the son H5996 עמישׁדי׃ of Ammishaddai.
  26 H6635 וצבאו And his host, H6485 ופקדיהם and those that were numbered H8147 שׁנים and two H8346 ושׁשׁים of them, threescore H505 אלף thousand H7651 ושׁבע and seven H3967 מאות׃ hundred.
  27 H2583 והחנים And those that encamp H5921 עליו by H4294 מטה him the tribe H836 אשׁר of Asher: H5387 ונשׂיא and the captain H1121 לבני of the children H836 אשׁר of Asher H6295 פגעיאל Pagiel H1121 בן the son H5918 עכרן׃ of Ocran.
  28 H6635 וצבאו And his host, H6485 ופקדיהם and those that were numbered H259 אחד and one H705 וארבעים of them, forty H505 אלף thousand H2568 וחמשׁ and five H3967 מאות׃ hundred.
  29 H4294 ומטה Then the tribe H5321 נפתלי of Naphtali: H5387 ונשׂיא and the captain H1121 לבני of the children H5321 נפתלי of Naphtali H299 אחירע Ahira H1121 בן the son H5881 עינן׃ of Enan.
  30 H6635 וצבאו And his host, H6485 ופקדיהם and those that were numbered H7969 שׁלשׁה and three H2572 וחמשׁים of them, fifty H505 אלף thousand H702 וארבע and four H3967 מאות׃ hundred.
  31 H3605 כל All H6485 הפקדים they that were numbered H4264 למחנה in the camp H1835 דן of Dan H3967 מאת a hundred H505 אלף thousand H7651 ושׁבעה and seven H2572 וחמשׁים and fifty H505 אלף thousand H8337 ושׁשׁ and six H3967 מאות hundred. H314 לאחרנה hindmost H5265 יסעו They shall go H1714 לדגליהם׃ with their standards.
  32 H428 אלה These H6485 פקודי those which were numbered H1121 בני of the children H3478 ישׂראל of Israel H1004 לבית by the house H1 אבתם of their fathers: H3605 כל all H6485 פקודי those that were numbered H4264 המחנת of the camps H6635 לצבאתם throughout their hosts H8337 שׁשׁ six H3967 מאות hundred H505 אלף thousand H7969 ושׁלשׁת and three H505 אלפים thousand H2568 וחמשׁ and five H3967 מאות hundred H2572 וחמשׁים׃ and fifty.
  33 H3881 והלוים But the Levites H3808 לא were not H6485 התפקדו numbered H8432 בתוך among H1121 בני the children H3478 ישׂראל of Israel; H834 כאשׁר as H6680 צוה commanded H3069 יהוה   H853 את   H4872 משׁה׃ Moses.
  34 H6213 ויעשׂו did H1121 בני And the children H3478 ישׂראל of Israel H3605 ככל according to all H834 אשׁר that H6680 צוה commanded H3068 יהוה the LORD H853 את   H4872 משׁה Moses: H3651 כן so H2583 חנו they pitched H1714 לדגליהם by their standards, H3651 וכן and so H5265 נסעו they set forward, H376 אישׁ every one H4940 למשׁפחתיו after their families, H5921 על according to H1004 בית the house H1 אבתיו׃ of their fathers.