Joshua 2:11-24

  11 G2532 And G191 having heard, G1473 we G1839 were amazed G3588 in G2588 our heart, G1473   G2532 and G3756 there was no G2476 [3established G2089 1longer G4151 2a spirit] G1722 in G3762 any one G575 because of G4383 your presence; G1473   G3754 for G2962 the lord G3588   G2316 your God G1473   G2316 is the God G1722 in G3772 heaven G507 upward, G2532 and G1909 upon G3588 the G1093 earth G2736 below.
  12 G2532 And G3568 now, G3660 swear by an oath G1473 to me G2962 by the lord G3588   G2316 God! G3754 for G4160 I performed G1473 an act of mercy to you, G1656   G2532 and G4160 you shall also perform G2532   G1473 yourself G1656 an act of mercy G1722 in G3588 the G3624 house G3588   G3962 of my father, G1473   G2532 And G1325 you shall give G1473 to me G4592 [2sign G228 1a true].
  13 G2221 Take alive G3588 the G3624 house G3588   G3962 of my father, G1473   G2532 and G3588   G3384 my mother, G1473   G2532 and G3588   G80 my brothers, G1473   G2532 and G3588   G79 my sisters, G1473   G2532 and G3956 all G3588   G3624 of my house, G1473   G2532 and G3956 all G3745 as much as G1510.2.3 is G1473 theirs! G2532 And G1807 you shall rescue G3588   G5590 our life G1473   G1537 from G2288 death.
  14 G2532 And G2036 [3said G1473 4to her G3588 1the G435 2men], G3588   G5590 Our life G1473   G473 for G1473 yours, G1519 even unto G2288 death. G2532 And G1473 she G2036 said, G5613 Whenever G302   G3860 the lord should deliver up G2962   G1473 [3to you G3588 1the G4172 2city], G4160 you shall perform G1519 for G1473 me G1656 an act of mercy G2532 and G225 truth.
  15 G2532 And G2707.5 she let them down G1473   G1223 through G3588 the G2376 window, G3754 for G3588   G3624 her house G1473   G1722 was in G3588 the G5038 wall, G2532 and G1722 in G3588 the G5038 wall G1473 she G2730 dwelt.
  16 G2532 And G2036 she said G1473 to them, G1519 [2into G3588 3the G3714 4mountainous area G565 1Go forth], G3361 lest G4876 there should meet up with G1473 you G3588 the G2614 ones pursuing! G2532 And G2928 you shall be hidden G1563 there G5140 three G2250 days G2193 until G302 whenever G654 [5should return G3588 1the ones G2614 2pursuing G3694 3after G1473 4you]; G2532 and G3326 after G3778 this G565 you shall go forth G1519 into G3588   G3598 your way. G1473  
  17 G2532 And G2036 [3said G4314 4to G1473 5her G3588 1the G435 2men], G121 We are innocent G1510.2.4   G3588   G3727 [2your oath G1473   G3778 1in this].
  18 G2400 Behold, G1473 as we G1531 enter G1519 into G3313 a part G3588 of the G4172 city, G2532 then G5087 you shall place G3588   G4592 a sign -- G3588   G4683.1 [3string G3588   G2847 2this scarlet G3778   G1551.1 1you shall suspend] G1519 in G3588 the G2376 window G1223 through G3739 which G2601 you let us down G1473   G1223 through G1473 it. G2532 And G3588   G3962 your father, G1473   G2532 and G3588   G3384 your mother, G1473   G2532 and G3588   G80 your brothers, G1473   G2532 and G3956 all G3588 the G3624 house G3588   G3962 of your father, G1473   G4863 you shall bring together G4314 to G4572 yourself G1519 into G3588   G3614 your house. G1473  
  19 G2532 And G1510.8.3 it will be G3956 any G3739 which G302 ever G1831 should come forth G3588 by the G2374 door G3588   G3614 of your house G1473   G1854 unto outside, G1777 [2liable G1438 3to himself G1510.8.3 1shall be], G1473 and we G1161   G121 will be innocent G3588   G3727 [2your oath G1473   G3778 1in this]. G2532 And G3745 as many G302 as G1096 should be G3326 with G1473 you G1722 in G3588   G3614 your house, G1473   G1473 we G1777 will be liable G1510.8.4   G1437 if G5495 a hand G680 should have touched G1473 him.
  20 G1437 But if G1161   G5100 anyone G1473 should wrong us, G91   G2532 and G601 should uncover G3588   G3056 [2our words G1473   G3778 1these], G1510.8.4 we will be G121 innocent G3588   G3727 [2your oath G1473   G3778 1in this], G3739 which G3726 we bound you by. G1473  
  21 G2532 And G2036 she said G1473 to them, G2596 According to G3588   G4487 your word G1473   G3779 thus G1510.5 let it be! G2532 And G1821 she sent them out, G1473   G2532 and G4198 they went. G2532 And G1210 she tied G3588 the G4592 [2sign G3588   G2847 1scarlet] G1722 in G3588 the G2376 window.
  22 G2532 And G4198 they went, G2532 and G2064 they came G1519 unto G3588 the G3714 mountainous area, G2532 and G2650 they stayed G1563 there G5140 three G2250 days, G2193 until G1994 [3returned G3588 1the ones G1377 2following]. G2532 And G1567 [3sought after them G3588 1the G2614 2ones pursuing] G3956 in all G3588 the G3598 ways, G2532 and G3756 did not G2147 find.
  23 G2532 And G654 [4returned G3588 1the G1417 2two G3495 3young men], G2532 and G2597 they went down G1537 from out of G3588 the G3735 mountain, G2532 and G1224 passed over, G2532 and G2064 came G4314 to G3588   G* Joshua G5207 son G* of Nun. G2532 And G1334 they described G1473 to him G3956 all G3588 the G4819 things coming to pass G1473 to them.
  24 G2532 And G2036 they said G4314 to G* Joshua G3754 that, G3860 The lord has delivered G2962   G3956 all G3588 the G1093 land G1722 in G5495 our hand, G1473   G2532 and G2670.4 [4are struck with awe G3956 1all G3588   G2730 2dwelling G3588   G1093 3in that land] G1565   G575 at G1473 us.