Search the Bible for H1856 in Webster_Strongs

10 results for H1856

1 Samuel 31:4 (Webster_Strongs)
  4 H559 [H8799] Then said H7586 Saul H5375 H3627 [H8802] to his armourbearer H8025 [H8798] , Draw H2719 thy sword H1856 [H8798] , and thrust me through H6189 with it; lest these uncircumcised H935 [H8799] should come H1856 [H8804] and thrust me through H5953 [H8694] , and abuse H5375 H3627 [H8802] me. But his armourbearer H14 [H8804] would H3966 not; for he was exceedingly H3372 [H8804] afraid H7586 . Therefore Saul H3947 [H8799] took H2719 a sword H5307 [H8799] , and fell upon it.
Zechariah 12:10 (Webster_Strongs)
  10 H8210 [H8804] And I will pour H1004 upon the house H1732 of David H3427 [H8802] , and upon the inhabitants H3389 of Jerusalem H7307 , the spirit H2580 of grace H8469 and of supplications H5027 [H8689] : and they shall look H1856 [H8804] upon me whom they have pierced H4553 , and they shall mourn H5594 [H8804] for him, as one mourneth H3173 for his only H4843 [H8687] son, and shall be in bitterness H4843 [H8687] for him, as one that is in bitterness H1060 for his firstborn.