1 Chronicles 26

  1 H4256 Concerning the divisions H7778 of the porters: H7145 Of the Korhites H4920 was Meshelemiah H1121 the son H6981 of Kore, H1121 of the sons H623 of Asaph.
  2 H1121 And the sons H4920 of Meshelemiah H2148 were, Zechariah H1060 the firstborn, H3043 Jediael H8145 the second, H2069 Zebadiah H7992 the third, H3496 Jathniel H7243 the fourth,
  3 H5867 Elam H2549 the fifth, H3076 Jehohanan H8345 the sixth, H454 Elioenai H7637 the seventh.
  4 H1121 Moreover the sons H5654 of Obededom H8098 were, Shemaiah H1060 the firstborn, H3075 Jehozabad H8145 the second, H3098 Joah H7992 the third, H7940 and Sacar H7243 the fourth, H5417 and Nethaneel H2549 the fifth,
  5 H5988 Ammiel H8345 the sixth, H3485 Issachar H7637 the seventh, H6469 Peulthai H8066 the eighth: H430 for God H1288 [H8765] blessed him.
  6 H8098 Also to Shemaiah H1121 his son H1121 were sons H3205 [H8738] born, H4474 that ruled H1004 throughout the house H1 of their father: H1368 for they were mighty men H2428 of valour.
  7 H1121 The sons H8098 of Shemaiah; H6273 Othni, H7501 and Rephael, H5744 and Obed, H443 Elzabad, H251 whose brethren H2428 were strong H1121 men, H453 Elihu, H5565 and Semachiah.
  8 H1121 All these of the sons H5654 of Obededom: H1121 they and their sons H251 and their brethren, H2428 able H376 men H3581 for strength H5656 for the service, H8346 were sixty H8147 and two H5654 of Obededom.
  9 H4920 And Meshelemiah H1121 had sons H251 and brethren, H2428 strong H1121 men, H8083 H6240 eighteen.
  10 H2621 Also Hosah, H1121 of the sons H4847 of Merari, H1121 had sons; H8113 Simri H7218 the chief, H1060 (for though he was not the firstborn, H1 yet his father H7760 [H8799] made H7218 him the chief;)
  11 H2518 Hilkiah H8145 the second, H2882 Tebaliah H7992 the third, H2148 Zechariah H7243 the fourth: H1121 all the sons H251 and brethren H2621 of Hosah H7969 H6240 were thirteen.
  12 H4256 Among these were the divisions H7778 of the porters, H7218 even among the chief H1397 men, H4931 H5980 having duties like one H251 another, H8334 [H8763] to minister H1004 in the house H3068 of the LORD.
  13 H5307 [H8686] And they cast H1486 lots, H6996 as well the small H1419 as the great, H1004 according to the house H1 of their fathers, H8179 for every gate.
  14 H1486 And the lot H4217 eastward H5307 [H8799] fell H8018 to Shelemiah. H2148 Then for Zechariah H1121 his son, H7922 a prudent H3289 [H8802] counsellor, H5307 [H8689] they cast H1486 lots; H1486 and his lot H3318 [H8799] came out H6828 northward.
  15 H5654 To Obededom H5045 southward; H1121 and to his sons H1004 the house H624 of Asuppim.
  16 H8206 To Shuppim H2621 and Hosah H4628 the lot came forth westward, H8179 with the gate H7996 Shallecheth, H4546 by the way H5927 [H8802] of the ascent, H4929 watch H5980 against H4929 watch.
  17 H4217 Eastward H8337 were six H3881 Levites, H6828 northward H702 four H3117 a day, H5045 southward H702 four H3117 a day, H624 and toward Asuppim H8147 two H8147 and two.
  18 H6503 At Parbar H4628 westward, H702 four H4546 at the highway, H8147 and two H6503 at Parbar.
  19 H4256 These are the divisions H7778 of the porters H1121 among the sons H7145 of Kore, H1121 and among the sons H4847 of Merari.
  20 H3881 And of the Levites, H281 Ahijah H214 was over the treasuries H1004 of the house H430 of God, H214 and over the treasuries H6944 of the dedicated things.
  21 H1121 As concerning the sons H3936 of Laadan; H1121 the sons H1649 of the Gershonite H3936 Laadan, H7218 chief H1 fathers, H3936 even of Laadan H1649 the Gershonite, H3172 were Jehieli.
  22 H1121 The sons H3172 of Jehieli; H2241 Zetham, H3100 and Joel H251 his brother, H214 who were over the treasuries H1004 of the house H3068 of the LORD.
  23 H6020 Of the Amramites, H3325 and the Izharites, H2276 the Hebronites, H5817 and the Uzzielites:
  24 H7619 And Shebuel H1121 the son H1647 of Gershom, H1121 the son H4872 of Moses, H5057 was ruler H214 of the treasuries.
  25 H251 And his brethren H461 by Eliezer; H7345 Rehabiah H1121 his son, H3470 and Jeshaiah H1121 his son, H3141 and Joram H1121 his son, H2147 and Zichri H1121 his son, H8019 H8013 [H8675] and Shelomith H1121 his son.
  26 H8013 Which Shelomith H251 and his brethren H214 were over all the treasuries H6944 of the dedicated things, H1732 which David H4428 the king, H7218 and the chief H1 fathers, H8269 the captains H505 over thousands H3967 and hundreds, H8269 and the captains H6635 of the host, H6942 [H8689] had dedicated.
  27 H7998 Out of the spoils H4421 won in battles H6942 [H8689] did they dedicate H2388 [H8763] to maintain H1004 the house H3068 of the LORD.
  28 H8050 And all that Samuel H7200 [H8802] the seer, H7586 and Saul H1121 the son H7027 of Kish, H74 and Abner H1121 the son H5369 of Ner, H3097 and Joab H1121 the son H6870 of Zeruiah, H6942 [H8689] had dedicated; H6942 [H8688] and whoever had dedicated H3027 any thing, it was under the hand H8019 of Shelomith, H251 and of his brethren.
  29 H3325 Of the Izharites, H3663 Chenaniah H1121 and his sons H2435 were for the outward H4399 business H3478 over Israel, H7860 [H8802] for officers H8199 [H8802] and judges.
  30 H2276 And of the Hebronites, H2811 Hashabiah H251 and his brethren, H1121 men H2428 of valour, H505 a thousand H7651 and seven H3967 hundred, H6486 were officers H3478 among them of Israel H5676 on this side H3383 of Jordan H4628 westward H4399 in all the business H3068 of the LORD, H5656 and in the service H4428 of the king.
  31 H2276 Among the Hebronites H3404 was Jerijah H7218 the chief, H2276 even among the Hebronites, H8435 according to the generations H1 of his fathers. H705 In the fortieth H8141 year H4438 of the reign H1732 of David H1875 [H8738] they were sought H4672 [H8735] for, and there were found H1368 among them mighty men H2428 of valour H3270 at Jazer H1568 of Gilead.
  32 H251 And his brethren, H1121 men H2428 of valour, H505 were two thousand H7651 and seven H3967 hundred H7218 chief H1 fathers, H4428 whom king H1732 David H6485 [H8686] made rulers H7206 over the Reubenites, H1425 the Gadites, H2677 and the half H7626 tribe H4520 of Manasseh, H1697 for every matter H430 pertaining to God, H1697 and affairs H4428 of the king.