Psalms 85:5 Cross References - new

  5 H599 [H8799] Wilt thou breathe hard H5769 with us to the age? H4900 [H8799] wilt thou draw out H639 thy anger H1755 to all H1755 generations?

Psalms 74:1

  1 H430 O God, H2186 [H8804] why hast thou cast us off H5331 for ever? H639 why doth thy anger H6225 [H8799] smoke H6629 against the sheep H4830 of thy pasture?

Psalms 77:9

  9 H410 Hath God H7911 [H8804] forgotten H2589 [H8800] to be gracious? H639 hath he in anger H7092 [H8804] shut up H7356 his compassions? H5542 Selah.

Psalms 79:5

  5 H4100 How H5704 long, H3068 LORD? H599 [H8799] wilt thou breathe hard H5331 for ever? H7068 shall thy jealousy H1197 [H8799] burn H784 like fire?

Psalms 80:4

  4 H3068 O LORD H430 God H6635 of hosts, H6225 [H8804] how long wilt thou be angry H8605 against the prayer H5971 of thy people?

Psalms 89:46

  46 H3068 How long, LORD? H5641 [H8735] wilt thou hide H5331 thyself for ever? H2534 shall thy hot anger H1197 [H8799] burn H784 like fire?

Isaiah 64:9-12

  9 H7107 H3966 [H8799] Be not very angry, H3068 O LORD, H2142 [H8799] neither remember H5771 perversity H5703 for ever: H5027 [H8685] behold, see, H5971 we beseech thee, we are all thy people.
  10 H6944 Thy holy H5892 cities H4057 are a wilderness, H6726 Zion H4057 is a wilderness, H3389 Jerusalem H8077 a desolation.
  11 H6944 Our holy H8597 and our beautiful H1004 house, H1 where our fathers H1984 [H8765] praised H8316 thee, is burned H784 with fire: H4261 and all our pleasant things H2723 are laid dry.
  12 H662 [H8691] Wilt thou restrain H3068 thyself for these things, O LORD? H2814 [H8799] wilt thou hold thy peace, H3966 and grievously H6031 [H8762] afflict us?

Micah 7:18

  18 H410 Who is a God H5375 [H8802] like thee, that pardoneth H5771 perversity, H5674 [H8802] and passeth by H6588 the revolt H7611 of the remnant H5159 of his inheritance? H2388 [H8689] he retaineth H639 not his anger H5703 for ever, H2654 [H8804] because he delighteth H2617 in mercy.

Luke 21:24

  24 G2532 { And G4098 [G5699] they shall fall G4750 by the edge G3162 of the sword, G2532 and G163 [G5701] shall be led away captive G1519 into G3956 all G1484 nations: G2532 and G2419 Jerusalem G2071 [G5704] shall be G3961 [G5746] trampled G5259 by G1484 the nations, G891 until G2540 the seasons G1484 of the nations G4137 [G5686] shall be fulfilled.}

Revelation 18:21-23

  21 G2532 And G1520 a G2478 strong G32 messenger G142 [G5656] took up G3037 a stone G5613 like G3173 a great G3458 millstone, G2532 and G906 [G5627] cast G1519 it into G2281 the sea, G3004 [G5723] saying, G3779 Thus G3731 with precipitancy G906 0 shall G3173 that great G4172 city G897 Babylon G906 [G5701] be thrown down, G2532 and G3364 shall be no more G2147 G2089 [G5686] found.
  22 G2532 And G5456 the voice G2790 of harpers, G2532 and G3451 musicians, G2532 and G834 of pipers, G2532 and G4538 trumpeters, G3364 shall be no more G191 G2089 [G5686] heard G1722 in G4671 thee; G2532 and G3364 G3956 no G5079 craftsman, G3956 of whatever G5078 craft G2147 [G5686] he be, shall be found G2089 any more G1722 in G4671 thee; G2532 and G5456 the sound G3458 of a millstone G3364 G2089 shall be no more G191 [G5686] heard G1722 in G4671 thee;
  23 G2532 And G5457 the light G3088 of a lamp G5316 [G5652] shall shine G3364 G2089 no more G1722 in G4671 thee; G2532 and G5456 the voice G3566 of the bridegroom G2532 and G3565 of the bride G191 [G5686] shall be heard G3364 G2089 no more G1722 in G4671 thee: G3754 for G4675 thy G1713 merchants G2258 [G5713] were G3175 the great men G1093 of the earth; G3754 for G1722 by G4675 thy G5331 sorceries G4105 0 were G3956 all G1484 nations G4105 [G5681] led astray.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.