James 1:10 Cross References - new

  10 G1161 But G4145 the rich, G1722 in G846 his G5014 humiliation: G3754 because G5613 as G438 a flower G5528 of the grass G3928 [G5695] he shall pass away.

Job 14:2

  2 H3318 [H8804] He cometh forth H6731 like a flower, H5243 [H8799] and is cut down: H1272 [H8799] he fleeth H6738 also as a shadow, H5975 [H8799] and continueth not.

Psalms 37:2

  2 H4120 For they shall soon H5243 [H8799] be cut down H2682 like the grass, H5034 [H8799] and wither H3418 as the green H1877 herb.

Psalms 37:35-36

  35 H7200 [H8804] I have seen H7563 the wicked H6184 in great power, H6168 [H8693] and spreading H7488 himself like a green H249 bay tree.
  36 H5674 [H8799] Yet he passed away, H1245 [H8762] and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought H4672 [H8738] him, but he could not be found.

Psalms 90:5-6

  5 H2229 [H8804] Thou carriest them away as with a flood; H8142 they are as a sleep: H1242 in the morning H2682 they are like grass H2498 [H8799] which groweth.
  6 H1242 In the morning H6692 [H8686] it flourisheth, H2498 [H8804] and groweth; H6153 in the evening H4135 [H8787] it is cut down, H3001 [H8804] and withereth.

Psalms 102:11

  11 H3117 My days H6738 are like a shadow H5186 [H8803] that declineth; H3001 [H8799] and I am withered H6212 like grass.

Psalms 103:15

  15 H582 As for man, H3117 his days H2682 are as grass: H6731 as a flower H7704 of the field, H6692 [H8686] so he flourisheth.

Isaiah 40:6

  6 H6963 The voice H559 [H8802] said, H7121 [H8798] Call. H559 [H8804] And he said, H7121 [H8799] What shall I call? H1320 All flesh H2682 is grass, H2617 and all its beauty H6731 is as the flower H7704 of the field:

Isaiah 57:15

  15 H559 [H8804] For thus saith H7311 [H8802] the high H5375 [H8737] and lofty One H7931 [H8802] that inhabiteth H5703 eternity, H8034 whose name H6918 is Holy; H7931 [H8799] I dwell H4791 in the high H6918 and holy H1793 place, with him also that is of a contrite H8217 and humble H7307 spirit, H2421 [H8687] to revive H7307 the spirit H8217 of the humble, H2421 [H8687] and to revive H3820 the heart H1792 [H8737] of the contrite ones.

Isaiah 66:2

  2 H3027 For all these things hath my hand H6213 [H8804] made, H5002 [H8803] and all these things have been, saith H3068 the LORD: H5027 [H8686] but to this man will I look, H6041 even to him that is poor H5223 and of a contrite H7307 spirit, H2730 and trembleth H1697 at my word.

Matthew 5:3

  3 G3107 { Blessed G4434 are the poor G4151 in spirit: G3754 for G846 theirs G2076 [G5748] is G932 the kingdom G3772 of heaven.}

Matthew 6:30

  30 G1161 { Therefore, G1487 if G2316 God G3779 so G294 [G5719] clotheth G5528 the grass G68 of the field, G4594 which to day G5607 [G5752] is, G2532 and G839 to morrow G906 [G5746] is cast G1519 into G2823 the oven, G3756 shall he not G4183 much G3123 more G5209 clothe you, G3640 O ye of little faith?}

1 Corinthians 7:31

  31 G2532 And G5530 [G5740] they that use G5127 this G2889 world, G5613 as G3361 not G2710 [G5740] abusing G1063 it: for G4976 the fashion G5129 of this G2889 world G3855 [G5719] passeth away.

Philippians 3:8

  8 G235 Yea G3304 doubtless, G2532 and G2233 [G5736] I count G3956 all things G1511 [G5750] to be G2209 detriment G1223 because of G3588 the G5242 [G5723] surperiority G3588 of the G1108 knowledge G5547 of Anointed G2424 Jesus G3588   G3450 my G2962 Lord: G1223 because of G3739 whom G2210 [G5681] I have suffered the loss G3956 of all things, G2532 and G2233 [G5736] do count G1511 [G5750] them G4657 to be dung, G2443 that G2770 [G5661] I may win G5547 Anointed,

1 Timothy 6:17

  17 G3853 [G5720] Charge G4145 them that are rich G1722 in G3568 this G165 age, G5309 0 that they be G3361 not G5309 [G5721] highminded, G3366 nor G1679 [G5760] to have placed their expectations G1909 in G83 uncertain G4149 riches, G235 but G1722 in G2198 [G5723] the living G2316 God, G3588 the one G3930 [G5723] furnishing G2254 us G4146 richly G3956 all things G1519 to G619 enjoy;

James 4:14

  14 G3748 Though G1987 [G5736] ye know G3756 not G3588 what G839 shall be to morrow. G1063 For G4169 what G5216 is your G2222 life? G2076 [G5748] It is G1063 even G822 a vapour, G4314 that G5316 [G5730] appeareth for G3641 a little time, G1161 and G1899 then G853 [G5746] is being rendered unapparent.

1 Peter 1:24

  24 G1360 For G3956 all G4561 flesh G5613 is as G5528 grass, G2532 and G3956 all G1391 the glory G444 of man G5613 as G438 the flower G5528 of grass. G5528 The grass G3583 [G5681] withered, G2532 and G846 its G438 flower G1601 [G5627] fell out:

1 John 2:17

  17 G2532 And G2889 the world G3855 [G5731] passeth away, G2532 and G846 its G1939 lust: G1161 but G4160 [G5723] he that doeth G2307 the will G2316 of God G3306 [G5719] abideth G1519 into G3588 the G165 age.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.