Revelation 11:5 Cross References - WEB_Strongs

  5 G2532   G1487 If G5100 anyone G2309 desires G91 to harm G846 them, G4442 fire G1607 proceeds G1537 out of G846 their G4750 mouth G2532 and G2719 devours G846 their G2190 enemies. G2532   G1487 If G5100 anyone G2309 desires G91 to harm G846 them, G846 he G1163 must G615 be killed G3779 in this way.

Numbers 16:28-35

  28 H4872 Moses H559 said, H3045 "Hereby you shall know H3068 that Yahweh H7971 has sent H6213 me to do H4639 all these works; H3820 for they are not from my own mind.
  29 H4191 If these men die H4194 the common death H120 of all men, H6485 or if they be visited H6486 after the visitation H120 of all men; H3068 then Yahweh H7971 hasn't sent me.
  30 H3068 But if Yahweh H1254 make H1278 a new thing, H127 and the ground H6475 open H6310 its mouth, H1104 and swallow them up, H3381 with all that appertain to them, and they go down H2416 alive H7585 into Sheol; H3045 then you shall understand H582 that these men H5006 have despised H3068 Yahweh."
  31 H3615 It happened, as he made an end H1696 of speaking H1697 all these words, H127 that the ground H1234 split apart that was under them;
  32 H776 and the earth H6605 opened H6310 its mouth, H1104 and swallowed them up, H1004 and their households, H120 and all the men H7141 who appertained to Korah, H7399 and all their goods.
  33 H3381 So they, and all that appertained to them, went down H2416 alive H7585 into Sheol: H776 and the earth H3680 closed H6 on them, and they perished H8432 from among H6951 the assembly.
  34 H3478 All Israel H5439 that were around H5127 them fled H6963 at their cry; H559 for they said, H776 "Lest the earth H1104 swallow us up!"
  35 H784 Fire H3318 came forth H3068 from Yahweh, H398 and devoured H3967 the two hundred H2572 fifty H376 men H7126 who offered H7004 the incense.

2 Kings 1:10-12

  10 H452 Elijah H6030 answered H1696 to H8269 the captain H2572 of fifty, H376 "If I am a man H430 of God, H784 let fire H3381 come down H8064 from the sky, H398 and consume H2572 you and your fifty!" H784 Fire H3381 came down H8064 from the sky, H398 and consumed H2572 him and his fifty.
  11 H7725 Again H7971 he sent H312 to him another H8269 captain H2572 of fifty H2572 and his fifty. H6030 He answered H1696 him, H376 "Man H430 of God, H4428 the king H6030 has said, H3381 ‘Come down H4120 quickly!'"
  12 H452 Elijah H6030 answered H1696 them, H376 "If I am a man H430 of God, H784 let fire H3381 come down H8064 from the sky, H398 and consume H2572 you and your fifty!" H784 The fire H430 of God H3381 came down H8064 from the sky, H398 and consumed H2572 him and his fifty.

Psalms 18:8

  8 H6227 Smoke H5927 went out H639 of his nostrils. H398 Consuming H784 fire H6310 came out of his mouth. H1513 Coals H1197 were kindled by it.

Isaiah 11:4

  4 H6664 but with righteousness H8199 he will judge H1800 the poor, H3198 and decide H4334 with equity H6035 for the humble H776 of the earth. H5221 He will strike H776 the earth H7626 with the rod H6310 of his mouth; H7307 and with the breath H8193 of his lips H4191 he will kill H7563 the wicked.

Jeremiah 1:10

  10 H7200 Behold, H3117 I have this day H6485 set H1471 you over the nations H4467 and over the kingdoms, H5428 to pluck up H5422 and to break down H6 and to destroy H2040 and to overthrow, H1129 to build H5193 and to plant."

Jeremiah 5:14

  14 H559 Therefore thus says H3068 Yahweh, H430 the God H6635 of Armies, H1696 "Because you speak H1697 this word, H5414 behold, I will make H1697 my words H6310 in your mouth H784 fire, H5971 and this people H6086 wood, H398 and it shall devour them.

Ezekiel 43:3

  3 H4758 It was according to the appearance H4758 of the vision H7200 which I saw, H4758 even according to the vision H7200 that I saw H935 when I came H7843 to destroy H5892 the city; H4759 and the visions H4758 were like the vision H7200 that I saw H5104 by the river H3529 Chebar; H5307 and I fell H6440 on my face.

Hosea 6:5

  5 H2672 Therefore I have cut H5030 them to pieces with the prophets; H2026 I killed H561 them with the words H6310 of my mouth. H4941 Your judgments H216 are like a flash H216 of lightning.

Zechariah 1:6

  6 H1697 But my words H2706 and my decrees, H6680 which I commanded H5650 my servants H5030 the prophets, H5381 didn't they overtake H1 your fathers? H7725 "Then they repented H559 and said, H3068 ‘Just as Yahweh H6635 of Armies H2161 determined H6213 to do H1870 to us, according to our ways, H4611 and according to our practices, H6213 so he has dealt with us.'"

Zechariah 2:8

  8 H559 For thus says H3068 Yahweh H6635 of Armies: H310 ‘For H3519 honor H7971 he has sent H1471 me to the nations H7997 which plundered H5060 you; for he who touches H5060 you touches H892 the apple H5869 of his eye.

Acts 9:4-5

  4 G2532 He G4098 fell G1093 on the earth, G2532 and G191 heard G5456 a voice G3004 saying G846 to him, G4549 "Saul, G4549 Saul, G5101 why G1377 do you persecute G3165 me?"
  5 G1161 He G2036 said, G5101 "Who G1488 are you, G2962 Lord?" G2962 The Lord G2036 said, G1473 "I G1510 am G2424 Jesus, G3739 whom G4771 you G1377 are persecuting.

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