Luke 22 Cross References - JMNT

1 Now the festival of the unleavened [bread] (or: feast of Matzah) – the one being normally termed Passover – continued drawing near. 2 And still, the chief (head; ranking) priests and the scribes (scholars; theologians) kept on trying to find how they could take Him up (= assassinate Him) – you see they were still fearing the people. 3 Now an adversary (or: an opposing purpose or attitude) entered into Judah (or: Judas) – the man normally being called Iscariot, being [a member] of the number of the twelve. 4 And so, after going off (or: away), he discussed (or: conferred) with the chief (or: head) priest and military leaders (or: officers) about how he could turn Him over to them. 5 Then they rejoiced and placed themselves together in agreement to give him silver coins. 6 And out of this same word (or: discussion) he consented, so then he began trying to find a good situation (or: opportunity) – without a crowd [around] – turn Him over to them. 7 Now [during the period] of the unleavened [loaves; cakes], the day came in which it was periodically necessary for the Passover to be slaughtered in sacrifice. 8 And so He sent off Peter and John on an errand, after saying, "After going your way, at once prepare and make ready the Passover for us, so that we can eat [it]." 9 So they asked Him, "Where are you presently intending [that] we should make [the] preparations?" 10 So then He replied to them, "Take note of this: after your entering into the city, a man carrying an earthenware container (or: fired clay jar or ceramic pitcher) of water will meet with you. At once follow him into the house into which he is proceeding to enter. 11 "Then you will proceed saying to the proprietor (landlord; facility-master) of the house, 'The Teacher (= Rabbi) is now saying to you, "Where is the guest room (caravansary; dining room; khan-room) where I can eat the Passover with My disciples?"' 12 "Then that man will show you a large upper room furnished with [couches] spread out (= arranged). Get things ready and make preparations there." 13 So after going away, they found [it] just as He had declared to them, and they prepared and made ready the Passover. 14 Later, when the hour occurred, He leaned back [there] – as well as the twelve emissaries (commissioned representatives), together with Him. 15 Then He said to them, "With full passion and emotions I yearn and strongly desire [note: the verb is repeated: a Hebrew idiom] to eat this Passover with you folks – before the [occasion for] Me to experience suffering (or: before My [time] to experience [what lies ahead]). 16 "You see, I am now telling you folks that I can (or: may; would) under no circumstances be eating it [other MSS: of or from it] [again] until [the time] when it can (or: until [the circumstances] in which it may or would) be fulfilled in union with God's reign (or: within the midst of God's kingdom; in the sovereign influence and activity which is God)." 17 Then, after receiving a cup [and] speaking a word of the goodness of favor and grace (or: upon taking in hand a cup [of wine], then giving thanks), He said, "Take and receive this, and then distribute [it] into the midst of (= among) yourselves. 18 "You see, I am now saying to you [twelve] that from now on I can under no circumstances drink from the product of the grapevine until which [time or occasion that] God's reign comes (or: the sovereign influence and activity which is God can set out and journey on)." 19 And then, taking in hand a loaf of bread – [and again] speaking a word of favor and grace (or: giving thanks) – He broke [it] in pieces and gave [it] to them, while saying, "This [bread] is (or: = represents) My body (or: the body which is Me) – it is presently and continuously being given over you folks (or: that which is customarily given on your behalf and over your [situation]). You folks are normally doing this unto My memorial (or, reading as an imperative: Habitually do this with a view to My commemoration)." 20 Also, the cup, as thusly [is done] with (or: similarly after) the [occasion] to eat the dinner, continuing in saying, "This, the cup [of wine], [is; represents; seals] the new arrangement (or: the covenant which is new in character and quality) in union with, and within the midst of, My blood (or: the blood which is Me) – it is presently and continuously being poured out over you folks (or: that which is customarily poured out on your behalf). 21 "Moreover, look and consider – the hand of the person in the process of turning Me in (or: giving Me over) [is now] with Me upon the table (= is present here with us). 22 "because indeed, the Son of the Man (the Human Being; = Adam's Son) is progressively going His way – corresponding to and in accord with that which has been determined by marking off the boundaries. But more than that, tragic will be the fate for that person through whom He is being turned in (or: given over)." 23 And so they themselves began to seek, each one in face to face discussion among themselves, who really it could be from their [group] that is progressively about to be committing this thing. 24 Now this also birthed a readiness to quarrel resulting in a dispute (or: a fondness for contention with a love for victory which spawned “mimetic rivalry” [– Walter Wink]) among them about who of them is now seeming to be greater [than the rest] (or: who is normally presuming to be the most important). 25 So He said to them, "The kings of the nations and ethnic multitudes are habitually acting as their lords and owners, and those exercising authority over them are normally being called 'benefactors.' 26 "Yet you men [are] not [to be] thus (or: [are] not [to behave] in this way), but to the contrary, let the greater among you come to be like (or: as) the younger; and the one normally leading like (or: as) the person normally giving attending service. 27 "For who [is] greater? – the one normally reclining [at a meal], or the person that habitually serves [the meal]? [Is it] not the one normally reclining [at the meal]? Yet I Myself am in your midst as the person constantly giving attending service. 28 "Now you yourselves are the men having remained throughout with Me, within and in union with My tests and trials, 29 "and so I, Myself, am now making an arrangement for you (or: am progressively making a covenant with, to and in you folks), just and correspondingly as My Father made the arrangement for a reign for Me (or: made the covenant of a kingdom with, and in, Me) – 30 to the end that you folks can continuously eat and drink at My table, in union with My reign and in the midst of My kingdom and sovereign activities, and now you can habitually sit upon thrones, repeatedly making separations in, evaluations of and decisions for the twelve tribes (or: clans) of Israel. [note: the twelve tribes had been scattered; the last clauses uses the present tenses] 31 "Simon, O Simon! Look, and consider. The adversary (or: opponent; satan) makes (or: made) a request concerning you men: to winnow [you folks] as grain! 32 "But I Myself urgently asked concerning you, [Simon], to the end that your trust and faith would not leave from out of [you] (or: = give out). And so at some point, you yourself, upon turning around, make your brothers immovable (or: stabilize and establish your fellow members)." 33 So then he said to Him, "Lord (Master), I am ready and prepared to proceed going on with You, both into jail (or: prison) and even into death." 34 Yet He said, "I am now saying to you, Peter, a rooster (cock) will not proceed crowing today, until you will three times proceed in denying to have seen or known Me." 35 Next he said to them, "When I sent you men away on a mission – not having a purse or pack (or: food pouch or beggar's sack) or sandals – you did not lack anything, did you?" So they answered, "Nothing!" 36 So then He rejoined to them, "But in contrast now, the one normally having a purse – let him take [it] up; likewise also a food pouch (or: pack; beggar's sack). And the person not now having a sword – let him at once sell his cloak (or: outer garment) and buy [one]. [comment: the situation has now changed and different conditions were imminent] 37 "You see, I continue telling you folks that it continues necessary and binding for the thing having been written to be brought to its goal and finished (or: completed and accomplished) in Me, 'And He was logically counted (or: classed; considered; reckoned) with the lawless folks (or: criminals),' [Isa. 53:12] For also, that which concerns (or: = what [is written] about) Me is presently having an end (or: continues possessing a [or: the] final act; progressively holds a destiny)." 38 So they said, "Look, Lord, here [are] two swords!" And so He replied to them, "It is enough (or: That is sufficient)." 39 Later, upon going out, corresponding to [His] custom (or: as usual) He went His way into the Mount of Olives – now the disciples also followed Him. 40 So, on coming to be at the place, He said to them, "Be habitually praying (or: Be repeatedly expressing a wish with a view toward goodness and for having it well, so as) not to enter into an attempt to bring you into a test which will put you to the proof or will try you." 41 Then He was dragged (or: pulled) away from them about [the distance] of a stone's throw, and kneeling, He began speaking toward having ease and well-being (or: praying), 42 saying, "O Father, if You continue purposing (willing; intending) [it], at once bear along (or: carry aside) this, the cup, away from Me. Yet more than that, not My will or desire, but to the contrary, let Yours continue of itself progressing into being (or: let Yours keep on happening to itself, and from itself come to be, then progressively take place for itself)!" [note: vss. 43 & 44 are omitted in p75, Aleph1, A, B, N, T, W, 579, 1071*, and others, as well as writings by Marcion, Clement, Origen, Athanasius, Ambrose, Cyril John-Damascus, a Georgian MS, and others; Aleph*, D, L, later MSS, various church Fathers, and others include them; Griesbach and Nestle-Aland bracket them; UBS footnotes them in the apparatus] 43 Now an agent from the atmosphere (or: a messenger fromheaven) was seen by Him, continuously strengthening Him. 44 Then, coming to be within the midst of great inner tension and conflict (or: agony and anxiety), He continued praying more intensely and more stretched out, and so His sweat came to be as it were large drops and clots of blood, steadily dropping down upon the ground. 45 Later, rising from the expression of having ease and goodness (or: the prayer) and going toward the disciples, He found them continuing outstretched in slumber, from the distress (or: pain of sorrow). 46 And so He said to them, "Why do you folks continue sleeping? Upon standing up (or: rising), carry on thinking of having ease and well-being (or: praying), so that you folks would not enter into a test or a trial." 47 Amidst His still speaking, look, a crowd! – and the man being normally called Judah (or: Judas), one of the twelve, was progressively coming before them. And then he drew near to Jesus to kiss Him. 48 So Jesus said to him, "Judah (or: Judas), are you now in the process of turning in (or: giving over) the Son of the Man (the Human Being; = the expected Messiah) with (by) a kiss?" 49 But upon seeing the [situation] that was going to exist (or: perceiving what was going to happen), the men around Him said, "Lord (or: Master), shall we strike with (i.e., in [the use of]) a sword?" 50 And then a certain one of them struck the slave of the chief priest, and took off (amputated) his right ear. 51 Yet Jesus, making a decided response, said, "You folks continue allowing [them] – even as far as this!" And then, handling the ear so as to modify and kindle [it], He healed him. 52 So then Jesus said to the folks arriving upon Him and at His side – chief (or: ranking) priests and officers of the Temple, as well as elders, "Do you come out with swords and clubs and staffs, as upon a robber? 53 "During My being with you folks daily, within the Temple courts (or: grounds), you did not stretch out [your] hands upon Me. But now, this is your hour, and the privilege of the darkness (or: even the authority of the gloomy realm of shadow and dim obscurity)." [comment: this second rendering equates the darkness to this adverse group] 54 So, after taking Him into custody (or: apprehending and arresting Him), they led [Him off] and brought [Him] into the chief priest's house. Now Peter kept on following, at a distance. 55 Now after their lighting a fire in [the] midst of the courtyard and sitting down together, Peter was sitting down in their midst. 56 So at seeing him sitting, facing toward the light (= the glow of the fire), and now staring intently at him, a certain serving girl says, 57 "This man was also together with him." Yet he denied, proceeding in saying, "I have neither seen nor do I know Him, woman!" 58 Later, after a short while, a different person, upon seeing him, affirmed, "You, yourself, are also [one] of them!" But Peter affirmed, "Man (Buddy; Mister; My good fellow), I am not!" 59 Then, after the intervening of about an hour, someone else began strongly insisting (or: firmly maintaining), then saying, "Of a truth (or: Really; Quite certainly), this man was with him, for he is a Galilean, too!" 60 So Peter says, "Man (Sir; Mister), I have not seen, so I don't know what you are now saying (= what you mean)!" Then, at the appropriate moment (or: immediately) – while [he is] still speaking – a cock crows. 61 And then, after being turned, the Lord looked within (or: on; at) Peter, and Peter was reminded of the Lord's saying (or: gush-effect; spoken word; declaration) as He said to him, "Before a rooster (or: cock) is to crow today, you will proceed denying and disowning Me three times." 62 And so, after going outside, he wept bitterly. 63 Now the men – those continuing to hold Jesus in custody – began making fun of Him, treating Him like a child and jesting, while repeatedly lashing [Him]. 64 Then, after putting a covering around (perhaps: over) Him, they continued asking, one after another saying, "Prophesy, who is the person hitting You and treating you like a child?" 65 And so they went on saying many different things, while repeatedly blaspheming with vilifying, abusive, insulting and light-hindering speech to Him (i.e., into His [face]). 66 Eventually, as it became day, the body of the elders (= the Sanhedrin) of the people was led together (was gathered and assembled) – [including] both chief (or: ranking) priests and scribes (scholars and theologians) – and they led Him away into their Sanhedrin (the supreme Jewish council), saying, 67 "If you are the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah), tell us!" So He said to them, "If I should tell you, you folks would by no means believe Me (or: you certainly would not trust Me or put your faith in Me). 68 "Yet if I should be asking, there is no way you folks would make a decided reply or release Me. 69 "However, from the present time (from now on) the Son of the Man (the Human Being; = the expected Messiah) will be continuously ‘sitting out of the midst of God's right [hand] of power (or: permanently [positioned] on the right [hand] of the power of God).’" [Ps. 110:1] 70 So everyone [together] said, "Then you, yourself, are God's son!" (or: Consequently all asked, "Are you, yourself, therefore the Son of God?") Now He affirmed to them, "You, yourselves, are repeatedly saying that I am." (or: "Are you, yourselves, presently saying that I am?"; or: = a Greek idiom for, "Yes.") 71 So they said, "Why do we still continue having a need for a witness? (or: What further need do we now have of testimony?) For we ourselves heard [it] from his own mouth!"

Matthew 3:15

15 But, decidedly responding, Jesus said to him, "Let this situation flow its course and send [Me] off, right now (at present), for it is in this way proper and fitting for us to fulfill all that accords with the way pointed out (or: to make full every aspect of being turned in the right direction, and of being in right relationship [within the covenant])." Then he let the moment flow on, and proceeded to allow Him (or: At that point [John] yields, and sends Him forth).

Matthew 3:17

17 And then – look and consider! – a Voice (or: sound) from out of the midst of the atmosphere (or: the sky and the heavens), repeatedly saying, "This is My Son, the Beloved One in Whom I take pleasure and imagine thoughts of well-being (or: This One exists being My dearly loved and esteemed Son, in Whom I approve)!"

Matthew 4:3

3 Then, upon approaching and facing [Him], the examiner (the one continuously testing and bringing ordeals) said to Him, "Since You are God's Son (or: If you continue existing being a son of and from God), speak so that these stones can become (or: should come to be) loaves of bread."

Matthew 4:6

6 and it proceeds saying to Him, "Since You are God's Son (or: If you exist being a son of and from God), hurl (fling; cast) Yourself down, for it has been written, 'He will constantly give inner direction (or: an imparted goal) to His agents (or: messengers) about (concerning) You,' and, 'They will repeatedly lift You up (or: = catch You) on [their] hands (or: = so as to carry You in their arms) so that You would never strike Your foot against a stone (or: = so that you can at no time stumble or hurt Yourself).'" [Ps. 91:11-12]

Matthew 4:10

10 At this [saying], Jesus then says to it, "Bring [it] under control, adversary (or: Subject [yourself], satan; Sink down below, adversary; Carry [this] off below, hateful accuser; or: Go away, satan)! You see, it has been written, 'You will constantly pay homage to (do obeisance to; worship; fall down and kiss the feet of) [the] Lord [= Yahweh] your God, and to Him alone you will repeatedly render hired service (or: sacred service).'" [Deut. 6:13] 11 At that point, the opponent (the adversary; the one who had been thrusting [Him] through) progressively flowed away from Him (or: proceeded to divorce Him; presently abandoned Him) – and, note and consider this! – agents (messengers) approached (came forward) and began giving attending service to (or: continued rendering ministering service and provision for) Him.

Matthew 5:4

4 "Those constantly grieving and mourning [are] happy and blessed because [other MSS: now that] they, themselves, will habitually be called alongside to receive relief, aid, encouragement and comfort!

Matthew 5:22

22 "However, I Myself am now saying to you people that everyone, who – from internal swelling or agitated emotions of his natural disposition, or from the fruition of his mental bent – is habitually being randomly impulsive to, or without cause repeatedly intensely angry with, his brother (= fellow member of the society) will continue being held within the decision (= under control of the judging of the local court). Now whoever may at some point say to his brother, 'Raca (an Aramaic word of verbal abuse: contemptible imbecile; worthless good-for-nothing; senseless empty-head; brainless idiot; blockhead)!' will continue being held within (= accountable to) the Sanhedrin (the ruling Jewish council). Yet whoever may at some point say, 'Inept moron (Stupid scoundrel; Despicable fool; Perverse idiot)!' will continue being held within (= accountable to) [placement] into the [part of] the Valley of Hinnom which pertains to the fire (i.e., the incinerator for refuse in the dump outside of Jerusalem). [note: Dallas Willard, in his book The Divine Conspiracy, HarperSanFrancisoc, 1998, p. 151-2, points out that raca was a word of contempt, and contempt, he says, is "a studied degradation of another," or, it is meant to "mark [someone] out" as being "contemptible." He further shows that using expressions of contempt "breaks the social bond" and excludes, pushes a person away, and leaves him isolated. Willard cites Prov. 14:16; 18:2 and 26:11 as Biblical definitions of a "fool;" he states that this word "is a combination of stupid perversity and rebellion against God"]

Matthew 6:13

13 Also, may You not bring (or: carry) us into an ordeal or a putting to the proof – neither by trial, nor by temptation, nor by examination. But to the contrary, rescue us away from the bad situation (the wicked person; the miserable condition; the painful labor; the unprofitable endeavor; the malicious man). [later MSS add: because Yours is the reign (kingdom) and the ability (power) and the manifestation which calls forth praise (the reputation; the glory), on into the ages. It is true (Make it so; Amen).]'

Matthew 6:31-33

31 "Therefore, you folks should not fret, be anxious, be full of care or be worrying, constantly saying, 'What can we eat?' or, 'What can we drink?' or, 'What can we put on ourselves to wear?' 32 "You see, the ethnic multitudes (the nations; the pagans; the non-Jews) are habitually in eager pursuit of these things – spending all of their energy in seeking them! After all, your heavenly Father (or: your Father Who inhabits, and can be compared to, the atmosphere) has seen and knows that you folks repeatedly have need for all of these things. 33 "So you people be habitually and constantly seeking God's reign (or: sovereign activity and influence; kingdom) and the fairness and equity from Him, as well as the His justice and rightwised behavior in the Way, which He has pointed out (also: = covenant participation) – and all these things will be added to you!

Matthew 8:11

11 "Now I further say to you that many people from eastern lands, as well as western regions, will continue arriving. And they will one-after-another be made to recline [and dine] with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, within the reign and sovereign rule of the heavens (or: the kingdom of the atmospheres).

Matthew 10:9-10

9 "You should not be procuring or acquiring gold, nor yet silver, nor even copper [i.e., no pocket money] into your belts or girdle purses. 10 " [Take] no beggar's pouch (or: food bag; or: traveling knapsack) into the road, nor two undergarments (tunics) or sandals nor yet a staff or club. You see, the worker [is] worthy of his nourishment (or: is of corresponding value for his food, keep and support). [comment: be barefoot priests: the Land is holy; the villages are temples – Bruce Chilton]

Matthew 10:22-25

22 "And further, you folks will continue being hated and regarded with ill-will by everyone – because of My Name. Yet the one remaining under [these conditions] and patiently enduring into a conclusion (or: into an ending [of these events]; unto [the] final act) – this one will habitually be rescued (delivered; saved; restored to health and wholeness). 23 "Now whenever they may continue chasing you or be repeatedly persecuting you in this [particular] city, proceed taking flight (escaping) into a different one, for, truly – I now say to you folks – you can under no circumstances complete the circuit of (or: finish [visiting]) the cities (or: towns) of Israel until the Son of the Man (humanity's son; = Adam's son; or: = the awaited Messianic figure) should go (or: comes; can come). 24 "A student (or: disciple) is not over or above the teacher, nor [is] a slave over or above his owner. 25 " [It is] sufficient and enough for the student (or: disciple) that he can come to be as his teacher, and the slave as his owner. Since (or: If) people call and surname the Sovereign (Master and Sole Owner) of the house (the Householder) 'Beelzeboul' [spellings vary; = lord of the flies, a Philistine deity], how much rather (or: more) those of His household.

Matthew 10:33

33 "Yet, whoever may refuse [to acknowledge] Me, or disown and deny Me, in front of humans (mankind), I, Myself, will continue also refusing [to acknowledge] him, and be disowning and denying him, in front of My Father – the One within and in union with the heavens (or: in the midst of the atmospheres).

Matthew 11:3-5

3 said to Him, "Are You the One progressively coming (or: the ongoingly coming One), or are we – or should we be – constantly projecting an opinion and a hope into the future about a different one?" 4 And so, giving a considered response, Jesus said to them, "After traveling on your way, report back to John what you men are continuing to hear, and are repeatedly seeing: 5 "The blind folks are habitually seeing again, and the lame and crippled folks are continually walking about. The lepers are one-after-another being cleansed, and deaf people are habitually hearing. [Isa. 35:5-6] Even dead people are one-by-one being awakened and raised up [Isa. 26:14] and the poor folks, the destitute ones, are continually having the good news of ease and wellness announced to them. [Isa. 61:1]

Matthew 12:14

14 Now upon going out, the Pharisees took deliberation together and resolved a joint considered purpose down against Him, so that they could loose Him away (or: destroy Him; make Him to be lost-away from [them]; = to get rid of Him).

Matthew 12:31-32

31 "For this reason, I continue saying to you folks, Every failure (mistake; error; failure to attain the goal or hit the target; sin) and blasphemy (vilifying, abusive and slanderous speech; light-hindrance) will be caused to flow away from (will be divorced and sent off for; will be pardoned and forgiven) humanity (mankind). Yet, the blasphemy pertaining to (vilifying, abusive, slanderous speech about) the Spirit (the Breath-effect; the Attitude) will not be caused to flow away (not be divorced and sent off; not be pardoned or forgiven) in mankind. 32 "And further, whoever may say a word (should speak a thought or message) [directed] down against the Son of the Man (the son of humanity; = Adam's son), it will continue caused to flow away for him (will be progressively divorced and sent off in him; or: he will continue pardoned and forgiven by Him). Yet [for] whoever may speak down against the Set-apart Spirit (the Breath-effect of the Holy One; the Sacred Attitude), it will not proceed to be caused to flow away from him (or: he will not continue pardoned and forgiven by Him; it will not progress to be released and sent off in him) neither within this age, nor within the one being about to be (the impending one).

Matthew 14:19

19 And then, after directing the crowds to lie back (or: recline) upon the grass and vegetation, upon taking (or: receiving) the five loaves of bread and the two fishes, while looking up into heaven (or: the atmosphere; the sky) He spoke words of wellness and blessing. And then, braking [them] in pieces, He gave the loaves (or: cakes) of bread to the disciples, and the disciples [gave them] to the crowds.

Matthew 16:18

18 "And now I Myself am saying to you that you are Peter (or: that you continue being an isolated stone). And you see, [it is] upon this: the rock mass (or: bedrock) [that] I will progressively be constructing and building up My house – the called-out community. And even gates of [the] unseen (or: gates of an unseen place; [= boulders on the entrances of graves; = {the prison} gates of the 'house of death'; or: the bars enclosing the realm of the dead]) will not continue bringing strength down against it (or: will not proceed to be coming to their full strength in relation to it; or: will not continue overpowering it or prevail in resisting it).

Matthew 18:3-5

3 and said, "Truly (or: Depend on it; Amen) I am now saying to you men, If you folks are not turned around [from going in this direction, or reverse your present trend of thinking] and may birth yourselves (or: become) like little children, you can (or: may; would) by no means enter into the heavens' reign (or: the kingdom of the atmospheres; or: heaven’s sovereignty).

Matthew 18:3

3 and said, "Truly (or: Depend on it; Amen) I am now saying to you men, If you folks are not turned around [from going in this direction, or reverse your present trend of thinking] and may birth yourselves (or: become) like little children, you can (or: may; would) by no means enter into the heavens' reign (or: the kingdom of the atmospheres; or: heaven’s sovereignty). 4 "Therefore, whoever will be progressively bringing himself low in attitude, situation and condition, so as to be humble, insignificant and unimportant in his own eyes, like this young child – this person is the greatest (= most important) with the heaven's reign (or: the kingdom emanating from the atmospheres). 5 "And whoever would take in his arms and welcomingly receive one such little child – on [the basis and premises involved in] My Name (signifies: character, authority; identity) proceeds to take Me in his arms and continues welcomingly receiving Me.

Matthew 19:28-29

28 So Jesus said to them, "It is true (or: Truly; Amen), I now am saying to you men, In the rebirth – when the Son of the Man (mankind's Son; = Adam's son; [or: the eschatological messianic figure]; or: the human) can sit upon the throne of His glory (or: the throne of his good reputation and manifestation which calls forth praise) you yourselves, the ones following Me, will continue sitting down – even you, upon twelve thrones – continuously separating [issues], making decisions and administering justice for the twelve tribes of Israel.

Matthew 19:28

28 So Jesus said to them, "It is true (or: Truly; Amen), I now am saying to you men, In the rebirth – when the Son of the Man (mankind's Son; = Adam's son; [or: the eschatological messianic figure]; or: the human) can sit upon the throne of His glory (or: the throne of his good reputation and manifestation which calls forth praise) you yourselves, the ones following Me, will continue sitting down – even you, upon twelve thrones – continuously separating [issues], making decisions and administering justice for the twelve tribes of Israel. 29 "And further, everyone – whoever, on account of My Name, abandons or lets flow away houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields – will continually receive many times more [other MSS: a hundred times as much], and he will be progressively inheriting, and enjoying an allotment of, eonian life (life from and with the character and quality of the Age [of the Messiah]; or: life of and for the ages).

Matthew 20:20-24

20 Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee – with her sons – came up to Him, repeatedly bowing down in obeisance and homage, while making a request of something from Him. 21 So He said to her, "What are you continuing in wanting (or: = What's you purpose)?" She then replies to Him, "Say that these – my two sons – can (or: should) sit, one at Your right (the place of power and authority) and one on Your left (the place of honor with a good name), within the reign of Your kingdom." 22 But Jesus, giving a discerning reply, said, "You have not seen, so you are not aware of what you are now requesting for yourselves. Are you folks now able and do you continue having power to drink at once the cup which I, Myself, am continuing about to be progressively drinking?" They are presently insisting to Him, "We are now able and continue having the power."

Matthew 20:22

22 But Jesus, giving a discerning reply, said, "You have not seen, so you are not aware of what you are now requesting for yourselves. Are you folks now able and do you continue having power to drink at once the cup which I, Myself, am continuing about to be progressively drinking?" They are presently insisting to Him, "We are now able and continue having the power." 23 He is then saying to them, "You will indeed be progressively drinking My cup. Yet to sit at My right and on [My] left is not Mine to give, but rather [it belongs] to those for whom it has been prepared and made ready by My Father." 24 And then, upon hearing [of it], the ten became indignant, annoyed and resentful concerning the two brothers. 25 So Jesus, after calling them to His side, said, "The rulers and chiefs of the ethnic multitudes (the nations or people groups; the pagans) habitually lord it over them, bringing their ownership to bear down on them, while the 'great ones' are constantly wielding authority upon them, even tyrannizing them. 26 "It is not this way among you folks; but to the contrary, whoever may be now wanting or should continue intending to become great (or: = to make himself to be important) among you, he will continue (or: proceed in) being your attending servant. 27 "And whoever may now be wanting or should continue intending to be first (or: foremost; = prominent) among you folks, he will continue (or: proceed in) being your slave. 28 "Just as the Son of the Man (= Adam's son; the eschatological human) did not come to be taken care of by attending service, but to the contrary, to give attending service – even to give His soul-life (= Himself): a ransom, a price paid (or: a loosener) in the place of many to effect their release."

Matthew 20:28

28 "Just as the Son of the Man (= Adam's son; the eschatological human) did not come to be taken care of by attending service, but to the contrary, to give attending service – even to give His soul-life (= Himself): a ransom, a price paid (or: a loosener) in the place of many to effect their release."

Matthew 21:1

1 Later, when they got close to [the] Jerusalem [area], after they went into Bethphage, [then on] into the Mount of Olives, Jesus at that time sent off two disciples on a mission,

Matthew 21:3

3 "And if anyone may say anything to you, you will say that the Lord (Master; owner [?]; = Yahweh [?]) is presently having a need of them, so he will at once proceed to be sending them off (or: ... and He will proceed sending them off [= back] right away)."

Matthew 21:12-15

12 Next, Jesus entered into the Temple courts and threw out all the folks habitually selling [things], as well as those continuing in buying – as in a marketplace – within the Temple courts (or: = and chased out all the vendors and shoppers from inside the Temple grounds), and then He turned upside down the tables of the money-exchangers, along with the chairs and benches of the people continually selling the doves and pigeons. 13 And He proceeds saying to them, "It has been written, 'My house will continue being called a house of prayer (speaking, thinking or acting, with a view toward goodness and well-being).' [Isa. 56:7; cf Targum Zech. 14:21] yet you folks habitually make it a den of bandits (or: a highwaymen's cave)!" [Jer. 7:11-15] [note: here he implicitly invokes Jeremiah's prophecy of destruction] 14 Later, blind folks and lame people came to Him within the Temple grounds (or: courts), and He cured them. 15 Now the ranking priests and the scribes (scholars; theologians of the Law), at seeing and perceiving the remarkable and wonderful marvels which He performed (or: did), and the young children repeatedly exclaiming (perhaps: shouting-out approval; cheering) within the Temple courts, and continually saying, "O save us now, by the son of David (or: Hosanna to the Son of David)," [Ps. 118:25] they grew displeased, indignant and resentful.

Matthew 21:23

23 Later, after His coming into the Temple courts and grounds, the chief and ranking priests – as well as the elders (or: older men) of the people – came up to Him while [He was] in the process of teaching. They, one after another, proceeded saying, "In what kind of authority (or: In association with sort of customary law) are you continuing to do these things?" And then, "Who gave this authority (right; privilege) to you?"

Matthew 21:38

38 "Yet the vinedressers (farmers; cultivators) upon seeing the son – said among themselves, 'This one is the heir! Come now! We should (or: can) kill him and then we can have his inheritance!'

Matthew 21:45-46

45 And so, upon hearing His illustrations (parables), the chief and ranking priests – as well as the Pharisees – knew by this experience that He had been speaking about them. 46 And although still seeking to seize Him, they were fearful about the crowd (= were afraid of how the crowd might react), since they had been holding Him into [the position of] (or: for; [other MSS: as]) a prophet."

Matthew 22:44

44 "' [The] Lord [= Yahweh] said to my Lord (Master), "Be continuously sitting from out of (or: = at) My right-hand [parts] until I should place (or: put) Your alienated ones (or: folks filled with hate and hostility; enemies) down under Your feet"'? [Ps. 110:1]

Matthew 23:8-12

8 "But you folks should not be called 'Rabbi,' because One is your Teacher! Now you people all exist being brothers, 9 "and you folks should not call [anyone] on the earth your father, because you see, One is your Father: the heavenly One (the One having the character and qualities of the atmosphere and heaven)! 10 "Neither should you people be called leaders or guides, because One exists being your Leader and Guide: the Anointed One (the Christ; = the Messiah)! 11 "Now the greatest (= most prominent or highest ranking) among you will continue being your attending servant, 12 "So, whoever shall exalt (= promote) himself will be progressively humbled and brought low, and whoever shall humble himself (bring or make himself low; = demote and make himself of little significance) will continue being lifted up and exalted (= promoted).

Matthew 24:13

13 "Now [as to] the person remaining under [all this] and enduring unto [the] purposed goal (or: into a final, destined act), this one will be repeatedly rescued and delivered (or: continuously kept safe).

Matthew 24:47

47 "Truly (Amen; It is so), I am now saying to you folks, that he will proceed in setting him down upon (or: = place him in full control over) all his possessions and things by which he normally subsists.

Matthew 25:34

34 "At that time (or: point), the King (or: Reigning One) will proceed saying to the folks at [the places to] His right, 'Come here, you folks having received words of ease and wellness from (or: spoken well of by; or: having received the blessing of; or: bearing thoughts, ideas, expressions and the Word of goodness from) My Father! At once come into possession of the inheritance of, and enjoy the allotment of, [the period of, place of, or realm of] the reign (or: kingdom; influence and activity of sovereignty) having been prepared and made ready from a founding (a casting down [as of a foundation; or: of seed]) of a system (or: of [the] adorned arrangement; of an arranged order; of [the] world).

Matthew 26:2-5

2 "You folks have observed and so know that after two days (= two days from now) the Passover is happening (or: is progressing in occurrence), and so the Son of the Man (= Adam's Son; = the eschatological messianic figure; the representative human) is presently going through the process of being turned over [leading] into the [situation for Him] to be put to death upon an execution stake (or: crucified)." 3 About that time the chief (or: ranking) priests and the elders (or: the older [Jewish] men [at least some being council members of the Sanhedrin, in Jerusalem]) of the people [of Israel, the Jews] had been gathered together into the courtyard of the high (chief; ranking) priest the one being usually called Caiaphas.

Matthew 26:3

3 About that time the chief (or: ranking) priests and the elders (or: the older [Jewish] men [at least some being council members of the Sanhedrin, in Jerusalem]) of the people [of Israel, the Jews] had been gathered together into the courtyard of the high (chief; ranking) priest the one being usually called Caiaphas. 4 And so they consulted together (jointly deliberated with a view to a consensus) to the end that with bait (or: by a contrivance for entrapping) they could at once forcibly lay hold of and arrest Jesus, and then kill Him off. 5 However, one after another, they kept on saying, "Not during the festival (Feast), so that no riot (or: uproar; outcry) may happen among the people!"

Matthew 26:5

5 However, one after another, they kept on saying, "Not during the festival (Feast), so that no riot (or: uproar; outcry) may happen among the people!"

Matthew 26:14-16

14 At about that time, one of the twelve – the person normally called Judah (or: Judas) of Iscariot – was going on his way to the chief (or: ranking) priests.

Matthew 26:14

14 At about that time, one of the twelve – the person normally called Judah (or: Judas) of Iscariot – was going on his way to the chief (or: ranking) priests. 15 He said, "What are you presently willing to give to me? – and I, myself, will proceed in turning Him over to you men!" “So they stacked up for him thirty silver coins [= the going price for a slave; some MSS read instead: thirty staters (an Attic silver coin, equal in value to the Jewish shekel, or four denarii's)]. [Zech. 11:12] 16 And so, from that point on, he kept on seeking a good opportunity for the purpose of turning Him in (or: a suitable situation so that he could hand Him over). 17 Now on the first [day] of the [Feast; festival] of The Unleavened (unfermented) Bread (or: flat cakes; matzah), the disciples came to Jesus, [as a group] asking, "Where (or: What place) are you presently desiring and intending [that] we should be preparing and making ready for You to eat 'the Passover'?" 18 So He said, "Under [these instructions] lead the way and go into the city to so-and-so [note: this may have been a person whose name He did not want to mention], and say to him, 'The Teacher is now saying, "My season (My fitting situation; My appointed encounter; My fertile moment; My 'fullness of time') is near (= close enough to touch). I, with My disciples, am in the process of doing (= celebrating; observing) The Passover with My face toward you (= at your place)."'" 19 And so, the disciples did as Jesus had co-arranged and placed together in order, and they prepared and made ready The Passover. 20 So late in the day with it coming to be evening, He was reclining [at a meal] with the twelve disciples (students; learners). 21 And during the process of their eating [the meal], He said, "Truly (Count on it; Amen), I am now saying to you folks, that one from among you will proceed turning Me in (hand Me over)." 22 And then, continuing being tremendously pained, caused to be distressed and filled with sorrow, each one commenced to be saying to Him, in turn [or, with p45, D, the Magdalen fragments, and others: each of them, joining in and speaking at once, were saying], "I, myself, am not the one who You mean, am I, Master (Lord)?"

Matthew 26:22

22 And then, continuing being tremendously pained, caused to be distressed and filled with sorrow, each one commenced to be saying to Him, in turn [or, with p45, D, the Magdalen fragments, and others: each of them, joining in and speaking at once, were saying], "I, myself, am not the one who You mean, am I, Master (Lord)?" 23 So, giving a decided reply, He said, "The person dipping [his] hand with Me in the bowl – THIS MAN will proceed turning Me in (hand Me over).

Matthew 26:23-24

23 So, giving a decided reply, He said, "The person dipping [his] hand with Me in the bowl – THIS MAN will proceed turning Me in (hand Me over). 24 "On the one hand, the Son of the Man (= Adam's son; = the representative human; = the eschatological messianic figure) is progressively leading the way under (or: is now going away) just as (correspondingly as) it has been written about and concerning Him. Yet tragic will be the fate for THAT MAN through whom the Son of the Man is in the process of being turned over. It was continuing being beautiful for Him [i.e., for the Son of the Man] (or: It was being ideal to Him; It was existing fine for Him) – if THAT MAN was not brought to birth (or: had [just] not been born)!"

Matthew 26:24

24 "On the one hand, the Son of the Man (= Adam's son; = the representative human; = the eschatological messianic figure) is progressively leading the way under (or: is now going away) just as (correspondingly as) it has been written about and concerning Him. Yet tragic will be the fate for THAT MAN through whom the Son of the Man is in the process of being turned over. It was continuing being beautiful for Him [i.e., for the Son of the Man] (or: It was being ideal to Him; It was existing fine for Him) – if THAT MAN was not brought to birth (or: had [just] not been born)!"

Matthew 26:26-28

26 Now during the progression of their eating [the meal], upon taking the loaf of [unleavened] bread and saying words of ease and wellness (or: speaking blessing [to them]), Jesus broke [it in pieces]. And then at giving [them] to the disciples, He said, "You folks take [it] (or: receive [this]). Eat [it] at once. This is My body (or: This is the body which is Me)." 27 Next, upon taking a [other MSS: the] cup and speaking words about grace and expressing gratitude, He gave [it] to them, while saying, "All you men drink from out of it, 28 "for you see, this is My blood (or: the blood which is Me), which pertains to the covenant [with other MSS: this is My blood – which is the new arrangement] the [blood] around (or: encompassing and pertaining to) many [people; peoples], [the blood] continuously (or: presently) being poured out and progressively diffused into a divorce from failures, a forgiveness for mistakes, a dismissal of errors, a release from deviations, and a flowing away of sins!

Matthew 26:28

28 "for you see, this is My blood (or: the blood which is Me), which pertains to the covenant [with other MSS: this is My blood – which is the new arrangement] the [blood] around (or: encompassing and pertaining to) many [people; peoples], [the blood] continuously (or: presently) being poured out and progressively diffused into a divorce from failures, a forgiveness for mistakes, a dismissal of errors, a release from deviations, and a flowing away of sins! 29 Yet, I am now saying to you folks that from the present moment I can by no means (or: under no circumstances) drink from out of this product (yield; offspring) of the grapevine, until that day I can habitually drink with you folks in union with My Father's reign (or: within the kingdom of My Father) whenever it [will be] new in kind, quality and character!" [note: the word "it," being neuter, would refer back to the "product" of the grapevine] 30 Later, after singing a hymn [= the Hallel: a psalm, or, psalms of praise and thanksgiving], they went out into the Mount of Olives.

Matthew 26:33-35

33 Now Peter, making a determined response, says to Him, "Even if everyone [else] will proceed being caught in the snare in union with You, and will continue being caused to stumble, I myself will never (not even once) proceed being ensnared or cause to stumble!" 34 And so Jesus affirmed to him, "Of a truth (or: Really; Count on it; Amen), I now am saying to you that within this night – before a rooster crows (or: is to crow; other MSS: the crowing of the cock), you will proceed to disown (renounce) Me three times."

Matthew 26:34

34 And so Jesus affirmed to him, "Of a truth (or: Really; Count on it; Amen), I now am saying to you that within this night – before a rooster crows (or: is to crow; other MSS: the crowing of the cock), you will proceed to disown (renounce) Me three times." 35 Peter is then saying to Him, "Even if it should continue necessary for me to die together with You, under no circumstances could (or: would; as a future: will) I disown or renounce You." And all the disciples spoke similarly (or: said likewise). 36 At that time Jesus continues going with them into a spot (or: place; estate; literally: a freehold – piece of ground not subject to allotment, which could be bought and sold) normally being called Gethsemane, and He then is saying to His disciples, "Sit down here, while upon going off there in that place, I can pray."

Matthew 26:36-46

36 At that time Jesus continues going with them into a spot (or: place; estate; literally: a freehold – piece of ground not subject to allotment, which could be bought and sold) normally being called Gethsemane, and He then is saying to His disciples, "Sit down here, while upon going off there in that place, I can pray." 37 And then, taking Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along, He began to be progressively pained, distressed and filled with grief – and to continue deeply troubled, depressed and dejected.

Matthew 26:37-46

37 And then, taking Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along, He began to be progressively pained, distressed and filled with grief – and to continue deeply troubled, depressed and dejected. 38 At that point He lays it out for them, saying, "My soul continues being surrounded by pain and exists encompassed by sorrow and grief – unto the point of death. You men remain here and continue being awake and watchful (alert) with Me.

Matthew 26:38-46

38 At that point He lays it out for them, saying, "My soul continues being surrounded by pain and exists encompassed by sorrow and grief – unto the point of death. You men remain here and continue being awake and watchful (alert) with Me. 39 And so, after going forward a little way [other MSS: in approaching (or: moving toward) {a certain spot}], He fell upon His face, continuously praying (thinking and/or speaking concerning [His] well-being) and (or: even) repeatedly saying, "My Father, if it is possible (or: since there is power; if it be able), let this cup pass away (or: go to the side, away) from Me! Nevertheless, more than this, [let it be; it is] not as I continue willing (wanting; intending), but to the contrary, as You [will and intend]."

Matthew 26:39

39 And so, after going forward a little way [other MSS: in approaching (or: moving toward) {a certain spot}], He fell upon His face, continuously praying (thinking and/or speaking concerning [His] well-being) and (or: even) repeatedly saying, "My Father, if it is possible (or: since there is power; if it be able), let this cup pass away (or: go to the side, away) from Me! Nevertheless, more than this, [let it be; it is] not as I continue willing (wanting; intending), but to the contrary, as You [will and intend]." 40 Then He proceeds coming toward the disciples, and He is presently finding them continuing fast asleep. So He then says to Peter, "So (or: Thus [is the case]), you folks have no strength to stay awake and watch with Me [for] one hour.

Matthew 26:40-46

40 Then He proceeds coming toward the disciples, and He is presently finding them continuing fast asleep. So He then says to Peter, "So (or: Thus [is the case]), you folks have no strength to stay awake and watch with Me [for] one hour.

Matthew 26:40

40 Then He proceeds coming toward the disciples, and He is presently finding them continuing fast asleep. So He then says to Peter, "So (or: Thus [is the case]), you folks have no strength to stay awake and watch with Me [for] one hour. 41 "You folks continue awake and keep on watching. And continue praying to the end that you folks may not enter into a test (a trial; a putting to the proof). On the one hand the spirit [is] eager (the attitude [can be] the first to rush forward with passion); on the other hand the flesh (= the estranged human nature; the alienated self; the person who has been molded and dominated by the System) [is] without strength (weak and infirm)."

Matthew 26:41-46

41 "You folks continue awake and keep on watching. And continue praying to the end that you folks may not enter into a test (a trial; a putting to the proof). On the one hand the spirit [is] eager (the attitude [can be] the first to rush forward with passion); on the other hand the flesh (= the estranged human nature; the alienated self; the person who has been molded and dominated by the System) [is] without strength (weak and infirm)." 42 Again, a second time, going off He prayed, repeatedly saying, "My Father, if this continues impossible (unable) to pass on from Me if I should not (or: unless I should) drink it, let Your will and purpose be birthed and come to be!"

Matthew 26:42

42 Again, a second time, going off He prayed, repeatedly saying, "My Father, if this continues impossible (unable) to pass on from Me if I should not (or: unless I should) drink it, let Your will and purpose be birthed and come to be!" 43 Then, going again, He found them continuing fast asleep, for their eyes were ones having been made heavy and continuing weighed down as with a burden.

Matthew 26:43

43 Then, going again, He found them continuing fast asleep, for their eyes were ones having been made heavy and continuing weighed down as with a burden. 44 And so, leaving them [and] again going away, He prayed a third time saying the same word (or: thought; idea).

Matthew 26:44

44 And so, leaving them [and] again going away, He prayed a third time saying the same word (or: thought; idea). 45 At that point, He proceeds again coming to the disciples and is then saying to them, "Are you folks continuing sleeping and resting the remaining time? Look! The hour has drawn near and is now close enough to touch – and the Son of the Man (= Adam's son; the representative human) is in the process of being turned in (or: handed over) into the hands of folks now making a mistake (or: continuing in falling short of the goal; repeatedly failing to hit the target; being in error; or: of sinners).

Matthew 26:45-56

45 At that point, He proceeds again coming to the disciples and is then saying to them, "Are you folks continuing sleeping and resting the remaining time? Look! The hour has drawn near and is now close enough to touch – and the Son of the Man (= Adam's son; the representative human) is in the process of being turned in (or: handed over) into the hands of folks now making a mistake (or: continuing in falling short of the goal; repeatedly failing to hit the target; being in error; or: of sinners). 46 "Be roused and awakened – get up – let us be going! Look! The person turning Me in (handing Me over) has drawn near and is close enough to touch."

Matthew 26:46-56

46 "Be roused and awakened – get up – let us be going! Look! The person turning Me in (handing Me over) has drawn near and is close enough to touch." 47 And while He was yet speaking – look and consider – Judah (or: Judas), one of the twelve, came, and with him a large crowd wielding swords and wooden implements (clubs; staffs; etc.), [sent] from the chief (ranking) priests and elders (old men) of the people. 48 Now the person in process of giving Him over gave a sign to them in saying, "Whomsoever I should kiss – it is He; you men immediately seize and arrest Him."

Matthew 26:48-50

48 Now the person in process of giving Him over gave a sign to them in saying, "Whomsoever I should kiss – it is He; you men immediately seize and arrest Him." 49 And so, upon immediately coming to Jesus, he says, "Continue rejoicing (= Greetings; Hello), Rabbi," and then he gave Him an intense (or: prolonged, exaggerated) kiss.

Matthew 26:49-50

49 And so, upon immediately coming to Jesus, he says, "Continue rejoicing (= Greetings; Hello), Rabbi," and then he gave Him an intense (or: prolonged, exaggerated) kiss. 50 So Jesus said to him, "My good fellow (or: O comrade!; Dear friend), upon what [purpose; errand] are you now being present here beside [Me] (= why do you cause this parousia)?" At that point, upon approaching, they laid [their] hands upon Jesus and seized Him.

Matthew 26:50-50

50 So Jesus said to him, "My good fellow (or: O comrade!; Dear friend), upon what [purpose; errand] are you now being present here beside [Me] (= why do you cause this parousia)?" At that point, upon approaching, they laid [their] hands upon Jesus and seized Him. 51 And then – look and consider! – one of the men with Jesus, in stretching forth [his] hand, drew away his large knife (or: short sword) and, striking the slave of the high (chief; ranking) priest, took off his ear.

Matthew 26:51-54

51 And then – look and consider! – one of the men with Jesus, in stretching forth [his] hand, drew away his large knife (or: short sword) and, striking the slave of the high (chief; ranking) priest, took off his ear. 52 At that point Jesus is saying to him, "Turn away (= Return) your knife (or: sword) into its place. You see, all those taking [up] a knife (or: sword) will proceed in destroying themselves in union with a knife (or: sword).

Matthew 26:52-56

52 At that point Jesus is saying to him, "Turn away (= Return) your knife (or: sword) into its place. You see, all those taking [up] a knife (or: sword) will proceed in destroying themselves in union with a knife (or: sword). 53 "Or, are you continually imagining or supposing that I am not constantly able (or: that I do not habitually have power) to at once call My Father to My side for assistance, and He will right now place by Me (or: furnish for Me; put at My disposal) more than twelve legions [= regiments; a legion was 6000 foot soldiers plus 120 on horse, plus auxiliaries] of agents?

Matthew 26:53

53 "Or, are you continually imagining or supposing that I am not constantly able (or: that I do not habitually have power) to at once call My Father to My side for assistance, and He will right now place by Me (or: furnish for Me; put at My disposal) more than twelve legions [= regiments; a legion was 6000 foot soldiers plus 120 on horse, plus auxiliaries] of agents?

Matthew 26:53-56

53 "Or, are you continually imagining or supposing that I am not constantly able (or: that I do not habitually have power) to at once call My Father to My side for assistance, and He will right now place by Me (or: furnish for Me; put at My disposal) more than twelve legions [= regiments; a legion was 6000 foot soldiers plus 120 on horse, plus auxiliaries] of agents? 54 "How then could (or: would) the Scriptures be fulfilled that in this way it continues binding and necessary to happen (take place; come to be; occur)?"

Matthew 26:54-56

54 "How then could (or: would) the Scriptures be fulfilled that in this way it continues binding and necessary to happen (take place; come to be; occur)?" 55 In that hour Jesus said to the crowds, "You folks come out as upon a robber (highwayman) or an insurrectionist – with knives, swords, staffs and clubs – to jointly seize (or: apprehend) Me. Daily I used to habitually sit facing you men within the Temple grounds, constantly teaching, and you did not take hold of Me (= lift a hand against Me or attempt to arrest Me).

Matthew 26:55

55 In that hour Jesus said to the crowds, "You folks come out as upon a robber (highwayman) or an insurrectionist – with knives, swords, staffs and clubs – to jointly seize (or: apprehend) Me. Daily I used to habitually sit facing you men within the Temple grounds, constantly teaching, and you did not take hold of Me (= lift a hand against Me or attempt to arrest Me). 56 "Yet this whole [affair] has come to be (has happened) so that the Scriptures of the prophets would (or: could) be fulfilled." At this point His disciples – everyone abandoning Him – took flight (or: fled; made escape). 57 Now those having a strong grip on Jesus led Him away to Caiaphas, the high (chief) priest, where the scribes (theologians and scholars of the Law) and the elders had been gathered together in assembly. 58 Yet Peter kept on following Him from a far distance, until [coming to] the courtyard of the high (ruling; ranking) priest. Then upon entering within, he continued sitting with the subordinates (Temple guards, attendants and servants – folks under orders of others) to see the outcome (or: the end of the matter; [His] destiny). 59 Now the chief (ranking) priests and the whole Sanhedrin (the ruling council of the Jewish nation) had been seeking false evidence (testimony from false witnesses) [to bring] down against Jesus so that they could put Him to death. 60 However, they found nothing – although many false witnesses were coming forward (or: And yet they could not find many false witnesses [that were] coming forward). Yet, subsequently, two false witnesses, upon approaching, said, 61 "This man affirmed, 'I am able to demolish (loose-down) God's inner sanctuary of the Temple (= the holy place and the holy of holies; God's divine habitation), and – through (or: during [the period of]; or: by means of) three days – to build the house." 62 And then, standing up, the high (ruling) priest said to Him, "Are you continuing answering nothing (or: Do you continue making no decided response of even one thing) to what are these men presently testifying against you?" 63 Yet Jesus continued silent. And so the high (ruling; ranking) priest said to Him, "I now bind you to speak out an oath in accord with the living God (or: Down from the living God, I am now exorcising you; or: I now bind you by oath in correspondence with the living God) that you should say to us if you, yourself, are the Christ (the Anointed one; = the Messiah) God's son (= the one having the same relationship to God and to the people as did Israel as a nation, or Israel's king)?" 64 Jesus is then saying to him, "You yourself are saying [it] (or: are [so] saying)! Moreover, I am now saying to you people, from now (this present moment) on you folks will proceed to be seeing ‘the Son of the Man (= Adam's son; the eschatological Messiah figure; the representative human) continuously sitting at the right [hand] ’ of the Power, and ‘progressively coming (or: repeatedly coming and going) upon the clouds of the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven).’" [Dan. 7:13; Ps. 110:1]

Matthew 26:64

64 Jesus is then saying to him, "You yourself are saying [it] (or: are [so] saying)! Moreover, I am now saying to you people, from now (this present moment) on you folks will proceed to be seeing ‘the Son of the Man (= Adam's son; the eschatological Messiah figure; the representative human) continuously sitting at the right [hand] ’ of the Power, and ‘progressively coming (or: repeatedly coming and going) upon the clouds of the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven).’" [Dan. 7:13; Ps. 110:1] 65 At that point the high (ruling) priest tore and ripped his outer garments (= his vestments?), saying, "He blasphemes! What need are we still having of witnesses? See! You now (at this moment) heard his blasphemy (villainous, defaming speech; harm-averment)!

Matthew 26:65-66

65 At that point the high (ruling) priest tore and ripped his outer garments (= his vestments?), saying, "He blasphemes! What need are we still having of witnesses? See! You now (at this moment) heard his blasphemy (villainous, defaming speech; harm-averment)! 66 "What does [this] now seem to you men – what is your opinion?" So they, giving a decided response, said, "He now is held within and under the control of death."

Matthew 26:66-66

66 "What does [this] now seem to you men – what is your opinion?" So they, giving a decided response, said, "He now is held within and under the control of death." 67 At that point they spit into His face and hit (or: punched) Him with their fists. Yet some men slapped Him, one after another saying, 68 "Prophesy to us, O Christ (or: O 'anointed one') – who is the person striking you?" 69 Now Peter was sitting outside within the courtyard. And one servant girl came toward him, then is saying, "You, too, were with Jesus the Galilean."

Matthew 26:69

69 Now Peter was sitting outside within the courtyard. And one servant girl came toward him, then is saying, "You, too, were with Jesus the Galilean." 70 But he denied and disowned [it] in front of them all, by saying, "I am not aware of what you are now saying (or: I don't know what you are talking about)!"

Matthew 26:70

70 But he denied and disowned [it] in front of them all, by saying, "I am not aware of what you are now saying (or: I don't know what you are talking about)!" 71 Now upon going out into the entry by the gate, another girl saw him and then proceeds saying to the folks in that place, "This fellow was with Jesus the Nazarene."

Matthew 26:71-72

71 Now upon going out into the entry by the gate, another girl saw him and then proceeds saying to the folks in that place, "This fellow was with Jesus the Nazarene." 72 And again he denied and disowned [it] with an oath: "I have not seen nor do I know the man!"

Matthew 26:72-72

72 And again he denied and disowned [it] with an oath: "I have not seen nor do I know the man!" 73 Now after a little while, upon approaching, the men standing [around] said to Peter, "Truly you also belong to them (= are one of them), for even your speech (= dialect, or, the way you talk) continues making you plainly evident."

Matthew 26:73-74

73 Now after a little while, upon approaching, the men standing [around] said to Peter, "Truly you also belong to them (= are one of them), for even your speech (= dialect, or, the way you talk) continues making you plainly evident." 74 At that point Peter started to repeatedly lay down curses and confirm them with oaths (or: continue swearing), that, "I have not seen nor do I know the man!" And immediately a rooster crowed.

Matthew 26:74-75

74 At that point Peter started to repeatedly lay down curses and confirm them with oaths (or: continue swearing), that, "I have not seen nor do I know the man!" And immediately a rooster crowed.

Matthew 26:74-74

74 At that point Peter started to repeatedly lay down curses and confirm them with oaths (or: continue swearing), that, "I have not seen nor do I know the man!" And immediately a rooster crowed. 75 Then Peter remembered the saying (effect of the flow [of the discourse]) of Jesus – He having said, "Before a rooster is to crow, you will proceed in denying and renouncing Me three times." And so, after going outside, he wept and lamented bitterly.

Matthew 26:75-75

75 Then Peter remembered the saying (effect of the flow [of the discourse]) of Jesus – He having said, "Before a rooster is to crow, you will proceed in denying and renouncing Me three times." And so, after going outside, he wept and lamented bitterly.

Matthew 27:1

1 Now with the coming of morning (or: at morning birthing itself), the chief (or: ranking) priests and the elders of the people took counsel together, deliberating plans against Jesus to bring Him down, even so as to put Him to death.

Matthew 27:3-5

3 At that time, upon seeing that He was correspondingly judged against (or: condemned), Judah (or: Judas) the person turning Him in – after changing his judgment and concern on the matter so as to be regretting and caring differently, returned the thirty silver [coins] (or: pieces of silver) to the chief (ranking) priests and elders, 4 while saying, "I made a mistake (erred; failed to hit the target; sinned; fail to attain the goal) in giving over just and innocent (rightwised and equitable) blood." But those men said, "What [does this mean] to us? You, yourself, will proceed seeing!" 5 And so, upon hurling the silver [coins; pieces] into the inner Temple (shrine; = the holy place) he withdrew, and then going off, he strangled himself (or: choked himself off; or: hugged and compressed himself away [as in grief]; perhaps: hanged himself).

Matthew 27:5

5 And so, upon hurling the silver [coins; pieces] into the inner Temple (shrine; = the holy place) he withdrew, and then going off, he strangled himself (or: choked himself off; or: hugged and compressed himself away [as in grief]; perhaps: hanged himself).

Matthew 27:11

11 So now Jesus was positioned and stood in front of the [Roman] governor. Then the governor put a question to Him, by saying, "Are you, yourself, 'the king of the Judeans'?" So then Jesus affirms, "You, yourself, are now saying [so; it]."

Matthew 27:28-31

28 Then after disrobing (stripping; [with other MSS: upon clothing]) Him, they put a scarlet (or: crimson; red) cloak around Him. 29 Next, after weaving (or: braiding) a wreath out of thorns (or: a thorn bush), they put [it] upon His head, as well as a reed in His right [hand]. Then, while falling on [their] knees in front of Him, they mocked and ridiculed Him, repeatedly saying, "Be constantly filled with joy (or: Rejoice continuously; = a common greeting which is a wish for well-being; = Greetings, Welcome, Hello, Hail; probably equivalent to the soldier's salute, 'Ave Caesar'), O king of the Judeans!" 30 And then after spitting in [His face], and into (= on) Him, they took the reed [from Him] and kept on striking blows into His head. 31 Next – when they had finished making fun of Him – they stripped the cloak off Him and clothed Him with His own outer garments, then they led Him off into the [place and situation] to put [Him] to death on a stake (to crucify [Him]).

Matthew 27:39-44

39 Now as people are continuing passing by, they kept on speaking abusively, hurling insults at Him, “while repeatedly shaking (or: wagging) their heads,” [Ps. 22:8]

Matthew 27:39

39 Now as people are continuing passing by, they kept on speaking abusively, hurling insults at Him, “while repeatedly shaking (or: wagging) their heads,” [Ps. 22:8] 40 and one after another saying, "The person in process of dismantling (demolishing; loosing-down) the inner sanctuary of the Temple (the holy place and the holy of holies) and then proceeding in building the House within three days! Save yourself now! – since (or: if) you are God's son (or: a son of God), descend from the stake (or: climb down off the cross)!" 41 In like manner also, the chief (or: ranking) priests with the scribes (scholars; theologians) and elders – repeatedly ridiculing and making fun – kept on saying, 42 "He saved (rescued; delivered; kept safe) other folks – he continues unable (he has no power) to save himself! He is a king (or: [the] king) of Israel! – let him climb down (descend) now from the execution stake (or: off the cross), and then we will proceed putting our trust upon him (or: shall be believing on him). 43 "'He has put his trust upon God! Let Him now guard him and drag (pull) him out of danger – if He wants him!’ [Ps. 22:9] You know he said, 'I am God's son.'"

Matthew 27:43

43 "'He has put his trust upon God! Let Him now guard him and drag (pull) him out of danger – if He wants him!’ [Ps. 22:9] You know he said, 'I am God's son.'" 44 So in the same way and about the same thing, the rebels (insurrectionists; or: robbers) those being crucified on execution stakes together with Him – also began and kept on bringing verbal abuse and unjustifiable reproach.

Matthew 27:54

54 Now the centurion (a Roman commander who normally is in charge of one hundred soldiers) and those with him [who were] guarding and watching over Jesus, upon seeing the shaking (= earthquake) and the things occurring (happening; being birthed), were made extremely afraid, one to another saying, "Truly (or: Really; Certainly) this man was God's son."

Matthew 28:18

18 And so, after approaching, Jesus, [breaking the silence], suddenly spoke to them, by saying, "All authority (or: Every right and privilege from out of Being) is (or: was at once) given to Me within heaven and upon the earth (or: in sky and atmosphere, as well as on land)!

Mark 5:30

30 So immediately becoming fully aware of the experience within Himself – the power from out of the midst of Him proceeding forth, Jesus, being turned about within the midst of the crowd, began saying, "Who touched (made contact with) My clothes?"

Mark 6:8-9

8 He also passed on instructions and announcements to them, to the end that they should not pick up or carry anything onto the road (or: for the path) – except a staff, only; no bread (= food), no bag (sack; pack; food pouch; or: begging-bag), [putting] no copper money into the belt (girdle; = take no pocket money). 9 Still further, having bound sandals under [the soles of their feet], [they were] not to clothe themselves with (not to wear) two undergarments (tunics).

Mark 6:30

30 And those sent off on the mission (the representatives) were in turn gathered together to Jesus and reported back to Him everything (or: all things) – as many things as they did, and whatever they taught.

Mark 9:1

1 Then He continued saying to them, "Truly (or: Assuredly; Amen; Verily), I am now saying to you folks that there are certain ones (or: some) of those standing here who under no circumstances can taste (may test by sipping; = experience; partake) of death until they can (should; may) see God's kingdom (God's reign and influence as King; the sovereign activity which is God) being present, having already come within the midst of power and ability."

Mark 9:34

34 Yet they continued silent, for on the way they had been discussing with one another [as to] who is being [the] greatest (= most important). 35 Then, upon being seated, He summoned (or: called loudly [to]) the twelve, and then continued, saying to them, "If anyone continues intending (purposing; willing; wanting) to be first, he will continue being last of all – even an attending servant of everyone (or: all)!"

Mark 10:37-41

37 So they said to Him, "Grant at once to us that – one on Your right and one on Your left – we can (or: may; should) sit within the midst of Your glory (Your manifestation which calls forth praise)." 38 Yet Jesus said to them, "You have not seen, so are not aware of what you [two] are now requesting. Do you now have power and do you continue able to drink the cup which I Myself am now progressively drinking, or to be immersed in (or: baptized with) the immersion (baptism) which I Myself am now progressively being immersed (baptized)?" 39 And they said to Him, "We now have power and continue able!" Yet Jesus replied to them, "You folks will progressively drink the cup which I Myself am now progressively drinking, and you will also be progressively immersed in (or: baptized with) the immersion (baptism) which I Myself am now progressively being immersed, unto saturation (baptized). 40 "However, the [matter, situation or choice of] to sit down at My right or at My left is not Mine to give, but rather, [it is] for those for whom it has been prepared and made ready." 41 Well then, hearing [of the incident], the [other] ten began to be indignant and resentful about Jacob (James) and John.

Mark 10:41-45

41 Well then, hearing [of the incident], the [other] ten began to be indignant and resentful about Jacob (James) and John. 42 So Jesus, calling them to Himself, then proceeds laying out His thoughts, saying to them, "You men have seen and are thus aware that those of the ethnic multitudes (or: of the nations, who are non-Jews, or Gentiles) [who] are habitually presuming (or: are normally seeming, appearing or supposing) to be constantly ruling, are habitually exercising full ownership of them while habitually bringing the effects of their lordship down on them, and their great ones are continually exercising complete authority while putting them down under their dominion and coercion. 43 "Yet it does not exist (or: it is not) this way among you folks. To the contrary, whoever may continue intending (wishing; desiring; wanting; purposing) to become great (or: a great or important person) among you will continue existing being your attending servant. 44 "And whoever may continue intending (desiring; purposing) to be first among you folks will continue existing being a slave of everyone (or: all). 45 "You see, even the Son of the Man (or: And so, the Son of humanity, as well,) did not come to be given attending service, but to the contrary, to give attending service, and further, to give His soul (or: soul life) [as] a ransom payment – for unbinding and release – for, as, in the place of, and thus on behalf of and which corresponds to, many people."

Mark 11:11

11 So Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and then on, into the temple grounds (or: courts). And, upon glancing around upon everything (or: after looking all about), He went out into Bethany with the twelve, since the hour was already being late (= evening had come).

Mark 11:19

19 And then, when it became late [in the day] (= evening), they were proceeding out on their way, outside the city.

Mark 13:3

3 And then – [having come] into the Mountain of Olives – during His continued sitting with the temple complex in view, Peter, Jacob (James), John and Andrew began inquiring of Him, privately,

Mark 14:1-2

1 Now the [Feasts, or, festivals, of] Passover and [of] the Unleavened Bread were two days off (or: after two days), and the chief (or: ranking) priests and scribes (scholars and theologians of the Law) were still seeking (or: continuing in trying to find) how they could kill Him off, [after] seizing [Him] in a trap using some kind of crafty device as bait. 2 You see, they kept on saying, "Not within the Feast (or: festival; may = in the presence of the festival crowd), lest at any time there will proceed being an uproar of the people (or: a riot from the people)."

Mark 14:2

2 You see, they kept on saying, "Not within the Feast (or: festival; may = in the presence of the festival crowd), lest at any time there will proceed being an uproar of the people (or: a riot from the people)."

Mark 14:6

6 But Jesus said, "You men let her alone and let her flow [with this] (or: Leave her)! Why do you continue presenting her with [verbal] beatings? She performs a beautiful deed on Me (or: She works a fine and ideal work within Me).

Mark 14:10-11

10 Later, Judah (Judas) Iscariot – one of the twelve – went off to the chief (or: ranking) priests, to the end that he could (or: should) give Him over to them.

Mark 14:10

10 Later, Judah (Judas) Iscariot – one of the twelve – went off to the chief (or: ranking) priests, to the end that he could (or: should) give Him over to them. 11 Now the men hearing [this] rejoiced (were delighted) and promised to give him silver (= coins). So he kept on seeking how he could conveniently give Him over. 12 Now on the first day of the [Feast; festival] of Unleavened Bread (= in the first day for eating "matzah"), when they were by custom sacrificing the passover [animal], His disciples proceed asking Him, "Where are You now intending (wanting; willing) [that] we – upon going off – will make [things] ready and prepare so that You can eat the passover?"

Mark 14:12-16

12 Now on the first day of the [Feast; festival] of Unleavened Bread (= in the first day for eating "matzah"), when they were by custom sacrificing the passover [animal], His disciples proceed asking Him, "Where are You now intending (wanting; willing) [that] we – upon going off – will make [things] ready and prepare so that You can eat the passover?" 13 So He gives two of His disciples a mission and sends them off, and proceeds saying to them, "Be progressively off under [these instructions] into the city, and a person (a human) progressively carrying a small earthenware vessel (jar; pitcher) of water will be encountering (or: proceed meeting) you. Follow after him, 14 "And wherever he might enter, say to the householder (master or head of the house; = owner) that the Teacher now says, 'Where is My guest-room where I can (or: may; would) eat the passover with My disciples?' 15 "Then he, himself, will proceed pointing out and showing you [two] a large room upstairs (or: an upper room) ready with furnishings spread, and there you make the necessary preparations for us." 16 So the disciples went out and came into the city and found [everything] just as He said to them, and they prepared the passover. 17 Later, with the arriving of evening, He proceeds coming with the twelve. 18 Then, at their continued lying back (reclining) and while still eating, Jesus said, "Truly (or: Count on it), I am now saying to you men that one [person] from out of you (or: from your [group]) – the person presently eating with Me – will proceed giving Me over (= handing Me over; turning Me in)."

Mark 14:18-21

18 Then, at their continued lying back (reclining) and while still eating, Jesus said, "Truly (or: Count on it), I am now saying to you men that one [person] from out of you (or: from your [group]) – the person presently eating with Me – will proceed giving Me over (= handing Me over; turning Me in)." 19 They at once began to be pained, grieved, made sad and distressed, then to be one after another saying to Him, "Surely not I!" [other MSS: “It is not I, is it, Rabbi?" and another, "Surely not I!"]

Mark 14:19-21

19 They at once began to be pained, grieved, made sad and distressed, then to be one after another saying to Him, "Surely not I!" [other MSS: “It is not I, is it, Rabbi?" and another, "Surely not I!"]

Mark 14:19

19 They at once began to be pained, grieved, made sad and distressed, then to be one after another saying to Him, "Surely not I!" [other MSS: “It is not I, is it, Rabbi?" and another, "Surely not I!"] 20 Yet, giving a decided reply, He said to them, "[It is] one of the twelve – the person repeatedly dipping [a morsel] into the common bowl with Me (or: presently dipping [the bitter herbs; Concordant Text: {his} hand] into the same [literally: the one] deep dish simultaneously with Me [or: after Mine]),

Mark 14:20-21

20 Yet, giving a decided reply, He said to them, "[It is] one of the twelve – the person repeatedly dipping [a morsel] into the common bowl with Me (or: presently dipping [the bitter herbs; Concordant Text: {his} hand] into the same [literally: the one] deep dish simultaneously with Me [or: after Mine]), 21 "because, [you see], the Son of the Man (the son of the human; the Human Being) is indeed progressively leading the way under (or: is now going away), just as (or: accordingly as) it has been written about (or: concerning) Him, yet [there is] disaster (woe; calamity; or: Alas!) to (for; in) that person (human; man) through whom the Son of the Man is being progressively given over! It was being beautiful in and ideal for Him – if that person (human) had not been given birth (or: were not born)!"

Mark 14:21

21 "because, [you see], the Son of the Man (the son of the human; the Human Being) is indeed progressively leading the way under (or: is now going away), just as (or: accordingly as) it has been written about (or: concerning) Him, yet [there is] disaster (woe; calamity; or: Alas!) to (for; in) that person (human; man) through whom the Son of the Man is being progressively given over! It was being beautiful in and ideal for Him – if that person (human) had not been given birth (or: were not born)!" 22 And during their continued eating, Jesus, taking a loaf of bread [and] saying a good word (or: expressing the goodness, ease and wellbeing of the Word; or: speaking a blessing), breaks [it] and gives [it] to them, then said, "You men take (or: grasp) this. It is My body." (or: "Get hold of and receive [it]. This is My body.") 23 Then, taking a cup – while speaking of the goodness and wellbeing of grace, and expressing gratitude [for it] – He gave [it] to them and all the men drank from out of it.

Mark 14:23-24

23 Then, taking a cup – while speaking of the goodness and wellbeing of grace, and expressing gratitude [for it] – He gave [it] to them and all the men drank from out of it. 24 Then He said to them, "This is the blood – pertaining to My arrangement (My covenant; or: My will; [with other MSS: This is My blood which is the source of the New Covenant]) – the [blood] being now progressively poured, scattered and diffused out over many [folks; peoples]. 25 "Truly, I am now laying out my thoughts and saying to you that no longer, under any circumstances, can I (may I; would I; should I) drink from out of the product of the grapevine – until that day, whenever I can drink it (or: constantly drink it) new in quality and kind, within God's reign as King (or: in the midst of the kingdom of God; = the realm of God's activities, influence and way of doing things)." 26 And after singing a hymn (perhaps = singing the Hallel; or: chanting a psalm), they went out into the Mountain (or: Mount) of Olives.

Mark 14:29

29 Yet Peter affirms to Him, "Even if everyone [else] will proceed being ensnared and caught or made to stumble, still – nevertheless – I myself [will] not!" 30 So Jesus then says to him, "Truly, I am now saying to you that today – in this night, before a rooster (cock) crows twice – you, yourself, from a stance of refusal will proceed utterly denying, disowning and renouncing Me, three times." 31 Yet Peter kept on speaking from excessive insistence, "More certainly, rather, if ever it may progress to where it is necessary to die for or with You, under no circumstances will I be utterly denying or renouncing You!" Now everyone began saying similarly, as well. 32 They later continued going into a small designated spot (or: landed property; estate; freehold), the name of which [is] Gethsemane, and He is then saying to His disciples, "Sit down here while I may be praying (or: until I can speak [to God] with a view toward having things be well)."

Mark 14:32-42

32 They later continued going into a small designated spot (or: landed property; estate; freehold), the name of which [is] Gethsemane, and He is then saying to His disciples, "Sit down here while I may be praying (or: until I can speak [to God] with a view toward having things be well)." 33 Then He proceeded in taking Peter, Jacob (James) and John aside (or: along) with Him and He began to be increasingly affected from out of a stunning sense of extreme awe and terrifying astonishment, and to be progressively depressed and sorely troubled with distress.

Mark 14:33-42

33 Then He proceeded in taking Peter, Jacob (James) and John aside (or: along) with Him and He began to be increasingly affected from out of a stunning sense of extreme awe and terrifying astonishment, and to be progressively depressed and sorely troubled with distress. 34 And so He then is saying to them, "My soul is encompassed with pain, grief and exceeding sorrow – to the point of death! Remain here and continue alert and watchful."

Mark 14:34-42

34 And so He then is saying to them, "My soul is encompassed with pain, grief and exceeding sorrow – to the point of death! Remain here and continue alert and watchful." 35 Then going forward a little distance, He was repeatedly falling upon the ground, and kept on praying with a view toward having things go well – to the end that, if it exists being possible, The Hour might pass away from Him.

Mark 14:35

35 Then going forward a little distance, He was repeatedly falling upon the ground, and kept on praying with a view toward having things go well – to the end that, if it exists being possible, The Hour might pass away from Him. 36 And He went on to say, "Abba (= Dad; Papa) – O Father – all things [are] possible for (to; with; in) You; carry this cup away from Me! But to the contrary (or: Nevertheless) not what I Myself am now wanting (or: continue wishing; am repeatedly willing), but rather and further, what You [are; want; will]!"

Mark 14:36

36 And He went on to say, "Abba (= Dad; Papa) – O Father – all things [are] possible for (to; with; in) You; carry this cup away from Me! But to the contrary (or: Nevertheless) not what I Myself am now wanting (or: continue wishing; am repeatedly willing), but rather and further, what You [are; want; will]!" 37 Later He proceeds coming and is then finding them down continuing fast asleep, so He then says to Peter, "Simon, are you continuing down fast asleep? Do you not have strength to continue staying alert and watchful [for] one hour?

Mark 14:37-42

37 Later He proceeds coming and is then finding them down continuing fast asleep, so He then says to Peter, "Simon, are you continuing down fast asleep? Do you not have strength to continue staying alert and watchful [for] one hour?

Mark 14:37

37 Later He proceeds coming and is then finding them down continuing fast asleep, so He then says to Peter, "Simon, are you continuing down fast asleep? Do you not have strength to continue staying alert and watchful [for] one hour? 38 "You men be constantly alert and watchful, and continue praying with a view toward having things go well – to the end that you folks will not continue coming (or: going) into a test (or: a trial; an ordeal). Indeed, the spirit (the Breath-effect; or: the attitude) [is] eager (rushing ahead with passion), yet the flesh (= the estranged human nature; the alienated self; the person who has been molded and dominated by the System) [is] weak (without strength and powerless; feeble and infirm)."

Mark 14:38-42

38 "You men be constantly alert and watchful, and continue praying with a view toward having things go well – to the end that you folks will not continue coming (or: going) into a test (or: a trial; an ordeal). Indeed, the spirit (the Breath-effect; or: the attitude) [is] eager (rushing ahead with passion), yet the flesh (= the estranged human nature; the alienated self; the person who has been molded and dominated by the System) [is] weak (without strength and powerless; feeble and infirm)." 39 And then again, going off, He prayed, saying the very same word (thought; idea; expression). 40 Then, coming again, He found them down continuing fast asleep, for their eyes continued in being weighed down. And they did not know what reasoned response to give to Him.

Mark 14:40-41

40 Then, coming again, He found them down continuing fast asleep, for their eyes continued in being weighed down. And they did not know what reasoned response to give to Him. 41 And He repeats His coming, the third [time], and so is saying to them, "Are you men continuing in being down sleeping and resting up [for] the rest (or: the remainder) [of the night]? It [i.e., the morning] continues holding off (= it remains distant; perhaps: = the night is dragging on; from commercial usage of the phrase: He now has full payment from [them])... The hour comes (or: came). Look, and consider (See, and understand), the Son of the Man (the human son) is being progressively given over into the hand of the sinners (of the ones failing to hit the target; of the folks missing the point; of those failing and making mistakes).

Mark 14:41-41

41 And He repeats His coming, the third [time], and so is saying to them, "Are you men continuing in being down sleeping and resting up [for] the rest (or: the remainder) [of the night]? It [i.e., the morning] continues holding off (= it remains distant; perhaps: = the night is dragging on; from commercial usage of the phrase: He now has full payment from [them])... The hour comes (or: came). Look, and consider (See, and understand), the Son of the Man (the human son) is being progressively given over into the hand of the sinners (of the ones failing to hit the target; of the folks missing the point; of those failing and making mistakes).

Mark 14:41-50

41 And He repeats His coming, the third [time], and so is saying to them, "Are you men continuing in being down sleeping and resting up [for] the rest (or: the remainder) [of the night]? It [i.e., the morning] continues holding off (= it remains distant; perhaps: = the night is dragging on; from commercial usage of the phrase: He now has full payment from [them])... The hour comes (or: came). Look, and consider (See, and understand), the Son of the Man (the human son) is being progressively given over into the hand of the sinners (of the ones failing to hit the target; of the folks missing the point; of those failing and making mistakes). 42 "Now be wakened and aroused, and proceed to get up! We should lead the way, let us go! Look! The man handing Me over has approached and is now near."

Mark 14:42-50

42 "Now be wakened and aroused, and proceed to get up! We should lead the way, let us go! Look! The man handing Me over has approached and is now near." 43 Then, all of a sudden, while He was still speaking, Judah (Judas) Iscariot – one of the twelve – is presently coming to be at His side, and with him [there is] a crowd with swords and wooden weapons [i.e., clubs or staffs], [sent] from the chief priests, the scribes (scholars; theologians; professional Torah teachers) and the elders [i.e., sent from a committee of the Sanhedrin]. 44 Now the man handing Him over had given to them a prearranged (or: agreed-upon) signal, saying, "Whomever I should kiss (show the outward expression of a greeting as a friend), He it is. At once seize Him with a strong hold and proceed securely leading [Him] away."

Mark 14:44-46

44 Now the man handing Him over had given to them a prearranged (or: agreed-upon) signal, saying, "Whomever I should kiss (show the outward expression of a greeting as a friend), He it is. At once seize Him with a strong hold and proceed securely leading [Him] away." 45 So upon coming, immediately approaching Him he is saying, "Rabbi!" Then he affectionately kissed (or: = gave a prolonged kiss to) Him.

Mark 14:45-46

45 So upon coming, immediately approaching Him he is saying, "Rabbi!" Then he affectionately kissed (or: = gave a prolonged kiss to) Him. 46 Now those men thrust their hands upon Him and strongly seized Him.

Mark 14:46-46

46 Now those men thrust their hands upon Him and strongly seized Him. 47 However, a certain one of those that had been standing by (i.e., beside [Him]), upon drawing [his] sword, struck the slave of the chief priest and cuts away a little [portion of] his ear [other MSS read: took off his ear].

Mark 14:47

47 However, a certain one of those that had been standing by (i.e., beside [Him]), upon drawing [his] sword, struck the slave of the chief priest and cuts away a little [portion of] his ear [other MSS read: took off his ear]. 48 And yet Jesus, giving a decided response, said to them, "Do you men come out with swords and wooden weapons as upon a bandit (highwayman; robber; or: a rebel; an insurrectionist) to arrest and apprehend Me?

Mark 14:48-49

48 And yet Jesus, giving a decided response, said to them, "Do you men come out with swords and wooden weapons as upon a bandit (highwayman; robber; or: a rebel; an insurrectionist) to arrest and apprehend Me? 49 "Day after day I was there facing you folks within the temple courts and grounds, repeatedly teaching – and you did not seize Me. Nevertheless, so that the Scriptures can (or: may; would) be fulfilled..."

Mark 14:49-49

49 "Day after day I was there facing you folks within the temple courts and grounds, repeatedly teaching – and you did not seize Me. Nevertheless, so that the Scriptures can (or: may; would) be fulfilled..." 50 And then, abandoning (deserting) Him, they (= His disciples) all fled.

Mark 14:53-54

53 And they [i.e., the armed crowd] led Jesus off toward the chief priest. Then all the chief (or: ranking) priests – as well as the elders and the scribes (scholars) – one by one proceeded in assembling together. 54 Now Peter followed Him at a distance, until [having come] inside as far as [entering] into the uncovered courtyard of the chief priest, so he was continuing on there, sitting down together with the house attendants (the [chief priest's] subordinates) and continuing warming himself, facing toward the [fire; house] light. 55 Meanwhile the chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin (the ruling council) – looking for evidence against Jesus in order to issue a death sentence [on] Him – kept on trying to find a witness [to bring testimony or evidence] corresponding to and down on (= against) Jesus, but they were not finding [any]. 56 You see, many kept on giving false testimonies (or: evidence) down on (or: against) Him, and yet the stories (testimonies) were not being consistent (alike; equal; = in agreement). 57 Further, certain folks standing up one after another were telling false stories in relation to, but down against, Him, in turn saying, 58 "We, ourselves, heard Him saying, 'I myself will proceed loosing-down and destroying this hand-made temple sanctuary (the inner shrine), and through the midst of (or: during) three days I will proceed building (constructing) another house not made with hands.'" 59 And yet neither, in this way, was their testimony (or: story) consistent (= in agreement). 60 Then, rising up into the midst [of the group] and taking a stand, the chief priest questioned Jesus, going on to say, "Are you continuing to give a definite response to nothing (or: to not make a decided response to anything)? What (or: Why) are these folks repeatedly testifying down against you?" 61 Yet He continued silent and from considered decision did not respond anything. Again, the chief priest continued inquiring of Him and proceeds saying to Him, "Are you the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah), the son of the Blessed One?"

Mark 14:61-66

61 Yet He continued silent and from considered decision did not respond anything. Again, the chief priest continued inquiring of Him and proceeds saying to Him, "Are you the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah), the son of the Blessed One?" 62 Now Jesus said, "I am (or: I, Myself, am [He]) [some later MSS and quotes by Origen, read: You are saying that I am])! And furthermore, you men will proceed seeing the Son of the Man (the human's son; the Human Being) by habit (or: continue) sitting at (or: forth from the midst of) [the] right [hand; section] of the Power, and progressively (or: repeatedly; as by habit) coming (or: coming and going) with the clouds of the atmosphere (or: the sky; the heaven)." [Dan. 7:13; Ps. 110:1]

Mark 14:62-66

62 Now Jesus said, "I am (or: I, Myself, am [He]) [some later MSS and quotes by Origen, read: You are saying that I am])! And furthermore, you men will proceed seeing the Son of the Man (the human's son; the Human Being) by habit (or: continue) sitting at (or: forth from the midst of) [the] right [hand; section] of the Power, and progressively (or: repeatedly; as by habit) coming (or: coming and going) with the clouds of the atmosphere (or: the sky; the heaven)." [Dan. 7:13; Ps. 110:1]

Mark 14:62

62 Now Jesus said, "I am (or: I, Myself, am [He]) [some later MSS and quotes by Origen, read: You are saying that I am])! And furthermore, you men will proceed seeing the Son of the Man (the human's son; the Human Being) by habit (or: continue) sitting at (or: forth from the midst of) [the] right [hand; section] of the Power, and progressively (or: repeatedly; as by habit) coming (or: coming and going) with the clouds of the atmosphere (or: the sky; the heaven)." [Dan. 7:13; Ps. 110:1] 63 But at this the chief priest, ripping and tearing his inner garments (tunics; clothes), is then saying, "What need of witness or evidence do we still continue having?

Mark 14:63-66

63 But at this the chief priest, ripping and tearing his inner garments (tunics; clothes), is then saying, "What need of witness or evidence do we still continue having?

Mark 14:63-64

63 But at this the chief priest, ripping and tearing his inner garments (tunics; clothes), is then saying, "What need of witness or evidence do we still continue having? 64 " [other MSS add: Look!] You men hear (or: heard) the blasphemy (the abusive talk [before God]; this villainous speech; the harm-avering hindering of light; the injurious slander)! How is it now appearing to you folks (or: What continues evident to you; = What do you think of this)?" So they all made a decision down against Him (or: corresponding to pattern evaluated and condemned Him) to be held fast within (under the control of; thus = liable to or deserving of) death.

Mark 14:64-66

64 " [other MSS add: Look!] You men hear (or: heard) the blasphemy (the abusive talk [before God]; this villainous speech; the harm-avering hindering of light; the injurious slander)! How is it now appearing to you folks (or: What continues evident to you; = What do you think of this)?" So they all made a decision down against Him (or: corresponding to pattern evaluated and condemned Him) to be held fast within (under the control of; thus = liable to or deserving of) death.

Mark 14:64-64

64 " [other MSS add: Look!] You men hear (or: heard) the blasphemy (the abusive talk [before God]; this villainous speech; the harm-avering hindering of light; the injurious slander)! How is it now appearing to you folks (or: What continues evident to you; = What do you think of this)?" So they all made a decision down against Him (or: corresponding to pattern evaluated and condemned Him) to be held fast within (under the control of; thus = liable to or deserving of) death. 65 Then some started to repeatedly spit on Him and then proceeded to put a covering around His face [so as to blindfold Him]. Next they continued to repeatedly beat Him with their fists all the while saying to Him, "Prophesy!" And [with] slaps (or: blows with a rod), the subordinates (deputies; court guards) took Him.

Mark 14:65-66

65 Then some started to repeatedly spit on Him and then proceeded to put a covering around His face [so as to blindfold Him]. Next they continued to repeatedly beat Him with their fists all the while saying to Him, "Prophesy!" And [with] slaps (or: blows with a rod), the subordinates (deputies; court guards) took Him. 66 Now during Peter's being below within the courtyard, one of the servant girls (or: maids) of the chief priest is then coming,

Mark 14:66-68

66 Now during Peter's being below within the courtyard, one of the servant girls (or: maids) of the chief priest is then coming,

Mark 14:66-66

66 Now during Peter's being below within the courtyard, one of the servant girls (or: maids) of the chief priest is then coming, 67 and, seeing Peter continuing to warm himself, while looking straight at him is saying, "You, too, were with Jesus the Nazarene!"

Mark 14:67-68

67 and, seeing Peter continuing to warm himself, while looking straight at him is saying, "You, too, were with Jesus the Nazarene!" 68 Yet he denies (disowned; renounced) [it], by saying, "I have neither seen nor do I know [Him] – nor do I even understand now what you yourself are presently saying! (or: I neither know nor understand what you are saying {= meaning}; or: I neither know nor am acquainted with him. What do you mean?)" So he went forth outside into the forecourt (vestibule; entrance way). And then a rooster (cock) crows!

Mark 14:68-68

68 Yet he denies (disowned; renounced) [it], by saying, "I have neither seen nor do I know [Him] – nor do I even understand now what you yourself are presently saying! (or: I neither know nor understand what you are saying {= meaning}; or: I neither know nor am acquainted with him. What do you mean?)" So he went forth outside into the forecourt (vestibule; entrance way). And then a rooster (cock) crows! 69 But then the servant girl (maid), seeing him [there], started to go on saying again to those that had been standing by, "This fellow is one from their group (= one of them)!"

Mark 14:69-70

69 But then the servant girl (maid), seeing him [there], started to go on saying again to those that had been standing by, "This fellow is one from their group (= one of them)!" 70 Yet he again began denying and continued renouncing [it]. Then, after a little [while; time], those that had been standing by again began saying to Peter, "You really (certainly; truly) are one from their group, for you are a Galilean, also [other MSS add: and your speech is alike]!"

Mark 14:70-70

70 Yet he again began denying and continued renouncing [it]. Then, after a little [while; time], those that had been standing by again began saying to Peter, "You really (certainly; truly) are one from their group, for you are a Galilean, also [other MSS add: and your speech is alike]!" 71 Now he started to be repeatedly speaking as though making an offering (or: cursing; anathematizing) and to continue swearing with an oath, "I have not seen nor do I know the person (the man; the human) of whom you folks continue speaking!" 72 And immediately a rooster (cock) crowed a second [time], and Peter recalled the effect which flowed from the saying (gush-effect in the declaration), just as Jesus said to him, "Before a rooster is to crow twice, you will deny and disown Me three times." Then, casting [his thoughts and attention] upon [this], he began weeping (or: on setting [himself] on [the situation] he continued in lamenting, wailing and shedding tears; may = he broke down and cried; or: And then, throwing [himself] upon [the ground], he was crying).

Mark 14:72-72

72 And immediately a rooster (cock) crowed a second [time], and Peter recalled the effect which flowed from the saying (gush-effect in the declaration), just as Jesus said to him, "Before a rooster is to crow twice, you will deny and disown Me three times." Then, casting [his thoughts and attention] upon [this], he began weeping (or: on setting [himself] on [the situation] he continued in lamenting, wailing and shedding tears; may = he broke down and cried; or: And then, throwing [himself] upon [the ground], he was crying).

Mark 15:1

1 Then as soon as it was dawn (or: right away, early in the morning,) the chief (or: ranking) priests, upon forming (convening) a council (or: holding and conducting consultation; [other MSS: having prepared {= reached} a decision upon counsel]) with the elders, the scribes (scholars; Torah specialists) and the whole Sanhedrin, [are] binding Jesus. They conducted [Him] away and turned [Him] over to Pilate. 2 So Pilate asked Him, "You [spoken emphatically, perhaps with disbelief] are the king of the Judeans?" Now He, giving a decided reply, is then saying to him, "You yourself are now saying [it] (or, may = If you say so; or: You [spoken emphatically] are presenting this thought and idea)."

Mark 15:16-20

16 Now the soldiers led Him away inside the courtyard – which is [part of the] Praetorium (i.e., the governor's headquarters, or palace) – and proceeded calling together the whole company of troops (squadron; battalion; detachment). 17 Then they proceed to clothe Him in a purple garment and, upon braiding (or: weaving) a thorny wreath, then proceed to put [it] on Him, around [His head – i.e., crowned Him]. 18 Next they started to repeatedly salute and greet Him, "Be constantly rejoicing (or: = Greetings and good day; or: Hail), O king of the Judeans!" 19 They also began striking (hitting; beating) His head with a reed staff (or: cane rod) and kept on spitting on Him and, repeatedly kneeling, continued doing obeisance (bowing down; [pretending] worship) to Him. 20 And so, when they had ridiculed (made fun of; mocked) Him, they stripped the purple garment from Him and clothed Him with His own outer garments. Then they are progressively leading Him out so that they could put Him on an execution stake (crucify Him).

Mark 15:23

23 Then they began trying to give Him wine to drink which had been drugged with myrrh. But He did not take (or: receive) [it].

Mark 15:27

27 Furthermore, they continued the process of crucifixion by attaching two robbers on stakes, together with Him – one on the right of Him and one on left.

Mark 15:27-32

27 Furthermore, they continued the process of crucifixion by attaching two robbers on stakes, together with Him – one on the right of Him and one on left. 28 [note: omitted by WH, Panin, Tasker, Nestle-Aland, Concordant, bracketed by Griesbach, but found in later MSS & included in the Received Text: And the Scripture is fulfilled, the one saying, "And He is being thought to be (considered or counted as) belonging with lawless men."] 29 Meanwhile people, as they continued passing by on their way, began repeatedly speaking abusively (hurling insults; blaspheming; assessing villainy) to and at Him, continuously shaking (wagging; tossing) their heads and repeatedly saying, "Ha (or: Aha; Bah; Ooh)! The one progressively loosing-down and destroying the inner sanctuary of the temple, and then progressively building [it] within three days! 30 "Immediately rescue (save; deliver) yourself by at once stepping down from the stake (cross)!" 31 Likewise, the chief (ranking) priests with the scribes (scholars; theologians), also continuing in ridiculing (making fun; mocking) toward one another, kept on saying, "Other people he rescued (saved, delivered and healed) – himself he is not able (has no power) to rescue (save; deliver)! 32 "The 'Christ'! The 'King of Israel'! Let him step down now from the stake (cross) so that we can see and may believe!" Even those having been attached to stakes (crucified) together with Him had been unjustifiably reproaching Him (or: charging Him with disgrace).

Mark 16:7

7 "But now, go and lead, under [this message]: say to the disciples – and (or: even) to Peter! – that He is progressively going ahead of you folks into the Galilee [area]. You will repeatedly see Him there, just as He told you people."

Mark 16:19

19 So then, after [times of] speaking with them, the Lord Jesus is taken back up again (or: was received again) into the midst of the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven), and sits (or: sat down; = assumes the throne) at God's right [side, or, hand]. [Ps. 110:1]

Luke 1:6

6 Now both continued being (or: were) fair and equitable folks [who followed] the way pointed out in right and just relationships before (in front of and in the sight of) God, habitually going their way within all the implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward directives) and effects of equity (or: results of just and rightwised dealings springing from right relationships) whose source and origin is the Lord [= Yahweh] (or: in union with all the Lord's [= Yahweh's] commandments as well as the results of being in the way pointed out) [being] blameless (or: un-blamable) ones.

Luke 4:10-11

10 "for it has been written that, 'He will proceed imparting a goal in (giving the end in view to) His agents (messengers) about (concerning) you, [with the directive] to carefully protect, keep and guard you.' 11 "also, that, 'Upon [their] hands they will continue lifting you, lest at some point you could (or: might) strike (or: dash) your foot toward a stone (= stub your toe; or: =stumble).'" [Ps. 91:11-12]

Luke 4:41

41 And thus, demons (= animistic influences) also kept on going out from many folks, [as] one by one [of them] were uttering cries or exclamations, and then saying, "You, Yourself, are God's Son!" And so, while speaking respectful directives, He was not permitting them to continue speaking, because (or: to continue sounding forth that) they had seen, and thus knew, Him to be the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah). [comment: note that Luke equates the terms "Christ" and "God's Son"]

Luke 6:16

16 Next Judah [the son of] Jacob (James), and then Judah (or: Judas) – who came to be (was birthed) one who gives in advance (or: one who gives-over before, in front or in preference).

Luke 7:13

13 So, upon seeing her, the Lord (Master; Owner) was on the spot affected in His inner parts and felt tender compassion upon her, and so said to her, "Stop weeping (or: Do not continue crying)!"

Luke 8:13

13 "Now those upon the rock-mass [are] those who – whenever they should hear – continue welcoming and receiving the Word (thought; idea; message) with joy. And yet, these do not continue having a root. They are folks who continue trusting and believing for a season, and then, during a season (or: within a situation) of testing and trial, they progressively stand off and position themselves away, continuing to withdraw.

Luke 9:3

3 He also said, pertaining to (with a view to) them, "You men make it a habit to lift up and carry nothing into the path (road; way) – neither staff, nor food pouch (or: beggar's bag), nor loaf of bread, nor silver (= money), nor even to be having two tunics (undergarments) apiece.

Luke 9:16

16 Now after taking (or: receiving) the five loaves and the two fishes [and] looking up into the sky (or: the atmosphere; the heaven), He spoke words of blessing and well-being on them, then completely broke [them] down into pieces and began giving [them] to the disciples to set beside the crowd.

Luke 9:27

27 "Now I am presently saying to you folks truthfully (or: I presently tell you folks, truly) there are certain people of those now standing here in this place who can under no circumstances taste (= partake of or experience) death until they can (or: should) see and perceive God's reign (or: sovereign influence and activity; kingdom)."

Luke 9:46

46 Now later, a reasoning and a discussion entered in among them – the [topic being] who might continue being [the] greatest (= most important) of them.

Luke 9:48

48 and then says to them, "Whoever may welcome and favorably receive this little child – upon the basis of My Name – continues welcoming and favorably receiving Me. And whoever may welcome and favorably receive Me constantly welcomes and favorably receiving the One sending Me off on a mission and as an emissary (representative). You see, the one habitually subsisting inherently as one under the leader or subordinate to the chief, and thus the smaller and lesser person among you all, this person is a great one."

Luke 10:4

4 "Do not continue carrying a bag (belt; purse) for money, nor a food or beggar's pouch, neither sandals – and you should not embrace or greet anyone down along the path (road; way). [comment: be barefoot priests: treat the Land as holy; villages as temples – Bruce Chilton]

Luke 10:41

41 But making a discerning response, the Lord [other MSS: Jesus] said to her, "Martha, Martha, you continue being anxious (overly concerned) and constantly troubled (upset) about many things [note: perhaps referring to the courses of the dinner],

Luke 11:4

4 And then at once send away (divorce and cause to flow off; forgive) for us our failures and mistakes (sins; times and occasions of missing the target) – for we, ourselves, are also habitually sending away (causing to flow off and forgiving) for everyone continually owing and being indebted to us. And would (or: may) You not at any point lead, bring or carry us into a [time or situation of] examination, testing or trial where we are put to the proof, but to the contrary, at once bring us out of danger, away from the worthless person, or the one of malicious intent or who has bad and unprofitable qualities (or: the bad situation; the wicked person; the miserable condition; the painful labor; the unprofitable endeavor).'"

Luke 12:9

9 "But the person denying (disowning; renouncing) Me in the sight and presence of people (or: humanity) will continue being fully denied (disowned so as to be written off; fully renounced) in the sight and presence of God's agents and messengers (folks with the message). 10 "And furthermore, everyone who utters a word (declares a thought; speaks a message) [aimed] into the midst of the Son of the Man (the Son of the Human Being; = Adam's Son; or: = a human), it will be forgiven and sent away for him (or: let go away from him). Yet for the one speaking abusively (or: slandering; speaking injuriously; blaspheming) into the Set-apart Breath-effect (the Holy Spirit; Sacred Breath or Attitude), it will not be forgiven or sent away.

Luke 12:29-31

29 "And thus, as for you folks, stop constantly seeking what you can (or: should) eat, and what you can (or: should) drinkand stop being repeatedly unsettled and in suspense. 30 "You see, all the ethnic multitudes (the nations; the non-Jews; = the pagans) of the ordered system (world of governments, cultures and religions; secular society) are habitually searching for and seeking out all these things – yet your Father has seen, and thus knows, that you folks constantly need these things. 31 "However, and more so, be continuously seeking His [other MSS: God's] reign (rule; kingship; sovereignty; kingdom; sovereign influence and activities), and all these things will continue being set toward, and then added to, you people. 32 "Stop fearing (or: Do not continue being wary), little flock, because it delights the Father (or: because the Father thought it good, and thus, approved) to give the rule (reign; kingship; kingdom; sovereign influence and activities) to you folks.

Luke 12:37

37 "Those slaves [are] happy and fortunate whom the master (lord; owner) – upon coming – will proceed to find being continuously awake, alert and watchful. Truly (or: Amen; It is so; Count on it)! I say to you folks that he will proceed to gird himself about (as with an apron) and will continue in causing them to recline [at a meal]. Then, coming alongside, he will give attending service to them! (or, as a question: In truth, I am now asking you: Will he proceed to tie an apron around himself then have them lie back for dinner and then serve them?)

Luke 12:50

50 "Now I continue having an immersion (or: a baptism) [in which] to be immersed and saturated (plunged and baptized) – and how am I continuing being held together, until it can be brought to its purposed goal and destiny? (or: and how [greatly] I am being pressed together {or: constrained; sustained; held in custody; gripped} till it should be finished and accomplished!)

Luke 14:15

15 Now on hearing these things, someone of the fellow guests (a certain one of those lying back together [at the meal]) said to Him, "Whoever will continue eating bread (= a meal) within God's reign (kingdom; royal rule and domain) [will be] happy, blessed and fortunate."

Luke 16:31

31 "Still, he rejoined to him, 'Since (or: If) they are not in the habit of listening to or hearing Moses and the Prophets, neither will they proceed in being persuaded if someone should arise and stand up out from among [the] dead folks.'"

Luke 17:7-9

7 "Now which one [is there] from among you folks normally having a slave [who is] regularly plowing or tending [sheep, or, cattle], who – upon [his] entering from out of the field – will say to him, 'Upon coming by [the dining area], immediately recline back [for dinner] '? 8 "To the contrary, will he not rather proceed saying to him, 'At once prepare and make ready what I will eat for the evening meal, and, after girding yourself about (e.g., putting on an apron; or: tightening your belt and tucking in your clothing), continue giving me attending service until I can be eating and drinking. Then, after that, you yourself will proceed eating and drinking'? 9 "He does not continue having gratitude for (or: holding favor to) the slave because he did (or: does) the things being fully arranged (specifically assigned and prescribed), does he? I think (assume; presume; imagine) not!

Luke 18:11

11 "The Pharisee, while standing, began praying these things to himself: 'O God, I continue giving thanks to You that I am not even as the rest of mankind – extortioners, unjust folks, adulterers – or even as this tax collector!

Luke 18:31

31 Now, taking aside the twelve, He said to them, "Look, and consider this. We are progressively walking up into Jerusalem, and all the things having been written through the prophets for (or: pertaining to) the Son of the Man (= the eschatological messianic figure; = Adam's Son) will progressively be brought to their purposed goal and destiny (or: finished; completed; perfected; made fully functional).

Luke 19:5

5 Then as He came upon the place, upon looking up Jesus said to him, "Zacchaeus, while hurrying, climb down at once, for it is necessary for Me to stay at your house today."

Luke 19:17

17 "Then he said to him, 'Well done, [you are] an excellent slave! Because you came to be faithful and trustworthy in a least thing (= a small matter), be constantly holding (or: having) top authority over ten towns (or: cities).'

Luke 19:29-40

29 Then it came to pass, as He neared Bethphage and Bethany – at (or: facing toward) the mountain being normally called Olivet (or: the Mount of Olives) – [that] He sent off two of the disciples on a mission, saying, 30 "Be now going, under [these directions], down into the village facing [us] within which, after entering, you will find a colt tied [there] – one upon which not even one person at any time sat down. And then, after loosing [it], lead it [here]. 31 "And if anyone may be asking you, 'Why (For what [purpose]) are you now loosing [it]?' you will respond in this way, 'The Lord (or: Master) is now having need of it.'"

Luke 19:31

31 "And if anyone may be asking you, 'Why (For what [purpose]) are you now loosing [it]?' you will respond in this way, 'The Lord (or: Master) is now having need of it.'" 32 So, after leaving, those who were sent off found [it] just as He told them.

Luke 19:32

32 So, after leaving, those who were sent off found [it] just as He told them. 33 Now upon their having loosed the colt, its owners said to them, "Why are you now loosing the colt?" 34 So they said, "The Lord (or: Master) is now having need of it."

Luke 19:34

34 So they said, "The Lord (or: Master) is now having need of it." 35 Then they led it to Jesus, and after throwing their cloaks (or: outer garments) upon the colt, they mounted Jesus on [it]. 36 Now then, during His traveling along, folks began strewing, scattering and spreading out their cloaks and outer garments on the path, under [Him]. 37 But at His already progressively drawing near to the road descending the slope from the Mount of Olives, the entire multitude of the disciples started continuously rejoicing – to be repeatedly praising God, in a great (or: loud) voice, concerning all of the powers and abilities (= works and deeds of power) which they had seen and perceived, 38 repeatedly and one after another saying, "Having been spoken well of and blessed [is] the One presently and progressively coming in [the authority of] and in union with the Name of [the] Lord [= Yahweh]: the King! [Ps. 118:26] Peace and shalom within the midst of heaven (or: in [the] atmosphere), and a manifestation which calls forth praise (or: glory and a good reputation) in union with the highest places, and in [the authority of the] highest Ones!" 39 Then some of the Pharisees from the crowd said to Him, "Teacher, at once give [your] valued advice to your disciples [to restrain and silence them]!" 40 And yet, giving discerning and decided response, He said, "I am now saying to you folks, If these people will proceed to be silent and continue keeping quiet, the stones will proceed crying out, screaming and exclaiming (or: breaking into cheers)!"

Luke 19:47-48

47 Later, He was repeatedly teaching, daily, within the midst of the Temple courts and grounds. But the chief (or: ranking) priests and the scribes (scholars; Torah experts; theologians) – along with the foremost folks (or: leaders) of the people – kept on trying to find [a way] to destroy Him, 48 and yet they were not finding the [solution for] what they could do, for you see, all the people – continuously listening – kept hanging on His [words].

Luke 20:3-7

3 So making a discerning reply, He said to them, "I, too, will myself proceed asking (or: interrogating) you men a [other MSS: one] question, and you tell Me (and then you folks reply to Me): 4 "The immersion conducted by John (or: John's baptism) – was it from heaven (or: of [the] atmosphere), or of human source?" 5 So then they reasoned together to each other, and drew conclusions, saying, "If we should say (reply),'From heaven,' he will continue saying, 'Why did you not trust and believe in him?' 6 "Yet if we should say (or: reply),'From humans,' all the people will proceed in hurling stones down on us, for they have been persuaded and remain confident that John is to be permanently [held as and reckoned] a prophet." 7 And so they gave the decided answer not to have seen and thus not to know from where (= its source).

Luke 20:19

19 At this, the scribes (scholars and theologians) and the chief priests sought (tried to find [some way]) to throw [their] hands on Him in that very hour, and yet they feared the people. You see, they realized that He spoke this illustration (parable) [with an aim] toward them.

Luke 20:41-44

41 In turn, He said to them, "How are they normally saying [that] the Christ (the Anointed One; = the expected Messiah) is to be David's son (= a descendant of David)? 42 "For David himself says in the scroll of Psalms, '[The] Lord [= Yahweh] said to my Lord, "Continue sitting, from My right (= Be constantly ruling from out of My high positions of power and places of honor) 43 Until I should be placing (setting) those hostile to You [as] a footstool of Your feet.' [Ps. 110:1] 44 "Therefore, David is habitually calling Him 'Lord (Master; Owner),' and so how is He his Son?"

Luke 21:31

31 "In this same way, then (or: also), you yourselves: whenever you folks may see (or: perceive) these things progressively coming to be (occurring; happening; being birthed), be progressively knowing from experience that God's reigning and activity of sovereignty (or: the kingdom and royal rule of God) is (or: exist being) close at hand – near enough to touch (= has arrived and is accessible)! It is true (or: Amen; Count on it).

Luke 21:33

33 "The sky and the land (or: This heaven and earth) will be progressively passing on by, yet My words (thoughts and ideas; or: messages) will under no circumstances proceed to be passing on by. 34 "So you people make it a habit to hold your attention to yourselves, and hold to each other, lest at some time your hearts may be weighed down or burdened – in the midst of a hangover (or: headache nausea or giddiness from an overindulgence in wine), and in drunkenness (intoxication) – as well as by anxiety (or: care; concern; worry) in the daily matters pertaining to living, and then that day take its stand upon you folks unforeseen (with unexpected suddenness), as a trap (a snare; a net; something that will catch and hold). 35 "You see, it will continue coming in upon (or: enter on) all the people normally sitting (= presently dwelling) upon [the] face (= surface) of the entire Land (or: all the earth). 36 "So you people be constantly staying awake, alert and watchful – in each season and every situation (or: in union with every fertile moment and on every occasion) – repeatedly asking with urgency, or begging, so that you can be fully strong to flee out and escape all these things being presently and progressively about to be happening, and then to be placed (or: cause to stand) in front of the Son of the Man (the Human Being; = Adam's Son; = the eschatological messianic figure)." 37 Now He was [during] the days repeatedly teaching within the Temple courts and grounds, yet [during] the nights, after going out into the mountain, He was making it a habit to spend the night (camp out) [in the midst of] the Mount of Olives.

Luke 21:37-38

37 Now He was [during] the days repeatedly teaching within the Temple courts and grounds, yet [during] the nights, after going out into the mountain, He was making it a habit to spend the night (camp out) [in the midst of] the Mount of Olives. 38 And so, all the people kept on arising early in the morning [to come] to Him within the Temple courts (or: grounds), to continue listening to and hearing Him.

Luke 22:1

1 Now the festival of the unleavened [bread] (or: feast of Matzah) – the one being normally termed Passover – continued drawing near.

Luke 22:3-6

3 Now an adversary (or: an opposing purpose or attitude) entered into Judah (or: Judas) – the man normally being called Iscariot, being [a member] of the number of the twelve. 4 And so, after going off (or: away), he discussed (or: conferred) with the chief (or: head) priest and military leaders (or: officers) about how he could turn Him over to them.

Luke 22:4

4 And so, after going off (or: away), he discussed (or: conferred) with the chief (or: head) priest and military leaders (or: officers) about how he could turn Him over to them. 5 Then they rejoiced and placed themselves together in agreement to give him silver coins. 6 And out of this same word (or: discussion) he consented, so then he began trying to find a good situation (or: opportunity) – without a crowd [around] – turn Him over to them.

Luke 22:16

16 "You see, I am now telling you folks that I can (or: may; would) under no circumstances be eating it [other MSS: of or from it] [again] until [the time] when it can (or: until [the circumstances] in which it may or would) be fulfilled in union with God's reign (or: within the midst of God's kingdom; in the sovereign influence and activity which is God)."

Luke 22:16-18

16 "You see, I am now telling you folks that I can (or: may; would) under no circumstances be eating it [other MSS: of or from it] [again] until [the time] when it can (or: until [the circumstances] in which it may or would) be fulfilled in union with God's reign (or: within the midst of God's kingdom; in the sovereign influence and activity which is God)." 17 Then, after receiving a cup [and] speaking a word of the goodness of favor and grace (or: upon taking in hand a cup [of wine], then giving thanks), He said, "Take and receive this, and then distribute [it] into the midst of (= among) yourselves.

Luke 22:17-18

17 Then, after receiving a cup [and] speaking a word of the goodness of favor and grace (or: upon taking in hand a cup [of wine], then giving thanks), He said, "Take and receive this, and then distribute [it] into the midst of (= among) yourselves.

Luke 22:17-20

17 Then, after receiving a cup [and] speaking a word of the goodness of favor and grace (or: upon taking in hand a cup [of wine], then giving thanks), He said, "Take and receive this, and then distribute [it] into the midst of (= among) yourselves. 18 "You see, I am now saying to you [twelve] that from now on I can under no circumstances drink from the product of the grapevine until which [time or occasion that] God's reign comes (or: the sovereign influence and activity which is God can set out and journey on)."

Luke 22:18-20

18 "You see, I am now saying to you [twelve] that from now on I can under no circumstances drink from the product of the grapevine until which [time or occasion that] God's reign comes (or: the sovereign influence and activity which is God can set out and journey on)." 19 And then, taking in hand a loaf of bread – [and again] speaking a word of favor and grace (or: giving thanks) – He broke [it] in pieces and gave [it] to them, while saying, "This [bread] is (or: = represents) My body (or: the body which is Me) – it is presently and continuously being given over you folks (or: that which is customarily given on your behalf and over your [situation]). You folks are normally doing this unto My memorial (or, reading as an imperative: Habitually do this with a view to My commemoration)."

Luke 22:19-20

19 And then, taking in hand a loaf of bread – [and again] speaking a word of favor and grace (or: giving thanks) – He broke [it] in pieces and gave [it] to them, while saying, "This [bread] is (or: = represents) My body (or: the body which is Me) – it is presently and continuously being given over you folks (or: that which is customarily given on your behalf and over your [situation]). You folks are normally doing this unto My memorial (or, reading as an imperative: Habitually do this with a view to My commemoration)." 20 Also, the cup, as thusly [is done] with (or: similarly after) the [occasion] to eat the dinner, continuing in saying, "This, the cup [of wine], [is; represents; seals] the new arrangement (or: the covenant which is new in character and quality) in union with, and within the midst of, My blood (or: the blood which is Me) – it is presently and continuously being poured out over you folks (or: that which is customarily poured out on your behalf).

Luke 22:20-20

20 Also, the cup, as thusly [is done] with (or: similarly after) the [occasion] to eat the dinner, continuing in saying, "This, the cup [of wine], [is; represents; seals] the new arrangement (or: the covenant which is new in character and quality) in union with, and within the midst of, My blood (or: the blood which is Me) – it is presently and continuously being poured out over you folks (or: that which is customarily poured out on your behalf). 21 "Moreover, look and consider – the hand of the person in the process of turning Me in (or: giving Me over) [is now] with Me upon the table (= is present here with us). 22 "because indeed, the Son of the Man (the Human Being; = Adam's Son) is progressively going His way – corresponding to and in accord with that which has been determined by marking off the boundaries. But more than that, tragic will be the fate for that person through whom He is being turned in (or: given over)."

Luke 22:30

30 to the end that you folks can continuously eat and drink at My table, in union with My reign and in the midst of My kingdom and sovereign activities, and now you can habitually sit upon thrones, repeatedly making separations in, evaluations of and decisions for the twelve tribes (or: clans) of Israel. [note: the twelve tribes had been scattered; the last clauses uses the present tenses]

Luke 22:32

32 "But I Myself urgently asked concerning you, [Simon], to the end that your trust and faith would not leave from out of [you] (or: = give out). And so at some point, you yourself, upon turning around, make your brothers immovable (or: stabilize and establish your fellow members)." 33 So then he said to Him, "Lord (Master), I am ready and prepared to proceed going on with You, both into jail (or: prison) and even into death." 34 Yet He said, "I am now saying to you, Peter, a rooster (cock) will not proceed crowing today, until you will three times proceed in denying to have seen or known Me."

Luke 22:34

34 Yet He said, "I am now saying to you, Peter, a rooster (cock) will not proceed crowing today, until you will three times proceed in denying to have seen or known Me."

Luke 22:38

38 So they said, "Look, Lord, here [are] two swords!" And so He replied to them, "It is enough (or: That is sufficient)."

Luke 22:40

40 So, on coming to be at the place, He said to them, "Be habitually praying (or: Be repeatedly expressing a wish with a view toward goodness and for having it well, so as) not to enter into an attempt to bring you into a test which will put you to the proof or will try you."

Luke 22:44

44 Then, coming to be within the midst of great inner tension and conflict (or: agony and anxiety), He continued praying more intensely and more stretched out, and so His sweat came to be as it were large drops and clots of blood, steadily dropping down upon the ground.

Luke 22:46

46 And so He said to them, "Why do you folks continue sleeping? Upon standing up (or: rising), carry on thinking of having ease and well-being (or: praying), so that you folks would not enter into a test or a trial."

Luke 22:49

49 But upon seeing the [situation] that was going to exist (or: perceiving what was going to happen), the men around Him said, "Lord (or: Master), shall we strike with (i.e., in [the use of]) a sword?"

Luke 22:52

52 So then Jesus said to the folks arriving upon Him and at His side – chief (or: ranking) priests and officers of the Temple, as well as elders, "Do you come out with swords and clubs and staffs, as upon a robber?

Luke 22:61-62

61 And then, after being turned, the Lord looked within (or: on; at) Peter, and Peter was reminded of the Lord's saying (or: gush-effect; spoken word; declaration) as He said to him, "Before a rooster (or: cock) is to crow today, you will proceed denying and disowning Me three times." 62 And so, after going outside, he wept bitterly.

Luke 23:3

3 So Pilate questioned Him, saying, "Are you, yourself, the king of the Judeans?" Now making a decided response to him, He affirmed, "You, yourself, are now saying [it; so]."

Luke 23:32

32 Now two different men, criminals (evildoers; men whose works are ugly, of bad quality and worthless), were being progressively led together with Him to be lifted up (= executed by crucifixion).

Luke 24:25-27

25 Then He said to them, "O senseless (or: unintelligent; mindless) and slow at heart to be trusting and believing on all things which the prophets spoke! 26 "Did it not continue necessary for the Christ (the Anointed One) to experience and suffer these things – and then to enter into His glory (or: His assumed appearance)?" 27 And so, beginning from Moses, and then from all the prophets, He continued to fully interpret and explain to (or: for) them the things pertaining to (or: the references about) Himself within all the Scriptures.

Luke 24:30

30 And then it happened – during the [situation for] Him to be reclining [at the meal] with them! After taking (or: receiving) the loaf of bread, He spoke words of well-being and blessing. Then, after breaking [it], He began giving [it] to them.

Luke 24:44-46

44 Now He says to them, "These [were] My words (thoughts; ideas; or: This [is] My message) – which I spoke to you folks, while yet being together with you – That it continues binding and necessary for all the things having been written within the Law of Moses, and in the Prophets and Psalms, concerning Me, to be fulfilled." 45 At that time He fully opened back up again their minds to be habitually making the Scriptures flow together (or: to continue putting the Scriptures together so as to comprehend [them]), 46 And then He says to them, "Thus is has been written [other MSS add: and thus it continued binding] [about] the Christ (the Anointed One): He was to suffer, and then to rise (or: stand back up again) from out of the midst of dead folks – on the third day –

Luke 24:46-46

46 And then He says to them, "Thus is has been written [other MSS add: and thus it continued binding] [about] the Christ (the Anointed One): He was to suffer, and then to rise (or: stand back up again) from out of the midst of dead folks – on the third day –

John 1:34

34 "And so I myself have seen and given witness, and thus now bear testimony, that this One is God’s Son (or: continuously exists being the Son which is God; or: the Son having the character and qualities of God; or: the Son from God)."

John 1:49

49 Nathaniel considered and replied to Him, "Rabbi, You – You are the Son of God! You – You are Israel’s King!"

John 2:5

5 His mother proceeds speaking, saying to the attending servants, "Do at once whatever (or: anything which) He may be telling (or: saying to) you."

John 2:25

25 and because He was not having (had not been continually holding) a need requiring that anyone should bear witness (or: give testimony or evidence) about mankind (or: humanity; the [corporate] Man), for He Himself was constantly (had been habitually) knowing by intimate experience what was continuing to be within mankind (the human; the [corporate] Man).

John 4:34

34 Jesus then says to them, "My food is (or: exists being) that I should do (can perform; would produce; [other MSS: can continuously be doing; or: habitually do]) the will intent and purpose of the One sending Me, and that I should and would bring His work to its purposed goal and destiny (or: can complete His act; may finish and perfect His deed).

John 5:30

30 "I Myself am continually unable (or: As for Me, I habitually have no power or ability) to be doing anything from Myself: correspondingly as I am continuously hearing, I am habitually sifting, separating, evaluating and deciding (or: judging), and My deciding (separating and evaluating; judging) is right and just (continues being in accord with the Way pointed out and is turned in the right direction of fairness, equity, justice and right relationship), because I am not seeking my own will (intent; purpose), but rather the purpose (intent; will) of the One sending Me.

John 5:39-47

39 "You folks continuously search (or, as an imperative: Be constantly searching) the Scriptures, because within them you yourselves are habitually presuming to be presently and continuously holding eonian life (or: because you folks are normally supposing for yourselves to be habitually having – in union with them – life pertaining to, and having the qualities and characteristics of, the Age [perhaps: = the life of the coming age]), and those [Scriptures] are (exist being) the ones continuously testifying about Me (constantly giving evidence concerning and bearing witness around Me). 40 "And yet you people continue not willing (or: presently refuse and habitually do not intend) to come toward (or: to; face to face with) Me, so that you may presently be having Life (or: would continuously hold and possess [this] life). 41 "I have no habit of receiving glory from humans (or: I am not continuing to take a reputation at the side of people, nor do I normally get opinions from [them]), 42 "but rather, I have come to know you folks by personal experience, that you people do not continuously hold (or: do not presently have) God’s love (or: the love which is God; or: love pertaining to God) within yourselves. 43 "Now I Myself have come within my Father’s Name, and you folks are not proceeding to receive Me; if another one may come within his own name, you will proceed to receive that one. 44 "How are you folks, yourselves, able to trust or believe, when habitually getting a reputation and receiving fame (or: repeatedly taking opinions and glory) from one another, and yet you folks are not constantly seeking the glory (or: reputation; opinion; manifestation which calls forth praise) which comes from the only God (or: from God alone)? 45 "Stop thinking (supposing; presuming; having opinions) that I, Myself, will publicly speak down against (or: accuse) you folks to the Father; the one constantly accusing (publicly speaking down against) you people is (or: exists being) Moses, into whom you folks have put your expectation, and on whom you now rely. 46 "For if you folks had been trusting by, adhering to, having loyalty for and believing in Moses, you would have been trusting by, adhering to and believing in Me: for that one wrote about Me! 47 "Yet if you are not habitually trusting by, adhering to, having loyalty for and believing in that one’s writings, how will [other MSS: do] you folks continue to trust by, have loyalty for, adhere to and believe in My sayings (or: My declarations; My gush-effects; the results from flow in Me)?"

John 6:23

23 And further, boats from out of Tiberias came near the place where they ate the bread, from the Lord giving thanks (whose source was the Owner expressing gratitude).

John 6:27

27 "Stop continuously working or doing business for the food which is continuously disintegrating of itself (loosing itself away; destroying itself), but rather [for] the Food continuously remaining (abiding; dwelling) into eonian Life (life originating from, existing in, having the characteristics and qualities of, the Age; age-enduring and eon-lasting life) which the Son of the Man (of Humanity; of the human; of mankind; or: = the Human Being) will continue giving to you (or: in you; for you) folks, for This One (or: This Man) Father God seals (or: for God, the Father, put [His] seal [showing ownership and/or approval and/or authority] upon a person [doing] this; or: you see, this One the Father sealed: God)."

John 6:38

38 "because I have stepped down to this level (or: descended), away from the heaven (or: the atmosphere), not to the end that I should continue doing My will (purpose; intent), but to the contrary, the will (intent; purpose) of the One sending Me.

John 6:50-58

50 "this is (or: continuously exists being) the Bread which is repeatedly (or: constantly) stepping down from out of the atmosphere (or: progressively descending from heaven) to the end that ANYONE may eat from out of It and not die (or: he can, or would, not die; [B reads: and he can continue not dying]). 51 "I Myself am (or: continuously exist being) the continuously living Bread – the One stepping down (or: descending) from out of the midst of the atmosphere (or: heaven). If anyone should eat from out of this Bread, he will continue living on into the Age. Now the Bread, also, which I Myself will continue giving over (or: for the sake of) the life of the world (the ordered system; or: = ‘the totality of human social existence’ – Walter Wink; the aggregate of humanity) is (or: continuously exists being) My flesh!"

John 6:51

51 "I Myself am (or: continuously exist being) the continuously living Bread – the One stepping down (or: descending) from out of the midst of the atmosphere (or: heaven). If anyone should eat from out of this Bread, he will continue living on into the Age. Now the Bread, also, which I Myself will continue giving over (or: for the sake of) the life of the world (the ordered system; or: = ‘the totality of human social existence’ – Walter Wink; the aggregate of humanity) is (or: continuously exists being) My flesh!" 52 Therefore, the Jews (= religious authorities) began violently arguing (disputing; warring [with words]) toward one another, constantly saying, "How is this one presently able to give us his flesh to eat?" 53 Then Jesus said to them, "Most truly (Amen, amen) I am now laying out the arrangement for (or: saying to) you people: unless you folks should at some point eat the flesh of the Son of the Human (the Son of man; = the eschatological messianic figure), and then would drink His blood (or: since you would not eat the flesh which is the Human Being, and further, drink His blood), you are continuing not holding (or: habitually having or presently possessing) Life within yourselves! 54 "The person habitually eating (continuously chewing or masticating) My flesh and drinking My blood is continuously possessing (habitually holding; progressively having) eonian Life (life derived from and having the qualities of the Age; age-enduring and eon-lasting life), and I Myself will proceed raising, resurrecting and standing him back up again in the Last Day (or: for and by the last Day), 55 "for My flesh is (or: constantly exists being) true (real; genuine) food, and My blood is (or: continuously exists being) true (real; genuine) drink. 56 "The person habitually eating (constantly chewing [on]) My flesh and repeatedly drinking My blood is continuously remaining (abiding; dwelling) within, and in union with, Me – and I Myself within, and in union with, him. 57 "Just as (or: In corresponding accordance as) the continuously-living Father sent Me off (or: forth) as an Emissary (commissions Me as a Representative and sends Me on a mission), and I, Myself, am continuously living through (or: because of) the Father, likewise he who is habitually eating (repeatedly chewing and feeding [on]) Me, that person will also continue living, through (or: because of; by means of) Me. 58 "This is (or: continuously exists being) the Bread: the One stepping down (or: descending) from out of the midst of heaven (or: [the] sky and atmosphere) – not according as the fathers ate and died. The person habitually eating (continually chewing and feeding [on]) this Bread will continue living [p66 & others read middle: will in (or: of) himself continue living; D reads present: is continuously living] on into the Age."

John 6:67-68

67 Then Jesus says to the twelve, "You men are not also wanting (or: intending) to be going away (or: to progressively withdraw), are you?" (or: “Don’t you men want to leave, too?”) 68 Then Simon Peter decidedly gave answer to Him, "O Lord (Master; Owner), toward whom shall we proceed to go away? You continue holding (or: constantly have; habitually hold [out]) gush-effects of eonian Life (sayings and declarations of life whose source and origin are the Age [of Messiah]; results of the flows of things spoken pertaining to life of and for the ages)!

John 6:70-71

70 Jesus considered and gave answer to them, "Do I Myself not select and pick you out – the twelve – for Myself (or: Did I not choose you twelve Myself)? And one from among you men is a person who thrusts things through [people] (or: a devil)!" 71 Now, He was speaking of Judah (or: Judas), [son] of Simon Iscariot, for this one – one from out of [other MSS: being a part of] the twelve – was about to proceed handing Him over.

John 7:25-26

25 Then some of the inhabitants of Jerusalem said, "Is not this one he whom they (= the group of leaders) are presently seeking to kill? 26 "And look! He continues speaking in public openness (boldly as though being a citizen) – and they continue saying nothing to him. The chief rulers (or: "the authorities") have not at some point come to really know personally that this one is the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah), have they?

John 7:30

30 Then they began seeking to catch hold of and arrest (or: seize) Him – but still no one laid a hand upon Him, because His hour had not yet come.

John 7:45

45 Therefore the subordinate officials (officers; deputies; those who act under orders) went to the chief (or: ranking) priests and Pharisees, and so those fellows said to them, "Why (Through what situation) did you not bring him (or: Wherefore do you not lead him [here])?"

John 8:31

31 Therefore, Jesus began saying to the Jews who had trusted and were now believing by Him (or: in Him), "If you yourselves would remain (can dwell; should abide) within My word (My message; My communication; My expressed thought; My Idea), you folks are, and continue being, truly (really; genuinely) My disciples (or: learners from Me),

John 8:43-45

43 "How (Through what [situation]) is it that you folks consistently do not understand (have personal, experiential knowledge of) the matter of My discourse or the way I’m speaking (= Why don't you understand what I'm saying)? Because you have no power (are unable) to continue hearing My word (or: to repeatedly or progressively listen to My message, thought or idea). 44 "You folks, in particular, are (exist and have your being) from out of, and have your source in, the ancestor who cast [an object] through [someone] (or: the father, the devil; or: the devil father; or: the father – the one thrusting [words or issues] through [folks/groups] and dividing them), and you are habitually wanting (willing; intending; purposing) to be constantly doing your father's passionate cravings (full-rushing over-desires). That one was existing being a murderer (a killer of humanity) from [his/its] beginning (or: from [the] start; from [its] origin; or: from headship, chieftainhood, government or rule), and he/it has not stood and does not now stand within the Truth (or: it had not made a stand in union with reality), because truth is not (openness and reality does not exist) within him (or: it). Whenever he/it may be speaking the lie, he/it is continuing speaking from out of his own things – because he/it is (or: continues existing being) a liar, and its father [note: either the father of the lie, or of the liar]. 45 "On the other hand – because I Myself am continually saying the truth (speaking reality)! – you folks are not presently trusting or believing Me (or: in Me).

John 9:27-28

27 He decidedly answered them, "I told you already, and you folks did not listen (or: hear; = pay attention)! Why are you now wanting to hear [it] again? You are not wanting to become his disciples, also, are you?" 28 So now they hurled abuse at him (railed and reviled him) and said, "You are now a disciple of that fellow, but we ourselves are disciples of Moses!

John 10:24-26

24 Then the Jews (= religious authorities) surrounded (or: encircled) Him, and began to say to Him, "Until when are you continuing to lift up our soul (= How long are you going to constantly keep us in suspense, or with high expectations)? If YOU (or: you yourself) are the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah), openly (outspokenly; boldly and publicly, with freedom of speech, as a citizen) tell us!" 25 Jesus directly answered them, "I did tell you folks, and you continue not trusting or believing with conviction. The works (The deeds; The actions) which I Myself am continually doing (or: progressively performing; regularly producing) within My Father's Name, these are continuously bearing witness (giving testimony; showing evidence) about Me. 26 "But you folks yourselves are not in the habit of trusting or believing, because you are not from out of My sheep (or: because you presently exist being no sheep of Mine), just as I told you,

John 10:30

30 "I and the Father are (continuously exist being) ONE (or: I and Father: We are one thing [= essence, nature or being]; or: = unity; union)."

John 10:35

35 "Since He said 'gods' [= elohim] to whom God's Word (or: Logos) came to be (or: toward whom the Idea, whose source and origin is God, was birthed; toward whom God's message proceeded and was directed into existence) – and it is not possible (or: there is no power) for the Scripture [= the Tanakh] to be loosened, to be undone so as to nullify, or to be destroyed – 36 "are you yourselves now saying to the One Whom the Father set apart (consecrated as holy) and sent forth as an Emissary (on a mission; as a Representative) into the organized System (into the world; into the cosmos; unto the realm of the secular; into the religious and cultural complex) – that 'You are blaspheming (speaking impious villainy and giving a false image [of God]),' because I said, 'I am (exist being) God's Son'?

John 11:28

28 And upon saying this she went off (or: came away) and summoned (or: called) Mary (or: Miriam), her sister, secretly (covertly) saying, "The Teacher is present (= is now here), and He is calling for (or: summoning) you."

John 11:40

40 Jesus proceeds saying to her, "Did I not say to you that if you would trust and believe you will be habitually seeing God's glory (God's manifestation which calls forth praise; or: a notion which is God; God’s reputation; the vision and fancy of God; God’s expectation; the imagination of God)?"

John 11:47-53

47 Consequently, the chief (or: ranking) priests and the Pharisees gathered [the] Sanhedrin (= convoked a council of the leaders of the Jewish religious and political culture), and they began to say, "What are we presently doing, seeing that this man is repeatedly doing many signs? 48 "If we let him go on in this way (or: If we disregard him in this manner; or: Suppose we thus abandon, neglect or leave him alone), they will all progressively put trust (will continue believing) into him, the Romans will proceed to come, and they will progressively take away both our place and our nation (= political station, culture and corporate ethnic identity)." 49 Yet one of them, Caiaphas, being chief priest of that year, said to them, "You people have not seen, nor perceived, nor know anything, 50 "neither are you logically reasoning or taking into account the fact that he is progressively bringing it together for you (or: it is advantageously bringing things together for you), so that one man can die over (or: to the end that one person should and would die away for the sake of [in the sense of "instead of"]) the People, and not [that] the whole nation should destroy itself!" 51 Now, he did not say this from himself, but to the contrary, being chief priest of that year, he prophesied that Jesus was being about to be dying away over [the situation of] (or: for the sake of) the Nation (or: ethnic group), 52 and not over [the condition of] the Nation (or: on behalf of the ethnic group) only, but further, to the end that He could gather God's children together – those having been thoroughly scattered – into one (or: so that He would lead together into unity God’s divided, dissipated and disintegrated born-ones that have been dispersed throughout). 53 Therefore, from that day they deliberated and consulted together to the end that they should kill Him.

John 11:55-57

55 Now the Passover of the Jews (of the Jewish culture and religion) was coming to be near, and many went up into Jerusalem from out of the region (country; territory), before the Passover, so that they could purify (or: perform ritual cleansing for and of) themselves. 56 Consequently, they began trying to find (or: were looking out for or continued seeking) Jesus and would periodically converse with one another, as they had been standing within the Temple courts, saying, "What do you think or suppose (or: What is you opinion)?" "Surely he is not likely to come into the festival (or: feast)!" 57 As it was, the chief (or: ranking) priests and the Pharisees (= the Sanhedrin) had given goal-oriented directions, with imparted authority, so that if anyone may come to know where He is, he should disclose (or: report) it, so that they might lay hold of and seize Him.

John 11:57

57 As it was, the chief (or: ranking) priests and the Pharisees (= the Sanhedrin) had given goal-oriented directions, with imparted authority, so that if anyone may come to know where He is, he should disclose (or: report) it, so that they might lay hold of and seize Him.

John 12:6

6 He said this, though, not because it was normally a care (or: of interest) to him about the destitute (the poor people), but rather, because he had been existing as a thief, and, normally holding (or: having; [other MSS: used to be in possession of]) the money box (or: case; originally a receptacle for the "tongues" {i.e., mouth-pieces} of musical instruments), had been regularly carrying (or: bearing) the things being repeatedly (or: habitually) deposited. [note: the verb of being is the imperfect tense, and can refer to past practice; thus, John is not necessarily saying that Judas was currently a thief, but is pointing out his disposition toward money; the verb for carrying (bearing) can also be used in the sense of "bearing away," "removing," or "pilfering;" or, it can be used to signify "supporting; providing for" – this latter giving a different slant to John's words. Recall that Mark says that "some" had indignation, and Matt. says "the disciples" did, so Judas expressed a consensus. Also, in Matt. 26:6, they were in the same town, but at a different place – the house of Simon the leper – and an anonymous woman enters while they are eating, and this time pours the costly ointment on His head. Jesus gives a response similar to below]

John 12:27-28

27 "At the present time, My soul (inner self; feelings; emotion; will) has been stirred up (shaken; disturbed; troubled), and what can (or: should) I say? O Father, deliver (rescue; save) Me from out of the midst of this hour! (or: ?) But to the contrary, on account of this I come (or: came) into this hour.

John 12:27

27 "At the present time, My soul (inner self; feelings; emotion; will) has been stirred up (shaken; disturbed; troubled), and what can (or: should) I say? O Father, deliver (rescue; save) Me from out of the midst of this hour! (or: ?) But to the contrary, on account of this I come (or: came) into this hour. 28 "O Father, glorify Your Name (bring glory and renowned reputation to your Name in a manifestation which calls forth praise)!" Then a voice (or: sound) came from out of the midst of the heaven (or: the sky; the atmosphere): "I both bring (or: brought) glory to [it], and I will continue glorifying [it] again!"

John 12:37-43

37 Yet, [even with] His having performed (done; made; produced) so many signs in front of them, they were not proceeding to believe or place their trust into Him, 38 to the end that the word (or: message) of Isaiah the prophet could (may; should; would) be made full (or: fulfilled), which he said: "O Lord [= Yahweh], who trusts or believes in our report (tidings; the thing heard from us)? And to whom was the Lord's [= Yahweh's] arm unveiled (revealed; uncovered)?" [Isa. 53:1] 39 On account of this they were unable (or: they had no power) to be trusting or believing, because, again (= elsewhere), Isaiah says, 40 "He has blinded their eyes with the present result that they are still blind, and He hardened (or: petrified) their heart, to the end that they could (or: should; would) not see with [their] eyes nor could they direct [their] mind so as to perceive and get the thought in (or: with) the heart and be turned, so I, Myself, will proceed to heal (or: cure) them." [Isa. 6:10] 41 Isaiah said these things because he saw His glory and knew His reputation, and spoke about Him. 42 Just the same, however, many of the rulers also (or: many, even from among the chiefs,) believed and placed their trust into Him, but still, because of the Pharisees, they did not begin confessing (= openly avowing their faith) or keep on speaking in agreement so that they would not become ones cut off from (separated away from) the synagogue, 43 for they loved and held precious the opinion, esteem and reputation (the glory; the manifestation which calls forth praise) of the humans (or: from people) rather than even the opinion, esteem and reputation (the glory; the manifestation which calls forth the praise) of, and which come from, God.

John 13:1

1 Now before the festival (or: feast) of the Passover, Jesus, having seen and thus knowing that His hour comes (or: came) – to the end that He could (or: should; may; would) change His steps and move (walk differently; transfer; pass over to another place) from out of the midst of this world (ordered System; secular society; human aggregate; universe) toward the Father – loving His own [people? mankind? friends? disciples? created ones?]: those within the world (the System; society; the ordered universe), He loves them unto the end (or: the goal and attained destiny; the finished, purposed product; the accomplished and completed work; the consummation; or: = to the uttermost). 2 So, while the evening meal was progressively going on [other MSS: with, or after, the occurring of the evening meal] – the adversary (the one who thrusts something through folks; the devil) having already thrust (cast; hurled; thrown; = put) [the idea or conviction] into the heart of Judah (or: Judas), [son] of Simon Iscariot, that he should hand Him over (or: entrust and commit Him; or: = turn Him in) –

John 13:5-16

5 Next, He proceeds to cast water into the washbasin and was beginning to successively wash the feet of the disciples, and to continue to wipe [them] dry with the linen cloth (or: towel) with which He had girded Himself. 6 So He continues coming, then, toward Simon Peter, and that one then says to Him, "O Lord, You, Yourself – are you preparing to wash my feet?" 7 Jesus decidedly replies, and says to him, "What I Myself am presently doing, you yourself have not seen and do not understand at present (or: just now), yet after these things you will intimately learn and realize through experience." 8 Peter then says to Him, "Under no circumstances can You wash my feet ... unto the Age (= Not in the foreseeable future)!" From discerning, Jesus replied and said to him, "Unless I can (or: If I should not) wash you, you do not continue to hold (or: have) a part with Me." 9 Simon Peter then says to Him, "O Lord ... not my feet only, but also [my] hands and [my] head." 10 Jesus in turn says to him, "The person being one having bathed himself or herself (or, as a passive: being one having been washed and cleansed) does not continue having a need to wash himself or herself – except [his] feet – but rather she or he continues to exist being wholly clean. And you men continue being clean folks – but yet, not everyone (or: not all folks)." 11 For He had seen and knew the one in process of handing Him over. On account of this He said, "Not all are clean ones (or: All men are not clean ones; or: You are not all clean ones)." 12 After He had washed their feet, He took His outer garments (= He put them back on) and reclined back again, [and] says to them, "Are you men coming to know and personally understand what I have done for you (to you; in you; with and among you folks)? 13 "You men are repeatedly addressing (calling) Me 'Teacher (= Rabbi)' and 'Lord (Master),' and you keep on speaking (or: saying [it]) beautifully (ideally; finely), for I am. 14 "If I Myself, then, the Lord and the Teacher, wash your feet, you men also are constantly indebted (obliged; continuously owe it) to be habitually washing one another's feet, 15 "for I give (or: gave) an underlying example (or: result of something pointed out as a specimen or illustration shown under your eyes) to you folks, so that just (accordingly; correspondingly) as I Myself do (or: did) for (to; in; among) you, you men should also be repeatedly doing. 16 "Most assuredly (It is certainly true; Amen, amen), I am saying to you, a slave is not greater than his lord (owner; master), nor [is] one sent with a mission (an emissary; a representative) greater than the one sending him.

John 13:18

18 "I am not now speaking about all of you men. I Myself have seen and thus know which ones (or: whom) I select and pick out for Myself, but to the end that the Scripture may be fulfilled (made full; filled up), 'The one habitually eating (crunching; chewing) My bread [other MSS: the bread with Me] lifts (or: lifted) up his heel on (= walked away from; or, = turned against) Me.' [Ps. 41:9]

John 13:18-19

18 "I am not now speaking about all of you men. I Myself have seen and thus know which ones (or: whom) I select and pick out for Myself, but to the end that the Scripture may be fulfilled (made full; filled up), 'The one habitually eating (crunching; chewing) My bread [other MSS: the bread with Me] lifts (or: lifted) up his heel on (= walked away from; or, = turned against) Me.' [Ps. 41:9] 19 "From now (or: this moment) on, I am saying [it] to (or: telling) you folks before the [situation for it] is to come to be (is to be birthed; is to occur; = before it happens), so that you can (or: would) continue trusting and believing – when it may come to be (happen; occur) – that I am (or: because I Myself am Being; for I am continuous Existence; or: that I continue existing).

John 13:21-22

21 [On] saying these things, Jesus was shaken by the Spirit (or: troubled in mood or disturbed in the spirit; or: stirred with the Breath-effect and Attitude) and gave witness (testified), and said, "Most assuredly (It is certainly true; Amen, amen), I tell you (I am saying to you) that one from among you men will proceed in handing Me over." 22 Therefore the disciples began to glance and continued looking into one another, being perplexed (at a loss) about whom He is speaking.

John 13:22-25

22 Therefore the disciples began to glance and continued looking into one another, being perplexed (at a loss) about whom He is speaking. 23 Now one from among His disciples, whom Jesus was loving (also: was habitually accepting, cherishing, esteeming, admiring and appreciating), was by habit lying back (reclining) on the bosom (chest; = close beside Him, at His right, the place of honor and intimacy) of Jesus. 24 Therefore Simon Peter repeatedly nodded to this one, and then says to him, "Tell who it is [other MSS: Ask which one it might be], about whom He is now saying [this]." 25 Therefore that one, thus leaning back upon the chest of Jesus, says to Him, "Lord (Master), who is it?" 26 Jesus considers and then replies, "It is that one for whom I, Myself, will dip the morsel (bit of bread) and will give [it] to him." Then, after dipping the morsel in, He continues taking it in His hand and proceeds to give [it] to Judah (Judas), [son] of Simon Iscariot

John 13:26

26 Jesus considers and then replies, "It is that one for whom I, Myself, will dip the morsel (bit of bread) and will give [it] to him." Then, after dipping the morsel in, He continues taking it in His hand and proceeds to give [it] to Judah (Judas), [son] of Simon Iscariot 27and after the morsel, then the adversary (opponent; “satan”) enters into that one. Then Jesus proceeds to say to him, "What you are in process of doing (or: proceeding to do), do more quickly (or: promptly)."

John 13:36-37

36 Simon Peter then says to Him, "Lord (Master), to what place are you proceeding to lead under (or: where are you going)?" Jesus decidedly answered, "To what place I proceed leading under (or; departing) you continue unable (still have no power) to follow Me now, but you will follow afterwards (will subsequently follow). 37 Peter now says to Him, "Lord (Master), why (through what situation or circumstance) am I not presently able to keep on following you right now? I will continue placing my soul over You (or: I will proceed to be laying [down] my soul-life, inner being, and self for Your sake)." 38 Jesus continues in discerning reply, "You will continue to place your soul over Me (or: lay you soul-life and self [down] for My sake)? Most assuredly (It is certainly true; Amen, amen; Count on it), I now say to you, a cock (or: rooster) will [other MSS: can] under no circumstances crow until you will proceed to disown (renounce; deny) Me three times. Don't you [singular: = Peter] let the heart of the group be continually shaken (unsettled; agitated; troubled; disturbed)."

John 14:19

19 "Yet a little [while; longer] and the System (world; religious and secular society; ordered arrangement) no longer continues viewing (attentively watching) Me, but YOU people are constantly watching (attentively and contemplatively viewing) Me. Because I Myself am continuously living, you folks will also continue living [other MSS: will also of, or in, yourselves continue living].

John 14:30

30 "I will no longer converse (be speaking) with you folks [about] many things, for the ruler (the one in first place; the chief) of the System (or: of this ordered arrangement of the political, economic, religious and cultural world) is progressively coming, and yet he is holding nothing within Me (or: it continues to have and possess nothing in Me; or: = he [note: this could refer either to the chief priest, or to Pilate] has nothing to do with Me, and there is nothing in Me that is to his advantage),

John 15:20

20 "Continually bear in mind (or: Keep on remembering) the word (the Logos; the thought; the idea; the message) which I Myself said to you. A slave is not greater than (does not exist being superior to) his owner (lord; master). Since they pursue and persecute Me, they will also continue pursuing and persecuting you folks. If they keep (or: observed and cared for) My word (idea; message), they will also proceed to be keeping (observing and caring for) yours.

John 16:4

4 "Nevertheless, I have spoken these things to you so that whenever their hour may (or: should) come, you folks can call them to mind (or: would remember them), that I Myself told you. Now I did not tell you these things originally (from out of [the] beginning; = at the first), because I was being with you.

John 16:20-22

20 "Most assuredly (It is certainly true; Amen, amen), I now say to you folks that you yourselves will continue to weep (shed tears and lament) and will be from time to time shrieking out (wailing in mournful funeral songs), yet the world (controlling System of culture, religion and politics; or: religious and secular society) will continue rejoicing. You yourselves will periodically be made sad and distressed with grief, but yet your sadness, grief and distress will repeatedly birth itself into joy. 21 "The woman, whenever she may be progressing in giving birth, is continuously having pain and distress (sorrow and grief), because her hour comes (or: came). Yet, whenever she may give birth to the little child (infant), she continues no longer calling to mind (remembering; bearing in mind) the pressure (the squeezing, anguish and tribulation) because of the joy that a human being (a person) is born (or: was given birth) into the world (the system of culture; or: the universe). 22 "And you yourselves, therefore, are now progressively having [other MSS: will be having] sadness, distress and grief. Yet I will repeatedly see you folks again, and your heart will repeatedly rejoice, and no one will continue lifting up and carrying [other MSS: now takes] your joy away from you folks.

John 16:33

33 "I have spoken these things to you so that you may continuously have (hold; possess) peace centered in, within the midst of and in union with Me. Within the System (controlling world of culture, religion, economy and government) you normally have pressure and stress (or: continually have squeezing; repeatedly have tribulation and oppression), but nonetheless, be confident and take courage! I Myself have overcome and conquered the System (dominating world; organized arrangement of religion and society) so that it stands a completed victory!"

John 17:1

1 Jesus speaks (or: spoke) these things and then, lifting up His eyes into the sky (or: the atmosphere; the heaven), says, "O Father, the hour has come and is now here: bring glory (give a good reputation; bring a manifestation which calls forth praise) to Your Son, to the end that the Son can bring glory (or: may give a good reputation; would bring a manifestation which calls forth praise) to and for You.

John 17:4

4 "I Myself glorify (or: brought a good reputation and a manifestation which called forth praise to) You upon the earth (or: the Land), finishing and perfecting (bringing to its goal, purpose, destiny and fruition) the Work (the Deed; the Act) which You have given to (or: in; for) Me, to the end that I could do (or: would perform) [it].

John 17:9-11

9 "I Myself am now requesting about (or: concerning) them. I am not presently requesting about the System (religious, political and cultural world; or: society; the realm of the secular), but rather, about (or: concerning) those whom You have given to Me, 10 "because they continuously exist (or: are) in You (or: by You; for You; with You). So all things and all mankind that are Mine are Yours, and Your things are Mine, and I have been – and remain – glorified (made to be a manifestation which calls forth praise) within, and in union with, them. 11 "Also, I am no longer within the System (or: And yet I no longer exist being in union with the world of culture and religion, or the ordered arrangement), and yet they themselves are continuing to be within the System (world; ordered arrangement of the current society) – and I Myself am progressively going to You (or: constantly coming, facing toward You). O Father, O Set-apart and Holy One, watch over and care for them (observe, keep and guard them) within, and in union with, Your Name – which You have given to Me – to the end that they can continuously exist being one, correspondingly as (just as; in the same sphere as; to the same degree as) We [are]. 12 "When I was being with them [A, C3 and later MSS add: within the System], I Myself was continually watching over, caring for, observing, keeping and guarding them in union with Your Name – which You have given to Me – and I protected [them], and not one from out of them lost himself (or: destroyed himself), except the son of loss (the son of the dissolution, or, destruction; = the person having the qualities and characteristics of loss and dissolution or destruction), so that the Scripture could and would be fulfilled.

John 17:15-21

15 "I am not now making a request to the end that You should pick them up and carry (or: remove; take) them out of the System (world; ordered arrangement of culture, religion and government; secular society), but rather that You should observe, guard, protect, maintain, care for and keep them out of the worthless or bad situation, the sorry plight, the effect of the knavish and good-for-nothing person, the oppressive toil and the base or evil influence. 16 "They do not exist (are not being) from out of the System (world of society, religion or politics) as a source or origin, just as I, Myself am not from the System (world) as a source or origin. 17 "Set them apart (or: Make them different from the norm) within the midst of the Truth (or: in union with, and centered in, reality). Your Word (Logos) exists being Truth (or: Your thought, idea and expressed message of divine rational meaning and purpose is Reality). 18 "Correspondingly (or: Just; In the sphere; On the level) as You sent Me into the System (world of religious and political dominance) as an Emissary, I Myself also send them forth as emissaries (representatives) into the prevailing system of culture, religion and government, 19 "and I Myself am continuously setting Myself apart over them (progressively making Myself different from the norm, in their behalf) to the end that they themselves, also, can (may; would) continuously exist being ones having been set-apart within the midst of reality and truth. 20 "I am not now making a request about these only, but further about those habitually trusting and progressively believing into Me through their word (or: message), 21 "to the end that all mankind may (or: everyone would) continuously exist being one, correspondingly as You, O Father [other MSS: Father], [are] within the midst of Me, and I [am] within the midst of You – so that they, themselves, may and would also continuously exist being within the midst of Us, to the end that the System (world of culture, religion and government; or: secular society) can (may; would) continuously trust and progressively believe that You sent Me forth as an Emissary with a mission.

John 18:1-2

1 [After] saying these things, Jesus, together with His disciples, went out to the other side across the winter flow of the Kedron (the "brook, torrent or wadi of the Cedars"; or: the Kidron Valley) to where there was a garden (a place planted with trees and herbs), into which He Himself – and His disciples – entered. 2 Now Judah (or: Judas) – the one presently and progressively handing Him over – also had seen and knew the place, because Jesus had many times (or: frequently; often) been gathered there with His disciples.

John 18:2-11

2 Now Judah (or: Judas) – the one presently and progressively handing Him over – also had seen and knew the place, because Jesus had many times (or: frequently; often) been gathered there with His disciples. 3 Therefore Judah (Judas), getting and taking the detachment (or: squad [of Roman soldiers]) and subordinates (those who act under orders; deputies; Temple guards or Sanhedrin officers) from the chief (ranking) priests and from the Pharisees, is proceeding to come there with lanterns, torches and weapons (or: arms). 4 Then Jesus, having seen and being aware of (or: knowing) all the things progressively coming upon Him, went out and proceeds saying to them, "Whom are you folks presently seeking (looking for; or: What things are you men now trying to find)?" 5 They decidedly replied, "Jesus, the Nazarene." He then says to them, "I am (or: I, Myself, am; or: I am Being)" [B reads: "I am Jesus."]. Now Judah (Judas) – the one handing Him over – had also been standing with them, 6 then, as He said to them, "I, Myself, am (or: I am continuous Existence)," he [other MSS: they] went off into the rear (into the [area] back behind) and they suddenly fell to the ground. 7 Then He again inquired of them, "Whom are you presently seeking (looking for; or: What things are you men now trying to find)?" Now those men say, "Jesus, the Nazarene." 8 Jesus decidedly replies, "I told you that I, Myself, am (or: I am). Since (or: If), then, you men are presently seeking Me, allow these men to proceed departing,"

John 18:8-9

8 Jesus decidedly replies, "I told you that I, Myself, am (or: I am). Since (or: If), then, you men are presently seeking Me, allow these men to proceed departing," 9 so that the word (or: saying) may be fulfilled which He said: "I lose (or: destroyed) not one from out of them whom You have given to Me as a possession."

John 18:9-9

9 so that the word (or: saying) may be fulfilled which He said: "I lose (or: destroyed) not one from out of them whom You have given to Me as a possession." 10 Then Simon Peter, holding (or: having) a small sword, suddenly draws (or: unsheathed) it and hits (struck) the chief priest's slave, and cuts off his right ear. Now the name of the slave was Malchus. 11 Therefore Jesus says to Peter, "Thrust the small sword into the sheath (scabbard). The cup which the Father has given to Me and which I now have – should I not by all means drink it?"

John 18:11-11

11 Therefore Jesus says to Peter, "Thrust the small sword into the sheath (scabbard). The cup which the Father has given to Me and which I now have – should I not by all means drink it?" 12 Then the detachment (or: squad [of Roman soldiers]) and the military commander (tribune; commander of a thousand soldiers) and the subordinates (deputies) of the Jews (= religious authorities) together seized (apprehended; arrested) Jesus and bound Him (tied Him up), 13 then led Him first to Annas (or: Hannas), for he was father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was [the] chief priest of that year. 14 Now Caiaphas was the one joining in counsel with and advising the Jews (= religious authorities) that it is progressively bearing together as an expedient advantage for one man to be dying over [the situation of] (or: on behalf of) the People. 15 So Simon Peter and another disciple kept on following Jesus. Now that [other] disciple was personally known by (or: intimate with; or: = a close friend of) the chief priest, and he went in together with Jesus into the courtyard of the chief priest's house. 16 Yet Peter had been, and remained, standing outside, facing toward the gate (or: door). Therefore the other disciple – the one well-known to the chief priest – went out and spoke to the gate keeper (porter; doorkeeper) and then leads Peter into the midst.

John 18:16-18

16 Yet Peter had been, and remained, standing outside, facing toward the gate (or: door). Therefore the other disciple – the one well-known to the chief priest – went out and spoke to the gate keeper (porter; doorkeeper) and then leads Peter into the midst. 17 Then the young woman (or: young female servant) – the gate keeper (portress) – says to Peter, "Are you not also one of this man's disciples?" That one then says, "I am not! (or: No, I’m not.)"

John 18:17-18

17 Then the young woman (or: young female servant) – the gate keeper (portress) – says to Peter, "Are you not also one of this man's disciples?" That one then says, "I am not! (or: No, I’m not.)"

John 18:17

17 Then the young woman (or: young female servant) – the gate keeper (portress) – says to Peter, "Are you not also one of this man's disciples?" That one then says, "I am not! (or: No, I’m not.)" 18 Now the slaves and the subordinates (deputies; those under orders), having made a charcoal fire and keeping the embers going because it was cold, had been standing and kept on warming themselves, and so Peter, also, was standing with them and continued warming himself.

John 18:22

22 Now [upon] His saying these things, one of the subordinates (deputies, or Temple guards) [who] had been standing at the side gave a striking blow to Jesus, with some instrument [such as a rod or a whip], saying, "Are you answering thus (or: in this way) to the chief priest?"

John 18:24

24 Then Annas (or: Hannas) sent Him off (or: away) on their mission – having been bound (tied up) – to Caiaphas, the chief priest. 25 Now Simon Peter was yet standing and warming himself. Then they said to him, "Are not you yourself, also, from out of His disciples?" That one denies (or: disowns), and says, "I am not."

John 18:25

25 Now Simon Peter was yet standing and warming himself. Then they said to him, "Are not you yourself, also, from out of His disciples?" That one denies (or: disowns), and says, "I am not." 26 One from out of the slaves of the chief priest – being a relative of the one whose ear Peter cut off – is then saying, "Did I not see you within the garden with him?" 27 Then, again, Peter denied (disowned) – and immediately a cock (rooster) crowed.

John 18:27-27

27 Then, again, Peter denied (disowned) – and immediately a cock (rooster) crowed. 28 Then they are progressively leading Jesus from Caiaphas into the Roman governor's headquarters (the Praetorium). Now it was early in the morning (between 3 and 6 A.M.), and they did not enter into the governor's headquarters so that they would not be polluted (defiled; made ceremonially impure), but still could eat the Passover meal.

John 18:36

36 Jesus decidedly replied, "My kingdom (My sovereignty; the realm and activity of My reign and activity; My reign as king) is not (does not exist being) from out of this System (world of organized government, culture, economics or religion; or: universe) as its source or origin. If My kingdom (or: reign, realm and sovereignty) were from out of this System (or: world of government, culture, religion and economy; secular society), as a source or origin, My subordinates (deputies; officers; those under My orders) would have been progressively contending, struggling and fighting, to the end that I could (or: would) not be given over to the Jews (= religious authorities). But now (= as a matter of fact, or, as it is) My kingdom and reign is not (does not exist being) from that source (from within this place; thence or hence)." 37 Therefore Pilate said to Him, "Are you yourself not, then, a king? (or: So then... you are yourself a king!)" Jesus discerningly replied, "You yourself continue saying that I am a king. Into this [position, or purpose] I Myself have been born, and I have come into this System (world and culture; social arrangement) and continue being present: to the end that I could and should bear witness to Reality (or: give testimony to and evidence of the Truth). Everyone being (or: who is existing) from out of Reality (or: the Truth) is habitually hearing, progressively listening [and thus: continually obeys] My voice."

John 19:7

7 The Jews (= religious authorities) decidedly replied to him, "We, ourselves, are continuously holding (or: having) a Law, and corresponding (or: according) to the Law, he continues bound (indebted; obliged) to be dying away, because he makes (constructed; creates) himself God's son (or: [the] Son of God)!"

John 19:28-30

28 After this, Jesus, having seen and knowing that already all has been finished and now remains accomplished (or: all humanity has been brought to its goal and destiny, and now stands completed), to the end that the Scripture could be finished (would be at once ended; should be brought to its purposed and destined goal), He now says, "I am thirsty." 29 Now a vessel (container) full of cheap sour wine (a common, inexpensive vinegary wine, with a sharp flavor, that was a popular thirst-quenching drink) was lying [close by]. Therefore, putting a sponge, full of the vinegary wine, around a hyssop stalk [one MS reads: javelin], they brought it to His mouth. 30 Then, when Jesus received the cheap sour wine, He said, "It has been finished (or: It has been brought to its goal and end), and now stands complete (having been accomplished, perfected, ended and now is at its destiny)!"and so, bowing [His] head, He gave over the Spirit (or: handed over [His] spirit and life-force; or: surrendered to the side the Breath-effect).

John 21:15-17

15 Then, when they had finished breakfast, Jesus says to Simon Peter, "Simon of John [other MSS: Jonah], are you continuously loving Me (accepting Me without restriction) more than these (= more than you love these folks, or, more that these folks love Me)?" He [Peter] says to Him, "Yes, Lord (Master), You, Yourself, have seen and know that I am fond of (or: like) You and am Your friend." He [Jesus] says to him, "As a herdsman, be habitually feeding (or: grazing) and tending My young lambs!" 16 Again, a second [time], He continues, saying to him, "Simon of John [or: Jonah], are you continuously loving Me (is your whole being progressively driving toward accepting reunion with Me)?" He [Peter] says to Him, "Yes, Lord (Master), You, Yourself, have seen and know that I am fond of (or: like) You and am Your friend." He [Jesus] says to him, "Constantly shepherd (herd for grazing; = lead, protect, care for, nourish) My sheep [other MSS: small sheep]!" 17 "Simon of John [or: Jonah]," He continues, a third [time] saying to him, "Do you like Me and are you habitually My friend, having fondness and affection for Me?" Peter was made to grieve and be sad and sorry, because He said to him, the third [time], "Are you habitually My friend, liking and having fondness and affection for Me?" So he said to Him, "O Lord, You, Yourself, have seen and know all things. YOU continue knowing by progressive intimate experience that I like You and continue as a friend with affection and fondness for You." Jesus says to him, "As a herdsman, be habitually feeding (or: grazing) and tending My sheep [other MSS: small sheep]!

John 21:17-17

17 "Simon of John [or: Jonah]," He continues, a third [time] saying to him, "Do you like Me and are you habitually My friend, having fondness and affection for Me?" Peter was made to grieve and be sad and sorry, because He said to him, the third [time], "Are you habitually My friend, liking and having fondness and affection for Me?" So he said to Him, "O Lord, You, Yourself, have seen and know all things. YOU continue knowing by progressive intimate experience that I like You and continue as a friend with affection and fondness for You." Jesus says to him, "As a herdsman, be habitually feeding (or: grazing) and tending My sheep [other MSS: small sheep]!

Acts 1:13

13 And so when they entered [the city], they went up into the upstairs room where they were residing (or: continuing to stay) – both Peter and John, as well as Jacob (James) and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, Jacob (James) Ben-Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot, also Judah (Judas) Ben-Jacob (or: [son] of James).

Acts 1:16-25

16 "Men! Brothers (= Fellow believers)! It was continuing necessary and binding for the Scripture to be fulfilled in which the Holy Spirit (or: the Set-apart Breath-effect and Sacred Attitude) foretold (or: spoke in advance) through the mouth of David, concerning (or: about) Judah (or: Judas) – the one coming to be a guide for (or: to) the folks seizing and arresting Jesus

Acts 1:16-18

16 "Men! Brothers (= Fellow believers)! It was continuing necessary and binding for the Scripture to be fulfilled in which the Holy Spirit (or: the Set-apart Breath-effect and Sacred Attitude) foretold (or: spoke in advance) through the mouth of David, concerning (or: about) Judah (or: Judas) – the one coming to be a guide for (or: to) the folks seizing and arresting Jesus17 "because he was one having been actually numbered (or: counted down; = enrolled and assigned) among us (or: within our [group]) and thus he obtained by lot the allotted portion (or: share) of this attending service."

Acts 1:17-18

17 "because he was one having been actually numbered (or: counted down; = enrolled and assigned) among us (or: within our [group]) and thus he obtained by lot the allotted portion (or: share) of this attending service." 18This man, indeed therefore, acquired a small parcel of ground (a farm; an estate; a freehold: a place not subject to allotment which could be bought or sold) from out of wages of injustice (that which is contrary to solidarity and the Way pointed out; inequity; unfairness), and so, having come to be flat on his face (prostrate), [his] heart (the core of his being in the midst of him) broke and his deep feeling and affections were poured forth (or, literally: mid-section ruptured and all his intestines were poured out).

Acts 1:18-25

18This man, indeed therefore, acquired a small parcel of ground (a farm; an estate; a freehold: a place not subject to allotment which could be bought or sold) from out of wages of injustice (that which is contrary to solidarity and the Way pointed out; inequity; unfairness), and so, having come to be flat on his face (prostrate), [his] heart (the core of his being in the midst of him) broke and his deep feeling and affections were poured forth (or, literally: mid-section ruptured and all his intestines were poured out).

Acts 1:18-18

18This man, indeed therefore, acquired a small parcel of ground (a farm; an estate; a freehold: a place not subject to allotment which could be bought or sold) from out of wages of injustice (that which is contrary to solidarity and the Way pointed out; inequity; unfairness), and so, having come to be flat on his face (prostrate), [his] heart (the core of his being in the midst of him) broke and his deep feeling and affections were poured forth (or, literally: mid-section ruptured and all his intestines were poured out). 19 And it came to be known to (or: by) all those normally inhabiting Jerusalem, so that small parcel of ground (freehold) came to be called "Akeldama." In their language (or: dialect [of Aramaic]) this is "a bloody piece of ground (or: Field or Freehold of Blood)" – 20 "You see," [continued Peter], "it has been (or: it stands) written within [the] Book (or: scroll) of Psalms, 'Let his encampment (unroofed place where he spends the night; or: sheepfold; unwalled village; homestead) at once come to be desolate (abandoned and lonely; a desert), and let there not continue being the permanent resident with it,' [Ps. 69:25] also, 'Let a different person take (or: receive) his function of visitation and supervision (or: of keeping an eye fixed on a distant object or goal; of a watcher who takes note of a situation and provides care).' [Ps. 109:8] 21 "Therefore, it continues binding and necessary that of those adult men coming together to us and assembling with us during all the time in which the Lord (or: Master) Jesus entered upon our [situation], and then exited (or: came in and went out [among] us) – 22 "beginning from the immersion originated by John (or: John's baptism) until the day in which He was taken back up (or: received again), away from us – one of these is to become a witness (one who gives testimony and presents evidence) together with us, in regard to His resurrection." 23 And so they set (or: placed; = nominated) two men: Joseph, the one normally being called Bar-Sabba – who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. 24 Then, in praying, they said, "You, O Lord (Master; or: = [Yahweh]) – Knower and One experiencing the hearts of all men, raise up to point out (or: exhibit and indicate) one from these two men, whom You picked out and chose for Yourself 25 "to receive (or: take in hand) the place [other MSS: lot] pertaining to (or: of) this attending service of dispensing and sending-forth (or: releasing on expedition) – from which Judah (or: Judas) stepped aside, to journey into his own place."

Acts 1:25

25 "to receive (or: take in hand) the place [other MSS: lot] pertaining to (or: of) this attending service of dispensing and sending-forth (or: releasing on expedition) – from which Judah (or: Judas) stepped aside, to journey into his own place."

Acts 2:23

23 "This Man, given up out of the midst in and by the specific, determined, bounded (limited) plan (intended purpose, design and counsel) and foreknowledge (intimate knowledge which was experienced beforehand) of God (or: whose source and character was God; or: which pertained to and was God), you folks, through the hand (= agency) of people not bound by the Law (= folks without knowledge of and not living in accordance to the Torah), took up and assassinated by fastening [Him] to [an execution stake (or: a cross)],

Acts 2:30-36

30 "Being inherently a prophet (one who had light ahead of time), however, and thus seeing and knowing with perception that God swore and affirms to him with an oath to at some point seat [One] upon his throne [that is] from out of [the] fruit of his loins (reproductive organs), 31 "seeing and perceiving beforehand, he spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that He was neither left down within the midst, in (or: [sinking] into) the Unseen (or: Hades; = Hebrew: sheol; the realm or abode of the dead; often used for "the grave"), nor did His flesh (= body) see (= experience) corruption or decay. 32 "God resurrected (raised; made to stand back up again) this Jesus – of which and of Whom we are all witnesses (folks who saw what happened and who now give evidence and testimony)! 33 "Being, then, lifted up high by the right hand of God, and exalted to, and thus being at, God's right hand, as well as receiving the promise of the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: the promise which comes from the Holy Spirit; or: the promise which is the Sacred Spirit and Attitude) at the side of, and from, the Father, He poured out this which you folks are now both continuously seeing (or: observing) and keep on hearing. 34 "For you see, David did not climb up (or: it [was not] David [who] ascended) into the heavens (or: skies; atmospheres), yet he himself continues laying it out and saying, 'The Lord [= Yahweh] said (or: says) to my Lord (or: my Master), "Continue seating Yourself at My right [hand; plural: = positions of power, honor and authority], 35 "until I may place (put; set) Your enemies (folks hostile to You) [as] a footstool for Your feet."' [Ps. 110:1] 36 "Therefore, let all [the] house of Israel, for a certainty and without slipping or tripping, come to progressively know by intimate experience that God made and creates Him [to be] both* Lord (Master; Owner) and Christ ([the] Anointed One; [= Messiah]) – this Jesus, whom you folks put to death on a stake (crucified)!" [*note: "both" omitted by p91]

Acts 3:1

1 Now during those days Peter and John – as was their habit – were progressively walking up [i.e., ascending the terraces] unto the Temple courts and grounds in the afternoon, as it was coming upon the hour of the prayer [note: the time of the evening sacrifice and the prayer which accompanied the offering of incense; there were three hours of prayer: the third, the sixth, the ninth], the ninth (three o'clock).

Acts 3:11

11 [conflated with D:] So as Peter and John proceeded going out, and with his continued going out with them, clinging (firmly holding fast) to Peter and John, the entire [crowd of] people – overawed and out of their wits – ran together to them at the portico (or: porch) normally called Solomon's Colonnade [note: built on a remnant of the ancient Temple].

Acts 3:13-14

13 "The God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob – the God of our fathers – brought glory (a manifestation which calls forth praise) and a good reputation to His Servant (or: Boy) Jesus, Whom indeed you folks turned over (gave aside; [D adds: unto judgment]) and renounced (or: disown; denied) before Pilate's face – [he] having decided to be releasing that One! 14 "But then you yourselves renounced (disowned; denied) the set-apart and fair Person (the holy and just One Who personified the Way pointed out; the consecrated and rightwised One), and instead you demanded for yourselves an adult man [who is] a murderer – to be at once graciously surrendered to you, as a favor.

Acts 3:19

19 "Therefore, at once change your way of thinking (your frame of mind and point of view; [by customary use this implies: and return to Yahweh]), and turn around toward [the situation for] your failures (errors; times of missing the target; sins) to be anointed out and wiped forth from your midst, so that seasons of cooling again, as well as fitting situations and fertile moments of refreshing could, should and would come from [the] face of the Lord [= Yahweh],

Acts 4:1

1 Now during their continued speaking to the people, the chief (or: ranking) priests, the officer of the Temple guard (= the Controller of the Temple), and the Sadducees stood near them, in opposition, and at last took a stand upon [the scene],

Acts 4:13

13 Now as they continued watching and observing the bold confidence and outspoken freedom of speech of Peter and John – and grasping that they were uneducated (= without the effects of technical training in the professional rabbinical schools of Hillel or Shammai) and untrained people (= laymen; common laborers or folks of some trade, or, of the peasant class) – they began marveling and continued filled with wonder, and they began to fully realize (or: recognize) [about] them, that they had been (or: used to be) with Jesus.

Acts 4:19

19 But Peter and John, giving a decided reply, said to them, "You men judge and decide whether it is right (in accord with the Way pointed out) in God's sight to continue listening to (and thus: obeying) you rather than God.

Acts 4:25-28

25 "the One saying – through means of [the] Holy Spirit (or: a set-apart breath-effect and a separated attitude) – from our father (= ancestor) David's mouth, 'To what end or purpose did (or: do) the ethnic multitudes (or: nations) snort, neigh and stomp around [as a high-spirited horse] (or: behave arrogantly or with insolent and haughty airs) and peoples show care for and take interest in empty things (or: concern themselves over meaningless [activities]; or: mumble empty [phrases]; or: practice useless [rituals]; or: meditate on, give careful thought and attention to and then devise futile [schemes] or hollow [projects])? 26 'The kings of the land (or: earth) took a stand (or: stood by; i.e.: placed themselves alongside to be at folks disposal), and the rulers (or: the leaders; the officials) were gathered together at the same [place] (or: = joined forces upon the same [purpose and intent]; or, perhaps: = as one) – down against the Lord [= Yahweh] and down against His Anointed One (or: the Christ which originated in Him).' [Ps. 2:1-2] 27 "For in truth (actuality; reality) both Herod and Pontius Pilate, together with ethnic multitudes and [the] People of Israel – [coming] upon (= against) Your set-apart Servant (or: holy Boy) Jesus, Whom You anointed – were gathered together (thus: were made to join forces) in this city

Acts 4:27-28

27 "For in truth (actuality; reality) both Herod and Pontius Pilate, together with ethnic multitudes and [the] People of Israel – [coming] upon (= against) Your set-apart Servant (or: holy Boy) Jesus, Whom You anointed – were gathered together (thus: were made to join forces) in this city 28 "to do whatever (or: as many things as) Your hand and Your counsel (purpose; plan; intent; design) previously marked out the bounds for and limited beforehand to be happening (to come to be; to occur).

Acts 5:3

3 So Peter said, "Ananias, why (or: through what [situation or circumstance]) did the adversary (or: satan) fill your heart (= the core of yourself) to lie to the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: play false to the Holy Spirit; speak that which is not true, with the Sacred Attitude), and thus to secretly put aside (keep back funds; embezzle) for yourself from the proceeds of the piece of ground (the field; the property; the homestead; the freehold)?

Acts 5:24

24 Now as they heard these words, both the captain of the Temple complex and the head (chief; ranking) priests became utterly perplexed about them and continued bewildered as to whatever this might come to be (or: what would come of this).

Acts 5:26

26 At that point the captain, after going off with the subordinate officers, proceeded in leading them, [bringing them] without force or violence – for they were fearing the people, lest they could (or: should; would) be stoned.

Acts 5:31

31 "God exalted and lifted up high this Originator (or: Beginning Leader; Inaugurator; Founder; Chief Agent; Prince) and Deliverer (Savior; Rescuer; Restorer of health and wholeness; Returner to the original sphere and state of being) to (or: by; with) His right hand (= power and authority; [D reads: glory]) – to give (or: grant) a change of mind and way of thinking [which results in a return to Yahweh] to (or: for; in) Israel, and a sending away of mistakes and deviations (a divorcing of failures; an abandoning of sinning; a flowing away of the results from times of missing the target; a forgiveness of errors; [D adds: within {or: among} them])!

Acts 7:55-56

55 Yet he, continuing in being inherently full of set-apart Breath-effect (or: of [the] Holy Spirit; or: filled with a consecrated attitude), gazing intently into the atmosphere and sky (or: heaven) saw God's glory, and Jesus [D adds: the Master (or: Lord)], standing at God's right [hand, or, side] (or: fixing his eyes into the heaven, sees a manifestation of God which calls forth praise – even Jesus, having taken a stand from out of the midst of God's place of honor and power), 56 And so he said, "Look! I am presently watching the atmosphere and skies (or: the heavens) having been fully opened up... and the Son of the Man (the Human Being; = Adam's Son; [p74 reads: God's Son]) standing at God's right [hand, or, side] (or: having taken a stand from out of the midst of the right [parts] of God)!" [Ps. 110:1]

Acts 8:14

14 Now upon hearing that [the regions of] Samaria had welcomely received, accepted and taken to themselves the Word (Logos; Idea; message) of God, the sent-forth folks (emissaries and representatives) in Jerusalem sent off Peter and John on a mission to them,

Acts 8:20

20 But Peter said to him, "Your silver might (or: could) continue being with [you, as you yourself progress on the path] into loss or destruction, seeing that you suppose and presume from custom to proceed to obtain and acquire God's free gift (or: gratuity) through useful things (or: money; properties; = by buying it).

Acts 8:26-29

26 However, an agent of [the] Lord [= Yahweh's or Christ's messenger] spoke to Philip, presently saying, "At once arise (or: stand up) and continue traveling down south (or: at noon) on the road descending from Jerusalem unto Gaza." This is a desert (or: desolate, uninhabited) [road]. 27 And so, upon arising, he went his way and – look, consider this – an adult man – an Ethiopian eunuch who had power (= a high court official) of [the] Kandake, [or] Queen, of [the] Ethiopians, who was upon (= had control of) all of her treasury – who had come unto Jerusalem in order to be worshiping. 28 Now he was in the midst of returning and was presently sitting on his chariot (or: carriage) while continuing in reading aloud the prophet Isaiah. 29 Now the Breath-effect (or: Spirit) said to Philip, "Approach and be joined (glued) to this chariot."

Acts 9:4

4 and having fallen upon the ground, he heard a Voice (or: sound) repeatedly saying to him, "Saul... Saul... Why do you continue pursuing and persecuting Me?"

Acts 10:41

41 "not among all the people, but rather among witnesses (or: disclosed – not to all the people, but rather to folks giving evidence) having been previously hand-picked and elected by God – in us (or: to us) who ate and drank together with Him, after the [occasion for] Him to stand back up (rise again) out from the midst of dead folks.

Acts 13:27-28

27 "You see, those presently residing (dwelling; having a permanent home) in Jerusalem, along with their rulers, not knowing this or even the voices of the prophets – those being regularly and repeatedly read in accord with every sabbath – they fulfilled [them] in judging [Him] (or: not recognizing or knowing, and being ignorant about, this One, by judging [Him] they fulfilled the voices of the prophets which are continuously being read, down on every sabbath).

Acts 13:27-29

27 "You see, those presently residing (dwelling; having a permanent home) in Jerusalem, along with their rulers, not knowing this or even the voices of the prophets – those being regularly and repeatedly read in accord with every sabbath – they fulfilled [them] in judging [Him] (or: not recognizing or knowing, and being ignorant about, this One, by judging [Him] they fulfilled the voices of the prophets which are continuously being read, down on every sabbath). 28 "And even though not finding in Him even one cause for (or: grounds deserving) death [D* adds: after judging Him they turned {Him} over to Pilate {and}], they asked Pilate to take Him up to be executed.

Acts 13:28-29

28 "And even though not finding in Him even one cause for (or: grounds deserving) death [D* adds: after judging Him they turned {Him} over to Pilate {and}], they asked Pilate to take Him up to be executed. 29 "So as they ended (brought to fruition; brought to its goal and destiny; finished; completed the final act and purpose of) all the things having been written concerning Him, after taking [Him] down from the wooden pole (stake; cross), they put [Him] into a memorial tomb.

Acts 16:14-15

14 Then a certain woman named Lydia – a seller (or: dealer) of purple fabrics, from the city of Thyatira, [and she was] a woman who stood in awe of God [D* reads: the Lord {= Yahweh, or, Christ}; note: = a convert to Judaism, or, a "God-fearer;" the word was also used to designate a group (including males and females) separate from proselytes and native Jews, yet enrolled as members of a synagogue] – began hearing and continued listening, whose heart (core of her being) the Lord [= Yahweh, or, Christ] at once completely opened up (or: opened back wide) to continue holding to, attentively accepting and being devoted to the things being presently and progressively spoken by (or: under) Paul. 15 Now as soon as she had been immersed (or: baptized) – along with [D adds: all] her household – she at once called [them] to her side, saying with entreaty, "Since (or: If) you men have sifted and separated me, then decided (judged) me to be trusting in the Lord (or: faithful to the Lord; full of faith by the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh; D reads: God]), upon entering into my house, continue remaining (abiding; dwelling)." And thus she strongly urged us [to accept her hospitality].

Acts 18:23

23 And then, after creating (or: doing; = spending) some time [with the folks there], he went forth, passing consecutively through the Galatian province and the Phrygia, progressively setting and establishing [D and others read: further establishing] all the disciples (students).

Acts 20:8

8 So in the upper room (or: chamber; = upstairs or in the upper story) where we were gathered together, there were quite a few lamps.

Acts 20:23-24

23 "except that down through each city (or: from city to city) the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit) keeps repeatedly giving full witness and evidence to me, continually saying that bonds (= imprisonments) and pressures (oppressions; afflictions; tribulations) continue remaining and are still awaiting me. 24 "Nevertheless, from not even one thought do I habitually make my soul of value to myself (or, with other MSS: neither do I now hold a word or idea for me, nor do I continuously make my inner life or self valuable or precious to me), until I can finish my course (complete my trek and perfect my career; bring my run to its purposed destiny; or: [with other MSS: so] I would bring my race-course to its goal), as well as the attending service, which I received from beside the Lord Jesus: to for myself make full witness of and give thorough evidence for the good news (the message of ease, goodness and well-being) which is God's grace (or: which has a source in, and the character of, the undeserved joyous favor of God).

Acts 21:13

13 At that point Paul made a discerning and decisive reply: "What are you folks proceeding in doing by continuing to weep and to progressively crush my heart to pieces? You see, I myself readily make it a habit to be holding [myself] prepared not only to be bound (or: = imprisoned), but more than that, at once also to die [upon entering] into the midst of Jerusalem for the sake of (or: over [circumstances concerning]) the Name of the Lord Jesus!"

Acts 22:5

5 "as both the chief priest and the entire body of elders continue bearing witness (or: giving testimony) to (or: for) me, from whom also receiving letters to [D adds: all] the brothers (= fellow Jews) – I was continuing my journey into Damascus, intending to be bringing also those [of this Way] being there, bound (= as prisoners), into Jerusalem, so that they could (or: would) be punished.

Acts 26:11

11 "Then, while continuing in punishing them in vengeance – down through the [various] synagogues – I kept on trying to force (or: compel) [them] to blaspheme (speak abusively about [God]), besides keeping them in the midst of insane rage which completely surrounded them, and continued pressing forward to persecute [them] even into the cities outside [Palestine].

Acts 26:18

18 "'to open back up their eyes again; to turn [their eyes; or: them] back: away from darkness (a realm of the shadow; dimness and obscurity) into Light, even from the authority and privilege of the adversary (or: that is, from the right which comes from out being the opponent), and upon God; to receive a flowing away of deviations and a release from failures, mistakes and occasions of missing the goal (or: a forgiveness of sins) and an allotted inheritance among and in union with the folks having been – and now remaining – set apart in, with and for faith which [leads] into Me (or: centered within the people now made holy by trust [which is] by the One [having come] into the midst of Me; or: within those having been consecrated for loyalty, sanctified with faith and now set apart to trusting conviction [that has brought them] unto Me).'

Acts 26:22-23

22 "But then, all of a sudden obtaining the help and assistance from God which was right on target, I have taken a stand – and still stand until this day – repeatedly testifying (attesting and giving evidence) to both small and great, continuously saying nothing outside of those things which both the Prophets and Moses spoke (or: speak) of progressively being about to be birthed (or: to continue happening) – 23 "since the Christ (the Anointed One) [is] a suffering [Messiah] (or: [is] subject to suffering) – since He, [the] first one forth from a resurrection of dead people, is presently about to, as a herald, be repeatedly and progressively announcing Light to the public – both to and for the People [= the Jews and Israel] as well as to, for and among the ethnic multitudes (the nations; the non-Jews; the Goyim; the Gentiles)."

Romans 5:9-10

9 Much more, then – being now (at the present time) rightwised (turned in the right direction, placed in right relationships of solidarity and made fair within the Way pointed out; or: justified and made free from guilt; = placed in covenant) within His blood (or: in union with the blood from, and which is, Him) – through Him we will continue being rescued (saved; delivered; made healthy and whole; returned to our original state and condition; kept safe), away from the [conditions or situations of] personal emotion (inherent fervor; natural mental bent or disposition; teeming passion and swelling desire; or: [our] anger and [human] wrath). 10 For you see, since (or: if) while continuously existing being actively hostile ones (or: enemies [of people, or of God]) we were suddenly changed from enmity to friendship by God (or: conciliated to God; or: changed to be wholly other and to be in line, consistent and compatible IN God) through His Son’s death, much more (or: all the more, then) we will continue being kept safe and will be progressively delivered (rescued; saved; cured and restored to the health and wholeness of our original state and condition) – being folks that were conciliated (fully changed from enmity to friendship and made totally other than we were) within His Life (or: in union with the life which is Him).

Romans 8:32

32 Surely (or: Actually; In fact; Certainly), He Who at one point did not spare (or: spares not) His own Son, but further, over [the situation] of us all (or: on behalf of all of us), He at one point handed Him over (or: gives Him up [into the hands of another]), how will He not also, in grace and joyous favor, freely be constantly and progressively giving all things (or: The Whole) to us, together with Him?

Romans 8:34

34 Who [is] the one habitually bringing commensurate evaluations or corresponding decisions (or: constantly condemning and giving a verdict down against; or, as a future: will be separating by following the patterns so as to be indicting or passing sentence)? Now Christ Jesus [is] at the same time the One dying, yet very much more being aroused and raised [some MSS add: forth from out of dead ones], Who also exists (or: is) within God’s right side (at God’s right hand or position; [note: the place of honor, power and offensive weapons, yet also the place of acceptance and receiving]), Who also continuously hits on-target within (or: falls in with the situation and addresses the concerns) over our [situation and predicament] (and: on our behalf)! [or as a question, and with other MSS: {Will} Christ Jesus ...?]

Romans 12:2

2 And stop constantly conforming yourselves to (or, as passive: So then, quit being repeatedly molded by, fashioned for or patterned together with) this age [with other MSS: and not to be continuously configured to this age, or not to constantly remodel yourself for this age], but on the contrary, be progressively transformed (transfigured; changed in form and semblance) by the renewing (or: in the renewal; for the making-back-up-new again) of your mind [with other MSS: from The Mind; of the intellect; pertaining to the faculties of perceiving and understanding; of the mindset, disposition, inner orientation and world view] into the [situation and condition for] you folks to be habitually examining in order to be testing and, after scrutiny, distinguishing and approving what [is] God's will (design; purpose; resolve; intent): the good and well-pleasing, even perfect (finished, complete and destined)! (or: = the thing [that is] virtuous, satisfying and able to succeed in its purpose.)

Romans 12:10

10 In sisterly love (or: By fond affection, as for members of a family,) unto one another, [be] tenderly affectionate folks who express warm regard, being people constantly taking the lead in the honor (by and with the estimation of value or worth) of one another (or: habitually esteeming one another first in value; constantly giving preference to one another in respect).

Romans 12:19

19 not being folks habitually getting justice for yourselves (not maintaining what is right concerning yourselves; not avenging yourselves), beloved ones, but on the contrary, you folks must yield the position held in anger (or: give a place for [His] natural impulse, propensity, passion and personal emotion; give place to [His] intrinsic fervor; relinquish [your] right to anger or wrath), for it has been written, "'In Me (or: For or By Me) [is] maintenance of justice (execution of the Way pointed out; working out of the right); I Myself will continue giving away, instead (or: I will progressively be making a recompense [to you]; or: I will continue taking the opposing position of giving [it] away; or: in its place, I Myself will repeatedly repay [you]),' the Lord [= Yahweh] is habitually saying." [Deut. 32:25; comment: if we are not to practice giving away evil in exchange for evil (vs. 17, above), then we should not expect the Lord to do this]

Romans 12:21

21 Do not be habitually conquered under (or: Stop being overcome by) the worthless (the bad of quality; the ugly and unsound; the evil), but to the contrary, be constantly conquering (overcoming; victorious over) the worthless (the unsound, the bad and the ugly; the evil) [by being] in union with The Good One (or: [a participant] within what is profitable; or: in the midst of virtue). [comment: this verse points to a positive interpretation of the burning coals in vs. 20]

Romans 14:6

6 He who is habitually minding (being disposed to; being opinionated about) the day, in the Lord [= Yahweh] is continuously opinionated (or: for the Lord [= Christ] is he [thus] minding or being disposed; [some MSS add: and yet the person not minding the day, to, for or in the Lord he is not minding it]). And the one habitually eating, in the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] is he eating, for he habitually gives thanks to God (constantly expresses gratitude by God, for God and in God). And the one not eating is not eating in God (to God; for God), and habitually expresses gratitude for God (in God; gives thanks to God).

1 Corinthians 5:7-8

7 At once completely clean out the old leaven, so that you folks would progressively be a fresh, new lump of dough with uniform mix-effect, just as you are free from ferment (or: in that you have continued being an aggregation which has been freshly mixed and kneaded together – correspondingly as you are continuing being unleavened ones). For also Christ, our Passover [= Passover lamb], was slaughtered in sacrifice.

1 Corinthians 5:7

7 At once completely clean out the old leaven, so that you folks would progressively be a fresh, new lump of dough with uniform mix-effect, just as you are free from ferment (or: in that you have continued being an aggregation which has been freshly mixed and kneaded together – correspondingly as you are continuing being unleavened ones). For also Christ, our Passover [= Passover lamb], was slaughtered in sacrifice. 8 Consequently, we can (or: should) be continuously keeping and celebrating the Feast (Festival) – not in union with old leaven (or: leftover yeast), neither in union with or in the midst of a leaven of bad quality (worthlessness; ugliness; what ought not to be; malice) and painful misery (hard labor; evil disposition; mischief; wickedness) – but in contrast, in union with and in the midst of unleavened cakes (matzah) of genuineness (or: integrity and sincerity; that which has been tested by sunlight and found to be genuine or pure and unadulterated) as well as truth and unhidden reality.

1 Corinthians 6:2-3

2 Or have you not seen so as to know that the set-apart folks (the saints; the holy, sacred people; the different-from-the-profane folks) will proceed to sift, separate, evaluate and decide about the organized System (the world of culture, religion and government; or: secular society; or: = the Roman Empire)? So since (or: if) within the midst of, among and in union with you folks the world System is to be habitually (progressively; repeatedly) evaluated and judged, are you people unworthy or unfit in regard to deciding about very trivial controversies (or: not of equal value to the smallest standards by which to sift and evaluate; or: of [holding the] least tribunals or places for court)? 3 Have you not seen so as to know that we shall continue sifting, separating, evaluating and making decisions about agents (or: will continue judging messengers) – why not, indeed, the affairs and business matters of everyday life?

1 Corinthians 9:25

25 Now every person habitually engaging in a contest (participating in the violent struggle of the public athletic games) constantly exercises inner strength and self-control in all things, and among all folks: those, of course, therefore [do it] so that they may (can) grasp (take; receive) a corruptible wreath that will soon wither, yet we an incorruptible (un-withering) one.

1 Corinthians 10:4

4 and they all drank the same spiritual drink, for they kept on drinking from out of a spiritual bedrock (or: cliff rock; rock mass) – one continually following along behind (or: progressively accompanying [them]). Now the bedrock (or: cliff rock) was the Christ (or: the rock mass was existing being the Anointing).

1 Corinthians 10:12

12 Consequently, let the person habitually supposing (thinking; imagining) to have taken a stand – and presuming to still be standing – be continually taking notice and observing so as to heed [that] he should (or: [and] he would) not fall.

1 Corinthians 10:16

16 The cup of The Blessing (or: The cup which is the good Word, the Idea of prosperity, ease, wellness and goodness) which we are habitually blessing (eulogizing; speaking well of; speaking of with reference to goodness, prosperity, ease and wellness), is it not (does it not exist being) the common existing and sharing with, participation in, fellowship of, communion of being with and partnership of, and from, Christ's blood (or: the blood which is the Anointing)? The bread (or: loaf of bread) which we are habitually breaking, is it not (does it not exist being) the common existing and sharing with, participation in, fellowship of, communion of being with, and partnership of, Christ's body (or: the body which is anointed)?

1 Corinthians 10:16-21

16 The cup of The Blessing (or: The cup which is the good Word, the Idea of prosperity, ease, wellness and goodness) which we are habitually blessing (eulogizing; speaking well of; speaking of with reference to goodness, prosperity, ease and wellness), is it not (does it not exist being) the common existing and sharing with, participation in, fellowship of, communion of being with and partnership of, and from, Christ's blood (or: the blood which is the Anointing)? The bread (or: loaf of bread) which we are habitually breaking, is it not (does it not exist being) the common existing and sharing with, participation in, fellowship of, communion of being with, and partnership of, Christ's body (or: the body which is anointed)? 17 Because we, The Many, are (exist being) one bread (one loaf of bread), one body, for we, The All (the all of humanity), are continuously holding a share with others and are co-partaking from out of the one Bread (or: the one loaf of bread). 18 Take an extended look at Israel, according to [the] flesh, and be observing [their cultural situation]: are not those habitually eating the things sacrificed common-beings of the altar (partners, partakers and ones who share common participation pertaining to the altar)? 19 What, then, am I now meaning and affirming? That what is sacrificed to an idol is anything? Or, that an idol is anything (= something more than an idol)? 20 To the contrary (or: Not at all!): that which the multitudes of ethnic groups (the nations; the pagans; the Gentiles) habitually sacrifice, they continue sacrificing to, for or by demons (Hellenistic concept and term: = animistic influences), and not to, for or by God (or: even to or by a non-god, or a no-god), and I am not intending for (willing; wanting) you folks to proceed to becoming partakers of and thus common-beings with the demons (= partners and ones who share common participation pertaining to the animistic influences [possibly: = evil or deranged spirits, mental conditions or attitudes]). 21 You folks are unable to continue to drink (or: You can not habitually drink) [the] cup of the Lord (or: the Owner's cup; or: = the cup pertaining to Christ; or: [Yahweh's] cup; cf John 18:11) and a cup of demons (or: a cup pertaining to animistic influences [possibly: = evil attitudes; deranged mental conditions; evil spirits]); you are unable to continue to (or: to habitually) hold a share with and co-partake of [the] Lord's [= Christ's or Yahweh's] table and also a table of demons (pertaining to or having its source in animistic influences [possibly: = evil attitudes or qualities]). [note: Mal. 1:7 refers to the altar of burnt-offering as “the table of the Lord;” Isa. 65:11, Jer. 7:18 and Ezk. 1618; 23:41 use the term “table” with reference to pagan idol-feasts; Paul may be using the terms “cup” and “table” figuratively, and not referring to specific ceremonies]

1 Corinthians 11:23-29

23 For you see, I myself received to myself and accepted from the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] that which I also passed along (or: hand on as a tradition; cf vs. 2, above) to you folks, that the Lord Jesus, within the night in which He was in process of being handed over, received and took a loaf of bread, 24 and then, with gratitude and expressing the ease of grace, broke it in pieces and said, " [some MSS add: You folks take {it}; eat {it}.] This is My body, being now broken over [the situation and condition of] you folks (or: for you people; on your behalf). Keep doing this, into the calling up of the memory pertaining to Me (or: with a view to remembering Me; or: unto a remembering of what is Mine)." 25 Similarly, [He took] the cup also, after the eating of the supper, saying, "This cup is the new arrangement within My blood (or: exists being the thorough placing and setting – which is new in kind and character – in the sphere of My blood; or: is the new covenant [being made] in union with My blood). Keep on doing this, whenever you may be normally drinking, into the calling up of the memory pertaining to Me (or: with a view to remembering Me).

1 Corinthians 11:25

25 Similarly, [He took] the cup also, after the eating of the supper, saying, "This cup is the new arrangement within My blood (or: exists being the thorough placing and setting – which is new in kind and character – in the sphere of My blood; or: is the new covenant [being made] in union with My blood). Keep on doing this, whenever you may be normally drinking, into the calling up of the memory pertaining to Me (or: with a view to remembering Me). 26 For whenever (or: as often as) you folks may be repeatedly eating this loaf of bread and may be habitually drinking the [other MSS: this] cup, you continuing to proclaim and bring down the announcement of the death of the Lord – until which point He may come (or: up to the point at which He should come; or: until the time where He would suddenly come). 27 So that whoever may habitually eat the loaf of bread, or should be drinking the cup, pertaining to (or: with reference to) the Lord in a manner or situation without equal value (or: unworthily; unsuitably), he or she will proceed in coming to be one held within (or: embraced by and possessed within the sphere of; or: will continue being a possession that is engulfed within) the body and the blood of the Lord. 28 So let a person habitually examine, test and evaluate himself (or: regularly approve and accept himself [i.e., his attitude and behavior in the occasion]), and in this manner let him be habitually eating from out of the loaf of bread and drinking from out of the cup, 29 for the one continually eating and drinking in a manner or situation without equal value (or: in an unworthy or unsuitable way) is repeatedly eating and drinking the effect of an evaluation and the result of a decision (or: a judgment) in (or: to; for) himself – not continually passing [this] judging through the whole body (or: in not continuing to separate throughout the body; not completely evaluating the body; not discriminating for, discerning about, or making a distinction of, the body [of believers]; [other MSS add: of the Lord]).

1 Corinthians 13:4

4 The Love (or: This love) is habitually even-tempered, taking a long time to be in a heat of passion (is constantly long-enduring and patient; continues long-suffering; is slow to progress toward feelings which cause violent breathing or rushing emotions) – it continues being usefully kind. The Love (or: This love) is not constantly boiling with jealousy and envy. The Love is not continuously bragging or “showing off” – it is not habitually being puffed up; it is not conceited or arrogant.

1 Corinthians 15:3-4

3 For I handed on (or: give over as tradition) to you, among [the] first (or: primary) things, that which I also accepted and embraced: that Christ died over [the situation and circumstances of] our failures (on behalf of our mistakes and sins) – corresponding to the Scriptures – 4 and that He was buried, and that He has been awakened and raised in (or: on) the third day, and He remains thus – corresponding to the Scriptures –

1 Corinthians 15:33

33 Stop being led astray (or: Do not continue being deceived and caused to wander)! “Worthless associations, conversations or interminglings in a crowd (or: Companionships of corrupt quality [note: this can refer to sexual encounters]; Bad company or communication) habitually and progressively corrupt, decay, spoil and ruin useful habits, kind customs and profitable characters.” [note: a quote from a play by the poet Menander]

2 Corinthians 1:4-6

4 the One continuously calling us to receive aid, relief, comfort, consolation and encouragement at [His] side (or: the One habitually functioning as our Paraclete) upon [the occurrence of] all our squeezing pressure (or: our every affliction, tribulation and oppression), [then directing and leading] us into the [sphere or situation] to in turn continue able – and to constantly have power – to keep on performing as paracletes in repeatedly giving aid, relief, comfort, consolation and encouragement for those within the midst of every pressure (oppression; squeezing, affliction and tribulation) – [and this] through means of the [same] assistance with which we, ourselves, are being constantly called alongside by God to receive as aid, relief, comfort, consolation and encouragement [from Him] (or: from which we, ourselves, are habitually being given the services of the Paraclete by God) – 5 because correspondingly as the effects and results of (or: from) the Christ's experiences and sufferings are progressively superabounding into (or: encompassing in full measure unto) us, in the same way, through the Christ (or: the Anointed One; [= the Messiah]; or: the Anointing), our calling [folks] to our side to give [them] help, relief, comfort and encouragement is also progressively superabounding so as to surround us in full quantity (or: the work of the Paraclete constantly environs in abundance from us, by the Anointing)! 6 Now whether we are being continually squeezed and compressed, or oppressed in tribulation, over and on behalf of your assistance (or: a calling to [His] side for relief, aid and comfort) and deliverance (salvation, rescue, health, wholeness and restoration), or whether we are repeatedly being given relief, intimate assistance, comfort and encouragement over and because of your assistance and comfort – referring to [that aid and encouragement] which is continuously performing inward work and operation within the midst of [that] persistent remaining under in endurance of the very effects of experiences and results of sufferings which we, ourselves, are habitually experiencing, or suffering – 7 either way, our expectation (or: expectant hope) [stands] on good footing (or: [is] stable, unwavering, with feet firmly planted; or: [stands] guaranteed as valid; [remains] a confirmation of a certification of the purchase) over and with regard to you folks, having seen and continuing to know that just as you are – and continue to be – people of common existence (partners, participants and sharers) from the effects of experiences and the results of sufferings, in the same way [are you] of the relief, aid and encouraging comfort as well.

2 Corinthians 3:6

6 Who also adequately qualifies us (or: made us fit, competent and sufficient) [to be] attending servants and dispensers of an arrangement that is new in quality (or: pertaining to a new kind of covenant that has a different character and is fresh and effective) – not of [the] letter (or: not pertaining to the result of that which is written down; not having its source in the effect of a written text), but in contrast, of a Breath-effect (or: pertaining to the result of [the] Spirit; having its source in and being the effect of spirit and attitude), for the effect of letter habitually kills (or: the result of writing something into a text repeatedly puts away in death), yet the Spirit (or: the spirit; the breath-effect; the Attitude) continuously gives life (or: repeatedly makes alive; progressively forms life; habitually creates life)!

2 Corinthians 4:3-6

3 Now if the good news coming from us (or: our message of goodness, ease and wellness) continues being covered from having been veiled with a head-covering, it continues being thus covered within the midst of and among those on their way to ruin (being progressively lost; repeatedly loosing-away so as to be undone; or: destroying themselves), 4 within and among which folks the God of this age (or: the God who owns this indefinite time-period; the God Who is in relationship with this eon) blinds (or: deprived of the ability to see) the effects of the intellects and mental powers (or: the results of directing the mind to something) of those without faith (of the un-trusting ones; of the unbelieving and disloyal), [leading them] into the [situation that] the shining forth of light and the illumination of (or: the beaming forth of enlightenment from) the good news of the glory of the Christ (or: of the message of goodness, ease and wellness whose source is the glory of the Anointed One; of the glad tidings pertaining to the manifestation which calls forth praise to the [Messiah]) – Who continuously exists being God's image (a resemblance and likeness of [Concordant Text adds: the unseen; the invisible] God) – would not shine forth as the dawn to irradiate them. 5 For you see, we are not constantly preaching (proclaiming; heralding) ourselves, but rather, Christ Jesus [as] Lord (or: [the] Anointed Jesus, [the] Lord, Master and Owner; or: = [the] Lord Jesus [as the] Messiah), yet ourselves [as] your slaves, because of Jesus, 6 because the God suddenly saying (or: the God Who once was saying),"Light will shine forth (give light as from a torch; gleam) from out of the midst of darkness (dimness and shadiness; gloom and the absence of daylight)!" [is] the One who shines forth within the midst of our hearts, with a view to illumination of the intimate and experiential knowledge of God's glory – in a face of Christ (or: [is] He Who gives light in union with our hearts, [while] facing toward an effulgence and a shining forth which is an intimate knowing of the praise-inducing manifestation whose source and origin is God, and which is God, [while] in union with face to face presence of Christ [other MSS: Jesus Christ]).

2 Corinthians 5:21

21 for you see, He made (or: formed; makes) the One not at any point knowing failure (sin; error; mistake) by intimate experience [to take the place of; to be] failure over us and our [situation] (or: He constructed [as] a sin [offering], for our sake, the Person who was not at that point having an experiential knowledge of missing the target or making a mistake), to the end that we may be birthed (come into existence being; come to be) God's rightwised qualities (God's right relationship with fair and equitable dealing which accords to the Way pointed out; God's justice; God's way it should be, with well-ordered living and right thinking; also: = participants in a covenant from God), within Him and in union with Him.

2 Corinthians 6:15-17

15 And what joining of voice (concord, agreement and harmony of sound) has Christ [when faced] toward Belial [Hebrew word for "worthlessness"]? Or what part for one full of faith and trust (or: portion in a believer) [corresponds] with one who lacks faith (an unbeliever; one who is not trustworthy or loyal)? 16 Now what mutual deposit (or: concurrence or agreement arrived by group decision) [does] God's Temple [have] with idols (or: external forms or appearances; or: phantoms of the mind; unsubstantial images or forms)? For, you see, we [other MSS: you folks] continuously exist being (we/you are) a temple of [the] living God, just as God said, "I will proceed to make My home and will continue walking about within and among them (= I will habitually reside, as in a house, and live My life within and among them), and I will proceed existing being (or: I will continue being) their God, and they will proceed existing being (or: will continue being) My people." [Lev. 26:12; etc.] 17 On which account [the] Lord [= Yahweh] says, "Instantly go forth from out of their midst and be instantly marked off by boundaries so as to be defined and restricted – and do not continue (or: stop) touching what is unclean (= ceremonially defiled), [Isa. 52:11] and then I, Myself, will constantly admit you folks and receive you into [Myself; My family], [Ezk. 20:41]

2 Corinthians 7:9-11

9 Now I continue rejoicing – not that I was made sad or anxious (pained or sorrowful) – but rather, that you were made sad and anxious [leading you] into a change in thinking and frame of mind, for you were saddened and made anxious down from and in correspondence to God, to the end that you could in nothing be disadvantaged through loss, injury or damage due to (or: from out of) us. 10 For you see, the anxiety, sadness and pain down from, in the sphere of, in line with and in correspondence to God continuously works, habitually effects and progressively produces a change in thinking and frame of mind: [in turn, leading] into a deliverance and wholeness of health (a rescue and restoration to the original state and realm; salvation) void of regret and without change in purpose. Yet the anxiety, sadness, pain and sorrow which belongs to the world (that comes from secular society, and the organized System of religion, culture, economy and government) is continuously working down the production of death (or: is in line with repeatedly and progressively bringing about death). 11 For consider (or: look)! This very thing – the [experience for] you to be made sad and anxious down from and in accord with God – to what extent it accomplished (produces; worked down and effects) [qualities] of haste to earnest diligence in you folks; but further, verbal defense (apologetics); but still further, indignant displeasure [with the whole situation]; yet further, fear and respect!; but then, longing (strong and anxious love with fond regret); on the other hand, fiery zeal and enthusiasm; yes, in fact, righting of what is wrong (maintaining justice out of rightwised relationships from the fairness of the Way pointed out) – within the midst of everything, in every respect and among all people, placing yourselves and standing together to continuously exist being pure in this practice-effect (or: results of the matter).

2 Corinthians 8:9

9 For you people continue knowing by experience the grace of Jesus Christ (or: the favor whose source and being is Jesus [the] Anointed), our Lord (Master; Owner), that although continuously existing being rich (wealthy), because of and for the sake of you folks He became destitute and led the life of a beggar, to the end that by and in the destitution and poverty of That One, you yourselves could (or: should; may; would) come to be rich (wealthy).

2 Corinthians 10:1

1 Now I myself, Paul, am making a personal appeal in continuing to call you to my side to encourage and entreat you folks through Christ's gentle friendliness (mildness; meekness) and lenient reasonableness (or: considerateness with full probability for being suitable for a situation) – I, who indeed [am] humble and lowly when face to face (= in person) among you, yet, being absent, am constantly showing courage and confidence unto you –

2 Corinthians 10:3-4

3 For though habitually walking about and ordering our behavior within [the] flesh (= in a physical body; or: = in the human condition), we are not waging warfare (or: performing military service) in correspondence and accord to flesh (= on the level of estranged or enslaved humanity, or in line with human condition; or: = in the sphere of old covenant Jewish reasonings), 4 for you see, the tools and weapons of our military service and warfare [are] not fleshly (= do not pertain to our human condition; [“are not the weapons of the Domination System” – Walter Wink]), but rather, [are] powerful ones and capable ones in God (or: by God), [focused] toward [the] pulling down (demolition) of effects of fortifications (or: strongholds; strongly entrenched positions [of the “Domination System” – Walter Wink, Engaging the Powers]),

2 Corinthians 10:4

4 for you see, the tools and weapons of our military service and warfare [are] not fleshly (= do not pertain to our human condition; [“are not the weapons of the Domination System” – Walter Wink]), but rather, [are] powerful ones and capable ones in God (or: by God), [focused] toward [the] pulling down (demolition) of effects of fortifications (or: strongholds; strongly entrenched positions [of the “Domination System” – Walter Wink, Engaging the Powers]),

2 Corinthians 12:7-10

7 And now, in the excess of the unveilings (or: with the transcendence of the revelations; by the extraordinary amount and surpassing nature of the disclosures), through this [situation] and for this reason – so that I could not be progressively exalted (or: would not continue being overly lifted up [in myself or by others]) – something with [its] point in [my] flesh is given in me (or: an impaling-stake for the human nature was given for me; or: a thorn to the natural realm, and a splinter by alienated humanity, was assigned to me): an agent of (or: a messenger from) the adversary, to the end that he (or: it) could (or: should; would) repeatedly beat me in the face (or: slap me on the ear) with his (or: its) fist. [comment: this personification of the irritation may well be metaphorical and may refer to his social or cultural-religious situation] 8 I called the Lord [Christ or Yahweh] alongside for relief, ease and comfort, and entreated [Him] three times over (or: about) this, so that he (or: it) would (or: should) at once stand away and withdraw from me, 9 and yet He has said to me – and His declaration stands, "My grace is continuously sufficient in you (or: My joyous favor is constantly adequate to ward [it] off for you), for you see, ability (or: the [other MSS read: My] power) is habitually brought to its goal (or: finished; perfected; matured) within the midst of weakness (or: in union with lack of strength and infirmity)." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather continue boasting within the midst of and in union with weakness, to the end that the ability of the Christ (or: the Anointed One's power) can pitch its tent (or: should tabernacle) upon me (or: = set up residence upon me during this transient life and journey; perhaps: = fulfill the type of the Feast of Tabernacles with me; or: = be my house from heaven; [cf: ch. 5:1])! 10 Wherefore I habitually delight and take pleasure within weaknesses (or: in union with lack of strength or infirmity); in the midst of outrageous insults and ignominious situations of mistreatment; in union with pressured necessities; in the midst of pursuits for persecution and cramped situations over and on behalf of Christ, for whenever I continue being (or: may periodically be) weak, then I am powerful (or: I then exist being capable)!

Galatians 1:4

4the One at one point giving Himself, over [the situation of] (or: on behalf of; for the sake of; [p46, Aleph*, A, D & other MSS read: concerning]) our failures (situations and occasions of falling short or to the side of the target; deviations; mistakes; errors; sins) so that He could carry us out from the midst of the present misery-gushing and worthless age (or: bear us forth from the indefinite period of time – characterized by toil, grievous plights and bad situations – having taken a stand in [our] midst; or: extricate us from the space of time having been inserted and now standing in union with base qualities), corresponding to (or: down from; in accord with; in line with; in the sphere and to the level of) the effect of the will (or: intent; purpose; design) of our God and Father,

Galatians 3:13

13 Christ bought us [back] out (or: redeems and reclaims us out by payment of the ransom) from the midst of the curse (or: adversarial prayer; imprecation) of and from the Law, while becoming (or: birthing Himself to be) a curse (or: accursed One; an [embodied] adversarial prayer) for our sakes (or: over our [situation]) – for it has been and now stands written: "A curse (an adversarial prayer) [is settled] upon all (or: [is] added to everyone) continuing hanging upon a tree (or: wood; a stake or pole)" [Deut. 21:23, omitting the phrase “by God,” after the word “curse”] –

Galatians 4:4-5

4 Yet when the effect of the filling of the time came (or: that which was filled up by time reached full term), forth from out of a mission (or: from out of the midst of [Himself]), God sent-off His Son, being Himself come to be born from out of a woman, being Himself come to be born under [the rules, authority and influence of] Law, 5 to the end that He could (or: would) buy out (ransom; redeem; reclaim [from slavery]) those under [the] Law – so that we could and would receive and take away into possession the placing in the condition of a son (or: the deposit of the Son; the setting in place which is the Son; the constituting as a son; the placing in the Son).

Galatians 4:25

25 Now this Hagar is (= represents) Mount Sinai, within Arabia, and she continuously stands in the same line (or: keeps step in the same rank; marches in a column; walks or stands in a parallel row; or: is habitually rudimentary together; = corresponds to) with the present Jerusalem, for she continues in slavery (or: bondage) with her children.

Ephesians 1:20-23

20 which is operative (or: which He exerted and inwardly worked) within the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah), awakening and raising Him forth from out of the midst of dead folks and then seating Him within (or: = at) His right [hand] (or: in union with the place of honor, strength and receiving which is Him), within the things (or: among the folks, places or realms) situated upon the heavens (or: in the super-heavenlies; within the full, perfected heavenlies; in union with the celestials; among the folks [residing] upon the atmospheres), 21 up over (or: back above) every primacy (or: ruler; principality; government; controlling effect; or: beginning; origin) and authority (or: right and privilege from out of being) and power (or: ability) and lordship (or: ownership), as well as every name being continually named not only within this age, but also within the impending one (the one being presently about to come) 22 and then placed and aligned all people in humbleness under His feet (or: and arranges everyone in a supportive position by His feet; or: then by the feet which are Him He subjects all things), and yet gives (or: gave) Him, [as] a Head (or: Source; origin and beginning of a series; or: extreme and top part) over all humanity and all things, for the called-out community (or: and as a Head over all humanity, gave Him to the summoned and gathered assembly; or: and then by the called-forth congregation He gives Him [to be the] Source over [the situation] of, and for, all humanity), 23 hich [community] is His body, the result of the filling from, and which is, the One Who is constantly filling all things within all humanity (or: which continues existing being His body: the resultant fullness, entire content and full measure of Him [Who is] progressively making full and completing all things in union with all things, as well as constantly filling the whole, in all people).

Ephesians 2:11

11 On which account (or: Wherefore) you must continuously call to mind (or: keep in mind; remember) that once you, the nations (multitudes; ethnic groups; Gentiles; non-Israelites) in flesh (= in your physical beings and cultural heritages) the ones habitually termed (spoken of as; called; said to be) "uncircumcision" by the one (or: that) habitually being termed "circumcision," in flesh (= in body and culture/religion): made by hand,

Ephesians 4:8-10

8 For this reason He (or: it) is constantly saying, "Going up (or: Stepping up; Ascending) into a height (unto [the] summit) He led (or: leads) captive a captive multitude (or: He led 'captivity' captive). He gave (or: gives) gifts to mankind (or: to, for and in humanity)." [Ps. 68:18] 9 Now (or: Yet) this "He went up (ascended),"what is it if not (or: except) that He also [first] descended (stepped down) into the lower parts (or: the under regions) of the earth (or: land)? 10 The One stepping down (descending) is Himself also the One stepping up (ascending) far above (back up over) all of the heavens (or: atmospheres; skies), to the end that He would at once fill the Whole (permeate and saturate everything; or: make all things full; bring all things to full measure and completion).

Ephesians 5:2

2 and keep on walking (walking around; = progressively living and maintaining your life) within, and in union with, Love, according as the Christ also loves (or: to the same level and commensurately as the Anointed One loved) you, and gives (or: gave) Himself over (or: up; alongside) in our behalf (over us and our [situation]; [other MSS: you]): a bearing toward and a bringingto be face to face, and then an offering (or: sacrifice) by (or: in; with; to; for) God (or: an approach [present], even a sacrifice by God) [turning] into a fragrant odor (sweet smell).

Ephesians 5:18-19

18 And stop being made drunk (or: Do not be continuously made intoxicated) by wine, within which exists the disposition of one having no hope of safety (unsavingness; dissipation and ill health; desperation), but rather be continuously or repeatedly filled full in spirit (within [the] Spirit; within the midst of [the] Breath-effect; in the sphere of attitude; in union with [the] Breath), 19 continuously speaking (making vocal utterances) to (or: among) yourselves in psalms and hymns (or: songs of praise; festive songs) and spiritual odes (songs; chants), continually singing and playing stringed instruments (making music; psalming; sharply touching or plucking [the strings or chords]) in (or: by; with; or: for) your hearts to (or: for; by; with: in) the Lord [= Christ, or, Yahweh],

Ephesians 6:10-18

10 Of the remainder (or: Finally), be constantly empowering yourselves within (engendering ability within yourselves), centered in and in union with [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] even within, and in union with, the force (or: strength) of His might (or: the mightiness of His strength and forcefulness): 11 you folks must enter within (or: clothe yourselves with) the full suit of armor and implements of war (panoply; the complete equipment for men-at-arms) which is God (or: which comes from and belongs to God), in order for you to be continuously able and powerful to stand (or: to make a stand) facing toward the crafty methods (stratagems) of the adversary (or: that which throws folks into dualism with divided thinking and perceptions; or: the person that throws something through the midst and casts division; the one who thrusts things through folks; the slanderer who accuses and deceives; or, commonly called: the "devil"), 12 because for us [other MSS: for you] the wrestling is not against (toward; with a view to) blood and flesh (= physical bodies), but rather against (toward; i.e., "face to face" with) the beginning controls and rules (or: original rulings; or: rulers and controllers; governments; those things or people in first position; the beginning things or people; the original ones; the princes) and face to face with the rights and privileges (or: liberties to do as one pleases; or: authorities; or: aspects from out of existence), with a view to the strengths of the System (or: strengths of the order; or: universal powers; the world's strong-ones) of this darkness (realm of shadows, gloom and dimness; [comment: = ignorance]), facing (toward; or: with a view to) the spiritual aspects (or: breath-effected attitudes; or: conditions and qualities of a spirit) of the worthlessness (the badness of conditions; the unsoundness and miserableness; the wickedness and depravity; the evil and malice; the disadvantageousness; the unprofitableness; the thing that brings toilsome labor and a gush of misery) among those situated upon elevated positions (or: situated within the heavenly positions or places; among the imposed heavenly realms; positioned in union with the celestials and heavenly ones; resident within the midst of added atmospheres). [note: this verse could be speaking about the ruling authorities of the religious world of ignorance, with its now worthless sacrifices, or, about the political system of darkened strength which was currently in power, bringing bad situations; Walter Wink, in Engaging the Powers, uses the phrase against suprahuman systems and forces for part of this verse]

Ephesians 6:12

12 because for us [other MSS: for you] the wrestling is not against (toward; with a view to) blood and flesh (= physical bodies), but rather against (toward; i.e., "face to face" with) the beginning controls and rules (or: original rulings; or: rulers and controllers; governments; those things or people in first position; the beginning things or people; the original ones; the princes) and face to face with the rights and privileges (or: liberties to do as one pleases; or: authorities; or: aspects from out of existence), with a view to the strengths of the System (or: strengths of the order; or: universal powers; the world's strong-ones) of this darkness (realm of shadows, gloom and dimness; [comment: = ignorance]), facing (toward; or: with a view to) the spiritual aspects (or: breath-effected attitudes; or: conditions and qualities of a spirit) of the worthlessness (the badness of conditions; the unsoundness and miserableness; the wickedness and depravity; the evil and malice; the disadvantageousness; the unprofitableness; the thing that brings toilsome labor and a gush of misery) among those situated upon elevated positions (or: situated within the heavenly positions or places; among the imposed heavenly realms; positioned in union with the celestials and heavenly ones; resident within the midst of added atmospheres). [note: this verse could be speaking about the ruling authorities of the religious world of ignorance, with its now worthless sacrifices, or, about the political system of darkened strength which was currently in power, bringing bad situations; Walter Wink, in Engaging the Powers, uses the phrase against suprahuman systems and forces for part of this verse] 13 On account of this, you folks receive back again (or: at once take up) the full suit of armor (panoply; implements of war) which is God (or: which belongs to and has its source in God), to the end that you would have powerand be able to withstand and resist (to stand opposite, over against as facing an opponent; or: stand in [other folks'] place, instead of [them]) within the harmful and misery-gushed day (or: the day of bad conditions), and then accomplishing all (achieving and effecting everything [the whole]), to stand firm. 14 You folks stand (or: at once take your stand), then, after girding yourselves aroundyour waist (or: loins) in union with Truth and within the midst of Reality, and then, entering within (putting on; clothing yourself with) the breastplate armor (cuirass; corslet) of fair and equitable dealing (or: which is the rightwised relationships of the Way pointed out; the Righteousness; the Justice; also = covenant inclusion and participation), 15 and next sandaling (or: binding under) the feet in readiness and preparedness which comes from, has the character of and which belongs to the good news (or: message of goodness, ease and well-being) of the Peace (or: which are peace and harmony [= shalom]) 16 within all things and situations (or: in union with all people) [be] at once receiving again (or: taking back up) the large oblong shield of the Faith (or: Trust; Confidence; Faithfulness; Assurance; Loyalty), within which you will continue having powerand be progressively ableto extinguish all the fiery arrows of and from the worthless person (or: evil one; unsound and miserable situation; disadvantageous and unprofitable condition; malicious and depraved attitude; toilsome labor that is gushed with misery). 17 And at once accept (or: receive and retain) for yourselves the helmet of the Deliverance (or: which comes from the Salvation; that belongs to health and wholeness; which is the restoration to the original realm and condition) and the Spirit's sword (the short sword from the Attitude; or: the dagger which is spirit; the dirk which is the Breath-effect) the one being God's gush-effect (or: which is the result of the flow from God; the one existing [as] a result of a flux or an effect of a continuous movement, the source of which is God; or: which is a spoken Word of God; or: that being an utterance or declaration which is God). 18 By means of all thought, desire or imparted message toward having things be well (or: Through every prayer) and request (or: declaration) regarding need, [be] folks continuously thinking, speaking and acting toward goodness and well-being (or: praying) within every season (in union with every fitting situation; on every occasion; in the midst of every fertile moment) within and in union with [the] Spirit (Breath-effect; Attitude), while maintaining a constant alertness (or: in spirit being constantly vigilant and abstaining from sleep), also, to that end, in all focus to unremitting and stout continuance (or: in union with every view to resolute, potent perseverance which brings control) and request regarding need concerning (or: surrounding) all of the set-apart folks (holy ones; saints; sacredly different people),

Ephesians 6:18-19

18 By means of all thought, desire or imparted message toward having things be well (or: Through every prayer) and request (or: declaration) regarding need, [be] folks continuously thinking, speaking and acting toward goodness and well-being (or: praying) within every season (in union with every fitting situation; on every occasion; in the midst of every fertile moment) within and in union with [the] Spirit (Breath-effect; Attitude), while maintaining a constant alertness (or: in spirit being constantly vigilant and abstaining from sleep), also, to that end, in all focus to unremitting and stout continuance (or: in union with every view to resolute, potent perseverance which brings control) and request regarding need concerning (or: surrounding) all of the set-apart folks (holy ones; saints; sacredly different people), 19 and further, in behalf of me, so that to me a word (or: message; thought; idea; logos) would be given, in the midst of opening my mouth in freedom of speaking openly in public and with the boldness and rights of a citizen, to make known the secret (or: mystery) of the good news (or: which is the message of goodness, ease and well-being),

Philippians 2:3-5

3 nothing down from (or: along the line of; corresponding to; or: descending to) party interests (hireling-like contention; faction; self-serving; or: from a motive of financial gain, or to enhance one's career) nor down from (or: along the line of; corresponding to; or: descending to) empty reputation (futile opinion; vainglory; fruitless appearance) – but rather, in humility (or: by an attitude of being in a low station; in humbleness of disposition and way of thinking) constantly considering one another (or: each other) [as] those habitually holding [a position] above yourselves (or: [as] being superior in regard to yourselves), 4 not each one continuing to attentively view (keep an eye on and look out for) the things or interests pertaining to themselves, but to the contrary, each one also [looking out for] the things and interests pertaining to others (or: of different folks; of people that are different). 5 You see, this way of thinking (this attitude and disposition) is continuously within and among you folks (or, as an imperative: So let this minding be habitually within you folks) – which [is] also within Christ Jesus,

Philippians 2:7-8

7 but to the contrary, He empties Himself (or: removed the contents of Himself; made Himself empty), receiving (or: taking; accepting) a slave's form (external shape; outward mold), coming to be (or: birthing Himself) within an effect of humanity's (mankind's; people's) likeness. 8 And so, being found in an outward fashion, mode of circumstance, condition, form-appearance (or: character, role, phase, configuration, manner) as a human (a person; a man), He lowers Himself (or: humbled Himself; made Himself low; degrades Himself; levels Himself off), coming to be (or: birthing Himself) a submissive, obedient One (one who gives the ear and listens) as far as (or: to the point of; until) death – but death of a cross (torture stake)!

Colossians 1:13

13 He who drags us out of danger (or: rescued us) forth from out of the midst of the authority of the Darkness (from Darkness's jurisdiction and right; from existing out of gloomy shadows and obscure dimness; = the privilege of ignorance), and changes [our] position (or: transported [us], thus, giving [us] a change of standing, and transferred [us]) into the midst of the kingdom and reign of the Son of His love (or: into the midst of the sovereign influence of the Son Who has the characteristics and qualities of His accepting love; into union with the sovereign activities of the Son Whose origin is His love; or: into the sphere of the reign of the Son of the Love which is Him; into the center of the kingdom of the Son, which is His love),

Colossians 3:1

1 Since, therefore, you folks were awakened and are raised up together in the Christ (or: If, then, you are aroused and raised with the Anointed One), be constantly seeking and trying to find the upward things (or: the things being above), where the Christ is (exists being), continuously sitting within the right [side] (or: at the right [hand]; = at the place of receiving, and in the place of honor and the power) of God.

1 Thessalonians 2:14-15

14 For you, brothers (= fellow believers), were birthed (or: were made to be) imitators of God's called-out folks (or: summoned forth communities) – the ones within Christ being (or: existing) in Judea – because you also at one point experienced (or: suffered) the very same things by (or: under) your own fellow-tribesmen, just as they also [did] by (or: under) the Jews (= the religious leaders of Judaism), 15 even from those killing-off the Lord Jesus, as well as the prophets; even from those driving us out and continuously displeasing God, and from folks contrary to (or: in opposition against) all humans (or: people),

1 Thessalonians 3:4

4 You see, even when we were with you we were predicting (laying it out and telling beforehand) to you that, "we are about to be continuously pressed (or: squeezed; oppressed), " just as it was even birthed (or: also came to be), and you have seen and know.

1 Thessalonians 5:8

8 We, on the other hand, being of Day (belonging to and having characteristics of [the] Day; having [the] Day as our source), can and should continuously be sober (clear-headed), putting on (or: clothing ourselves with; enveloping ourselves in; entering within) a breastplate (or: thorax) of faith and love (or: which is and is composed of faith and love; = have trust & love as body armor) and, as a helmet, an expectation (or: expectant hope) of deliverance (health and wholeness; rescue and salvation; restoration to our original state and condition),

1 Thessalonians 5:18

18 Within the midst of everything, be continuously giving thanks (or: In union with all people, be habitually expressing the goodness of grace and the well-being from favor), for this is God's intent (will, purpose) unto you in Christ Jesus (or: [proceeding] into the midst of you folks, in union with [the] Anointed Jesus).

1 Timothy 1:13-16

13one being formerly a blasphemer (a vilifier and slanderer; one using abusive speech and hindering the Light while bringing injury) and a persecutor and a violent, insolent aggressor (an overbearing, insolent, riotous and outrageous person), but to the contrary, I was mercied (or: given mercy), because, being continuously ignorant (without intimate, experiential knowledge or personal insight), I acted (or: did it) within unbelief (or: in distrust).

1 Timothy 1:13-14

13one being formerly a blasphemer (a vilifier and slanderer; one using abusive speech and hindering the Light while bringing injury) and a persecutor and a violent, insolent aggressor (an overbearing, insolent, riotous and outrageous person), but to the contrary, I was mercied (or: given mercy), because, being continuously ignorant (without intimate, experiential knowledge or personal insight), I acted (or: did it) within unbelief (or: in distrust). 14 Yet our Lord's grace and favor overwhelms (is above more than enough; is overabounding) with faith and trust, as well as love, which are resident within Christ Jesus.

1 Timothy 1:14-14

14 Yet our Lord's grace and favor overwhelms (is above more than enough; is overabounding) with faith and trust, as well as love, which are resident within Christ Jesus. 15 The Word [is] full of faith, and [is] deserving of every welcome reception of equal value, because (or: Faithful and trustworthy, even worthy of all and complete acceptance, [is] the message and saying that) Christ Jesus came into the ordered System (the world of secular culture, religion, government and economy; or: the cosmos) to rescue failures (to deliver those missing the target; to save and make sinners healthy and whole; to restore outcasts to their rightful position), of whom I myself exist being first (or: am foremost). 16 But nonetheless, through this I was mercied (or: I am given mercy), to the end that within me first (= as the foremost case) Jesus Christ may point out so as to publicly display every emotion which is long in arriving (all long-suffering patience) with a view to being an underline (toward [being] a subtype; as facing a sketch or outline; for a pattern) of those about to be habitually believing (or: progressively trusting; one-after-another placing faith) upon Him, [that is, ] into the midst of eonian life (into Life which pertains to and has the qualities and characteristics of the Age [of Messiah]; into life of, and which lasts through, the ages).

1 Timothy 3:16

16 and so confessedly (admittedly; with common consent and sameness of speech) great is the secret (or: mystery) of the reverence (the standing in awe of goodness, with adoration; the healthful devotion and virtuous conduct of ease, in true relation to God): which is made visible (manifested) within flesh (= a physical body), is rightwised (set in equity and right relationship in the Way pointed out; also = is placed in covenant) in spirit (in union with Breath-effect), is seen by agents (or: messengers), is heralded (preached) within multitudes (among nations and ethnic groups), is trusted and believed within [the] world (an ordered system; secular culture), is received back in good opinion and reputation. (or: Who [some MSS read: God; others: He] was brought to clear light within flesh (= the natural realm); was shown righteous and just (= set in covenant) within spirit and attitude; was seen by agents; was proclaimed among Gentiles {non-Jews}; was believed within [the] world of society, religion, and government; was taken back up again, within glory – a manifestation which calls forth praise!)

1 Timothy 4:4-5

4 Because all God's creation (or: every creature of God) [is] beautiful (fine; ideal), and not one thing is to be thrown away – being habitually received with thanksgiving – 5 for it is continuously (or: progressively) being set-apart (made holy; rendered sacred) through God's Word (or: by means of a word which is God; through a message and an idea from God) and an encounter (or: a meeting and falling in with someone; or: conversation; or: hitting on target within a matter to assist; thus: intercession).

1 Timothy 6:9-10

9 Yet those wanting and determining to be rich are continually falling in – into a trial and a trap and many senseless and hurtful strong passions (many over-desires void of understanding and bringing weakness; disadvantageous wants and needs), which things habitually swamp those people, sinking them to the bottom, into ruinous corruption (or: destruction) and loss, 10 for a root of all the bad things (the worthless qualities; the injurious situations; the poor craftsmanship; the ugly personalities; the malicious desires) is the fondness of silver (= love of money; = covetousness) of which some, habitually extending and stretching themselves out to reach, are caused to wander off (or: were led astray) away from the faith and they pierce themselves through with a rod and put themselves on a spit (or: they run themselves through, stabbing themselves all around) for (or: in; to; with; by) many pains.

2 Timothy 2:10-12

10 Because of this [fact], I continue remaining under to support all people and to patiently endure all [situations], on account of (= for the sake of) the selected and picked-out folks (the chosen-out people; the elect group; the choice ones), to the end that they, also, may hit the target of deliverance (rescue; health and wholeness; salvation) – that [which is] within Christ Jesus (or: the one pertaining to Jesus, resident within Christ: inherent in the Anointing) – together with glory (or: an appearance; an opinion; an imagination; a manifestation which calls forth praise) which has the characteristics and qualities of the Age (or: eonian glory; an age-lasting reputation). 11 The Word (or: Logos) [is] full of faith. (or: Trustworthy [is] this statement and the message:) For since we died together with [Him] (or: For if we jointly die), we will also continue living together (or: proceed jointly living; constantly co-live); 12 since we are continuously remaining under for support (or: if we continue patiently enduring), we will also continue reigning (ruling as kings) together with [Him]; if we shall continue denying (disowning; not consenting; renouncing; turning our back on [other MSS: are repeatedly denying]) [Him], That One also will continue denying (disowning; not consenting to; renouncing; turning His back on) us.

2 Timothy 2:12-12

12 since we are continuously remaining under for support (or: if we continue patiently enduring), we will also continue reigning (ruling as kings) together with [Him]; if we shall continue denying (disowning; not consenting; renouncing; turning our back on [other MSS: are repeatedly denying]) [Him], That One also will continue denying (disowning; not consenting to; renouncing; turning His back on) us.

2 Timothy 2:18

18 the very ones who miss the mark, deviating around the truth (or: reality), repeatedly saying a [other MSS: the] resurrection has already occurred, and constantly turn back (or: turn again; overturn) the faith, trust and loyalty of certain folks (or: of some).

Titus 1:1

1 Paul, God's slave (a slave of God; one bound to, subjected under and owned by God), yet one sent away with a commission (as an emissary, envoy or ambassador) from, pertaining to and belonging to Jesus Christ (or: a representative of Jesus [the] Anointed), with a view to and corresponding to [the] faith of God's chosen folks (or: in line with a trust and loyalty possessed by and characteristic of God's selected and picked-out ones) and the full, accurate and precise intimate knowledge and experiential insight of Truth and Reality – the [truth and reality] corresponding to and in accord with reverence (or: down from goodness which produces virtuous conduct with devoutness, and in line with ease from a true relation to God)

Titus 2:14

14 Who gave (or: gives) Himself over us (= over our situation; on our behalf), to the end that He could loose and redeem us (= set us free) from all lawlessness – by payment of a ransom – and would cleanse and make pure in Himself (for Himself; by Himself; with Himself) a people being encircled around [Him], laid up as a super-abounding acquisition of property, zealous (bubbling up; or: boiling hot; = extremely enthusiastic) with regard to beautiful actions (or: for ideal works; from fine deeds).

Hebrews 1:3

3 Who, continuously being an effect of the radiance from (or: a result from a dawning and breaking forth of the bright light of the Day which is; a result of the outshining which is; an effulgence from; an effect of an off-shining [light]-beam belonging to; or: a result of a reflection of) the Glory and Splendor as well as an exact impress (or: exact likeness as from a stamp or a die; or: a carving) of His substructure (or: of His substance [that is] standing under as a foundation; which is the underlying support of His outward form and properties; from His sub-placing; or: from His assumed groundwork of the full expression [of His idea]) – besides continuously bearing (or: and while progressively carrying; and then repeatedly bringing) the whole (all things; everything and all existence) by the gush-effect which is His power (or: in the result of the flow from the power which is Him; or: with the saying pertaining to His ability; in the spoken declaration of, and which has the character of and its source in, His power and ability) through and by means of Himself – in producing a cleansing of (or: after making a ritual purification in regard to) the failures (the misses of the target; the mistakes and errors; or: a clearing by pruning which pertains to the sins) He at once seated Himself within [the] right part (or: hand; = in union with the receiving aspect, honored position and place of power) of the Greatness centered and resident within high places.

Hebrews 1:6

6 Now again, when He brought the Firstborn into the habitable world He is saying, "And so, let all God's agents (or: people with the message) give homage to Him (or: worship and reverence Him; kiss toward and do obeisance to Him; = show respect and give honor to Him)." [Ps. 97:7b]

Hebrews 1:14

14 Are not all people public-serving Breath-effects (or: spirits; winds), being sent forth unto attending service because of those folks being about to progressively inherit deliverance (or: receive the allotment of salvation, health and wholeness)? [note: cf 1 Pet. 1:12]

Hebrews 2:17

17 Wherefore, He was indebted (or: obliged) to be assimilated by (or: made like or similar to) the brothers in accord with all things (or: concerning everything; = in every respect; or: in correlation to all people), so that He might become a merciful and a faithful (or: loyal) Chief Priest (Leading, Ruling or Beginning Priest) [in regard to] the things toward God, into the [situation] to be repeatedly and continuously overshadowing the failures (mistakes; errors; misses of the target; sins) of the People with a gentle, cleansing shelter and covering. 18 For you see, in what He has experienced Himself, having been tried in ordeals, He is able to run to the aid of those who cry for help – those being tried (put through ordeals).

Hebrews 4:15

15 For you see, we do not have a chief priest who is unable or has no power to sympathize (to have a sense-experience with; to feel a stab of sympathy or suffer together; cf ch. 2:10) with our lack of strength, but One having been put to the proof – in accord with all things (or: down with all men; corresponding to all people) [and] in corresponding likeness – apart from failure (mistake; error; sin; failing to hit the target).

Hebrews 5:7

7 Who, during the days of His flesh (= existence as a human), with a strong (or: robust) outcry and tears, offered both earnest requests (supplications from need) and petitions (or: supplications; literally: olive branches carried by suppliants, which symbolized a request for help and protection) toward the One being continually able and powerful to deliver (rescue; save) Him forth from out of the midst of death. And so He was being heard (or: was being listened to), from this discretion and precaution (or: the disposition of taking hold well with prudent understanding; or: the receiving of goodness and well-being; or: [His] undertaking with care).

Hebrews 7:25

25 Consequently He is also continuously able and powerful to be constantly delivering (continuously setting-free, restoring to health and making whole) – unto the finishing of all (unto the completed goal of everything; into the midst of the all-perfection; unto the end of all; into the final act and destiny of all) – those folks habitually approaching God through Him [Who is] always living to be repeatedly effecting encounters over them and to hit the internal target.

Hebrews 8:1

1 Now as a summary and main point, added to the things being presently said (or: the head [topic] of the discussion): we continue having such a Chief and Ruling Priest, Who sat down at the right of the Throne of the Greatness (or: in union with the place of power and receiving in Majesty's seat of authority) within the midst of the atmospheres (or: in union with and participating in the heavens; = the realm of rule over the earth) –

Hebrews 8:6-13

6 But now He has hit the mark of a thoroughly carried-through public service, even by as much as He continues being a Medium (an agency; an intervening substance; a middle state; one in a middle position; a go-between; an umpire; a Mediator) of a superior (stronger and better) arrangement (covenant; settlement; disposition) which has been instituted (set by custom; legally [= by/as Torah] established) upon superior (stronger and better) promises! 7 For if that first one was being unblamable (without ground for faultfinding; beyond criticism; satisfying), a place of a second one would not have continued to be sought (looked for). 8 For continuously blaming (finding fault and being dissatisfied with) them, He is saying, "'Consider! Days are progressively coming,' says the Lord [=Yahweh], 'and I shall progressively bring an end together (a conclusion of its destiny; or: a joint-goal) upon the house of Israel and upon the house of Judah with a new arrangement (covenant; disposition), 9 "'not down from nor in accord with the arrangement (covenant) which I made with their fathers, in a day of My taking hold upon their hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, because they did not remain (abide; dwell) in My arrangement (covenant) and, for my part, I cared not for (was unconcerned about; neglected) them,' says the Lord [= Yahweh]. 10 "'Because this is the arrangement (covenant; disposition) which I shall continue arranging for the house of Israel, after those days,' says the Lord: 'progressively giving My Laws into their thought (into that which goes through their mind; into their perception and comprehension), and I shall progressively imprint them (write or inscribe marks) upon their hearts, and I shall continue being in and among them ([in relation] to them; for them), into [the position of] a God, and they shall continue being (exist being) in Me ([in relation] to Me; for Me), into [the position of] a people. 11 "'And they may by no means teach each one his fellow-citizen, and each one his brother, saying, "Know the Lord (or: You must be intimate with [Yahweh])," because everyone (all) shall progressively perceive and thus understand and be acquainted with Me, from a little one even to a large one of them, 12 "'because I shall continue being (existing) merciful with a cleansing covering for their injustices (behaviors contrary to the Way pointed out; inequities) and acts of lawlessness, and then I would by no means be reminded further of their mistakes and failures (errors and falling short of the target; sins).'" [Jer. 31:30-33] 13 In thus to be saying "new [in kind and quality]," He has made the first (or: former) "old," and that [which is] progressively growing old and obsolete (failing of age; ageing into decay), [is] near its disappearing (vanishing away).

Hebrews 9:15

15 And now because of this, He continues being a Medium (an Agency; an Intervening Substance; a middle state; One in a middle position; a go-between; an Umpire; a Mediator) of and from a New Arrangement (a disposition and covenant that is new in kind and quality) so that, pertaining to a death occurring (or: from a death having happened) [which leads] into an unbinding-away of the steppings-to-the-side [that were] based upon the first arrangement, (or: in order that by birthing Himself from death into the midst of a redeeming [of people] from the deviations [that came] upon the first disposition; or: so that at one point coming into existence from death [and] on into the center of a ransom-paid release from transgressions [that were founded] upon the former covenant,) the people having been called and now remaining invited can at some point take hold of (or: may seize into possession; or: would suddenly receive) the Promise of the inheritance pertaining to and having the qualities of the Age [of Messiah] (or: the eonian possession and enjoyment of the allotment; or: the inheritance of, from and for the ages).

Hebrews 9:17

17 for an arrangement (a will; a covenant) based upon dead folks [is] firm (fixed; guaranteed as valid), since it is never (not once) [other MSS: not then] strong (or: in force) at the time when the one making the arrangement (or: covenant; will) is alive (or: continues living).

Hebrews 10:1-10

1 For the Law (= Torah), holding a shadow of (having shade from) the impending good things (virtues; excellent, agreeable or useful qualities or results) – not the very image of or the same reproduced likeness from those transactions (results of executing or performing; effects of practices) – continues not even once able (or: still never has power) at any point to perfect (bring to the goal and destiny, finish, complete or mature) those folks repeatedly coming near (approaching) by offering the [other MSS: their] same sacrifices every year, on into the whole length (or: extended or stretched into the unbroken continuance) [of its existence]. 2 Otherwise would they not cease being habitually offered? Because those constantly serving, upon having once for all been cleansed, would not still continue to have even one consciousness about sins (or: awareness of failures, mistakes or errors). 3 But in contrast, in these folks [there is] yearly (or: year by year) a remembrance of sins (a recollection of failures and falling short of the goal). 4 For you see, blood from bulls and from he-goats [is] without ability [and is] powerless to be periodically carrying away sins (or: lifting failures from; taking off misses of the target). 5 Wherefore (or: Because of which), repeatedly (habitually; continually; periodically; or: presently) coming into the System (or: entering the cosmos and the world of religion, culture, secular society and government) He is saying, "You do not will (purpose; intend) sacrifice and offering, but You completely equipped (thoroughly adjusted down, put in order, knit together) in and for Yourself a body for and in Me. 6 "And the results and effects of whole burnt offerings about sin (concerning failure to hit the target) You do not think well of (or: have a good opinion about). 7 "Then I said, 'Consider! I am arriving to do (make; form; create; produce; perform) Your will (purpose; intent; resolve), O God!' – in a little head of a scroll (a summaryof a little scroll), it has been written concerning Me.'" [Ps. 40:6-8] 8 Up above, in saying that,"You do not will (purpose, intend), neither think well of (or: approve), sacrifice and offering and the result and effect of whole burnt-offerings, even concerning sin (failure; error) [offerings]" – which things, down from and in accord with Law and custom, continue being repeatedly offered – 9 He then said, "Consider! I am arriving to do (form; make; create) Your will (purpose; intent; resolve), O God!" – He is habitually (or: progressively; or: presently) taking back up the first, so that He could make the second [cf. ch. 9:28] to stand (or: that He may place and establish the second) – 10 within which will (or: in union with which intent and purpose), we are folks having been made set-apart ones (sanctified folks; sacred and holy people) through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

Hebrews 11:8

8 In loyal faith, by trusting allegiance and with confident faithfulness, Abraham obeyed (humbly listened and submissively paid attention, under [God]), continuing to be called to go out into the place which he was, and continued being, about to take in hand (or: receive) – into an inheritance (an enjoyment of an allotment). And he went out not presently putting his thoughts on (or: not being versed in or acquainted with) where he was progressively going.

Hebrews 12:2

2 turning [our] eyes away from other things and fixing them (or: looking away) into Jesus, the Inaugurator (First Leader; Prime Author) and Perfecter (Finisher; the Bringer-to-maturity and fruition; He who purposes and accomplishes the destiny) of the faith, trust, confidence and loyal allegiance, Who, instead of and in place of the joy (or: in the position on the opposite side from the happiness) continuously lying before Him (or: lying in the forefront within Him; lying ahead for Him), remained under a cross – despising shame (or: thinking nothing of [the] disgrace) – and has sat down and now continues seated, remaining in the right [hand] of (or: = in union with the place of receiving at; = at the place of power and honor, which is) God's throne.

Hebrews 12:12-13

12 Because of which [education], "straighten up (or: build anew and restore) those hands hanging down helplessly, and those knees having been paralyzed or loosened at the sides," [Isa. 35:3] 13 and then, "make straight and upraised wheel-tracks for your feet," [Prov. 4:26] so that what is crippled in the feet (lame; limping; deprived of foot) may not be turned or twisted out (or: lest it be wrenched out of place or be dislocated), but rather can and would be healed.

Hebrews 12:15

15 while overseeing (looking diligently and carefully watching upon and seeing to it) [that] no one be lacking (be falling short; be living behind or in the rear; = misses out), [by wandering] away from God's grace and joyous favor; [that] not any "root of bitterness" [Deut. 29:18], progressively sprouting upward, would be crowding in to cause disturbance like the spirit of a mob, and then, through means of it, many folks may be stained (polluted; defiled; = the whole community could be contaminated).

Hebrews 12:24

24 and in (or: to) Jesus, a Medium (or: an agency; an intervening substance; a middle state; one in a middle position; a go-between; an Umpire; a Mediator) of a new and fresh (young; recently-born) arrangement (covenant; settlement; a deposit which moves throughout in every direction; a placing through the midst; a will and testament), and to and in blood of sprinkling, and to One continuously speaking something superior to (or: stronger and better than) Abel.

Hebrews 13:20

20 Now may the God who is Peace (or: who is the origin of and has the character and qualities of harmony [= shalom]), the One at one point leading our Lord (Master; Owner) – Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheep, the Great One – back up again out from the midst of dead folks,

James 2:5

5 Listen and hear, my beloved brothers! Did not God at one point choose (call and speak out; pick out; select) for Himself the poor folks in the System (or: Does not God Himself lay out and collect the beggars and those who slink and cower with wretchedness in the world of society, culture, religion and government) – rich folks in faith, trust, loyalty and conviction, and also heirs (those who possess by distribution of an allotment) of the reign and kingdom which He promised to and assured for those continually loving Him?

James 4:5-6

5 Or are you supposing that the Scripture is speaking void of effect (emptily; vainly)? The breath-effect (or: spirit) which housed-down in us normally sets its desire (longing; affection; yearning) upon [something], [with a view] toward ill-will, malice, envy and jealousy! (or: The Spirit – which He causes to dwell in union with us – is constantly longing and progressively yearning [for us]: to the point of bubbling up zeal and enthusiasm. or: Is the spirit and attitude which lives within us periodically longing toward envy?) 6 Yet He is constantly and progressively giving greater (= more abundant; more intense; larger; more frequent) grace and favor, therefore it is saying "God continuously sets Himself in opposition to, and aligns Himself against, those that show themselves above (the proud; the assuming), but He habitually gives grace and favor to the low ones (the unassuming ones; the humble ones; those of low rank)." [Prov. 3:34]

1 Peter 1:1

1 Peter, one sent with a mission pertaining to Jesus Christ (or: an emissary and representative of, and from, [the] Anointed Jesus), to selected and picked out exiles (or: alien residents; sojourners; expatriates; strangers residing in a country not your own) of [the] dispersion (or: from a scattering; of [the] Diaspora), temporarily living beside residents of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, the province of Asia, and Bithynia,

1 Peter 1:5

5 the ones being continuously garrisoned within (or: kept under watch and guarded in the center of) God's power, in union with an ability which is God, through [His] faithfulness, into a deliverance (a rescue which brings health, wholeness and a return to your original state and condition; salvation; a [period of] rescue) [which is now] ready to be unveiled (revealed; disclosed) within the midst of and in union with [this] last season (or: resident within a final fitting situation; in a final fertile moment; on [this] last occasion),

1 Peter 1:11

11 constantly searching into which season or what kind of situation the Spirit of Christ (or: Christ's spirit; or: the Breath-effect which is the Anointed One), resident within them, was continuing to point to, making [it] evident and clearly visible, repeatedly testifying (witnessing; giving evidence) beforehand about the effects of the experiences and results of the sufferings [projected] into Christ, and the glories (the manifestations which call forth praise; the good opinions and reputations; the appearances of things) after these things,

1 Peter 1:13

13 On which account (or: Wherefore), in preparation for work or action, girding up in yourselves the clothes about the loins (or: waist; = getting ready for action) of your divided thoughts and the things passing through your mind (or: mental perceptions; intellect and comprehension), continuously being perfectly (or: maturely) clear-headed and sober (unintoxicated), direct and set (or: being constantly sober-minded, completely direct and set) your hope and expectation upon the grace and favor being continuously brought (or: periodically and progressively carried) to you within an unveiling (or: in the midst of a disclosure) of Jesus Christ (or: a revelation which is Jesus [the] Anointed One; or: an uncovering which comes from and pertains to Jesus Christ).

1 Peter 2:21-23

21 for into this you are called (or: were invited), because Christ also experienced [this] (or: suffered) over you folks (or: for your sakes), leaving continuously below (or: behind) in you (or: with and for you) an underwriting (a writing under which you are to write or copy; hence: a pattern; a model) to the end that you could (or: would) follow-on in the footprints of Him 22 "Who does not make a mistake (Who did not perform failure; Who does no sin; Who does not construct failure to hit the target), nor is (or: was) deceitful bait (fraud; guile) found in His mouth;" [Isa. 53:9] 23 Who, being repeatedly reviled (harshly and bitingly rebuked and insulted), was not reviling back (answering insult with insult; taking the position of harsh, biting rebuke); continuously (or: repeatedly) suffering (experiencing ill treatment), he was not threatening, but kept on giving [the situation] over to the One at His side: the One constantly sifting, separating and deciding (or: judging) fairly (equitably; following the Path of the Way pointed out, bringing situations to a rightwised condition),

1 Peter 2:23

23 Who, being repeatedly reviled (harshly and bitingly rebuked and insulted), was not reviling back (answering insult with insult; taking the position of harsh, biting rebuke); continuously (or: repeatedly) suffering (experiencing ill treatment), he was not threatening, but kept on giving [the situation] over to the One at His side: the One constantly sifting, separating and deciding (or: judging) fairly (equitably; following the Path of the Way pointed out, bringing situations to a rightwised condition), 24 Who, Himself, bore back up again our failures (our mistakes; our times of falling short or to the side of the target; our sins and errors) [Isa. 53:4, 12] within His body upon the tree (the wood; the stake), to the end that, being folks suddenly coming to be parted away from the failures (mistakes; errors; sins; misses of the target), we can (or: would; may) live in (or: by; for; with) the fairness and equity, in rightwised relationships, in the Path of the Way pointed out (or: = in covenant participation), where "you folks are (or: were) healed (or: cured) in the wound (or: by the welt; in the bruise of the blow)." [Isa. 53:5]

1 Peter 3:22

22 Who continuously exists (or: is; has being) within [the place of] (or: = on or at) God's right [side, or hand; – i.e., the place of authority and ability to exercise power; the place of receiving], going from place to place, journeying into [the] atmosphere (or: heaven) of those being humbly aligned by Him (or: pertaining to those subjected, placed and arranged under in Him; which are the folks being set in order for support to Him): of agents (or: messengers; folks with the message), and of authorities (or: those who have the right and privilege from out of Being), and of powers (or: folks with abilities and influence).

1 Peter 4:1

1 Christ, then, having undergone experiences and suffering in flesh (or: being physically and emotionally affected to the point of suffering) over us (or: over our [situation] and for our sakes), you folks also arm and equip yourselves with the same mental inclination (idea; thought; way of thinking; frame of mind; attitude), because the person [thus] suffering or going through physical or emotional experiences which affect him in [the] flesh (or: = by [his] estranged humanity or alienated self) has in and for himself put a stop to failures, errors and mistakes (or: sins) [or, with other MSS: has been caused to cease from sin],

1 Peter 4:7

7 Now the Goal (or: the end; the final act; or: the finished Product; or: the completion of the plan) of all people (and: pertaining to and affecting all things) has approached and is now near at hand and [He] is close enough to touch (= has arrived)! Therefore, you folks keep a healthy and sound frame of mind (be sane and sensible) and be sober (be unintoxicated; i.e., be functional and with your wits about you) into [a state, condition or realm] with a view toward having goodness and well-being (or: into the midst of prayers).

1 Peter 5:3

3 Nor yet as ones constantly exercising down-oriented lordship (acting as owners or masters, bearing down with demands) of the members of the inheritance (of those who are the allotments of the heritage; or: of those considered to be small objects to be used in assigning positions or portions), but to the contrary, progressively becoming beaten models (types made by the strike of a hammer; examples) for the little flock, 4 and so, with the Chief Shepherd (or: the Original and Ruling Shepherd) [thus] being made visible (being shown in clear light), you folks will continue bringing to yourselves – with care and kindly keeping – the unwithering and unfading wreath of the glory (or: the enduring recognition of achievement which comes from this good reputation). 5 Likewise (or: In like manner), you younger people be humbly placed, arranged and aligned by (or: subjected for support to) older folks. Yet all of you folks (or: everyone) tie on yourselves, as an outer garment (like a slave's apron), the humble attitude (the lowliness of thinking) to one another [other MSS add: continuously being ones that are humbly aligned], because "God habitually sets Himself in opposition, being resistant to those who try to appear conspicuously above others (to haughty and proud ones), yet He constantly gives grace and favor to humble (or: lowly) folks." [Prov. 3:34]

1 Peter 5:5

5 Likewise (or: In like manner), you younger people be humbly placed, arranged and aligned by (or: subjected for support to) older folks. Yet all of you folks (or: everyone) tie on yourselves, as an outer garment (like a slave's apron), the humble attitude (the lowliness of thinking) to one another [other MSS add: continuously being ones that are humbly aligned], because "God habitually sets Himself in opposition, being resistant to those who try to appear conspicuously above others (to haughty and proud ones), yet He constantly gives grace and favor to humble (or: lowly) folks." [Prov. 3:34] 6 Let yourselves be made humble (or: lowly), then, under God's strong hand – so that He can (or: would) at some point lift you up (or: may elevate or exalt you folks) within a fitting situation (or: in [the] proper appointed-season; in the center of a fertile moment) –

1 Peter 5:8

8 Be sober (or: clear headed)! Be awake, alert and watch! Your barrier in the Way pointed out (your road hazard; your opponent at court; the one "in your face" opposing your fairness and equity), one who casts or thrusts something through the midst of folks (e.g., like a soldier casting a javelin or thrusting a sword through someone, or a person throwing an issue through the midst of a group, causing division; or: a slanderer), as a constantly roaring lion, is continuously walking about, incessantly seeking to drink something or someone down (or: searching to gulp and swallow someone down), [comment: this path-hazard and road barrier may have been local religions, cultural or political opposition, or a spirit of contrariness]

1 Peter 5:8-10

8 Be sober (or: clear headed)! Be awake, alert and watch! Your barrier in the Way pointed out (your road hazard; your opponent at court; the one "in your face" opposing your fairness and equity), one who casts or thrusts something through the midst of folks (e.g., like a soldier casting a javelin or thrusting a sword through someone, or a person throwing an issue through the midst of a group, causing division; or: a slanderer), as a constantly roaring lion, is continuously walking about, incessantly seeking to drink something or someone down (or: searching to gulp and swallow someone down), [comment: this path-hazard and road barrier may have been local religions, cultural or political opposition, or a spirit of contrariness]

1 Peter 5:8-9

8 Be sober (or: clear headed)! Be awake, alert and watch! Your barrier in the Way pointed out (your road hazard; your opponent at court; the one "in your face" opposing your fairness and equity), one who casts or thrusts something through the midst of folks (e.g., like a soldier casting a javelin or thrusting a sword through someone, or a person throwing an issue through the midst of a group, causing division; or: a slanderer), as a constantly roaring lion, is continuously walking about, incessantly seeking to drink something or someone down (or: searching to gulp and swallow someone down), [comment: this path-hazard and road barrier may have been local religions, cultural or political opposition, or a spirit of contrariness] 9 to whom take a stand against (withstand; set yourself in opposition), [being] strong (firm; compact) ones in (or: by) the faith, trust and loyalty – [being] folks having seen and thus knowing about these same experiences and sufferings [that] are to repeatedly and progressively bring the goal upon (bring perfection upon; accomplish maturity upon) your brotherhood within the dominating arrangement of the System (or: in the midst of the secular realm; or: in the ordered world of religion, economy, culture and government).

1 Peter 5:9

9 to whom take a stand against (withstand; set yourself in opposition), [being] strong (firm; compact) ones in (or: by) the faith, trust and loyalty – [being] folks having seen and thus knowing about these same experiences and sufferings [that] are to repeatedly and progressively bring the goal upon (bring perfection upon; accomplish maturity upon) your brotherhood within the dominating arrangement of the System (or: in the midst of the secular realm; or: in the ordered world of religion, economy, culture and government).

1 Peter 5:9-9

9 to whom take a stand against (withstand; set yourself in opposition), [being] strong (firm; compact) ones in (or: by) the faith, trust and loyalty – [being] folks having seen and thus knowing about these same experiences and sufferings [that] are to repeatedly and progressively bring the goal upon (bring perfection upon; accomplish maturity upon) your brotherhood within the dominating arrangement of the System (or: in the midst of the secular realm; or: in the ordered world of religion, economy, culture and government). 10 Now the God of all grace and favor (or: the God whose character and quality is all grace and favor; the God Who is every grace and joyous favor), the One calling (or: inviting) you folks – ones experiencing a little and briefly suffering – into His eonian glory (His glory and reputation which has the quality and characteristics pertaining to the realm of the Age and which continues on into an unseen and indefinite time) within Christ Jesus [with other MSS: in union with the Anointed One (= the Messiah)], the Same One (or: He) will continue getting [things, or, you] down and prepare [them, or, you] (or: repair [them; you]; fit, knit or adjust [them; you] thoroughly), will continue setting [things; you] fast and establish [them; you], will continue imparting strength (will make [things; you] strong), [and] will progressively set a base upon which to ground and found [things and you]:

2 Peter 1:10-12

10 Wherefore (or: Because of this), brothers (= [my] family), hasten to exert yourselves to a greater extent to constantly make firm (sure-footed and steadfast) your calling (or: invitation) and election (selection; act of choosing out); for you see, in repeatedly doing these things, you can by no means (would under no circumstances) stumble once (or: at any time). 11 For thus (in this way) the Path of entrance (or: the place and act of the Way unto) into the center or midst of the eonian reign (or: the Kingdom pertaining to and having the character and qualities of the Age; the for-the-ages sovereign influence and actions) of our Lord and Savior (or: Owner and Deliverer), Jesus Christ [= [the] Messiah], will continue being richly furnished and fully supplied for you (in you; to you). 12 Wherefore (or: For this cause) it will always continue being my intent to be constantly reminding you concerning these things – even though [you are] being folks having seen and thus knowing, and ones being set and firmly established within the truth and reality [that is] being continuously present (existing alongside) [with and in you].

2 Peter 2:3

3 and in greed (desire to take advantage in order to have more), by formed (molded; fabricated, and thus, counterfeit) words, they will constantly exploit you (use you for business; market you; use you in trade and travel by sea), to whom (or: for which folks) the sentence (or: the result of the evaluation; the effect of a separating process) [coming] from long ago (or: out of old times; forth from old) is not continuing inactive (is not constantly unemployed; is not remaining idle), and their loss (or: destruction) is not nodding in sleep or taking a nap.

2 Peter 2:15

15 By practice leaving behind [other MSS: at one point abandoning] [the; a] straight path (road; Way), they were (or: are) led astray (or: caused to wander), following out the path (road; way) of Balaam of Bosor [other MSS: Beor] who loved [the] wage of injustice (inequity; wrongdoing; unrighteousness; nonobservance of the Way pointed out).

2 Peter 3:14

14 Wherefore (or: On account of which), beloved ones, while continually being receptive toward these things, be eager to be found spotless (unblemished) folks and flawless ones (blameless folks) in Him (or: [made so] by Him; for Him), within peace and harmony [= shalom].

2 Peter 3:17-18

17 You, then, beloved ones, being ones by repeated experiences previously acquainted [with this] (or: knowing beforehand by experiences), be constantly on watch, guard, and keep yourselves in custody, lest – at some point being carried (or: led) away together by the deception (or: in straying; or: to deceit) of the unestablished (unprincipled; inordinate; lawless) folks – you could fall out from your own state of fixed firmness (or: steadfastness). 18 So be continually growing and increasing within grace and in union with favor, as well as [in] intimate, experiential knowledge and insight of (or: the source of which is) our Lord (Owner; Master) and Savior (or: Deliverer; Rescuer; Restorer to health and wholeness), Jesus Christ (or: Anointed Jesus; = Jesus the Messiah). By Him (or: To Him; For Him; In Him) [is] the glory (the manifestation which calls forth praise) both now and on into a Day that lasts for an indefinite period of time, and which is [the] Age (or: unto a day whose character and quality is [the] Age; or: into the midst of a day whose source is [the] Age [of the Messiah]; or: to a day which belongs to [the] Age; into a Day which is an age). It is so (or: Count on it; Amen)! [written circa A.D. 61-62 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]

1 John 1:9

9 If it would be our habit to confess (admit; avow; say the same thing as; speak in accordance with; or: would continue in agreement [about]) our error (our failure; our sin; our mistake), He is constantly faithful and just (fair; in accord with the Way pointed out and in right relationship; rightwised), to the end that He would at once send away for us (or: dismiss or pardon and cause to flow away in us) the errors ([some MSS add: our] failures, mistakes and deviations) and then would cleanse [other MSS: He will cleanse] us from all injustice (all that is contrary to the Way pointed out; every unrighteousness; all unfairness, inequity and unrighteous relationships; every behavior that is turned in the wrong direction).

1 John 2:1-2

1 My little children (born ones), I am writing these things to you (or: for you) to the end that you may not fail to hit the target (deviate from the goal; sin). And if anyone should at some point fail (or: suddenly commit sin, make a mistake or deviate), we constantly have One called alongside to help, give relief and guide us toward the Father (or: we continuously possess a Paraclete, face to face with the Father): Jesus Christ, [the] One in accord with the Way pointed out (or: a Just One; [the] Righteous One; [the] Fair One who is in right relationship with all; a Rightwised One; [the] right one; a Person that is turned in the right direction). 2 And He Himself exists continually being a cleansing, sheltering cover around our mistakes and errors, sheltering us from their effects so that we can be in peaceful and rightwised relationships (or: being the act by which our sins and failures are cleansed and made ineffective, effecting conciliation [to us]), yet not only around those pertaining to us (or: having their source in us), but further, even around the whole ordered System (secular realm and dominating world of culture, economy, religion and government; or: universe; or: aggregate of mankind)!

1 John 2:19

19 They came (or: come; go; or: went) out from us, but they were not existing out of us (or: they were not [a part] of us), for if they were out of us, they would have remained (dwelt; abided) with us; but [this was] to the end that they may be manifested (caused to appear) that they are not all out of us or from us.

3 John 1:9-10

9 I wrote something to (or: for) the called-out community, but Diotrephes, the one constantly liking to be their leader (to be pre-eminent among them and dominate them), is habitually not thoroughly receiving or accepting us (or: repeatedly not fully acknowledging us). 10 Because of this, if I can come, I will remind him of his actions (or: call to mind his works and bring them up [for discussion]) which he is repeatedly doing (or: progressively producing) by worthless, irresponsible and abusive words – unjustified charges (or: in messages causing a gush of misery; by ideas leading to painful labor; with evil or wicked verbal expressions; by laying out thoughts leading to a bad situation), continually speaking nonsense of us or gossiping against us, and then, not being satisfied or content upon these things, neither is he himself fully receiving or accepting (showing complete hospitality to) the brothers (= fellow believers; Family members; [or: = the itinerant missionaries of 5-8, above]). And further, those continuously intending (or: determining) [to do so] he is habitually hindering (or: forbidding) – even casting [them] out of the called-out community! 11 Alas (or: Tragic is the fate) for them, because they pass along by the way of Cain, and they are (or: were) poured out to the wandering (or: deception) of Balaam's wages, and they lose and destroy themselves in Korah's contradiction (opposing idea; anti-word; message in place of the Logos).

Revelation 2:5

5 You [assembly] must be remembering, then, whence you [as a single entity] have fallen, and you must change your way of thinking and feeling (change your frame of mind and your perceptions), and you [group] must do (perform; construct) the first works (deeds; actions). Yet if not, I am continuously (repeatedly; habitually) coming to you [as a group], and I will proceed removing (or: moving) your lampstand out of its place, if ever you [as a group] may not change your way of thinking (your mind-set).

Revelation 2:26-27

26 "And [to] the one habitually conquering (repeatedly overcoming; constantly victorious) and keeping watch over (guarding; maintaining observance of) My acts (works; deeds) until completion (down to a final act; as far as [the] purposed and destined goal; until an end), I will continue giving to him authority (privilege from out of Being) upon the multitudes (the nations; the ethnic groups; the Gentiles). 27 "And he will continue shepherding (i.e., feeding, tending and guarding) them with a staff made of iron, as he is being continuously broken [like] pottery vessels, [Ps. 2:8-9] as I also have received from My Father.

Revelation 3:10

10 Because you keep watch over (observe; preserve; guard) the Word of My patient endurance (of My remaining-under), I, also, will continue keeping watch over (observing; preserving; guarding) you from out of the hour of the putting to the proof (or: trial; test) which is presently about to be progressively coming upon the whole territory where folks normally dwell (or: inhabited land), to put to the proof (to test, try and put through an ordeal) those continually dwelling down in houses upon the Land (or: inhabiting the territory).'

Revelation 3:20

20 "Consider! I have stood, and continue standing, upon (= at) the door (entrance), and I am constantly knocking; if ever anyone may (or: can) hear My voice (or: sound) and would open the door, I will proceed entering (coming or going in) toward him, and then I will continue eating the evening meal with him, and he with Me." 21 "To (or: In; For) him who is habitually conquering (repeatedly overcoming; normally victorious) I will continue giving [the right? the ability? the honor?] to sit (or: be seated) with Me within My throne, as I also conquer (or: conquered; overcome; overcame and was victorious) and sit (or: sat down) with My Father within His throne.

Revelation 4:4

4 Next, around (or: encircling) the throne, [were; are] twenty-four thrones, and upon the thrones, twenty-four elders (or: old people) continuously sitting, having been clothed in white garments. And upon their heads [were; are] golden wreaths (symbols of having won in a contest, or of festal celebration).

Revelation 12:9-12

9 And so thrown (or: hurled; cast; tossed) is (or: was) the great dragon, the serpent from the very beginning (or: the original, or ancient, serpent) – the one being continuously called "slanderer" (one who thrusts something through [folks]; false accuser; separator; a "devil;" one who casts something throughout the midst [to cause division]) and the adversary (the opponent; the satan; [p47 and other MSS: one who stands in opposition; a counter-worker]), the one continuously causing the whole inhabited area of the earth to wander (or: that which causes straying; the one continually deceiving). It was (or: is) hurled (thrown; cast; tossed) into the earth (or: Land), and its agents were (or: are) thrown (cast; tossed) with it. 10 Then I heard a great (or: loud) voice within the atmosphere (or: sky; or: heaven) repeatedly saying, "At the present moment (or: Just now) the deliverance (the return to the original state and condition; the rescue; the health and wholeness; salvation), and the authority, and the kingdom (or: reign) of our God was (or: is) birthed (comes into existence; came to be), also the authority of His Anointed (or: His Christ; His anointed one), because our brothers' accuser (the accuser of our fellow believers) was cast down (and: is hurled down) – the one that was or is by habit repeatedly accusing them before (or: in the sight and presence of) our God, day and night." [comment: this phrase logically indicates that the location is on earth, where there is day and night]

Revelation 12:10-12

10 Then I heard a great (or: loud) voice within the atmosphere (or: sky; or: heaven) repeatedly saying, "At the present moment (or: Just now) the deliverance (the return to the original state and condition; the rescue; the health and wholeness; salvation), and the authority, and the kingdom (or: reign) of our God was (or: is) birthed (comes into existence; came to be), also the authority of His Anointed (or: His Christ; His anointed one), because our brothers' accuser (the accuser of our fellow believers) was cast down (and: is hurled down) – the one that was or is by habit repeatedly accusing them before (or: in the sight and presence of) our God, day and night." [comment: this phrase logically indicates that the location is on earth, where there is day and night] 11 And they at once overcame (or: at some point overcome; conquer) him because of the blood of the little Lamb, and (or: even) because of the word (or: message; Word; Logos) of their witness (evidence; testimony) – and they love not (or: did not love) their soul (soul-life; inner self; personhood) even to (or: until) death. 12 Because of this, you atmospheres (or: heavens) – and the folks continuously tabernacling (or: normally living in a tent; presently encamping) within the midst of them – must continuously make yourselves glad (keep or develop a good frame of mind; rejoice). Woe to (or: Alas for; A tragedy into) the Land (or: earth) and the sea, because the slanderer (separator; opposer; "devil;" the one who thrusts-through) is (or: was) cast down to you, having great anger (violent breathing; rushing passion), knowing that he continues having a little season (a small suitable place; a limited circumstance; a brief fitting situation).

Revelation 19:9

9 And then he is saying to me, "Write: 'Blessed (Happy) ones [are] the folks having been called (the summoned ones; those being invited) into the wedding supper (meal) of the little Lamb.'" He also is saying to me, "These are the true Words of (or: real thoughts and messages from) God!"

Revelation 21:14

14 And the wall of the City continuously has twelve foundations, and upon them twelve names of the twelve emissaries of the little Lamb.

Revelation 22:1

1 And he showed (points out to) me a river of "water of life" (or: Life's water; or: water which is Life), bright (resplendent, glistening, clear, sparkling) as crystal (clear ice), continuously flowing (issuing) forth from out of God's – even the little Lamb's – throne!

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