Romans 3:20 Cross References - ASV_Strongs

  20 G1360 because G1537 by G2041 the works G3551 of the law G1344 shall G3756 no G4561 flesh G1344 be justified G1799 in G846 his G1799 sight; G1063 for G1223 through G3551 the law G1922 cometh the knowledge G266 of sin.

Job 15:15

  15 H539 Behold, he putteth no trust H6918 in his holy H8064 ones; Yea, the heavens H2141 are not clean H5869 in his sight:

Job 25:4-5

  4 H582 How then can man H6663 be just H410 with God? H2135 Or how can he be clean H3205 that is born H802 of a woman?
  5 H3394 Behold, even the moon H166 hath no brightness, H3556 And the stars H2141 are not pure H5869 in his sight:

Psalms 130:3

  3 H3050 If thou, Jehovah, H8104 shouldest mark H5771 iniquities, H136 O Lord, H5975 who could stand?

Psalms 143:2

  2 H935 And enter H4941 not into judgment H5650 with thy servant; H6440 For in thy sight H2416 no man living H6663 is righteous.

Acts 13:39

  39 G2532 and G1722 by G5129 him G4100 every one that believeth G1344 is justified G575 from G3956 all G3956 things, G3739 from which G1410 ye could G3756 not G1344 be justified G1722 by G3551 the law G3475 of Moses.

Romans 2:13

  13 G1063 for G3756 not G202 the hearers G3551 of the law G1342 are just G3844 before G2316 God, G235 but G4163 the doers G3551 of the law G1344 shall be justified:

Romans 3:28

  28 G3767 We reckon therefore G3049 that G444 a man G1344 is justified G4102 by faith G5565 apart G2041 from the works G3551 of the law.

Romans 4:13

  13 G1063 For G3756 not G1223 through G3551 the law G1860 was the promise G11 to Abraham G2228 or G4690 to G846 his G4690 seed G846 that he G1511 should be G2818 heir G2889 of the world, G235 but G1223 through G1343 the righteousness G4102 of faith.

Romans 4:15

  15 G1063 for G3551 the law G2716 worketh G3709 wrath; G1063 but G3757 where G2076 there is G3756 no G3551 law, G3761 neither G3847 is there transgression.

Romans 5:13

  13 G1063 for G891 until G3551 the law G266 sin G2258 was G1722 in G2889 the world; G1161 but G266 sin G1677 is G3756 not G1677 imputed G5607 when there is G3361 no G3551 law.

Romans 5:20

  20 G1161 And G3551 the law G3922 came G2443 in besides, that G3900 the trespass G4121 might abound; G1161 but G3757 where G266 sin G4121 abounded, G5485 grace G5248 did abound more exceedingly:

Romans 7:7-9

  7 G5101 What G2046 shall we say G3767 then? G3551 Is the law G3361 sin? G1096 God forbid. G235 Howbeit, G1097 I had G3756 not G1097 known G1487 sin, G3361 except G1223 through G3551 the law: G1063 for G1492 I had G3756 not G1492 known G1487 coveting, G3361 except G3551 the law G3004 had said, G1937 Thou shalt G3756 not G1937 covet:
  8 G1161 but G266 sin, G2983 finding G874 occasion, G2716 wrought G1722 in G1698 me G1223 through G1785 the commandment G3956 all manner of G1939 coveting: G1063 for G5565 apart G3551 from the law G266 sin G3498 is dead.
  9 G1161 And G1473 I G2198 was alive G5565 apart G3551 from the law G4218 once: G1161 but G2064 when G1785 the commandment G2064 came, G266 sin G326 revived, G1161 and G1473 I G599 died;

Romans 9:32

  32 G5101 Wherefore? G3754 Because G3756 they sought it not G1537 by G4102 faith, G235 but G5613 as it were G1537 by G2041 works. G3551   G1063   G4350 They stumbled G3037 at the G4348 stone of stumbling;

Galatians 2:16

  16 G1492 yet knowing G3754 that G444 a man G1344 is G3756 not G1344 justified G1537 by G2041 the works G3551 of the law G1437 but G3361   G1223 through G4102 faith G1519 in G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G2532 even G2249 we G4100 believed G1519 on G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus, G2443 that G1344 we might be justified G1537 by G4102 faith G5547 in Christ, G2532 and G3756 not G1537 by G2041 the works G3551 of the law: G1360 because by G2041 the works G1537 of G3551 the law G1344 shall G3756 no G4561 flesh G1344 be justified.

Galatians 2:19

  19 G1063 For G1473 I G1223 through G3551 the law G599 died G3551 unto the law, G2443 that G2198 I might live G2316 unto God.

Galatians 3:10-13

  10 G1063 For G3745 as many as G1526 are G1537 of G2041 the works G3551 of the law G1526 are G5259 under G2671 a curse: G1063 for G1125 it is written, G1944 Cursed G3956 is every one G3588 who G1696 continueth G3756 not G1722 in G3956 all things G3739 that G1125 are written G1722 in G975 the book G3551 of the law, G4160 to do G846 them.
  11 G1161 Now G3754 that G3762 no man G1344 is justified G1722 by G3551 the law G3844 before G2316 God, G1212 is evident: G3754 for, G1342 The righteous G2198 shall live G1537 by G4102 faith;
  12 G1161 and G3551 the law G2076 is G3756 not G1537 of G4102 faith; G235 but, G444 He G4160 that doeth G846 them G2198 shall live G1722 in G846 them.
  13 G5547 Christ G1805 redeemed G2248 us G1537 from G2671 the curse G3551 of the law, G1096 having become G2671 a curse G5228 for G2257 us; G1063 for G1125 it is written, G1944 Cursed G3956 is every one G3588 that G2910 hangeth G1909 on G3586 a tree:

Galatians 5:4

  4 G2673 Ye are severed G575 from G5547 Christ, G2673 ye G3748 who would G1344 be justified G1722 by G3551 the law; G1601 ye are fallen away from G5485 grace.

Ephesians 2:8-9

  8 G1063 for G5485 by grace G2075 have ye been G4982 saved G1223 through G4102 faith; G2532 and G5124 that G3756 not G1537 of G5216 yourselves, G1435 it is the gift G2316 of God;
  9 G3756 not G1537 of G2443 works, G3361 that G5100 no man G2744 should glory.

Titus 3:5-7

  5 G3756 not G1537 by G2041 works G1722 done in G1343 righteousness, G3739 which G2249 we G4160 did G235 ourselves, but G2596 according to G846 his G1656 mercy G4982 he saved G2248 us, G1223 through G3067 the washing G3824 of regeneration G2532 and G342 renewing G40 of the Holy G4151 Spirit,
  6 G3739 which G1632 he poured G1909 out upon G2248 us G4146 richly, G1223 through G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G2257 our G4990 Saviour;
  7 G2443 that, G1344 being justified G1565 by his G5485 grace, G1096 we might be made G2818 heirs G2596 according to G1680 the hope G166 of eternal G2222 life.

James 2:9-10

  9 G1161 but G1487 if G4380 ye have respect of persons, G2038 ye commit G266 sin, G1651 being convicted G5259 by G3551 the law G5613 as G3848 transgressors.
  10 G1063 For G3748 whosoever G5083 shall keep G3650 the whole G3551 law, G1161 and yet G4417 stumble G1722 in G1520 one G1096 point, he is G1777 become guilty G3956 of all.

James 2:20-26

  20 G1161 But G2309 wilt G1097 thou know, G5599 O G2756 vain G444 man, G3754 that G4102 faith G5565 apart G2041 from works G2076 is G3498 barren?
  21 G3756 Was not G11 Abraham G2257 our G3962 father G1344 justified G1537 by G2041 works, G399 in that he offered G2464 up Isaac G846 his G5207 son G1909 upon G2379 the altar?
  22 G991 Thou G3754 seest that G4102 faith G4903 wrought with G846 his G2041 works, G2532 and G1537 by G2041 works G5048 was G4102 faith G5048 made perfect;
  23 G2532 and G1124 the scripture G4137 was fulfilled G1161 which saith, G11 And Abraham G4100 believed G2316 God, G2532 and G3049 it was reckoned G846 unto him G1519 for G1343 righteousness; G2532 and G2564 he was called G5384 the friend G2316 of God.
  24 G3708 Ye see G5106   G3754 that G1537 by G2041 works G444 a man G1344 is justified, G2532 and G3756 not G3440 only G1537 by G4102 faith.
  25 G3668 And in like manner G1344 was G3756 not G2532 also G4460 Rahab G4204 the harlot G1344 justified G1537 by G2041 works, G5264 in that she received G32 the messengers, G2532 and G1544 sent G1544 them out G2087 another G3598 way?
  26 G1063 For G5618 as G4983 the body G5565 apart G4151 from the spirit G2076 is G3498 dead, G2532 even G3779 so G4102 faith G5565 apart G2041 from works G2076 is G3498 dead.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.