Philippians 2:2 Cross References - AKJV_Strongs

  2 G4137 Fulfill G5479 you my joy, G3588 that you be like minded, G5426 G2192   G846 having the same G26 love, G4861 being of one G3888 accord, of one G1520 G5426 mind.

John 3:29

  29 G2192 He that has G3565 the bride G3566 is the bridegroom: G5384 but the friend G3566 of the bridegroom, G3588 which G2476 stands G191 and hears G5463 him, rejoices G5479 greatly G1223 because G3566 of the bridegroom’s G5456 voice: G3778 this G5479 my joy G3767 therefore G4137 is fulfilled.

Acts 1:14

  14 G3778 These G3956 all G4342 continued G3661 with one G3661 accord G4335 in prayer G1162 and supplication, G1135 with the women, G3137 and Mary G3384 the mother G2424 of Jesus, G80 and with his brothers.

Acts 2:1

  1 G1722 And when G3588 G2250 the day G4005 of Pentecost G4845 was fully G4845 come, G537 they were all G3674 with one G3661 accord G3588 in one G848 place.

Acts 2:46

  46 G4342 And they, continuing G2596 daily G2250 G3661 with one G3661 accord G2411 in the temple, G2806 and breaking G740 bread G3624 from house G3624 to house, G3335 did eat G5160 their meat G20 with gladness G858 and singleness G2588 of heart,

Acts 5:12

  12 G5495 And by the hands G652 of the apostles G4183 were many G4592 signs G5059 and wonders G1096 worked G1722 among G2992 the people; G537 (and they were all G3661 with one G3661 accord G4672 in Solomon’s G4745 porch.

Romans 12:16

  16 G846 Be of the same G5426 mind G240 one G1519 toward G240 another. G5426 Mind G5308 not high G4879 things, but condescend G5011 to men of low G5429 estate. Be not wise G5216 in your G1438 own G3844 conceits. G1438

Romans 15:5-6

  5 G1161 Now G2316 the God G5281 of patience G3874 and consolation G1325 grant G3588 you to be like minded G240 one G1722 toward G240 another G2596 according G5547 to Christ G2424 Jesus:
  6 G3661 That you may with one G3661 mind G1520 and one G4750 mouth G1392 glorify G2316 God, G2532 even G3962 the Father G2962 of our Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.

1 Corinthians 1:10

  10 G1161 Now G3870 I beseech G80 you, brothers, G3686 by the name G2962 of our Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G3956 that you all G3004 speak G846 the same G3361 thing, and that there be no G4978 divisions G1722 among G2675 you; but that you be perfectly G2675 joined G2675 together G846 in the same G3563 mind G846 and in the same G1106 judgment.

2 Corinthians 2:3

  3 G1125 And I wrote G5124 this G846 same G5213 to you, G3363 lest, G2064 when I came, G2192 I should have G3077 sorrow G3739 from them of whom G1163 I ought G5463 to rejoice; G3982 having confidence G3956 in you all, G5479 that my joy G3956 is the joy of you all.

2 Corinthians 7:7

  7 G3952 And not by his coming G3440 only, G3874 but by the consolation G3739 with which G3870 he was comforted G312 in you, when he told G5216 us your G1972 earnest G1972 desire, G5216 your G3602 mourning, G5216 your G2205 fervent G3563 mind G5228 toward G5620 me; so G5463 that I rejoiced G3123 the more.

2 Corinthians 13:11

  11 G3063 Finally, G80 brothers, G5463 farewell. G2675 Be perfect, G3870 be of good comfort, G3588 be of one G846 G5426 mind, G1514 live G1518 in peace; G2316 and the God G26 of love G1515 and peace shall be with you.

Philippians 1:4

  4 G3842 Always G3956 in every G1162 prayer G3450 of my G3956 for you all G4160 making G1162 request G5479 with joy,

Philippians 1:26-27

  26 G5216 That your G2745 rejoicing G4052 may be more abundant G2424 in Jesus G5547 Christ G3952 for me by my coming G3825 to you again.
  27 G3440 Only G4176 let your conversation G516 be as it becomes G2098 the gospel G5547 of Christ: G1535 that whether G2064 I come G1492 and see G1535 you, or G548 else be absent, G191 I may hear G5216 of your G4012 affairs, G4739 that you stand G1520 fast in one G4151 spirit, G3391 with one G5590 mind G4866 striving G4866 together G4102 for the faith G2098 of the gospel;

Philippians 2:16

  16 G1907 Holding G1907 forth G3056 the word G2222 of life; G2745 that I may rejoice G2250 in the day G5547 of Christ, G5143 that I have not run G2756 in vain, G3761 neither G2872 labored G2756 in vain.

Philippians 2:20

  20 G2192 For I have G3762 no G3762 man G2473 like minded, G3748 who G1104 will naturally G3309 care G5216 for your G3588 state. G4012

Philippians 3:15-16

  15 G3767 Let us therefore, G3745 as many G5046 as be perfect, G5124 be thus G5426 minded: G1487 and if G1536 in any G2088 thing you be otherwise G5426 minded, G2316 God G601 shall reveal G2532 even G5124 this to you.
  16 G4133 Nevertheless, G1519 whereto G3739 G5348 we have already G5348 attained, G4748 let us walk G846 by the same G2583 rule, G5426 let us mind G846 the same thing.

Philippians 4:2

  2 G3870 I beseech G2136 Euodias, G3870 and beseech G4941 Syntyche, G846 that they be of the same G5426 mind G2962 in the Lord.

Colossians 2:5

  5 G1499 For though G548 I be absent G4561 in the flesh, G235 yet G1510 am G4151 I with you in the spirit, G5463 rejoicing G991 and beholding G5216 your G5010 order, G4733 and the steadfastness G5216 of your G4102 faith G5547 in Christ.

1 Thessalonians 2:19-20

  19 G5101 For what G1680 is our hope, G2228 or G5479 joy, G2228 or G4735 crown G2746 of rejoicing? G2532 Are not even G1715 you in the presence G2962 of our Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G1722 at G3952 his coming?
  20 G1391 For you are our glory G5479 and joy.

1 Thessalonians 3:6-10

  6 G737 But now G5095 when Timotheus G2064 came G2097 from you to us, and brought G2097 us good G2097 tidings G5216 of your G4102 faith G26 and charity, G2192 and that you have G18 good G3417 remembrance G3842 of us always, G1971 desiring G1971 greatly G1492 to see G2532 us, as we also to see you:
  7 G1223 Therefore, G5125 G80 brothers, G3870 we were comforted G1909 over G3956 you in all G2347 our affliction G318 and distress G5216 by your G4102 faith:
  8 G3568 For now G2198 we live, G1437 if G4739 you stand G2962 fast in the Lord.
  9 G5101 For what G2169 thanks G1410 can G467 we render G2316 to God G467 again G3956 for you, for all G5479 the joy G3739 with which G5463 we joy G5209 for your G1715 sakes before G2316 our God;
  10 G3571 Night G2250 and day G1189 praying G5228 exceedingly G1492 that we might see G5216 your G4383 face, G2675 and might perfect G5303 that which is lacking G5216 in your G4102 faith?

2 Thessalonians 2:13

  13 G3784 But we are bound G2168 to give thanks G104 always G2316 to God G80 for you, brothers G25 beloved G2962 of the Lord, G3754 because G2316 God G746 has from the beginning G138 chosen G4991 you to salvation G1722 through G38 sanctification G4151 of the Spirit G4102 and belief G225 of the truth:

2 Timothy 1:4

  4 G1971 Greatly G1971 desiring G1492 to see G3403 you, being mindful G1144 of your tears, G4137 that I may be filled G5479 with joy;

Philemon 1:20

  20 G3483 Yes, G80 brother, G3685 let me have joy G2962 of you in the Lord: G373 refresh G4698 my bowels G2962 in the Lord.

1 Peter 3:8-9

  8 G5056 Finally, G3956 be you all G3675 of one G3675 mind, G4835 having compassion G4835 one of another, G5361 love G5361 as brothers, G2155 be pitiful, G5391 be courteous:
  9 G591 Not rendering G2556 evil G2556 for evil, G2228 or G3059 railing G3059 for railing: G5121 but contrariwise G2129 blessing; G1492 knowing G1519 that you are thereunto G5124 G2564 called, G2816 that you should inherit G2129 a blessing.

1 John 1:3-4

  3 G3739 That which G3708 we have seen G191 and heard G518 declare G2532 we to you, that you also G2192 may have G2842 fellowship G1161 with us: and truly G2842 our fellowship G3962 is with the Father, G5207 and with his Son G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.
  4 G5023 And these G1125 things write G5216 we to you, that your G5479 joy G4137 may be full.

2 John 1:4

  4 G5463 I rejoiced G3029 greatly G2147 that I found G5043 of your children G4043 walking G225 in truth, G2192 as we have G2983 received G1785 a commandment G3962 from the Father.

3 John 1:4

  4 G2192 I have G3756 no G3186 greater G5479 joy G191 than to hear G5043 that my children G4043 walk G225 in truth.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.