Mark 6:35-44

  35 G2532 And G5610 when the day G1096 was [G5637]   G2235 now G4183 far spent G846 , his G3101 disciples G4334 came [G5631]   G846 unto him G3004 , and said [G5719]   G3754 , G2076 This is [G5748]   G2048 a desert G5117 place G2532 , and G2235 now G5610 the time G4183 is far passed:
  36 G630 Send G846 them G630 away [G5657]   G2443 , that G565 they may go [G5631]   G1519 into G68 the country G2945 round about G2532 , and G2968 into the villages G59 , and buy [G5661]   G1438 themselves G740 bread G1063 : for G2192 they have [G5719]   G5101 nothing G3756   G5315 to eat [G5632]  .
  37 G611 He answered [G5679]   G1161 and G2036 said [G5627]   G846 unto them G1325 , Give [G5628]   G5210 ye G846 them G5315 to eat [G5629]   G2532 . And G3004 they say [G5719]   G846 unto him G565 , Shall we go [G5631]   G59 and buy [G5661]   G1250 two hundred G1220 pennyworth G740 of bread G2532 , and G1325 give [G5632]   G846 them G5315 to eat [G5629]  ?
  38 G1161   G3004 He saith [G5719]   G846 unto them G4214 , How many G740 loaves G2192 have ye [G5719]   G5217 ? go [G5720]   G2532 and G1492 see [G5628]   G2532 . And G1097 when they knew [G5631]   G3004 , they say [G5719]   G4002 , Five G2532 , and G1417 two G2486 fishes.
  39 G2532 And G2004 he commanded [G5656]   G846 them G347 to make G3956 all G347 sit down [G5658]   G4849 by companies G4849   G1909 upon G5515 the green G5528 grass.
  40 G2532 And G377 they sat down [G5627]   G4237 in ranks G4237   G303 , by G1540 hundreds G2532 , and G303 by G4004 fifties.
  41 G2532 And G2983 when he had taken [G5631]   G4002 the five G740 loaves G2532 and G1417 the two G2486 fishes G308 , he looked up [G5660]   G1519 to G3772 heaven G2127 , and blessed [G5656]   G2532 , and G2622 brake [G5656]   G740 the loaves G2532 , and G1325 gave [G5707]   G846 them to his G3101 disciples G2443 to G3908 set before [G5632]   G846 them G2532 ; and G1417 the two G2486 fishes G3307 divided he [G5656]   G3956 among them all.
  42 G2532 And G5315 they did G3956 all G5315 eat [G5627]   G2532 , and G5526 were filled [G5681]  .
  43 G2532 And G142 they took up [G5656]   G1427 twelve G2894 baskets G4134 full G2801 of the fragments G2532 , and G575 of G2486 the fishes.
  44 G2532 And G5315 they that did eat [G5631]   G740 of the loaves G2258 were [G5713]   G5616 about G4000 five thousand G435 men.
ERV(i) 35 And when the day was now far spent, his disciples came unto him, and said, The place is desert, and the day is now far spent: 36 send them away, that they may go into the country and villages round about, and buy themselves somewhat to eat. 37 But he answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat? 38 And he saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go [and] see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes. 39 And he commanded them that all should sit down by companies upon the green grass. 40 And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties. 41 And he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake the loaves; and he gave to the disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all. 42 And they did all eat, and were filled. 43 And they took up broken pieces, twelve basketfuls, and also of the fishes. 44 And they that ate the loaves were five thousand men.