Mark 6:35-44

Great(i) 35 And when the daye was now farre spent, hys discyples came vnto hym, sayinge: thys is a desert place, and now the tyme is farre passed, 36 let them departe, that they maye go into the countrey round about, and into the tounes, & bye them bread: for they haue nothynge to eate. 37 He answered and sayd vnto them, geue ye them to eate. And they sayde vnto him: shall we go & bye two hundred penyworth of bread, & geue them to eate? 38 He sayde vnto them: how many loaues haue ye. Go & loke. And when they had searched, they sayd: fyue & two fysshes. 39 And he commaunded them, to make them all syt doune by companyes vpon the grene grasse. 40 And they sate doune here arowe and there arowe, by hundredes and by fyfties. 41 And whan he had taken the fyue loaues and the two fysshes, and loked vp to heauen, he blessed and brake the loaues, and gaue them to hys discyples, to set before them: & the two fysshes deuided he among them all: 42 And they all dyd eate, and were satysfyed. 43 And they toke vp twelue baskettes full therof, and of the fysshes. 44 And they that dyd eate, were about fyue thousand men.