Numbers 31:30-47

  30 H1121 And of the sons H3478 of Israel's H4276 half, H3947 [H8799] thou shalt take H259 one H270 [H8803] portion H2572 of fifty, H120 of the persons, H1241 of the cattle, H2543 of the donkeys, H6629 and of the flocks, H929 of all manner of beasts, H5414 [H8804] and give H3881 them to the Levites, H8104 [H8802] who keep H4931 the charge H4908 of the tabernacle H3068 of the LORD.
  31 H4872 And Moses H499 and Eleazar H3548 the priest H6213 [H8799] did H3068 as the LORD H6680 [H8765] commanded H4872 Moses.
  32 H4455 And the booty, H3499 being the rest H957 of the prey H5971 which the men of H6635 war H962 [H8804] had taken, H8337 was six H3967 hundred H505 thousand H7657 and seventy H505 thousand H2568 and five H505 thousand H6629 sheep,
  33 H7657 And seventy H8147 and two H505 thousand H1241 cattle,
  34 H8346 And sixty H259 and one H505 thousand H2543 donkeys,
  35 H7970 And thirty H8147 and two H505 thousand H5315 H120 persons H3605 in all, H802 of women H3045 [H8804] that had not known H2145 man H4904 by lying with him.
  36 H4275 And the half, H2506 which was the portion H3318 [H8802] of them that went out H6635 to war, H4557 was in number H7969 three H3967 hundred H505 thousand H7651 and seven H7970 and thirty H505 thousand H2568 and five H3967 hundred H6629 sheep:
  37 H3068 And the LORD'S H4371 tribute H6629 of the sheep H8337 was six H3967 hundred H7657 and seventy H2568 and five.
  38 H1241 And the cattle H7970 were thirty H8337 and six H505 thousand; H3068 of which the LORD'S H4371 tribute H7657 was seventy H8147 and two.
  39 H2543 And the donkeys H7970 were thirty H505 thousand H2568 and five H3967 hundred; H3068 of which the LORD'S H4371 tribute H8346 was sixty H259 and one.
  40 H120 H5315 And the persons H8337 H6240 were sixteen H505 thousand; H3068 of which the LORD'S H4371 tribute H7970 was thirty H8147 and two H5315 persons.
  41 H4872 And Moses H5414 [H8799] gave H4371 the tribute, H3068 which was the LORD'S H8641 heave offering, H499 to Eleazar H3548 the priest, H3068 as the LORD H6680 [H8765] commanded H4872 Moses.
  42 H1121 And of the sons H3478 of Israel's H4276 half, H4872 which Moses H2673 [H8804] divided H582 from the men H6633 [H8802] that warred,
  43 H4275 (Now the half H9009 that pertained to the H5712 company H7969 was three H3967 hundred H505 thousand H7970 and thirty H505 thousand H7651 and seven H505 thousand H2568 and five H3967 hundred H4480 H6629 sheep,
  44 H7970 And thirty H8337 and six H505 thousand H1241 cattle,
  45 H7970 And thirty H505 thousand H2543 donkeys H2568 and five H3967 hundred,
  46 H8337 H6240 And sixteen H505 thousand H5315 H120 persons;)
  47 H1121 Even of the sons H3478 of Israel's H4276 half, H4872 Moses H3947 [H8799] took H259 one H270 [H8803] portion H2572 of fifty, H120 both of man H929 and of beast, H5414 [H8799] and gave H3881 them to the Levites, H8104 [H8802] who kept H4931 the charge H4908 of the tabernacle H3068 of the LORD; H3068 as the LORD H6680 [H8765] commanded H4872 Moses.