Numbers 31:30-47

VIN(i) 30 "From the sons of Israel’s half, you shall take one drawn out of every fifty of the persons, of the cattle, of the donkeys and of the sheep, from all the animals, and give them to the Levites who keep charge of the tabernacle of the LORD." 31 Moses and Eleazar the priest did as the LORD commanded Moses. 32 And the spoil which the army had taken, was six hundred seventy-five thousand sheep, 33 34 35 and thirty two thousand women that had lain by no man. 36 37 of which the tribute for the Lord was six hundred and seventy five; 38 and of cattle, thirty six thousand, of which the tribute for the Lord was seventy two; 39 And donkeys, thirty thousand five hundred, and the tribute to the Lord was sixty-one. 40 And the persons were sixteen thousand, of which the tribute for the LORD was thirty-two persons. 41 Moses gave the tribute, which was the LORD's wave offering, to Eleazar the priest, as the LORD commanded Moses. 42 From the half of the Israelites, which Moses divided from the men who were fighting, 43 44 45 46 47 even of the sons of Israel's half, Moses took one drawn out of every fifty, both of man and of beast, and gave them to the Levites, who kept the charge of the tabernacle of LORD, as LORD commanded Moses.