John 8:47 Cross References - new

  47 G5607 [G5752] { He that is G1537 of G2316 God G191 [G5719] heareth G2316 God's G4487 utterances: G5210 ye G5124 G1223 therefore G191 [G5719] hear G3756 them not, G3754 because G2075 [G5748] ye are G3756 not G1537 of G2316 God.}

John 1:12-13

  12 G1161 But G3745 as many as G2983 [G5627] received G846 him, G846 to them G1325 [G5656] he gave G1849 authority G1096 [G5635] to become G5043 the children G2316 of God, G3588 even the ones G4100 [G5723] believing G1519 on G846 his G3588   G3686 name:
  13 G3739 Who G1080 [G5681] were born, G3756 not G1537 from out of G129 bloods, G3761 nor G1537 from out of G2307 the will G4561 of the flesh, G3761 nor G1537 from out of G2307 the will G435 of man, G235 but G1537 from out of G2316 God.

John 6:45-46

  45 G2076 [G5748] { It is G1125 [G5772] written G1722 in G4396 the prophets, G2532 And G2071 [G5704] they shall be G3956 all G1318 taught G2316 from God. G3956 Every man G3767 therefore G191 [G5660] that hath heard, G2532 and G3129 [G5631] hath learned G3844 from G3962 the Father, G2064 [G5736] cometh G4314 to G3165 me.}
  46 G3756 { Not G3754 that G5100 any man G3708 [G5758] hath seen G3962 the Father, G1508 except G3588 he who G3844 G5607 [G5752] is G2316 from God, G3778 he G3708 [G5758] hath seen G3962 the Father.}

John 6:65

  65 G2532 And G3004 [G5707] he said, G1223 G5124 { Therefore G2046 [G5758] I said G5213 to you, G3754 that G3762 no man G1410 [G5736] can G2064 [G5629] come G4314 to G3165 me, G3362 except G5600 [G5753] it were G1325 [G5772] given G846 to him G1537 by G3450 my G3962 Father.}

John 8:37

  37 G1492 [G5758] { I know G3754 that G2075 [G5748] ye are G11 Abraham's G4690 seed; G235 but G2212 [G5719] ye seek G615 [G5658] to kill G3165 me, G3754 because G1699 my G3056 word G5562 0 hath G3756 no G5562 [G5719] space G1722 in G5213 you.}

John 8:43

  43 G1302 { Why G1097 0 do ye G3756 not G1097 [G5719] understand G1699 my G2981 speech? G3754 even because G3756 G1410 [G5736] ye cannot G191 [G5721] hear G1699 my G3056 word.}

John 8:45

  45 G1161 { And G3754 because G1473 I G3004 [G5719] tell G225 you the truth, G4100 [G5719] ye believe G3427 me G3756 not.}

John 10:26-27

  26 G235 { But G5210 ye G4100 [G5719] believe G3756 not, G1063 because G2075 [G5748] ye are G3756 not G1537 of G1699 my G4263 sheep, G2531 as G2036 [G5627] I said G5213 to you.}
  27 G1699 { My G4263 sheep G191 [G5719] hear G3450 my G5456 voice, G2504 and I G1097 [G5719] know G846 them, G2532 and G190 [G5719] they follow G3427 me:}

John 17:6-8

  6 G5319 [G5656] { I have manifested G4675 thy G3686 name G444 to the men G3739 whom G1325 [G5758] thou gavest G3427 to me G1537 out of G2889 the world: G4674 thine G2258 [G5713] they were, G2532 and G1325 [G5758] thou gavest G846 them G1698 to me; G2532 and G5083 [G5758] they have kept G4675 thy G3056 word.}
  7 G3568 { Now G1097 [G5758] they have known G3754 that G3956 all things G3745 whatever G1325 [G5758] thou hast given G3427 me G2076 [G5748] are G3844 from G4675 thee.}
  8 G3754 { For G1325 [G5758] I have given G846 to them G4487 the utterances G3739 which G1325 [G5758] thou gavest G3427 me; G2532 and G846 they G2983 [G5627] have received G2532 them, and G1097 [G5627] have known G230 surely G3754 that G1831 [G5627] I came G3844 from G4675 thee, G2532 and G4100 [G5656] they have believed G3754 that G4771 thou G649 [G5656] didst send G3165 me.}

John 18:37

  37 G4091 Pilate G3767 therefore G2036 [G5627] said G846 to him, G1488 [G5748] Art G4771 thou G935 a king G3766 then? G2424 Jesus G611 [G5662] answered, G4771 { Thou G3004 [G5719] sayest G3754 that G1473 I G1510 [G5748] am G935 a king. G1519 To G5124 this G1080 0 end was G1473 I G1080 [G5769] born, G2532 and G1519 for G5124 this G2064 [G5754] cause came I G1519 into G2889 the world, G2443 that G3140 [G5661] I should bear witness G225 to the truth. G3956 Every one G5607 [G5752] that is G1537 of G225 the truth G191 [G5719] heareth G3450 my G5456 voice.}

1 John 3:10

  10 G1722 In G5129 this G5043 the children G2316 of God G2076 [G5748] are G5318 revealed, G2532 and G5043 the children G3588 of the G1228 slanderer: G3956 whoever G4160 [G5723] doeth G3361 not G1343 righteousness G2076 [G5748] is G3756 not G1537 of G2316 God, G2532 neither G25 [G5723] he that loveth G3361 not G846 his G80 brother.

1 John 4:1-6

  1 G27 Beloved, G4100 [G5720] believe G3361 not G3956 every G4151 spirit, G235 but G1381 [G5720] try G4151 the spirits G1487 whether G2076 [G5748] they are G1537 of G2316 God: G3754 because G4183 many G5578 false prophets G1831 [G5758] have gone out G1519 into G2889 the world.
  2 G1722 By G3739 G5129 this G1097 [G5719] ye know G4151 the Spirit G2316 of God: G3956 Every G4151 spirit G3670 [G5719] that confesseth G2424 that Jesus G5547 Anointed G2064 [G5756] hath come G1722 in G4561 the flesh G2076 [G5748] is G1537 from G2316 God:
  3 G2532 And G3956 every G4151 spirit G3739 that G3670 [G5719] confesseth G3361 not G2424 that Jesus G5547 Anointed G2064 [G5756] is come G1722 in G4561 the flesh G2076 [G5748] is G3756 not G1537 from G2316 God: G2532 and G5124 this G2076 [G5748] is G500 that spirit of anti-anointed, G3739 of which G191 [G5754] ye have heard G3754 that G2064 [G5736] it should come; G2532 and even G3568 now G2235 already G2076 [G5748] it is G1722 in G3588 the G2889 world.
  4 G5210 Ye G2075 [G5748] are G1537 of G3588   G2316 God, G5040 little children, G2532 and G3528 [G5758] have overcome G846 them: G3754 because G3187 greater G3588 is he that G2076 [G5748] is G1722 in G5213 you, G2228 than G3588 he that is G1722 in G3588 the G2889 world.
  5 G846 They G1526 [G5748] are G1537 of G2889 the world: G1223 G5124 therefore G2980 [G5719] they speak G1537 from G2889 the world, G2532 and G2889 the world G191 [G5719] heareth G846 them.
  6 G2249 We G2070 [G5748] are G1537 of G2316 God: G1097 [G5723] he that knoweth G2316 God G191 [G5719] heareth G2257 us; G3739 he that G2076 [G5748] is G3756 not G1537 of G2316 God G191 [G5719] heareth G3756 not G2257 us. G1537 By G5127 this G1097 [G5719] we know G4151 the spirit G225 of truth, G2532 and G4151 the spirit G4106 of delusion.

1 John 5:1

  1 G3956 Every G3588 one G4100 [G5723] believing G3754 that G2424 Jesus G2076 [G5748] is G5547 the Anointed G1080 [G5769] is born G1537 of G2316 God: G2532 and G3956 every G3588 one G25 [G5723] loving G1080 [G5660] him that begat G25 [G5719] loveth G2532 him also G1080 [G5772] that is begotten G1537 by G846 him.

2 John 1:9

  9 G3956 Every G3588 one G3845 [G5723] walking contrary to, G2532 and G3306 [G5723] abiding G3361 not G1722 in G1322 the teaching G5547 of Anointed, G2192 [G5719] hath G3756 not G2316 God. G3588 The one G3306 [G5723] abiding G1722 in G1322 the teaching G5547 of Anointed, G3778 he G2192 [G5719] hath G2532 both G3588 the G3962 Father G2532 and G3588 the G5207 Son.

3 John 1:11

  11 G27 Beloved, G3401 [G5737] imitate G3361 not G2556 that which is bad, G235 but G18 that which is good. G15 [G5723] He that doeth good G2076 [G5748] is G1537 of G2316 God: G1161 but G2554 [G5723] he that doeth bad G3708 0 hath G3756 not G3708 [G5758] seen G2316 God.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.