John 8:46 Cross References - new

  46 G5101 { Which G1537 of G5216 you G1651 [G5719] convicteth G3165 me G4012 of G266 sin? G1161 And G1487 if G3004 [G5719] I speak G225 the truth, G1302 why G4100 0 do G5210 ye G3756 not G4100 [G5719] believe G3427 me?}

Matthew 21:25

  25 G908 { The baptism G2491 of John, G4159 whence G2258 [G5713] was it? G1537 From out of G3772 heaven, G2228 or G1537 from out of G444 men? G1161 And G1260 [G5711] they reasoned G3844 with G1438 themselves, G3004 [G5723] saying, G1437 If G2036 [G5632] we shall say, G1537 From out of G3772 heaven; G2046 [G5692] he will say G2254 to us, G1302 Why G3767 then G4100 0 did ye G3756 not G4100 [G5656] believe G846 him?}

Mark 11:31

  31 G2532 And G3049 [G5711] they reasoned G4314 with G1438 themselves, G3004 [G5723] saying, G1437 If G2036 [G5632] we shall say, G1537 From G3772 heaven; G2046 [G5692] he will say, G1302 Why G3767 then G4100 0 did ye G3756 not G4100 [G5656] believe G846 him?

John 8:7

  7 G1161 So G5613 when G1961 [G5707] they continued G2065 [G5723] asking G846 him, G352 [G5660] he raised himself, G2036 [G5627] and said G4314 to G846 them, G361 { He that is without sin G5216 among you, G906 0 let him G4413 first G906 [G5628] cast G3037 a stone G1909 at G846 her.}

John 14:30

  30 G3765 0 { After this G2980 0 I will G3765 not G2980 [G5692] talk G4183 much G3326 with G5216 you: G1063 for G758 the ruler G3588   G5127 of this G2889 world G2064 [G5736] cometh, G2532 and G2192 G3756 [G5719] hath G3762 nothing G1722 in G1698 me.}

John 15:10

  10 G1437 { If G5083 [G5661] ye keep G3450 my G1785 commandments, G3306 [G5692] ye shall abide G1722 in G3450 my G26 love; G2531 even as G1473 I G5083 [G5758] have kept G3450 my G3962 Father's G1785 commandments, G2532 and G3306 [G5719] abide G1722 in G846 his G26 love.}

John 16:8

  8 G2532 { And G2064 [G5631] when he is come, G1565 he G1651 [G5692] will reprove G2889 the world G4012 of G266 sin, G2532 and G4012 of G1343 righteousness, G2532 and G4012 of G2920 judgment:}

John 18:37

  37 G4091 Pilate G3767 therefore G2036 [G5627] said G846 to him, G1488 [G5748] Art G4771 thou G935 a king G3766 then? G2424 Jesus G611 [G5662] answered, G4771 { Thou G3004 [G5719] sayest G3754 that G1473 I G1510 [G5748] am G935 a king. G1519 To G5124 this G1080 0 end was G1473 I G1080 [G5769] born, G2532 and G1519 for G5124 this G2064 [G5754] cause came I G1519 into G2889 the world, G2443 that G3140 [G5661] I should bear witness G225 to the truth. G3956 Every one G5607 [G5752] that is G1537 of G225 the truth G191 [G5719] heareth G3450 my G5456 voice.}

2 Corinthians 5:21

  21 G1063 For G4160 [G5656] he hath made G266 him to be sin G5228 for G2257 us, G3588 who G1097 [G5631] knew G3361 no G266 sin; G2443 that G2249 we G1096 [G5741] might be made G1343 the righteousness G2316 of God G1722 in G846 him.

Hebrews 4:15

  15 G1063 For G2192 [G5719] we have G3756 not G749 an high priest G3361 G1410 [G5740] who cannot G4834 [G5658] sympathize G2257 with our G769 infirmities; G1161 but G3985 0 who was G2596 in G3956 all points G3985 G3987 [G5772] tempted G2596 G3665 as G5565 we are, yet without G266 sin.

Hebrews 7:26

  26 G1063 For G5108 such G749 an high priest G4241 [G5707] was befitting for G2254 us, G3741 who is holy, G172 blameless, G283 undefiled, G5563 [G5772] being separated G575 from G3588   G268 sinners, G2532 and G1096 [G5637] becoming G5308 higher than G3588 the G3772 heavens;

1 Peter 2:22

  22 G3739 Who G4160 [G5656] committed G3756 no G266 sin, G3761 neither G1388 was guile G2147 [G5681] found G1722 in G846 his G4750 mouth:

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