Daniel 5:30 Cross References - new

  30 H3916 In that night H1113 was Belshazzar H4430 the king H3779 of the Chaldeans H6992 [H8752] slain.

Isaiah 21:4-9

  4 H3824 My heart H8582 [H8804] panted, H6427 fearfulness H1204 [H8765] terrified H5399 me: the night H2837 of my pleasure H7760 [H8804] hath he turned H2731 into fear to me.
  5 H6186 [H8800] Prepare H7979 the table, H6822 [H8800] watch H6844 in the watchtower, H398 [H8800] eat, H8354 [H8800] drink: H6965 [H8798] arise, H8269 ye princes, H4886 [H8798] and anoint H4043 the shield.
  6 H136 For thus hath the Sovereign H559 [H8804] said H3212 [H8798] to me, Go, H5975 [H8685] set H6822 [H8764] a watchman, H5046 [H8686] let him declare H7200 [H8799] what he seeth.
  7 H7200 [H8804] And he saw H7393 a chariot H6776 with a couple H6571 of horsemen, H7393 a chariot H2543 of donkeys, H7393 and a chariot H1581 of camels; H7181 [H8689] and he pricked up his ear H7182 diligently H7227 with much H7182 heed:
  8 H7121 [H8799] And he called, H738 A lion: H136 My sovereign, H5975 [H8802] I stand H8548 continually H4707 upon the watchtower H3119 in the daytime, H5324 [H8737] and I am set H4931 in my post H3915 whole nights:
  9 H935 [H8802] And, behold, here cometh H7393 a chariot H376 of men, H6776 with a couple H6571 of horsemen. H6030 [H8799] And he answered H559 [H8799] and said, H894 Babylon H5307 [H8804] is fallen, H5307 [H8804] is fallen; H6456 and all the graven images H430 of her gods H7665 [H8765] he hath broken H776 to the earth.

Isaiah 47:9

  9 H8147 But these two H935 [H8799] things shall come H7281 to thee in a moment H259 in one H3117 day, H7908 the loss of children, H489 and widowhood: H935 [H8804] they shall come H8537 upon thee in their perfection H7230 for the abundance H3785 of thy sorceries, H3966 and for the great H6109 abundance H2267 of thy enchantments.

Jeremiah 51:11

  11 H1305 [H8685] Make bright H2671 the arrows; H4390 [H8798] gather H7982 the shields: H3068 the LORD H5782 [H8689] hath raised up H7307 the spirit H4428 of the kings H4074 of the Medes: H4209 for his purpose H894 is against Babylon, H7843 [H8687] to decay H5360 it; because it is the vengeance H3068 of the LORD, H5360 the vengeance H1964 of his temple.

Jeremiah 51:31

  31 H7323 [H8801] One post H7323 [H8799] shall run H7125 [H8800] to meet H7323 [H8801] another, H5046 [H8688] and one messenger H7125 [H8800] to meet H5046 [H8688] another, H5046 [H8687] to show H4428 the king H894 of Babylon H5892 that his city H3920 [H8738] is taken H7097 at one end,

Jeremiah 51:39

  39 H2527 In their heat H7896 [H8799] I will make H4960 their feasts, H7937 [H8689] and I will make them drunk, H5937 [H8799] that they may rejoice, H3462 [H8804] and sleep H5769 a perpetual H8142 sleep, H6974 [H8686] and not wake, H5002 [H8803] saith H3068 the LORD.

Jeremiah 51:57

  57 H7937 [H8689] And I will make drunk H8269 her princes, H2450 and her wise H6346 men, her captains, H5461 and her rulers, H1368 and her mighty men: H3462 [H8804] and they shall sleep H5769 a perpetual H8142 sleep, H6974 [H8686] and not wake, H5002 [H8803] saith H4428 the King, H8034 whose name H3068 is the LORD H6635 of hosts.

Daniel 5:1-2

  1 H1113 Belshazzar H4430 the king H5648 [H8754] made H7229 a great H3900 feast H506 to a thousand H7261 of his lords, H8355 [H8750] and drank H2562 wine H6903 before H506 the thousand.
  2 H1113 Belshazzar, H2942 while he tasted H2562 the wine, H560 [H8754] commanded H858 [H8682] to bring H1722 the golden H3702 and silver H3984 vessels H2 which his father H5020 Nebuchadnezzar H5312 [H8684] had taken H4481 out of H1965 the temple H3390 which was in Jerusalem; H4430 that the king, H7261 and his princes, H7695 his consorts, H3904 and his concubines, H8355 [H8748] might drink in them.

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