Exodus 26:7 Cross References - KJV_Strongs

  7 H6213 And thou shalt make [H8804]   H3407 curtains H5795 of goats H168 ' hair to be a covering H4908 upon the tabernacle H6249 : eleven H6240   H3407 curtains H6213 shalt thou make [H8799]  .

Exodus 25:4

  4 H8504 And blue H713 , and purple H8438 , and scarlet H8144   H8336 , and fine linen H5795 , and goats' hair,

Exodus 26:1

  1 H6213 Moreover thou shalt make [H8799]   H4908 the tabernacle H6235 with ten H3407 curtains H7806 of fine twined [H8716]   H8336 linen H8504 , and blue H713 , and purple H8144 , and scarlet H8438   H3742 : with cherubims H2803 of cunning [H8802]   H4639 work H6213 shalt thou make [H8799]   them.

Exodus 26:9

  9 H2266 And thou shalt couple [H8765]   H2568 five H3407 curtains H8337 by themselves, and six H3407 curtains H3717 by themselves, and shalt double [H8804]   H8345 the sixth H3407 curtain H4136 in the forefront H6440   H168 of the tabernacle.

Exodus 26:12

  12 H5629 And the remnant H5736 that remaineth [H8802]   H3407 of the curtains H168 of the tent H2677 , the half H3407 curtain H5736 that remaineth [H8802]   H5628 , shall hang [H8799]   H268 over the backside H4908 of the tabernacle.

Exodus 26:14

  14 H6213 And thou shalt make [H8804]   H4372 a covering H168 for the tent H352 of rams H5785 ' skins H119 dyed red [H8794]   H4372 , and a covering H4605 above H8476 of badgers H5785 ' skins.

Exodus 35:6

  6 H8504 And blue H713 , and purple H8144 , and scarlet H8438   H8336 , and fine linen H5795 , and goats' hair,

Exodus 35:23

  23 H376 And every man H4672 , with whom was found [H8738]   H8504 blue H713 , and purple H8144 , and scarlet H8438   H8336 , and fine linen H5795 , and goats H119 ' hair, and red [H8794]   H5785 skins H352 of rams H8476 , and badgers H5785 ' skins H935 , brought [H8689]   them .

Exodus 35:26

  26 H802 And all the women H3820 whose heart H5375 stirred [H8804]   H2451 them up in wisdom H2901 spun [H8804]   H5795 goats' hair .

Exodus 36:14-18

  14 H6213 And he made [H8799]   H3407 curtains H5795 of goats H168 ' hair for the tent H4908 over the tabernacle H6249 : eleven H6240   H3407 curtains H6213 he made [H8804]   them.
  15 H753 The length H259 of one H3407 curtain H7970 was thirty H520 cubits H702 , and four H520 cubits H7341 was the breadth H259 of one H3407 curtain H6249 : the eleven H6240   H3407 curtains H259 were of one H4060 size.
  16 H2266 And he coupled [H8762]   H2568 five H3407 curtains H8337 by themselves, and six H3407 curtains by themselves.
  17 H6213 And he made [H8799]   H2572 fifty H3924 loops H7020 upon the uttermost H8193 edge H3407 of the curtain H4225 in the coupling H2572 , and fifty H3924 loops H6213 made [H8804]   H8193 he upon the edge H3407 of the curtain H2279 which coupleth H8145 the second.
  18 H6213 And he made [H8799]   H2572 fifty H7165 taches H5178 of brass H2266 to couple H168 the tent H2266 together [H8763]   H259 , that it might be one.

Numbers 4:25

  25 H5375 And they shall bear [H8804]   H3407 the curtains H4908 of the tabernacle H168 , and the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation H4372 , his covering H4372 , and the covering H8476 of the badgers H4605 ' skins that is above H4539 upon it, and the hanging H6607 for the door H168 of the tabernacle H4150 of the congregation,

Numbers 31:20

  20 H2398 And purify [H8691]   H899 all your raiment H3627 , and all that is made H5785 of skins H4639 , and all work H5795 of goats H3627 ' hair, and all things made H6086 of wood.

Psalms 45:13

  13 H4428 The king's H1323 daughter H3520 is all glorious H6441 within H3830 : her clothing H4865 is of wrought H2091 gold.

Isaiah 4:5

  5 H3068 And the LORD H1254 will create [H8804]   H4349 upon every dwelling place H2022 of mount H6726 Zion H4744 , and upon her assemblies H6051 , a cloud H6227 and smoke H3119 by day H5051 , and the shining H3852 of a flaming H784 fire H3915 by night H3519 : for upon all the glory H2646 shall be a defence.

1 Peter 3:4

  4 G235 But G2927 let it be the hidden G444 man G2588 of the heart G1722 , in G862 that which is not corruptible G4239 , even the ornament of a meek G2532 and G2272 quiet G4151 spirit G3739 , which G2076 is [G5748]   G1799 in the sight G2316 of God G4185 of great price.

1 Peter 5:5

  5 G3668 Likewise G3501 , ye younger G5293 , submit yourselves [G5649]   G4245 unto the elder G1161 . Yea G3956 , all G5293 of you be subject [G5746]   G240 one to another G1463 , and be clothed [G5663]   G5012 with humility G3754 : for G2316 God G498 resisteth [G5731]   G5244 the proud G1161 , and G1325 giveth [G5719]   G5485 grace G5011 to the humble.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.