Philippians 1:21 Cross References - AKJV_Strongs

  21 G2198 For to me to live G5547 is Christ, G599 and to die G2771 is gain.

Isaiah 57:1-2

  1 H6662 The righteous H6 perishes, H369 and no H376 man H7760 lays H3820 it to heart: H2617 and merciful H582 men H622 are taken H369 away, none H995 considering H6662 that the righteous H622 is taken H7451 away from the evil to come.
  2 H935 He shall enter H7965 into peace: H5117 they shall rest H4904 in their beds, H1980 each one walking H5228 in his uprightness.

Romans 8:35-39

  35 G5101 Who G5562 shall separate G26 us from the love G5547 of Christ? G2347 shall tribulation, G2228 or G4730 distress, G2228 or G1375 persecution, G2228 or G3042 famine, G2228 or G1132 nakedness, G2228 or G2794 peril, G2228 or G3162 sword?
  36 G1125 As it is written, G1752 For your sake G2289 we are killed G3650 all G2250 the day G3049 long; we are accounted G4263 as sheep G4967 for the slaughter.
  37 G235 No, G3956 in all G5125 these G5245 things we are more G5245 than G5245 conquerors G1223 through G25 him that loved us.
  38 G3982 For I am persuaded, G3777 that neither G2288 death, G3777 nor G2222 life, G3777 nor G32 angels, G3777 nor G746 principalities, G3777 nor G1411 powers, G3777 nor G1764 things present, G3777 nor G3195 things to come,
  39 G3777 Nor G5313 height, G3777 nor G899 depth, G3777 nor G5100 any G2087 other G2937 creature, G1410 shall be able G5562 to separate G26 us from the love G2316 of God, G3588 which G5547 is in Christ G2424 Jesus G2962 our Lord.

1 Corinthians 1:30

  30 G5547 But of him are you in Christ G2424 Jesus, G3739 who G2316 of God G1096 is made G4678 to us wisdom, G1343 and righteousness, G38 and sanctification, G629 and redemption:

1 Corinthians 3:22

  22 G1535 Whether G1535 Paul, or G625 Apollos, G1535 or G2786 Cephas, G1535 or G2889 the world, G1535 or G2222 life, G1535 or G2288 death, G1535 or G1764 things present, G1535 or G3195 things to come; G3956 all G5216 are your’s;

2 Corinthians 5:1

  1 G1492 For we know G1437 that if G1919 our earthly G3614 house G3588 of this G4636 tabernacle G2647 were dissolved, G2192 we have G3619 a building G2316 of God, G3614 an house G886 not made G886 with hands, G166 eternal G3772 in the heavens.

2 Corinthians 5:6

  6 G3767 Therefore G3842 we are always G2292 confident, G1492 knowing G1722 that, whilst we are at G1736 home G4983 in the body, G1553 we are absent G2962 from the Lord:

2 Corinthians 5:8

  8 G2292 We are confident, G2106 I say, and willing G3123 rather G1553 to be absent G4983 from the body, G1736 and to be present G2962 with the Lord.

Galatians 2:20

  20 G4957 I am crucified G5547 with Christ: G1161 nevertheless G2198 I live; G3765 yet G5547 not I, but Christ G2198 lives G3739 in me: and the life which G3568 I now G2198 live G4561 in the flesh G2198 I live G4102 by the faith G5207 of the Son G2316 of God, G3588 who G25 loved G3860 me, and gave G1438 himself for me.

Galatians 6:14

  14 G3361 But God G1096 G3361 forbid G1096 G2744 that I should glory, G1508 save G4716 in the cross G2962 of our Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ, G3739 by whom G2889 the world G4717 is crucified G2889 to me, and I to the world.

Philippians 1:20

  20 G2596 According G603 to my earnest G603 expectation G1680 and my hope, G3762 that in nothing G153 I shall be ashamed, G3956 but that with all G3954 boldness, G3842 as always, G3568 so now G2532 also G5547 Christ G3170 shall be magnified G4983 in my body, G1535 whether G2222 it be by life, G1535 or G2288 by death.

Philippians 1:23

  23 G4912 For I am in a strait G1537 between G1417 two, G2192 having G1939 a desire G360 to depart, G5547 and to be with Christ; G4183 which is far G3123 G2909 better:

Philippians 2:21

  21 G3956 For all G2212 seek G2424 their own, not the things which are Jesus G5547 Christ’s.

Colossians 3:4

  4 G3752 When G5547 Christ, G2222 who is our life, G5319 shall appear, G5119 then G2532 shall you also G5319 appear G1391 with him in glory.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-15

  13 G2309 But I would G50 not have you to be ignorant, G80 brothers, G4012 concerning G2837 them which are asleep, G3076 that you sorrow G2532 not, even G3062 as others G3588 which G2192 have G3361 no G1680 hope.
  14 G1487 For if G4100 we believe G2424 that Jesus G599 died G450 and rose G450 again, G3779 even so G2532 them also G2837 which sleep G2424 in Jesus G2316 will God G71 bring with him.
  15 G5124 For this G3004 we say G3056 to you by the word G2962 of the Lord, G3588 that we which G2198 are alive G4035 and remain G3952 to the coming G2962 of the Lord G5348 shall not precede G3588 them which G2837 are asleep.

Revelation 14:13

  13 G191 And I heard G5456 a voice G3772 from heaven G3004 saying G1125 to me, Write, G3107 Blessed G3498 are the dead G3588 which G599 die G2962 in the Lord G534 from now on: G3483 Yes, G3004 said G4151 the Spirit, G373 that they may rest G2873 from their labors; G2041 and their works G190 do follow them.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.