6 (or, reading the phrase "in spirit" with the next phrase rather than the previous one:
in spirit)
the nations (the Gentiles; the ethnic multitudes; non-Jews)
are to continuously be joint-heirs (fellow-participants by allotment)
and a Joint Body (a body together)
and joint sharers (partakers)
of The Promise [
along with the rest]
, resident within (or: of the assurance in union with)
Christ Jesus through the good news (or: [spreading] throughout the midst by means of the message of goodness, ease and well-being)
7 of which I came to be (was birthed; became)
an attendant (a server; one who renders service and dispenses)
in accord with, down from, in the sphere of and commensurate with the gift of God's grace and favor that being given to me (or: by me)
in accord with (or: down from; corresponding to; to the level of; in line with)
the operative, effective, internal working energy of His power and ability!
8 To me, the one far inferior to (or: less than the least among)
all of those set apart (or: the saints; the holy people),
was given this grace and joyous favor: to myself address the nations (non-Jews; Gentiles; ethnic multitudes)
with the good news of (or: whose source is)
the untrackable (untraceable; or: not-searched-out and unexplored)
riches of the Christ (or: to for myself declare and bring to the ethnic groups the message of goodness, ease and well-being of the unexploreable wealth which is the Anointed One),