34 and said vnto them: My soule is very heauye euen vnto the death: tarye here & watche.
35 And he wente forthe a litle and fell doune on the grounde, and prayed: that yf it were possyble, the houre myght passe from hym.
36 And he sayde: Abba father, all thynges are possyble vnto the, take awaye this cup from me. Neuerthelesse, not that I wyll but that thou wylte, be done.
37 And he came, and founde them slepynge, and sayd to Peter: Symon slepest thou? Couldest not thou watche wt me one houre?
38 watche ye, and praye leaste ye enter into temptacyon, the spirite is ready, and the fleshe is weake.
39 And agayne he went away and prayed and spake the same wordes.
40 And he returned and found them a slepe agayn, for theyr eyes were heauy: neither wyste they what to aunswere hym.
41 And he came the thyrde tyme and sayd vnto them: slepe hence forth and take youre ease, it is ynough. The houre is come, beholde the sonne of man shalbe delyuered into the handes of synners.
42 Ryse vp let vs go. Lo, he that betrayeth me, is at hande.