Mark 14:34-42

Great(i) 34 & sayeth vnto them: My soule is heuy, euen vnto the deeth, tary ye here and watche. 35 And he went forth a lytle & fell downe flatt on the grounde, & prayed: that yf it were possible, the houre myght passe from him. 36 And he sayde: Abba father, all thinges are possible vnto the, take awaye this cup from me. Neuerthelesse, not that I will: but that thou wilt, be done. 37 And he cam & founde them slepyng, & sayeth to Peter: Simon, slepest thou? Couldest not thou watche one houre? 38 watche ye, & praye, leest ye entre into temptacion, the sprete trulye is ready, but the flesh is weake. 39 And agayne he went asyde, & prayde, and spake the same wordes. 40 And he returned, & founde them a slepe agayne. For their eyes were heuy: nether wist they, what to answere him. 41 And he came the thirde tyme & sayde vnto them: slepe hens forth, and take youre ease, it is ynough. The houre is come, beholde, the sonne of man is betrayed into the handes of synners. 42 Ryse vp, let vs go. Lo, he that betrayeth me, is at hande.