Jeremiah 9:2-9

  2 H5414 Oh that [H8799]   H4057 I had in the wilderness H4411 a lodging place H732 of wayfaring men [H8802]   H5800 ; that I might leave [H8799]   H5971 my people H3212 , and go [H8799]   H5003 from them! for they be all adulterers [H8764]   H6116 , an assembly H898 of treacherous men [H8802]  .
  3 H1869 And they bend [H8686]   H3956 their tongues H7198 like their bow H8267 for lies H1396 : but they are not valiant [H8804]   H530 for the truth H776 upon the earth H3318 ; for they proceed [H8804]   H7451 from evil H7451 to evil H3045 , and they know [H8804]   H5002 not me, saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD.
  4 H8104 Take ye heed [H8734]   H376 every one H7453 of his neighbour H982 , and trust [H8799]   H251 ye not in any brother H251 : for every brother H6117 will utterly [H8800]   H6117 supplant [H8799]   H7453 , and every neighbour H1980 will walk [H8799]   H7400 with slanders.
  5 H2048 And they will deceive [H8762]   H376 every one H7453 his neighbour H1696 , and will not speak [H8762]   H571 the truth H3925 : they have taught [H8765]   H3956 their tongue H1696 to speak [H8763]   H8267 lies H3811 , and weary [H8738]   H5753 themselves to commit iniquity [H8687]  .
  6 H3427 Thine habitation [H8800]   H8432 is in the midst H4820 of deceit H4820 ; through deceit H3985 they refuse [H8765]   H3045 to know [H8800]   H5002 me, saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD.
  7 H559 Therefore thus saith [H8804]   H3068 the LORD H6635 of hosts H6884 , Behold, I will melt [H8802]   H974 them, and try [H8804]   H6213 them; for how shall I do [H8799]   H6440 for H1323 the daughter H5971 of my people?
  8 H3956 Their tongue H2671 is as an arrow H7819 shot out [H8803]   H1696 ; it speaketh [H8765]   H4820 deceit H1696 : one speaketh [H8762]   H7965 peaceably H7453 to his neighbour H6310 with his mouth H7130 , but in heart H7760 he layeth [H8799]   H696 his wait.
  9 H6485 Shall I not visit [H8799]   H5002 them for these things ? saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD H5315 : shall not my soul H5358 be avenged [H8691]   H1471 on such a nation as this?
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  2 H4310 מי   H5414 יתנני   H4057 במדבר in the wilderness H4411 מלון a lodging place H732 ארחים of wayfaring men; H5800 ואעזבה that I might leave H853 את   H5971 עמי my people, H1980 ואלכה and go H853 מאתם   H3588 כי them! for H3605 כלם they all H5003 מנאפים adulterers, H6116 עצרת an assembly H898 בגדים׃ of treacherous men.
  3 H1869 וידרכו And they bend H853 את   H3956 לשׁונם their tongues H7198 קשׁתם their bow H8267 שׁקר lies: H3808 ולא but they are not H530 לאמונה for the truth H1396 גברו valiant H776 בארץ upon the earth; H3588 כי for H7451 מרעה from evil H413 אל to H7451 רעה evil, H3318 יצאו they proceed H853 ואתי   H3808 לא not H3045 ידעו and they know H5002 נאם me, saith H3068 יהוה׃ the LORD.
  4 H376 אישׁ every one H7453 מרעהו of his neighbor, H8104 השׁמרו Take ye heed H5921 ועל in H3605 כל any H251 אח brother: H408 אל ye not H982 תבטחו and trust H3588 כי for H3605 כל every H251 אח brother H6117 עקוב will utterly supplant, H6117 יעקב will utterly supplant, H3605 וכל and every H7453 רע neighbor H7400 רכיל with slanders. H1980 יהלך׃ will walk
  5 H376 ואישׁ every one H7453 ברעהו his neighbor, H2048 יהתלו And they will deceive H571 ואמת the truth: H3808 לא and will not H1696 ידברו speak H3925 למדו they have taught H3956 לשׁונם their tongue H1696 דבר to speak H8267 שׁקר lies, H5753 העוה to commit iniquity. H3811 נלאו׃ weary themselves
  6 H3427 שׁבתך Thine habitation H8432 בתוך in the midst H4820 מרמה of deceit; H4820 במרמה through deceit H3985 מאנו they refuse H3045 דעת to know H853 אותי   H5002 נאם me, saith H3068 יהוה׃ the LORD.
  7 H3651 לכן Therefore H3541 כה thus H559 אמר saith H3068 יהוה the LORD H6635 צבאות of hosts, H2005 הנני   H6884 צורפם I will melt H974 ובחנתים them, and try H3588 כי them; for H349 איך how H6213 אעשׂה shall I do H6440 מפני for H1323 בת the daughter H5971 עמי׃ of my people?
  8 H2671 חץ an arrow H7819 שׁוחט shot out; H3956 לשׁונם Their tongue H4820 מרמה deceit: H1696 דבר it speaketh H6310 בפיו with his mouth, H7965 שׁלום peaceably H854 את to H7453 רעהו his neighbor H1696 ידבר speaketh H7130 ובקרבו but in heart H7760 ישׂים he layeth H696 ארבו׃ his wait.
  9 H5921 העל them for H428 אלה these H3808 לא Shall I not H6485 אפקד visit H5002 בם נאם saith H3068 יהוה the LORD: H518 אם   H1471 בגוי a nation H834 אשׁר on such H2088 כזה as this? H3808 לא shall not H5358 תתנקם be avenged H5315 נפשׁי׃ my soul