Hebrews 10:8-22

  8 G3754   G3004 Saying G511 above, G2378 Sacrifices G2532 and G4376 offerings G2532 and G3646 whole burnt offerings G2532 and G4012 sacrifices for G266 sin G2309 thou wouldest G3756 not, G3761 neither G2106 hadst pleasure G3748 therein (the which G4374 are offered G2596 according G3551 to the law),
  9 G5119 then G2046 hath he G2400 said, Lo, G2240 I am come G4160 to do G4675 thy G2307 will. G2316   G337 He taketh away G4413 the first, G2443 that G2476 he may establish G1208 the second.
  10 G1722 By G3739 which G2307 will G2070 we have been G37 sanctified G1223 through G4376 the offering G4983 of the body G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ G2178 once for all.
  11 G2532 And G3956 every G2409 priest G3303 indeed G2476 standeth G2596 day by G2250 day G3008 ministering G2532 and G4374 offering G4178 oftentimes G846 the same G2378 sacrifices, G3748 the which G1410 can G3763 never G4014 take away G266 sins:
  12 G1161 but G846 he, G4374 when he had offered G1520 one G2378 sacrifice G5228 for G266 sins G1519 for G1336 ever, G2523 sat down G1722 on G1188 the right hand G2316 of God;
  13 G3063 henceforth G1551 expecting G2193 till G846 his G2190 enemies G5087 be made G4228 the footstool G846 of his feet.
  14 G1063 For G1520 by one G4376 offering G5048 he hath perfected G1519 for G1336 ever G37 them that are sanctified.
  15 G1161 And G4151 the G40 Holy G4151 Spirit G2532 also G3140 beareth witness G2254 to us; G1063 for G3326 after G4280 he hath said,
  16 G3778 This G1242 is the covenant G3739 that G1303 I will make G4314 with G846 them G3326 After G1565 those G2250 days, G3004 saith G2962 the Lord: G1325 I will put G3450 my G3551 laws G1909 on G846 their G2588 heart, G2532 And G1909 upon G846 their G1271 mind G1924 also will I write G846 them; then saith he,
  17 G2532 And G846 their G266 sins G2532 and G846 their G458 iniquities G846 will I G3415 remember G3756 no G3361   G2089 more.
  18 G1161 Now G3699 where G859 remission G5130 of these G3765 is, there is no more G4376 offering G4012 for G266 sin.
  19 G2192 Having G3767 therefore, G80 brethren, G3954 boldness G1519 to G1529 enter into G39 the holy place G1722 by G129 the blood G2424 of Jesus,
  20 G3598 by the way G3739 which G1457 he dedicated G2254 for us, G4372 a new G2532 and G2198 living G3598 way, G1223 through G2665 the veil, G5124 that G2076 is to say, G846 his G4561 flesh;
  21 G2532 and G3173 having a great G2409 priest G1909 over G3624 the house G2316 of God;
  22 G4334 let us draw near G3326 with G228 a true G2588 heart G1722 in G4136 fulness G4102 of faith, G4472 having G2588 our hearts G4472 sprinkled G575 from G4893 an G4190 evil G4893 conscience: G2532 and G4983 having our body G3068 washed G2513 with pure G5204 water,