Exodus 9:18-28

  18 H2005 Behold, H4279 to morrow H6256 about this time H4305 I will cause it to rain H3966 a very H3515 grievous H1259 hail, H834 such H1961 as has not been H4714 in Egypt H4480 since H3245 the foundation H5704 thereof even until H6258 now.
  19 H7971 Send H6258 therefore now, H5756 and gather H4735 your cattle, H3605 and all H7704 that you have in the field; H3605 for on every H120 man H929 and beast H834 which H4672 shall be found H7704 in the field, H622 and shall not be brought H1004 home, H1259 the hail H3381 shall come H3381 down H4191 on them, and they shall die.
  20 H3373 He that feared H1697 the word H3068 of the LORD H5650 among the servants H6547 of Pharaoh H5650 made his servants H4735 and his cattle H5127 flee H413 into H1004 the houses:
  21 H3820 And he that regarded H1697 not the word H3068 of the LORD H5800 left H5650 his servants H4735 and his cattle H7704 in the field.
  22 H3068 And the LORD H559 said H4872 to Moses, H5186 Stretch H3027 forth your hand H5921 toward H8064 heaven, H1259 that there may be hail H776 in all the land H4714 of Egypt, H120 on man, H929 and on beast, H3605 and on every H6212 herb H7704 of the field, H776 throughout the land H4714 of Egypt.
  23 H4872 And Moses H5186 stretched H4294 forth his rod H5921 toward H8064 heaven: H3068 and the LORD H5414 sent H6963 thunder H1259 and hail, H784 and the fire H1980 ran H776 along on the ground; H3068 and the LORD H4305 rained H1259 hail H776 on the land H4714 of Egypt.
  24 H1259 So there was hail, H784 and fire H3947 mingled H1259 with the hail, H3966 very H3515 grievous, H834 such H3808 as there was none H3644 like H3605 it in all H776 the land H4714 of Egypt H227 since H1961 it became H1471 a nation.
  25 H1259 And the hail H5221 smote H3605 throughout all H776 the land H4714 of Egypt H3605 all H7704 that was in the field, H120 both man H929 and beast; H1259 and the hail H5221 smote H3605 every H6212 herb H7704 of the field, H7665 and broke H3605 every H6086 tree H7704 of the field.
  26 H7535 Only H776 in the land H1657 of Goshen, H834 where H8033 H1121 the children H3478 of Israel H3808 were, was there no H1259 hail.
  27 H6547 And Pharaoh H7971 sent, H7121 and called H4872 for Moses H175 and Aaron, H559 and said H2398 to them, I have sinned H6471 this time: H3068 the LORD H6662 is righteous, H5971 and I and my people H7563 are wicked.
  28 H6279 Entreat H3068 the LORD H7227 (for it is enough) H3808 that there be no H430 more mighty H6963 thunder H1259 and hail; H7971 and I will let you go, H5975 and you shall stay H3808 no H3254 longer.