Search the Bible for H1856 in IHOT

10 results for H1856

Numbers 25:8 (IHOT)
  8 H935 ויבא And he went H310 אחר after H376 אישׁ the man H3478 ישׂראל of Israel H413 אל into H6898 הקבה the tent, H1856 וידקר and thrust H853 את   H8147 שׁניהם both H853 את   H376 אישׁ of them through, the man H3478 ישׂראל of Israel, H853 ואת   H802 האשׁה and the woman H413 אל through H6897 קבתה her belly. H6113 ותעצר was stayed H4046 המגפה So the plague H5921 מעל from H1121 בני the children H3478 ישׂראל׃ of Israel.
Judges 9:54 (IHOT)
  54 H7121 ויקרא Then he called H4120 מהרה hastily H413 אל unto H5288 הנער the young man H5375 נשׂא his armorbearer, H3627 כליו his armorbearer, H559 ויאמר and said H8025 לו שׁלף unto him, Draw H2719 חרבך thy sword, H4191 ומותתני and slay H6435 פן me, that H559 יאמרו men say H802 לי אשׁה not of me, A woman H2026 הרגתהו slew H1856 וידקרהו thrust him through, H5288 נערו him. And his young man H4191 וימת׃ and he died.
1 Samuel 31:4 (IHOT)
  4 H559 ויאמר Then said H7586 שׁאול Saul H5375 לנשׂא unto his armorbearer, H3627 כליו unto his armorbearer, H8025 שׁלף Draw H2719 חרבך thy sword, H1856 ודקרני and thrust me through H6435 בה פן therewith; lest H935 יבואו come H6189 הערלים uncircumcised H428 האלה these H1856 ודקרני and thrust me through, H5953 והתעללו and abuse H3808 בי ולא not; H14 אבה would H5375 נשׂא   H3627 כליו   H3588 כי for H3372 ירא afraid. H3966 מאד he was sore H3947 ויקח took H7586 שׁאול Therefore Saul H853 את   H2719 החרב a sword, H5307 ויפל and fell H5921 עליה׃ upon
1 Chronicles 10:4 (IHOT)
  4 H559 ויאמר Then said H7586 שׁאול Saul H413 אל to H5375 נשׂא his armorbearer, H3627 כליו his armorbearer, H8025 שׁלף Draw H2719 חרבך thy sword, H1856 ודקרני and thrust me through H6435 בה פן therewith; lest H935 יבאו come H6189 הערלים uncircumcised H428 האלה these H5953 והתעללו and abuse H3808 בי ולא not; H14 אבה would H5375 נשׂא   H3627 כליו   H3588 כי for H3372 ירא he was sore afraid. H3966 מאד he was sore afraid. H3947 ויקח took H7586 שׁאול So Saul H853 את   H2719 החרב a sword, H5307 ויפל and fell H5921 עליה׃ upon
Isaiah 13:15 (IHOT)
  15 H3605 כל Every one H4672 הנמצא that is found H1856 ידקר shall be thrust through; H3605 וכל and every one H5595 הנספה that is joined H5307 יפול shall fall H2719 בחרב׃ by the sword.
Jeremiah 37:10 (IHOT)
  10 H3588 כי For H518 אם though H5221 הכיתם ye had smitten H3605 כל the whole H2428 חיל army H3778 כשׂדים of the Chaldeans H3898 הנלחמים that fight H854 אתכם against H7604 ונשׁארו you, and there remained H376 בם אנשׁים men H1856 מדקרים wounded H376 אישׁ every man H168 באהלו in his tent, H6965 יקומו among them, should they rise H8313 ושׂרפו and burn H853 את   H5892 העיר city H2063 הזאת this H784 באשׁ׃ with fire.
Jeremiah 51:4 (IHOT)
  4 H5307 ונפלו shall fall H2491 חללים Thus the slain H776 בארץ in the land H3778 כשׂדים of the Chaldeans, H1856 ומדקרים and thrust through H2351 בחוצותיה׃ in her streets.
Zechariah 12:10 (IHOT)
  10 H8210 ושׁפכתי And I will pour H5921 על upon H1004 בית the house H1732 דויד of David, H5921 ועל and upon H3427 יושׁב the inhabitants H3389 ירושׁלם of Jerusalem, H7307 רוח the spirit H2580 חן of grace H8469 ותחנונים and of supplications: H5027 והביטו and they shall look H413 אלי upon H853 את   H834 אשׁר me whom H1856 דקרו they have pierced, H5594 וספדו and they shall mourn H5921 עליו for H5594 כמספד   H5921 על for H3173 היחיד only H4843 והמר and shall be in bitterness H5921 עליו for H4843 כהמר him, as one that is in bitterness H5921 על for H1060 הבכור׃ firstborn.
Zechariah 13:3 (IHOT)
  3 H1961 והיה And it shall come to pass, H3588 כי when H5012 ינבא prophesy, H376 אישׁ any H5750 עוד shall yet H559 ואמרו him shall say H413 אליו unto H1 אביו then his father H517 ואמו and his mother H3205 ילדיו that begot H3808 לא him, Thou shalt not H2421 תחיה live; H3588 כי for H8267 שׁקר lies H1696 דברת thou speakest H8034 בשׁם in the name H3068 יהוה of the LORD: H1856 ודקרהו him shall thrust him through H1 אביהו and his father H517 ואמו and his mother H3205 ילדיו that begot H5012 בהנבאו׃ when he prophesieth.