Exodus 6

  1 H3068 Then the LORD H559 [H8799] said H4872 to Moses, H7200 [H8799] Now shalt thou see H6213 [H8799] what I will do H6547 to Pharaoh: H2389 for with a strong H3027 hand H7971 [H8762] shall he let them go, H2389 and with a strong H3027 hand H1644 [H8762] shall he drive them from H776 his land.
  2 H430 And God H1696 [H8762] spoke H4872 to Moses, H559 [H8799] and said H3068 to him, I am the LORD:
  3 H7200 [H8735] And I appeared H85 to Abraham, H3327 to Isaac, H3290 and to Jacob, H410 by the name of God H7706 Almighty, H8034 but by my name H3068 the LORD H3045 [H8738] was I not known to them.
  4 H6965 [H8689] And I have also raised H1285 my covenant H5414 [H8800] with them, to give H776 them the land H3667 of Canaan, H776 the land H4033 of their sojournings, H1481 [H8804] in which they were sojourners.
  5 H8085 [H8804] And I have also heard H5009 the groaning H1121 of the sons H3478 of Israel, H834 whom H4714 the Egyptians H5647 [H8688] keep in bondage; H2142 [H8799] and I have remembered H1285 my covenant.
  6 H3651 Therefore H559 [H8798] say H1121 to the sons H3478 of Israel, H3068 I am the LORD, H3318 [H8689] and I will bring H5450 you from under the burdens H4714 of the Egyptians, H5337 [H8689] and I will deliver H5656 you from their bondage, H1350 [H8804] and I will redeem H5186 [H8803] you with outstretched H2220 arm, H1419 and with great H8201 judgments:
  7 H3947 [H8804] And I will take H5971 you to me for a people, H430 and I will be to you a God: H3045 [H8804] and ye shall know H3068 that I am the LORD H430 your God, H3318 [H8688] who bringeth H5450 you out from under the burdens H4714 of the Egyptians.
  8 H935 [H8689] And I will bring H776 you into the land, H5375 H3027 [H8804] concerning which I swore H5414 [H8800] to give H85 it to Abraham, H3327 to Isaac, H3290 and to Jacob; H5414 [H8804] and I will give H4181 it to you for an heritage: H3068 I am the LORD.
  9 H4872 And Moses H1696 [H8762] spoke H1121 so to the sons H3478 of Israel: H8085 [H8804] but they hearkened H4872 not to Moses H7115 by reason of anguish H7307 of spirit, H7186 and cruel H5656 bondage.
  10 H3068 And the LORD H1696 [H8762] spoke H4872 to Moses, H559 [H8800] saying,
  11 H935 [H8798] Go H1696 [H8761] in, speak H6547 to Pharaoh H4428 king H4714 of Egypt, H1121 that he let the sons H3478 of Israel H7971 [H8762] depart H776 from his land.
  12 H4872 And Moses H1696 [H8762] spoke H6440 at the face of H3068 the LORD, H559 [H8800] saying, H1121 Behold, the sons H3478 of Israel H8085 [H8804] have not hearkened H6547 to me; how then shall Pharaoh H8085 [H8799] hear H589 me, H6189 who am of uncircumcised H8193 lips?
  13 H3068 And the LORD H1696 [H8762] spoke H4872 to Moses H175 and to Aaron, H6680 [H8762] and gave them a charge H1121 to the sons H3478 of Israel, H6547 and to Pharaoh H4428 king H4714 of Egypt, H3318 [H8687] to bring H1121 the sons H3478 of Israel H776 out of the land H4714 of Egypt.
  14 H7218 These are the heads H1 of their father's H1004 houses: H1121 The sons H7205 of Reuben H1060 the firstborn H3478 of Israel; H2585 Hanoch, H6396 and Pallu, H2696 Hezron, H3756 and Carmi: H4940 these are the families H7205 of Reuben.
  15 H1121 And the sons H8095 of Simeon; H3223 Jemuel, H3226 and Jamin, H161 and Ohad, H3199 and Jachin, H6714 and Zohar, H7586 and Shaul H1121 the son H3669 of a Canaanitish woman: H4940 these are the families H8095 of Simeon.
  16 H8034 And these are the names H1121 of the sons H3878 of Levi H8435 according to their generations; H1648 Gershon, H6955 and Kohath, H4847 and Merari: H8141 and the years H2416 of the life H3878 of Levi H3967 were an hundred H7970 and thirty H7651 and seven H8141 years.
  17 H1121 The sons H1648 of Gershon; H3845 Libni, H8096 and Shimi, H4940 according to their families.
  18 H1121 And the sons H6955 of Kohath; H6019 Amram, H3324 and Izhar, H2275 and Hebron, H5816 and Uzziel: H8141 and the years H2416 of the life H6955 of Kohath H3967 were an hundred H7970 and thirty H7969 and three H8141 years.
  19 H1121 And the sons H4847 of Merari; H4249 Mahali H4187 and Mushi: H4940 these are the families H3878 of Levi H8435 according to their generations.
  20 H6019 And Amram H3947 [H8799] took H3115 him Jochebed H1733 his father's sister H802 for a wife; H3205 [H8799] and she bore H175 him Aaron H4872 and Moses: H8141 and the years H2416 of the life H6019 of Amram H3967 were an hundred H7970 and thirty H7651 and seven H8141 years.
  21 H1121 And the sons H3324 of Izhar; H7141 Korah, H5298 and Nepheg, H2147 and Zichri.
  22 H1121 And the sons H5816 of Uzziel; H4332 Mishael, H469 and Elzaphan, H5644 and Zithri.
  23 H175 And Aaron H3947 [H8799] took H472 Elisheba, H1323 daughter H5992 of Amminadab, H269 sister H5177 of Naashon, H802 for a wife; H3205 [H8799] and she bore H5070 him Nadab, H30 and Abihu, H499 Eleazar, H385 and Ithamar.
  24 H1121 And the sons H7141 of Korah; H617 Assir, H511 and Elkanah, H23 and Abiasaph: H4940 these are the families H7145 of the Korhites.
  25 H499 And Eleazar H175 Aaron's H1121 son H3947 [H8804] took H1323 one of the daughters H6317 of Putiel H802 for a wife; H3205 [H8799] and she bore to H6372 him Phinehas: H7218 these are the heads H1 of the fathers H3881 of the Levites H4940 according to their families.
  26 H1931 These H175 are that Aaron H4872 and Moses, H834 to whom H3068 the LORD H559 [H8804] said, H3318 [H8685] Bring out H1121 the sons H3478 of Israel H776 from the land H4714 of Egypt H6635 according to their armies.
  27 H1992 These H1696 [H8764] are they who spoke H6547 to Pharaoh H4428 king H4714 of Egypt, H3318 [H8687] to bring out H1121 the sons H3478 of Israel H4714 from Egypt: H4872 these are that Moses H175 and Aaron.
  28 H3117 And it came to pass on the day H3068 when the LORD H1696 [H8763] spoke H4872 to Moses H776 in the land H4714 of Egypt,
  29 H3068 That the LORD H1696 [H8762] spoke H4872 to Moses, H559 [H8800] saying, H3068 I am the LORD: H1696 [H8761] speak H6547 thou to Pharaoh H4428 king H4714 of Egypt H1696 [H8802] all that I say to thee.
  30 H4872 And Moses H559 [H8799] said H6440 at the face of H3068 the LORD, H6189 Behold, I am of uncircumcised H8193 lips, H6547 and how shall Pharaoh H8085 [H8799] hearken to me?