Ezekiel 24:7 Cross References - Webster_Strongs

  7 H1818 For her blood H8432 is in the midst H7760 [H8804] of her; she set H6706 it upon the top H5553 of a rock H8210 [H8804] ; she poured H776 it not upon the ground H3680 [H8763] , to cover H6083 it with dust;

Leviticus 17:13

  13 H376 And whatever man H1121 there may be of the children H3478 of Israel H1616 , or of the strangers H1481 [H8802] that sojourn H8432 among H6679 [H8799] you, who hunteth H6718 and catcheth H2416 any beast H5775 or fowl H398 [H8735] that may be eaten H8210 [H8804] ; he shall even pour H1818 out its blood H3680 [H8765] , and cover H6083 it with dust.

Deuteronomy 12:16

  16 H398 [H8799] Only ye shall not eat H1818 the blood H8210 [H8799] ; ye shall pour H776 it upon the earth H4325 as water.

Deuteronomy 12:24

  24 H398 [H8799] Thou shalt not eat H8210 [H8799] it; thou shalt pour H776 it upon the earth H4325 as water.

1 Kings 21:19

  19 H1696 [H8765] And thou shalt speak H559 [H8800] to him, saying H559 [H8804] , Thus saith H3068 the LORD H7523 [H8804] , Hast thou killed H3423 [H8804] , and also taken possession H1696 [H8765] ? And thou shalt speak H559 [H8800] to him, saying H559 [H8804] , Thus saith H3068 the LORD H4725 , In the place H3611 where dogs H3952 [H8804] licked H1818 the blood H5022 of Naboth H3611 shall dogs H3952 [H8799] lick H1818 thy blood, even thine.

Job 16:18

  18 H776 O earth H3680 [H8762] , cover H1818 not thou my blood H2201 , and let my cry H4725 have no place.

Isaiah 3:9

  9 H1971 The show H6440 of their countenance H6030 [H8804] doth witness against them H5046 [H8689] ; and they declare H2403 their sin H5467 as Sodom H3582 [H8765] , they hide H188 it not. Woe H5315 to their soul H1580 [H8804] ! for they have rewarded H7451 evil to themselves.

Isaiah 26:21

  21 H3068 For, behold, the LORD H3318 [H8802] cometh out H4725 of his place H6485 [H8800] to punish H3427 [H8802] the inhabitants H776 of the earth H5771 for their iniquity H776 : the earth H1540 [H8765] also shall disclose H1818 her blood H3680 [H8762] , and shall no more cover H2026 [H8803] her slain.

Jeremiah 2:34

  34 H3671 Also in thy skirts H4672 [H8738] is found H1818 the blood H5315 of the souls H34 of the poor H5355 innocents H4672 [H8804] : I have not found H4290 it by secret search, but upon all these.

Jeremiah 6:15

  15 H3001 [H8689] Were they ashamed H6213 [H8804] when they had committed H8441 abomination H1571 ? nay H954 [H8800] , they were not at all H954 [H8799] ashamed H1571 , neither H3045 [H8804] could H3637 [H8687] they blush H5307 [H8799] : therefore they shall fall H5307 [H8802] among them that fall H6256 : at the time H6485 [H8804] that I visit H3782 [H8735] them they shall be cast down H559 [H8804] , saith H3068 the LORD.

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