Deuteronomy 19:12 Cross References - Webster_Strongs

  12 H2205 Then the elders H5892 of his city H7971 [H8804] shall send H3947 [H8804] and bring H5414 [H8804] him from there, and deliver H3027 him into the hand H1350 [H8802] of the avenger H1818 of blood H4191 [H8804] , that he may die.

1 Kings 2:5-6

  5 H3045 [H8804] Moreover thou knowest H3097 also what Joab H1121 the son H6870 of Zeruiah H6213 [H8804] did H6213 [H8804] to me, and what he did H8147 to the two H8269 captains H6635 of the armies H3478 of Israel H74 , to Abner H1121 the son H5369 of Ner H6021 , and to Amasa H1121 the son H3500 of Jether H2026 [H8799] , whom he slew H7760 [H8799] , and shed H1818 the blood H4421 of war H7965 in peace H5414 [H8799] , and put H1818 the blood H4421 of war H2290 upon his belt H4975 that was about his loins H5275 , and in his shoes H7272 that were on his feet.
  6 H6213 [H8804] Do H2451 therefore according to thy wisdom H7872 , and let not his gray head H3381 [H8686] go down H7585 to the grave H7965 in peace.

1 Kings 2:28-34

  28 H8052 Then tidings H935 [H8804] came H3097 to Joab H3097 : for Joab H5186 [H8804] had turned H310 after H138 Adonijah H5186 [H8804] , though he turned H310 not after H53 Absalom H3097 . And Joab H5127 [H8799] fled H168 to the tabernacle H3068 of the LORD H2388 [H8686] , and caught hold H7161 on the horns H4196 of the altar.
  29 H5046 [H8714] And it was told H4428 to king H8010 Solomon H3097 that Joab H5127 [H8804] had fled H168 to the tabernacle H3068 of the LORD H681 ; and, behold, he is by H4196 the altar H8010 . Then Solomon H7971 [H8799] sent H1141 Benaiah H1121 the son H3077 of Jehoiada H559 [H8800] , saying H3212 [H8798] , Go H6293 [H8798] , fall upon him.
  30 H1141 And Benaiah H935 [H8799] came H168 to the tabernacle H3068 of the LORD H559 [H8799] , and said H559 [H8804] to him, Thus saith H4428 the king H3318 [H8798] , Come forth H559 [H8799] . And he said H4191 [H8799] , Nay; but I will die H1141 here. And Benaiah H7725 0 brought H4428 the king H1697 word H7725 [H8686] again H559 [H8800] , saying H1696 [H8765] , Thus said H3097 Joab H6030 [H8804] , and thus he answered me.
  31 H4428 And the king H559 [H8799] said H6213 [H8798] to him, Do H1696 [H8765] as he hath said H6293 [H8798] , and fall H6912 [H8804] upon him, and bury H5493 [H8689] him; that thou mayest take away H2600 the innocent H1818 blood H3097 , which Joab H8210 [H8804] shed H1004 , from me, and from the house H1 of my father.
  32 H3068 And the LORD H7725 [H8689] shall return H1818 his blood H7218 upon his own head H6293 [H8804] , who fell H8147 upon two H582 men H6662 more righteous H2896 and better H2026 [H8799] than he, and slew H2719 them with the sword H1 , my father H1732 David H3045 [H8804] not knowing H74 of it, that is, Abner H1121 the son H5369 of Ner H8269 , captain H6635 of the host H3478 of Israel H6021 , and Amasa H1121 the son H3500 of Jether H8269 , captain H6635 of the host H3063 of Judah.
  33 H1818 Their blood H7725 [H8804] shall therefore return H7218 upon the head H3097 of Joab H7218 , and upon the head H2233 of his seed H5769 for ever H1732 : but upon David H2233 , and upon his seed H1004 , and upon his house H3678 , and upon his throne H7965 , shall there be peace H5704 for H5769 ever H3068 from the LORD.
  34 H1141 So Benaiah H1121 the son H3077 of Jehoiada H5927 [H8799] went H6293 [H8799] , and fell H4191 [H8686] upon him, and slew H6912 [H8735] him: and he was buried H1004 in his own house H4057 in the wilderness.

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