1 John 5:9 Cross References - KJV_Strongs

  9 G1487 If G2983 we receive [G5719]   G3141 the witness G444 of men G3141 , the witness G2316 of God G2076 is [G5748]   G3187 greater G3754 : for G3778 this G2076 is [G5748]   G3141 the witness G2316 of God G3739 which G3140 he hath testified [G5758]   G4012 of G846 his G5207 Son.

Matthew 3:16-17

  16 G2532 And G2424 Jesus G907 , when he was baptized [G5685]   G305 , went up [G5627]   G2117 straightway G575 out of G5204 the water G2532 : and G2400 , lo [G5628]   G3772 , the heavens G455 were opened [G5681]   G846 unto him G2532 , and G1492 he saw [G5627]   G4151 the Spirit G2316 of God G2597 descending [G5723]   G5616 like G4058 a dove G2532 , and G2064 lighting [G5740]   G1909 upon G846 him:
  17 G2532 And G2400 lo [G5628]   G5456 a voice G1537 from G3772 heaven G3004 , saying [G5723]   G3778 , This G2076 is [G5748]   G3450 my G27 beloved G5207 Son G1722 , in G3739 whom G2106 I am well pleased [G5656]  .

Matthew 17:5

  5 G846 While he G2089 yet G2980 spake [G5723]   G2400 , behold [G5628]   G5460 , a bright G3507 cloud G1982 overshadowed [G5656]   G846 them G2532 : and G2400 behold [G5628]   G5456 a voice G1537 out of G3507 the cloud G3004 , which said [G5723]   G3778 , This G2076 is [G5748]   G3450 my G27 beloved G5207 Son G1722 , in G3739 whom G2106 I am well pleased [G5656]   G191 ; hear ye [G5720]   G846 him.

John 3:32-33

  32 G2532 And G3739 what G3708 he hath seen [G5758]   G2532 and G191 heard [G5656]   G5124 , that G3140 he testifieth [G5719]   G2532 ; and G3762 no man G2983 receiveth [G5719]   G846 his G3141 testimony.
  33 G2983 He that hath received [G5631]   G846 his G3141 testimony G4972 hath set to his seal [G5656]   G3754 that G2316 God G2076 is [G5748]   G227 true.

John 5:31-37

  31 G1437 If G1473 I G3140 bear witness [G5725]   G4012 of G1683 myself G3450 , my G3141 witness G2076 is [G5748]   G3756 not G227 true.
  32 G2076 There is [G5748]   G243 another G3140 that beareth witness [G5723]   G4012 of G1700 me G2532 ; and G1492 I know [G5758]   G3754 that G3141 the witness G3739 which G3140 he witnesseth [G5719]   G4012 of G1700 me G2076 is [G5748]   G227 true.
  33 G5210 Ye G649 sent [G5758]   G4314 unto G2491 John G2532 , and G3140 he bare witness [G5758]   G225 unto the truth.
  34 G1161 But G1473 I G2983 receive [G5719]   G3756 not G3141 testimony G3844 from G444 man G235 : but G5023 these things G3004 I say [G5719]   G2443 , that G5210 ye G4982 might be saved [G5686]  .
  35 G1565 He G2258 was [G5713]   G2545 a burning [G5746]   G2532 and G5316 a shining [G5723]   G3088 light G1161 : and G5210 ye G2309 were willing [G5656]   G4314 for G5610 a season G21 to rejoice [G5677]   G1722 in G846 his G5457 light.
  36 G1161 But G1473 I G2192 have [G5719]   G3187 greater G3141 witness G2491 than that of John G1063 : for G2041 the works G3739 which G3962 the Father G1325 hath given [G5656]   G3427 me G2443 to G5048 finish [G5661]   G846   G846 , the same G2041 works G3739 that G1473 I G4160 do [G5719]   G3140 , bear witness [G5719]   G4012 of G1700 me G3754 , that G3962 the Father G649 hath sent [G5758]   G3165 me.
  37 G2532 And G3962 the Father G846 himself G3992 , which hath sent [G5660]   G3165 me G3140 , hath borne witness [G5758]   G4012 of G1700 me G191 . Ye have G3777 neither G191 heard [G5754]   G846 his G5456 voice G4455 at any time G3777 , nor G3708 seen [G5758]   G846 his G1491 shape.

John 5:39

  39 G2045 Search [G5719]   G1124 the scriptures G3754 ; for G1722 in G846 them G5210 ye G1380 think [G5719]   G2192 ye have [G5721]   G166 eternal G2222 life G2532 : and G1565 they G1526 are they [G5748]   G3140 which testify [G5723]   G4012 of G1700 me.

John 8:17-19

  17 G2532   G1125 It is G1161 also G1125 written [G5769]   G1722 in G5212 your G3551 law G3754 , that G3141 the testimony G1417 of two G444 men G2076 is [G5748]   G227 true.
  18 G1473 I G1510 am [G5748]   G3140 one that bear witness [G5723]   G4012 of G1683 myself G2532 , and G3962 the Father G3992 that sent [G5660]   G3165 me G3140 beareth witness [G5719]   G4012 of G1700 me.
  19 G3767 Then G3004 said they [G5707]   G846 unto him G4226 , Where G2076 is [G5748]   G4675 thy G3962 Father G2424 ? Jesus G611 answered [G5662]   G1492 , Ye G3777 neither G1492 know [G5758]   G1691 me G3777 , nor G3450 my G3962 Father G1487 : if G1492 ye had known [G5715]   G1691 me G2532 , G1492 ye should have known [G5715]   G3450 my G3962 Father G302 also.

John 10:38

  38 G1161 But G1487 if G4160 I do [G5719]   G2579 , though G4100 ye believe [G5725]   G3361 not G1698 me G4100 , believe [G5657]   G2041 the works G2443 : that G1097 ye may know [G5632]   G2532 , and G4100 believe [G5661]   G3754 , that G3962 the Father G1722 is in G1698 me G2504 , and I G1722 in G846 him.

Acts 5:32

  32 G2532 And G2249 we G2070 are [G5748]   G846 his G3144 witnesses G5130 of these G4487 things G2532 ; and G1161 so is also G40 the Holy G4151 Ghost G3739 , whom G2316 God G1325 hath given [G5656]   G3980 to them that obey [G5723]   G846 him.

Acts 17:31

  31 G1360 Because G2476 he hath appointed [G5656]   G2250 a day G1722 , in G3739 the which G3195 he will [G5719]   G2919 judge [G5721]   G3625 the world G1722 in G1343 righteousness G1722 by G435 that man G3739 whom G3724 he hath ordained [G5656]   G3930 ; whereof he hath given [G5631]   G4102 assurance G3956 unto all G450 men, in that he hath raised [G5660]   G846 him G1537 from G3498 the dead.

Hebrews 2:4

  4 G2316 God G4901 also bearing them witness [G5723]   G5037 , both G4592 with signs G2532 and G5059 wonders G2532 , and G4164 with divers G1411 miracles G2532 , and G3311 gifts G40 of the Holy G4151 Ghost G2596 , according to G846 his own G2308 will?

Hebrews 6:18

  18 G2443 That G1223 by G1417 two G276 immutable G4229 things G1722 , in G3739 which G102 it was impossible G2316 for God G5574 to lie [G5664]   G2192 , we might have [G5725]   G2478 a strong G3874 consolation G3588 , who G2703 have fled for refuge [G5631]   G2902 to lay hold [G5658]   G1680 upon the hope G4295 set before us [G5740]  :

1 John 5:10

  10 G4100 He that believeth [G5723]   G1519 on G5207 the Son G2316 of God G2192 hath [G5719]   G3141 the witness G1722 in G1438 himself G4100 : he that believeth [G5723]   G3361 not G2316 God G4160 hath made [G5758]   G846 him G5583 a liar G3754 ; because G4100 he believeth [G5758]   G3756 not G1519   G3141 the record G3739 that G2316 God G3140 gave [G5758]   G4012 of G846 his G5207 Son.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.