Job 18:18 Cross References - IHOT

  18 H1920 יהדפהו He shall be driven H216 מאור from light H413 אל into H2822 חשׁך darkness, H8398 ומתבל out of the world. H5074 ינדהו׃ and chased

Job 3:20

  20 H4100 למה Wherefore H5414 יתן given H6001 לעמל to him that is in misery, H216 אור is light H2416 וחיים and life H4751 למרי unto the bitter H5315 נפשׁ׃ soul;

Job 5:14

  14 H3119 יומם in the daytime, H6298 יפגשׁו They meet H2822 חשׁך with darkness H3915 וכלילה as in the night. H4959 ימשׁשׁו and grope H6672 בצהרים׃ in the noonday

Job 10:22

  22 H776 ארץ A land H5890 עיפתה of darkness, H3644 כמו as H652 אפל darkness H6757 צלמות of the shadow of death, H3808 ולא without H5468 סדרים any order, H3313 ותפע and the light H3644 כמו as H652 אפל׃ darkness.

Job 11:14

  14 H518 אם If H205 און iniquity H3027 בידך in thine hand, H7368 הרחיקהו put it far away, H408 ואל and let not H7931 תשׁכן dwell H168 באהליך in thy tabernacles. H5766 עולה׃ wickedness

Job 20:8

  8 H2472 כחלום as a dream, H5774 יעוף He shall fly away H3808 ולא and shall not H4672 ימצאוהו be found: H5074 וידד yea, he shall be chased away H2384 כחזיון as a vision H3915 לילה׃ of the night.

Proverbs 14:32

  32 H7451 ברעתו in his wickedness: H1760 ידחה is driven away H7563 רשׁע The wicked H2620 וחסה hath hope H4194 במותו in his death. H6662 צדיק׃ but the righteous

Isaiah 8:21-22

  21 H5674 ועבר And they shall pass H7185 בה נקשׁה through it, hard pressed H7457 ורעב   H1961 והיה and it shall come to pass, H3588 כי that when H7456 ירעב they shall be hungry, H7107 והתקצף they shall fret themselves, H7043 וקלל and curse H4428 במלכו their king H430 ובאלהיו and their God, H6437 ופנה and look H4605 למעלה׃ upward.
  22 H413 ואל unto H776 ארץ the earth; H5027 יביט And they shall look H2009 והנה and behold H6869 צרה trouble H2825 וחשׁכה and darkness, H4588 מעוף dimness H6695 צוקה of anguish; H653 ואפלה to darkness. H5080 מנדח׃ and driven

Isaiah 17:13-14

  13 H3816 לאמים The nations H7588 כשׁאון like the rushing H4325 מים waters: H7227 רבים of many H7582 ישׁאון shall rush H1605 וגער but shall rebuke H5127 בו ונס them, and they shall flee H4801 ממרחק far off, H7291 ורדף and shall be chased H4671 כמץ as the chaff H2022 הרים of the mountains H6440 לפני before H7307 רוח the wind, H1534 וכגלגל and like a rolling thing H6440 לפני before H5492 סופה׃ the whirlwind.
  14 H6256 לעת at eveningtide H6153 ערב at eveningtide H2009 והנה And behold H1091 בלהה trouble; H2962 בטרם before H1242 בקר the morning H369 איננו he not. H2088 זה This H2506 חלק the portion H8154 שׁוסינו of them that spoil H1486 וגורל us, and the lot H962 לבזזינו׃ of them that rob

Daniel 4:33

  33 H8160 בה שׁעתא The same hour H4406 מלתא was the thing H5487 ספת fulfilled H5922 על upon H5020 נבוכדנצר Nebuchadnezzar: H4481 ומן from H606 אנשׁא men, H2957 טריד and he was driven H6211 ועשׂבא grass H8450 כתורין as oxen, H399 יאכל and did eat H2920 ומטל with the dew H8065 שׁמיא of heaven, H1655 גשׁמה and his body H6647 יצטבע was wet H5705 עד till H1768 די till H8177 שׂערה his hairs H5403 כנשׁרין like eagles' H7236 רבה were grown H2953 וטפרוהי and his nails H6853 כצפרין׃ like birds'

Daniel 5:21

  21 H4481 ומן from H1123 בני the sons H606 אנשׁא of men; H2957 טריד And he was driven H3825 ולבבה and his heart H5974 עם like H2423 חיותא the beasts, H7739 שׁוי was made H5974 ועם with H6167 ערדיא the wild asses: H4070 מדורה and his dwelling H6211 עשׂבא him with grass H8450 כתורין like oxen, H2939 יטעמונה they fed H2920 ומטל with the dew H8065 שׁמיא of heaven; H1655 גשׁמה and his body H6647 יצטבע was wet H5705 עד till H1768 די till H3046 ידע he knew H1768 די that H7990 שׁליט ruled H426 אלהא God H5943 עליא the most high H4437 במלכות in the kingdom H606 אנשׁא of men, H4479 ולמן it whomsoever H1768 די it whomsoever H6634 יצבה he will. H6966 יהקים and he appointeth H5921 עליה׃  

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.