Acts 24:1 Cross References - CKJV_Strongs

  1 G1161 And G3326 after G4002 five G2250 days G367 Ananias G749 the high priest G2597 descended G3326 with G4245 the elders, G2532 and G5100 with a certain G4489 orator G5061 named Tertullus, G3748 who G1718 informed G2232 the governor G2596 against G3972 Paul.

Psalms 11:2

  2 H7563 For, behold, the wicked H1869 bend H7198 their bow, H3559 they make ready H2671 their arrow H3499 upon the string, H652 that they may secretly H3384 shoot H3477 at the upright H3820 in heart.

Isaiah 3:3

  3 H8269 The captain H2572 of fifty, H5375 and the honorable H6440 man, H3289 and the counselor, H2450 and the skillful H2791 artificer, H995 and the eloquent H3908 orator.

Acts 12:21

  21 G1161 And G5002 upon a set G2250 day G2264 Herod, G1746 arrayed in G937 royal G2532 apparel, G2523 sat G1909 upon G968 his throne, G1215 and made a speech G4314 to G846 them.

Acts 21:27

  27 G1161 And G5613 when G2033 the seven G2250 days G3195 were almost G4931 ended, G2453 the Jews G3588 which were G575 of G773 Asia, G2300 when they saw G846 him G1722 in G2411 the temple, G4797 stirred up G3956 all G3793 the people, G2532 and G1911 laid G5495 hands G1909 on G846 him,

Acts 23:2

  2 G1161 And G749 the high priest G367 Ananias G2004 commanded G3588 those that G3936 stood by G846 him G5180 to strike G846 him G4750 on the mouth.

Acts 23:24

  24 G5037 And G3936 provide G2934 them animals, G2443 that G1913 they may set G3972 Paul G1913 on, G1295 and bring G1295 him safe G4314 to G5344 Felix G2232 the governor.

Acts 23:30

  30 G1161 And G3377 when it was told G3427 me G5259 how G3195   G2071 that G2453 the Jews G1917 laid wait G1519 for G435 the man, G3992 I sent G1824 directly G4314 to G4571 you, G3853 and gave commandment G2725 to his accusers G2532 also G3004 to say G1909 before G4675 you G3588 what G4314 they had against G846 him. G4517 Farewell.

Acts 23:35

  35 G1251 I will hear G4675 you, G5346 said he, G3752 when G4675 your G2725 accusers G2532 have also G3854 come. G5037 And G2753 he commanded G846 him G5442 to be kept G1722 in G2264 Herod's G4232 judgment hall.

Acts 24:11

  11 G3754 Seeing that G4675 you G1410 may G1097 understand, G1526 that there are G3756   G4119 yet G2228 but G1177 twelve G2250 days G575 since G3739   G305 I went up G1722 to G2419 Jerusalem G4352 to worship.

Acts 25:2

  2 G1161 Then G749 the high priest G2532 and G4413 the chief G2453 of the Jews G1718 informed G846 him G2596 against G3972 Paul, G2532 and G3870 begged G846 him,

Acts 25:15

  15 G4012 About G3739 whom, G3450 when I G1096 was G1519 at G2414 Jerusalem, G749 the chief priests G2532 and G4245 the elders G2453 of the Jews G1718 informed G154 me, desiring G1349 to have judgment G2596 against G846 him.

1 Corinthians 2:1

  1 G2504 And I, G80 brothers, G2064 when I came G4314 to G5209 you, G2064 came G3756 not G2596 with G5247 excellency G3056 of speech G2228 or G4678 of wisdom, G2605 declaring G5213 unto you G3142 the testimony G2316 of God.

1 Corinthians 2:4

  4 G2532 And G3450 my G3056 speech G2532 and G3450 my G2782 preaching G3756 was not G1722 with G3981 enticing G3056 words G442 of man's G4678 wisdom, G235 but G1722 in G585 demonstration G4151 of the Spirit G2532 and G1411 of power:

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