2 Corinthians 3:11 Cross References - CKJV_Strongs

  11 G1063 For G1487 if G3588 that which G2673 is done away G1223 was G1391 glorious, G4183 much G3123 more G3588 that which G3306 remains G1722 is G1391 glorious.

Romans 5:20-21

  20 G1161 Moreover G3551 the law G3922 entered, G2443 that G3900 the offense G4121 might abound. G1161 But G3757 where G266 sin G4121 abounded, G5485 grace G5248 did much more abound:
  21 G2443 That G5618 as G266 sin G936 has reigned G1722 unto G2288 death, G2532 even G3779 so G936 might G5485 grace G936 reign G1223 through G1343 righteousness G1519 unto G166 eternal G2222 life G1223 by G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G2257 our G2962 Lord.

2 Corinthians 3:6-7

  6 G3739 Who G2532 also G2427 has made G2248 us G1249 able ministers G2537 of the new G1242 testament; G3756 not G1121 of the letter, G235 but G4151 of the spirit: G1063 for G1121 the letter G615 kills, G1161 but G4151 the spirit G2227 gives life.
  7 G1161 But G1487 if G1248 the service G1722 of death, G1121 written G1795 and engraved G1722 in G3037 stones, G1096 was G1722   G1391 glorious, G5620 so that G5207 the sons G2474 of Israel G1410 could G3361 not G816 stedfastly behold G1519   G4383 the face G3475 of Moses G1223 for G1391 the glory G846 of his G4383 face; G3588 which G2673 glory was to be done away:

2 Corinthians 4:1

  1 G5124 Therefore G1223 seeing G2192 we have G3778 this G1248 ministry, G2531 as G1653 we have received mercy, G1573 we faint G3756 not;

Hebrews 7:21-25

  21 G1063 (For G3303   G2409 those priests G1526 were G1096 made G5565 without G3728 an oath; G1161 but G3588 this G3326 with G3728 an oath G1223 by G3004 him that said G4314 to G846 him, G2962 The Lord G3660 swore G2532 and G3338 will G3756 not G3338 repent, G4771 You G2409 are a priest G1519 for G165 ever G2596 after G5010 the order G3198 of Melchizedek:)
  22 G2596 By G5118 so much G1096 was G2424 Jesus G1096 made G1450 the surety G1242 of a G2909 better G1242 testament.
  23 G2532 And G1526 they G3303 truly G1526 were G1096   G4119 many G2409 priests, G1223 because G2967 they were not allowed G3887 to continue G2288 by reason of death:
  24 G1161 But G3588 this G1223 man, because G846 he G3306 continues G1519   G165 forever, G2192 has G2420 an G531 unchangeable G2420 priesthood.
  25 G3606 Therefore G1410 he is able G2532 also G4982 to save G3838 them G1519 to G3838 the outermost G4334 that come G2316 to God G1223 by G846 him, G2198 seeing he G3842 ever G2198 lives G1519 to G1793 make intercession G5228 for G846 them.

Hebrews 8:13

  13 G1722 In G3004 that he says, G2537 A new G3822 covenant, he has made G4413 the first G3822 obsolete. G1161 Now G3822 that which decays G2532 and G1095 waxes old G1451 is ready G854 to vanish away.

Hebrews 12:25-29

  25 G991 See G3361 that G991 you G3868 refuse G3361 not G2980 him that speaks. G1063 For G1487 if G1565 they G5343 escaped G3756 not G3868 who refused G5537 him that spoke G1909 on G1093 earth, G4183 much G3123 more G2249 shall not we G654 escape, if we turn away from G3588 him that G575 speaks from G3772 heaven:
  26 G3739 Whose G5456 voice G5119 then G4531 shook G1093 the earth: G1161 but G3568 now G1861 he has promised, G3004 saying, G2089 Yet G530 once G2089 more G1473 I G4579 shake G3756 not G1093 the earth G3440 only, G235 but G2532 also G3772 heaven.
  27 G1161 And G3588 this G2089 word, Yet G530 once G2089 more, G1213 signifies G3331 the removing G4531 of those things that are shaken, G5613 as G4160 of things that are made, G2443 that G4531 those things which G3361 cannot G4531 be shaken G3306 may remain.
  28 G1352 Therefore, G3880 receiving G932 a kingdom G761 which cannot be moved, G2192 let us have G5485 grace, G1223 by which G3739   G3000 we may serve G2316 God G2102 acceptably G3326 with G127 reverence G2532 and G2124 godly fear:
  29 G2532 For G1063   G2257 our G2316 God G2654 is a consuming G4442 fire.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.