Psalms 65:12 Cross References - ABP_Strongs

  12 G4084.1 [6shall be fattened G3588 1The G5611 2beautiful G3735 3mountains G3588 4of the G2048 5wilderness]; G2532 and G20 [4in exultation G3588 1the G1015 2hills G4024 3shall gird themselves].

Job 38:26-27

  26 G3588   G5204.2 to rain G1909 upon G1093 the land G3739 of which G3756 there is no G435 man, G2048 the wilderness G3739 of which G3756 there is no G5224 [2existing G444 1man] G1722 in G1473 it;
  27 G3588   G5526 so as to fill G4.2 the untrodden G2532 and G516.2 uninhabited land, G2532 and G3588 the G1545.2 causing to sprout forth G1841 the issue G5514 of tender shoots?

Psalms 65:6

  6 G2090 preparing G3735 mountains G1722 in G3588   G2479 his strength, G1473   G4024 being girded G1722 in G1412.1 dominion;

Psalms 104:10-13

  10 G3588 The G1821 one sending out G4077 springs G1722 in G5327 ravines; G303.1 [3in the midst G3588 4of the G3735 5mountains G1330 2shall go through G5204 1waters];
  11 G4222 they shall water G3956 all G3588 the G2342 wild beasts G3588 of the G68 field; G4327 [2shall receive it G3676.1 1wild donkeys] G1519 for G1371.2 their thirst; G1473  
  12 G1909 by G1473 them G3588 the G4071 winged creatures G3588 of the G3772 heaven G2681 shall encamp; G1537 from G3319 between G3588 the G4073 rocks G1325 they shall give out G5456 a sound;
  13 G4222 watering G3735 mountains G1537 from out of G3588   G5253 his upper rooms. G1473   G575 By G2590 the fruit G3588   G2041 of your works G1473   G5526 [3shall be filled G3588 1the G1093 2earth].

Isaiah 55:9-13

  9 G235 But G5613 as G566 the distance G3588 the G3772 heaven G575 is from G3588 the G1093 earth, G3779 so G566 [2 is at a distance G3588   G3598 1my way] G1473   G575 from G3588   G3598 your ways, G1473   G2532 and G3588   G1270 your considerations G1473   G575 from G3588   G1271 my mind. G1473  
  10 G5613 For as G1063   G302 whenever G2597 [5should come down G3588 1the G5205 2rain G2228 3or G5510 4snow] G1537 from G3588   G3772 heaven, G2532 and G3766.2 in no way G654 shall it return G2193 until G302 whenever G3184 it should saturate G3588 the G1093 earth, G2532 and G1620.1 the earth should bring forth, G2532 and G1545.2 should sprout, G2532 and G1325 should give G4690 seed G3588 to the one G4687 sowing, G2532 and G740 bread G1519 for G1035 food;
  11 G3779 so G1510.8.3 shall it be G3588 with G4487 my word, G1473   G3739 which G1437 ever G1831 shall come forth G1537 from out of G3588   G4750 my mouth -- G1473   G3766.2 in no way G654 shall it return G4314 to G1473 me G2756 empty G2193 until G302 whenever G5055 it should finish G3745 as much G302 as G2309 I wanted; G2532 and G2137 I will prosper G3588   G3598 your ways G1473   G2532 and G3588   G1778 my precepts. G1473  
  12 G1722 For with G1063   G2167 gladness G1831 you shall go forth, G2532 and G1722 in G5479 joy G71 you shall be led. G3588 For the G1063   G3735 mountains G2532 and G3588 the G1015 hills G1814 shall leap out G4327 favorably receiving G1473 you G1722 in G5479 joy, G2532 and G3956 all G3588 the G3586 trees G3588 of the G68 field G1948.1 shall clap G3588 with their G2798 tender branches.
  13 G2532 And G473 instead of G4746.1 a pile, G305 [2shall ascend G2952.7 1 the cypress]. G473 And instead G1161   G3588 of the G2868.2 briar G305 [2shall ascend G3464.1 1 the myrtle]. G2532 And G1510.8.3 the lord will be G2962   G1519 for G3686 a name G2532 and G1519 for G4592 [2sign G166 1an eternal], G2532 and G3756 it shall not G1587 cease.

Isaiah 61:10-11

  10 G2532 And G2167 in gladness G2165 they shall be glad G1909 over G2962 the lord . G21 Let [2exult G3588   G5590 1my soul] G1473   G1909 over G3588 the G2962 lord! G1746 For he clothed G1063   G1473 me G2440 with a cloak G4992 of deliverance, G2532 and G5509 an inner garment G2167 of gladness. G5613 As G3566 a groom, G4060 he put on G1473 me G3411.2 a mitre; G2532 and G5613 as G3565 a bride, G2629.1 he adorned G1473 me G2889 with an ornament.
  11 G2532 And G5613 as G1093 the earth G837 growing G3588   G438 its flower, G1473   G2532 and G5613 as G2779 a garden G3588   G4690 [2its seeds G1473   G1545.2 1sprouts forth], G3779 so G393 [3will raise up G2962 1 the Lord G2962 2 the lord] G1343 righteousness G2532 and G19.1 a leap for joy G1726 before G3956 all G3588 the G1484 nations.

Joel 2:22

  22 G2293 Be of courage, G2934 O cattle G3588 of the G3977.1 plain! G3754 for G985 [5have burst forth G3588 1the G3977.1 2plains G3588 3of the G2048 4wilderness]; G3754 for G3586 the tree G5342 bore G2590 its fruit; G1473   G4808 fig-tree G2532 and G288 grapevine G1325 yielded G2479 their strength. G1473  

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.