Ephesians 2:14-22

  14 G1063 For G846 he G2076 [G5748] is G2257 our G1515 peace G3588 , who G4160 [G5660] hath made G297 both G1520 one G2532 , and G3089 [G5660] hath broken down G3320 the middle wall G5418 of partition between us;
  15 G2673 [G5660] Having abolished G1722 in G846 his G4561 flesh G2189 the enmity G3551 , even the law G1785 of commandments G1722 contained in G1378 ordinances G2443 ; to G2936 [G5661] make G1722 in G1438 himself G1417 of two G1519 G1520 one G2537 new G444 man G4160 [G5723] , so making G1515 peace;
  16 G2532 And G604 [G5661] that he might reconcile G297 both G2316 to God G1722 in G1520 one G4983 body G1223 by G4716 the cross G1722 , having by G846 himself G615 [G5660] slain G2189 the enmity:
  17 G2532 And G2064 [G5631] came G2097 [G5668] and preached G1515 peace G5213 to you G3588 who G3112 were afar off G2532 , and G1451 to them that were near.
  18 G3754 For G1223 through G846 him G2192 0 we G297 both G2192 [G5719] have G4318 an access G1722 by G1520 one G4151 Spirit G4314 to G3962 the Father.
  19 G3767 Now G686 therefore G2075 [G5748] ye are G3765 no more G3581 strangers G2532 and G3941 aliens G235 , but G4847 fellowcitizens G40 with the saints G2532 , and G3609 of the household G2316 of God;
  20 G2026 [G5685] And are built G1909 upon G2310 the foundation G652 of the apostles G2532 and G4396 prophets G2424 , Jesus G5547 Christ G846 himself G5607 [G5752] being G204 the chief corner stone;
  21 G1722 In G3739 whom G3956 all G3619 the building G4883 [G5746] fitly framed together G837 [G5719] groweth G1519 to G40 an holy G3485 temple G1722 in G2962 the Lord:
  22 G1722 In G3739 whom G5210 ye G2532 also G4925 [G5743] are built together G1519 for G2732 an habitation G2316 of God G1722 through G4151 the Spirit.