Ephesians 2:14-22

Williams(i) 14 For He Himself is our peace, He is the one who has made us both into one body and has broken down the barrier that kept us apart; 15 through His human nature He has put a stop to the hostility between us, namely, the law with its commands and decrees, in order to create one new humanity out of the two parties and so make peace through union with Himself, and in one body 16 to reconcile them both to God with His cross after He had killed the hostility through it. 17 When He came, He brought the good news of peace for you who were far away and for you who were near; 18 for it is by Him through one Spirit that both of us now have an introduction to the Father. 19 So you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but you are fellow-citizens of God's people and members of His family; 20 for you are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself the cornerstone. 21 In union with Him the whole building is harmoniously fitted together and continues to grow into a temple, sacred through its union with the Lord, 22 and you yourselves, in union with Him, in fellowship with one another, are being built up into a dwelling for God through the Spirit.