Daniel 9:22-27

  22 H995 And he informed [H8799]   H1696 me, and talked [H8762]   H559 with me, and said [H8799]   H1840 , O Daniel H3318 , I am now come forth [H8804]   H7919 to give thee skill [H8687]   H998 and understanding.
  23 H8462 At the beginning H8469 of thy supplications H1697 the commandment H3318 came forth [H8804]   H935 , and I am come [H8804]   H5046 to shew [H8687]   H2532 thee; for thou art greatly beloved H995 : therefore understand [H8798]   H1697 the matter H995 , and consider [H8685]   H4758 the vision.
  24 H7657 Seventy H7620 weeks H2852 are determined [H8738]   H5971 upon thy people H6944 and upon thy holy H5892 city H3607 , to finish [H8763]   H6588 the transgression H8552 , and to make an end [H8687]   [H8675]   H2856   [H8800]   H2403 of sins H3722 , and to make reconciliation [H8763]   H5771 for iniquity H935 , and to bring in [H8687]   H5769 everlasting H6664 righteousness H2856 , and to seal up [H8800]   H2377 the vision H5030 and prophecy H4886 , and to anoint [H8800]   H6944 the most H6944 Holy.
  25 H3045 Know [H8799]   H7919 therefore and understand [H8686]   H4161 , that from the going forth H1697 of the commandment H7725 to restore [H8687]   H1129 and to build [H8800]   H3389 Jerusalem H4899 unto the Messiah H5057 the Prince H7651 shall be seven H7620 weeks H8346 , and threescore H8147 and two H7620 weeks H7339 : the street H1129 shall be built [H8738]   H7725 again [H8799]   H2742 , and the wall H6695 , even in troublous H6256 times.
  26 H310 And after H8346 threescore H8147 and two H7620 weeks H4899 shall Messiah H3772 be cut off [H8735]   H5971 , but not for himself: and the people H5057 of the prince H935 that shall come [H8802]   H7843 shall destroy [H8686]   H5892 the city H6944 and the sanctuary H7093 ; and the end H7858 thereof shall be with a flood H7093 , and unto the end H4421 of the war H8074 desolations [H8802]   H2782 are determined [H8737]  .
  27 H1396 And he shall confirm [H8689]   H1285 the covenant H7227 with many H259 for one H7620 week H2677 : and in the midst H7620 of the week H2077 he shall cause the sacrifice H4503 and the oblation H7673 to cease [H8686]   H3671 , and for the overspreading H8251 of abominations H8074 he shall make it desolate [H8789]   H3617 , even until the consummation H2782 , and that determined [H8737]   H5413 shall be poured [H8799]   H8074 upon the desolate [H8802]  .
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  22 H995 ויבן And he informed H1696 וידבר and talked H5973 עמי with H559 ויאמר me, and said, H1840 דניאל O Daniel, H6258 עתה I am now H3318 יצאתי come forth H7919 להשׂכילך to give thee skill H998 בינה׃ and understanding.
  23 H8462 בתחלת At the beginning H8469 תחנוניך of thy supplications H3318 יצא came forth, H1697 דבר the commandment H589 ואני and I H935 באתי am come H5046 להגיד to show H3588 כי for H2530 חמודות greatly beloved: H859 אתה thou H995 ובין therefore understand H1697 בדבר the matter, H995 והבן and consider H4758 במראה׃ the vision.
  24 H7620 שׁבעים weeks H7657 שׁבעים Seventy H2852 נחתך are determined H5921 על upon H5971 עמך thy people H5921 ועל and upon H5892 עיר city, H6944 קדשׁך thy holy H3607 לכלא to finish H6588 הפשׁע the transgression, H2856 ולחתם and to make an end H2403 חטאות of sins, H3722 ולכפר and to make reconciliation H5771 עון for iniquity, H935 ולהביא and to bring in H6664 צדק righteousness, H5769 עלמים everlasting H2856 ולחתם and to seal up H2377 חזון the vision H5030 ונביא and prophecy, H4886 ולמשׁח and to anoint H6944 קדשׁ   H6944 קדשׁים׃  
  25 H3045 ותדע Know H7919 ותשׂכל therefore and understand, H4480 מן from H4161 מצא the going forth H1697 דבר of the commandment H7725 להשׁיב to restore H1129 ולבנות and to build H3389 ירושׁלם Jerusalem H5704 עד unto H4899 משׁיח the Messiah H5057 נגיד the Prince H7620 שׁבעים weeks, H7651 שׁבעה seven H7620 ושׁבעים weeks: H8346 שׁשׁים and threescore H8147 ושׁנים and two H7725 תשׁוב again, H1129 ונבנתה shall be built H7339 רחוב the street H2742 וחרוץ and the wall, H6695 ובצוק even in troublous H6256 העתים׃ times.
  26 H310 ואחרי And after H7620 השׁבעים weeks H8346 שׁשׁים threescore H8147 ושׁנים and two H3772 יכרת be cut off, H4899 משׁיח shall Messiah H369 ואין but not H5892 לו והעיר the city H6944 והקדשׁ and the sanctuary; H7843 ישׁחית shall destroy H5971 עם for himself: and the people H5057 נגיד of the prince H935 הבא that shall come H7093 וקצו and the end H7858 בשׁטף thereof with a flood, H5704 ועד and unto H7093 קץ the end H4421 מלחמה of the war H2782 נחרצת are determined. H8074 שׁממות׃ desolations
  27 H1396 והגביר And he shall confirm H1285 ברית the covenant H7227 לרבים with many H7620 שׁבוע week: H259 אחד for one H2677 וחצי and in the midst H7620 השׁבוע of the week H7673 ישׁבית to cease, H2077 זבח he shall cause the sacrifice H4503 ומנחה and the oblation H5921 ועל and for H3671 כנף the overspreading H8251 שׁקוצים of abominations H8074 משׁמם he shall make desolate, H5704 ועד even until H3617 כלה the consummation, H2782 ונחרצה and that determined H5413 תתך shall be poured H5921 על upon H8074 שׁמם׃