John 10:1-9

  1 G281 Verily G281 , verily G3004 , I say [G5719]   G5213 unto you G1525 , He that entereth [G5740]   G3361 not G1223 by G2374 the door G1519 into G4263 the sheepfold G833   G235 , but G305 climbeth up [G5723]   G237 some other way G1565 , the same G2076 is [G5748]   G2812 a thief G2532 and G3027 a robber.
  2 G1161 But G1525 he that entereth in [G5740]   G1223 by G2374 the door G2076 is [G5748]   G4166 the shepherd G4263 of the sheep.
  3 G5129 To him G2377 the porter G455 openeth [G5719]   G2532 ; and G4263 the sheep G191 hear [G5719]   G846 his G5456 voice G2532 : and G2564 he calleth [G5719]   G2398 his own G4263 sheep G2596 by G3686 name G2532 , and G1806 leadeth G846 them G1806 out [G5719]  .
  4 G2532 And G3752 when G1544 he putteth forth [G5632]   G2398 his own G4263 sheep G4198 , he goeth [G5736]   G1715 before G846 them G2532 , and G4263 the sheep G190 follow [G5719]   G846 him G3754 : for G1492 they know [G5758]   G846 his G5456 voice.
  5 G1161 And G245 a stranger G190 will they G3364 not G190 follow [G5661]   G235 , but G5343 will flee [G5695]   G575 from G846 him G3754 : for G1492 they know [G5758]   G3756 not G5456 the voice G245 of strangers.
  6 G5026 This G3942 parable G2036 spake [G5627]   G2424 Jesus G846 unto them G1161 : but G1565 they G1097 understood [G5627]   G3756 not G5101 what things G2258 they were [G5713]   G3739 which G2980 he spake [G5707]   G846 unto them.
  7 G3767 Then G2036 said [G5627]   G2424 Jesus G846 unto them G3825 again G281 , Verily G281 , verily G3004 , I say [G5719]   G5213 unto you G3754 , G1473 I G1510 am [G5748]   G2374 the door G4263 of the sheep.
  8 G3956 All G3745 that ever G2064 came [G5627]   G4253 before G1700 me G1526 are [G5748]   G2812 thieves G2532 and G3027 robbers G235 : but G4263 the sheep G191 did G3756 not G191 hear [G5656]   G846 them.
  9 G1473 I G1510 am [G5748]   G2374 the door G1223 : by G1700 me G1437 if G5100 any man G1525 enter in [G5632]   G4982 , he shall be saved [G5701]   G2532 , and G1525 shall go in [G5695]   G2532 and G1831 out [G5695]   G2532 , and G2147 find [G5692]   G3542 pasture.
  1 G281 αμην Verily G281 αμην Verily G3004 (G5719) λεγω I Say G5213 υμιν To You, G3588 ο   G3361 μη He That G1525 (G5740) εισερχομενος Enters Not In G1223 δια By G3588 της The G2374 θυρας Door G1519 εις To G3588 την The G833 αυλην Fold G3588 των Of The G4263 προβατων Sheep, G235 αλλα But G305 (G5723) αναβαινων Mounts Up G237 αλλαχοθεν Elsewhere, G1565 εκεινος He G2812 κλεπτης A Thief G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is G2532 και And G3027 ληστης A Robber;
  2 G3588 ο   G1161 δε But He That G1525 (G5740) εισερχομενος Enters In G1223 δια By G3588 της The G2374 θυρας Door G4166 ποιμην Shepherd G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is G3588 των Of The G4263 προβατων Sheep.
  3 G5129 τουτω To Him G3588 ο The G2377 θυρωρος Doorkeeper G455 (G5719) ανοιγει Opens, G2532 και And G3588 τα The G4263 προβατα   G3588 της Sheep G5456 φωνης   G846 αυτου His Voice G191 (G5719) ακουει Hear, G2532 και   G3588 τα And G2398 ιδια His Own G4263 προβατα Sheep G2564 (G5719) καλει He Calls G2596 κατ By G3686 ονομα Name, G2532 και And G1806 (G5719) εξαγει Leads Out G846 αυτα Them.
  4 G2532 και And G3752 οταν   G3588 τα When G2398 ιδια His Own G4263 προβατα Sheep G1544 (G5632) εκβαλη He Puts Forth G1715 εμπροσθεν Before G846 αυτων Them G4198 (G5736) πορευεται He Goes; G2532 και And G3588 τα The G4263 προβατα Sheep G846 αυτω Him G190 (G5719) ακολουθει Follow, G3754 οτι Because G1492 (G5758) οιδασιν   G3588 την They Know G5456 φωνην   G846 αυτου His Voice.
  5 G245 αλλοτριω   G1161 δε   G3756 ου But A Stranger G3361 μη In No Wise G190 (G5661) ακολουθησωσιν They Should Follow, G235 αλλα But G5343 (G5695) φευξονται Will Flee G575 απ From G846 αυτου Him, G3754 οτι   G3756 ουκ Because G1492 (G5758) οιδασιν   G3588 των They Know Not G245 αλλοτριων Of Strangers G3588 την The G5456 φωνην Voice.
  6 G3778 ταυτην   G3588 την This G3942 παροιμιαν Allegory G2036 (G5627) ειπεν Spoke G846 αυτοις   G3588 ο To Them G2424 ιησους Jesus, G1565 εκεινοι   G1161 δε   G3756 ουκ But They G1097 (G5627) εγνωσαν Knew Not G5101 τινα What G2258 (G5713) ην It Was G3739 α Which G2980 (G5707) ελαλει He Spoke G846 αυτοις To Them.
  7 G2036 (G5627) ειπεν Said G3767 ουν Therefore G3825 παλιν Again G846 αυτοις   G3588 ο To Them G2424 ιησους Jesus, G281 αμην Verily G281 αμην Verily G3004 (G5719) λεγω I Say G5213 υμιν To You, G3754 οτι That G1473 εγω I G1510 (G5748) ειμι Am G3588 η The G2374 θυρα Door G3588 των Of The G4263 προβατων Sheep.
  8 G3956 παντες All G3745 οσοι Whoever G4253 προ Before G1700 εμου Me G2064 (G5627) ηλθον Came G2812 κλεπται Thieves G1526 (G5748) εισιν Are G2532 και And G3027 λησται Robbers; G235 αλλ   G3756 ουκ But G191 (G5656) ηκουσαν Did Not Hear G846 αυτων Them G3588 τα The G4263 προβατα Sheep.
  9 G1473 εγω I G1510 (G5748) ειμι Am G3588 η The G2374 θυρα Door : G1223 δι By G1700 εμου Me G1437 εαν If G5100 τις Anyone G1525 (G5632) εισελθη Enter In G4982 (G5701) σωθησεται He Shall Be Saved, G2532 και And G1525 (G5695) εισελευσεται Shall Go In G2532 και And G1831 (G5695) εξελευσεται Shall Go Out, G2532 και And G3542 νομην Pasture G2147 (G5692) ευρησει Shall Find.