Luke 24:22-32

  22 G235 Moreover G2532   G5100 certain G1135 women G1537 of G2257 our company G1839   G1839 amazed G2248 us, G1096 having been G3721 early G1909 at G3419 the tomb;
  23 G2532 and G2147 when they found G3361 not G846 his G4983 body, G2064 they came, G3004 saying, that G3708 they had G2532 also G3708 seen G3701 a vision G32 of angels, G3739 who G3004 said G846 that he G2198 was alive.
  24 G2532 And G5100 certain G3588 of them that were G4862 with G2254 us G565 went G1909 to G3419 the tomb, G2532 and G2147 found G2532 it even G3779 so G2531 as G1135 the women G2036 had said: G1161 but G846 him G1492 they saw G3756 not.
  25 G2532 And G846 he G2036 said G4314 unto G846 them, G5599 O G453 foolish G2532 men, and G1021 slow G2588 of heart G4100 to believe G1909 in G3956 all G3739 that G4396 the prophets G2980 have spoken!
  26 G1163 Behooved G3780 it not G5547 the Christ G3958 to suffer G5023 these things, G2532 and G1525 to enter G1519 into G846 his G1391 glory?
  27 G2532 And G756 beginning G575 from G3475 Moses G2532 and G575 from G3956 all G4396 the prophets, G1329 he interpreted G846 to them G1722 in G3956 all G1124 the scriptures G3588 the things G4012 concerning G1438 himself.
  28 G2532 And G1448 they drew nigh G1519 unto G2968 the village, G3757 whither G4198 they were going: G2532 and G846 he G4364 made as though G4198 he would go G4208 further.
  29 G2532 And G3849 they constrained G846 him, G3004 saying, G3306 Abide G3326 with G2257 us; G3754 for G2076 it is G4314 toward G2073 evening, G2532 and G2250 the day G2827 is now far spent. G2532 And G1525 he went in G3306 to abide G4862 with G846 them.
  30 G2532 And G1722 it came to pass, G846 when he G3326 had sat down with G846 them G2625 to meat, G2983 he took G740 the bread G2127 and blessed; G2532 and G2806 breaking G1929 it he gave G846 to them.
  31 G1161 And G846 their G3788 eyes G1272 were opened, G2532 and G1921 they knew G846 him; G2532 and G846 he G855 vanished G1096 out G575 of G846 their sight.
  32 G2532 And G2036 they said G4314 one to G240 another, G2258 Was G3780 not G2257 our G2588 heart G2545 burning G1722 within G2254 us, G5613 while G2980 he spake G2254 to us G1722 in G3598 the way, G2532   G5613 while G1272 he opened G2254 to us G1124 the scriptures?