John 9:22-28

  22 G5023 These G2036 things said G846 his G1118 parents, G3754 because G5399 they feared G2453 the Jews: G1063 for G2453 the Jews G4934 had agreed G2235 already, G2443 that G1437 if G5100 any man G3670 should confess G846 him to be G5547 Christ, G1096 he should be put G656 out of the synagogue.
  23 G1223 Therefore G5124   G2036 said G846 his G3754 parents, G2192 He is G2244 of age; G2065 ask G846 him.
  24 G3767 So G5455 they G1208 called a second G1537 time G444 the man G3739 that G2258 was G5185 blind, G2532 and G2036 said G846 unto him, G1325 Give G1391 glory G2316 to God: G2249 we G1492 know G3754 that G3778 this G444 man G2076 is G268 a sinner.
  25 G1565 He G611 therefore answered, G2532   G2036   G1487 Whether G2076 he is G268 a sinner, G1492 I know G3756 not: G1520 one thing G1492 I know, G3754 that, G5607 whereas I was G5185 blind, G737 now G991 I see.
  26 G2036 They G1161 said therefore G846 unto him, G3825   G5101 What G4160 did he G4671 to thee? G4459 How G455 opened he G4675 thine G3788 eyes?
  27 G611 He answered G846 them, G2036 I told G5213 you G2235 even now, G2532 and G191 ye did G3756 not G191 hear; G5101 wherefore G2309 would ye G191 hear G3361 it again? G2309 would G5210 ye G2532 also G1096 become G846 his G3101 disciples?
  28 G2532 And G3058 they reviled G846 him, G2532 and G2036 said, G4771 Thou G1488 art G1565 his G3101 disciple; G1161 but G2249 we G2070 are G3101 disciples G3475 of Moses.