John 9:22-28

JMNT(i) 22 His parents said these things because they had been fearing the Jews (= religious authorities), for the Jews (= Jewish leadership) had put it together and agreed, so that if anyone should ever confess (acknowledge; avow) Him Christ (or: express the same idea, that He is [the] Anointed), he should come to be [put] away from the synagogue (= be excommunicated; = be cut off from membership in the synagogue, and thus be considered an outcast). 23 Because of this [situation], his parents said, "He's an adult (He has maturity; He has come of age), you men inquire upon him." 24 Then a second time they summoned the man who had been blind, and said to him, "Give glory (the credit and reputation) to God. We have seen and now know that this man is a sinner (one who misses the goal; or: an outcast)." 25 So then that man considered and replied, "I have not seen and do not know if he is a sinner (one who does not comply with the religious rules, thus missing the goal; an outcast). I have seen and know one thing: that I was existing being a blind man; at present (or: just now) I constantly see." 26 So then they said to him [some MSS add: again], "What did he do to you? How did he open up your eyes?" 27 He decidedly answered them, "I told you already, and you folks did not listen (or: hear; = pay attention)! Why are you now wanting to hear [it] again? You are not wanting to become his disciples, also, are you?" 28 So now they hurled abuse at him (railed and reviled him) and said, "You are now a disciple of that fellow, but we ourselves are disciples of Moses!