Genesis 3

  1 H5175 Now the serpent H6175 was more subtle H3605 than any H2416 beast H7704 of the field H834 which H3068 the LORD H430 God H6213 had made. H559 And he said H802 to the woman, H637 Yes, H3588 H430 has God H559 said, H398 You shall not eat H3605 of every H6086 tree H1588 of the garden?
  2 H802 And the woman H559 said H5175 to the serpent, H398 We may eat H6529 of the fruit H6086 of the trees H1588 of the garden:
  3 H6529 But of the fruit H6086 of the tree H834 which H8432 is in the middle H1588 of the garden, H430 God H559 has said, H398 You shall not eat H3808 of it, neither H5060 shall you touch H6435 it, lest H4191 you die.
  4 H5175 And the serpent H559 said H802 to the woman, H4191 You shall not surely die:
  5 H430 For God H3045 does know H3117 that in the day H398 you eat H5869 thereof, then your eyes H6491 shall be opened, H430 and you shall be as gods, H3045 knowing H2896 good H7451 and evil.
  6 H802 And when the woman H7200 saw H6086 that the tree H2896 was good H3978 for food, H8378 and that it was pleasant H5869 to the eyes, H6086 and a tree H2530 to be desired H7919 to make one wise, H3947 she took H6529 of the fruit H398 thereof, and did eat, H5414 and gave H1571 also H376 to her husband H398 with her; and he did eat.
  7 H5869 And the eyes H8147 of them both H6491 were opened, H3045 and they knew H5903 that they were naked; H8609 and they sewed H8384 fig H5929 leaves H6213 together, and made H1992 themselves H2290 aprons.
  8 H8085 And they heard H6963 the voice H3068 of the LORD H430 God H1980 walking H1588 in the garden H7307 in the cool H3117 of the day: H120 and Adam H802 and his wife H2244 hid H6440 themselves from the presence H3068 of the LORD H430 God H8432 among H6086 the trees H1588 of the garden.
  9 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H7121 called H120 to Adam, H559 and said H335 to him, Where are you?
  10 H559 And he said, H8085 I heard H6963 your voice H1588 in the garden, H3372 and I was afraid, H3588 because H5903 I was naked; H2244 and I hid myself.
  11 H559 And he said, H4310 Who H5046 told H5903 you that you were naked? H398 Have you eaten H6086 of the tree, H834 whereof H6680 I commanded H398 you that you should not eat?
  12 H120 And the man H559 said, H802 The woman H834 whom H5414 you gave H5414 to be with me, she gave H6086 me of the tree, H398 and I did eat.
  13 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H559 said H802 to the woman, H4100 What H2063 is this H6213 that you have done? H802 And the woman H559 said, H5175 The serpent H5377 beguiled H398 me, and I did eat.
  14 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H559 said H5175 to the serpent, H3588 Because H6213 you have done H2063 this, H779 you are cursed H3605 above all H929 cattle, H3605 and above every H2416 beast H7704 of the field; H1512 on your belly H3212 shall you go, H6083 and dust H398 shall you eat H3605 all H3117 the days H2416 of your life:
  15 H7896 And I will put H342 enmity H996 between H802 you and the woman, H996 and between H2233 your seed H2233 and her seed; H7779 it shall bruise H7218 your head, H7779 and you shall bruise H6119 his heel.
  16 H802 To the woman H559 he said, H7235 I will greatly multiply H6093 your sorrow H2032 and your conception; H6089 in sorrow H3205 you shall bring H3205 forth H1121 children; H8669 and your desire H376 shall be to your husband, H4910 and he shall rule over you.
  17 H121 And to Adam H559 he said, H3588 Because H8085 you have listened H6963 to the voice H802 of your wife, H398 and have eaten H6086 of the tree, H834 of which H6680 I commanded H559 you, saying, H398 You shall not eat H779 of it: cursed H127 is the ground H5668 for your sake; H6093 in sorrow H398 shall you eat H3605 of it all H3117 the days H2416 of your life;
  18 H6975 Thorns H1863 also and thistles H6779 shall it bring H6779 forth H398 to you; and you shall eat H6212 the herb H7704 of the field;
  19 H2188 In the sweat H639 of your face H398 shall you eat H3899 bread, H5704 till H7725 you return H127 to the ground; H3947 for out of it were you taken: H6083 for dust H6083 you are, and to dust H7725 shall you return.
  20 H120 And Adam H7121 called H802 his wife’s H8034 name H2332 Eve; H3588 because H517 she was the mother H3605 of all H2416 living.
  21 H120 To Adam H802 also and to his wife H3068 did the LORD H430 God H6213 make H3801 coats H5785 of skins, H3847 and clothed them.
  22 H3068 And the LORD H430 God H559 said, H2005 Behold, H120 the man H1961 is become H259 as one H3045 of us, to know H2896 good H7451 and evil: H6258 and now, H6435 lest H7971 he put H7971 forth H3027 his hand, H3947 and take H1571 also H6086 of the tree H2416 of life, H398 and eat, H2425 and live H5769 for ever:
  23 H3068 Therefore the LORD H430 God H7971 sent H1588 him forth from the garden H5731 of Eden, H5647 to till H127 the ground H834 from from where H8033 H3947 he was taken.
  24 H1644 So he drove H120 out the man; H7931 and he placed H6924 at the east H1588 of the garden H5731 of Eden H3742 Cherubim, H3858 and a flaming H2719 sword H2015 which turned H8104 every way, to keep H6086 the way of the tree H2416 of life.