Exodus 18:21-26

  21 G2532 And G1473 you G4572 yourself G4629.4 look about G575 all G3956   G3588 the G2992 people G435 for men G1415 mighty G2532 and G2318 godly! G435 [2men G1342 1just] G3404 detesting G5243 pride. G2532 And G2525 you shall place G1473 them G1909 over G1473 them G5506 commanders of thousands, G2532 and G1543 commanders of hundreds, G2532 and G4004.6 commanders of fifties, G2532 and G1176.1 commanders of tens.
  22 G2532 And G2919 they shall judge G3588 the G2992 people G3956 at every G5610 hour. G3588 But the G1161   G4487 [2thing G3588   G5246 1enormous] G399 they shall offer G1909 unto G1473 you; G3588 but the G1161   G1024 little matters G3588 of the G2917 judgments, G2919 they shall judge G1473 them; G2532 and G2893 they shall lighten the load G575 from G1473 you, G2532 and G4878 shall give aid G1473 to you.
  23 G1437 If G3588   G4487 this thing G3778   G4160 you do, G2532 then G2729 [2will strengthen G1473 3you G3588   G2316 1God], G2532 and G1410 you will be able G3936 to stand, G2532 and G3956 all G3588   G2992 this people G3778   G2240 shall come G1519 unto G3588   G1438 their own G5117 place G3326 with G1515 peace.
  24 G191 [3hearkened G1161 1And G* 2Moses] G3588 to the G5456 voice G3588   G1059.2 of his father-in-law, G1473   G2532 and G4160 he did G3745 as much as G2036 he said G1473 to him.
  25 G2532 And G1951 Moses chose G*   G435 [2men G1415 1mighty] G575 from G3956 all G* Israel, G2532 and G4160 appointed G1473 them G1909 over G1473 them G5506 as commanders of thousands, G2532 and G1543 commanders of hundreds, G2532 and G4004.6 commanders of fifties, G2532 and G1176.1 commanders of tens, G2532 and G1122.3 judicial recorders.
  26 G2532 And G2919 they judged G3588 the G2992 people G3956 every G5610 hour, G3588 but the G1161   G4487 [2matter G3588   G5246 1enormous] G399 they offered G1909 to G* Moses. G3956 But every G1161   G4487 [2matter G1645 1light] G2919 they judged G1473 themselves.
  21 G2532 και G1473 συ G4572 σεαυτώ G4629.4 σκέψαι G575 από παντός G3956   G3588 του G2992 λαού G435 άνδρας G1415 δυνατούς G2532 και G2318 θεοσεβείς G435 άνδρας G1342 δικαίους G3404 μισούντας G5243 υπερηφανίαν G2532 και G2525 καταστήσεις G1473 αυτούς G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτοίς G5506 χιλιάρχους G2532 και G1543 εκατοντάρχους G2532 και G4004.6 πεντηκοντάρχους G2532 και G1176.1 δεκαδάρχους
  22 G2532 και G2919 κρινούσι G3588 τον G2992 λαόν G3956 πάσαν G5610 ώραν G3588 το δε G1161   G4487 ρήμα G3588 το G5246 υπέρογκον G399 ανοίσουσιν G1909 επί G1473 σε G3588 τα δε G1161   G1024 βραχέα G3588 των G2917 κριμάτων G2919 κρινούσιν G1473 αυτοί G2532 και G2893 κουφιούσιν G575 από G1473 σου G2532 και G4878 συναντιλήψονταί G1473 σοι
  23 G1437 εάν G3588 το G4487 ρήμα τούτο G3778   G4160 ποιήσης G2532 και G2729 κατισχύσει G1473 σε G3588 ο G2316 θεός G2532 και G1410 δυνήση G3936 παραστήναι G2532 και G3956 πας G3588 ο G2992 λαος ούτος G3778   G2240 ήξει G1519 εις G3588 τον G1438 εαυτού G5117 τόπον G3326 μετ΄ G1515 ειρήνης
  24 G191 ήκουσε G1161 δε G* Μωυσής G3588 της G5456 φωνής G3588 του G1059.2 γαμβρού αυτού G1473   G2532 και G4160 εποίησεν G3745 όσα G2036 είπεν G1473 αυτώ
  25 G2532 και G1951 επέλεξε Μωυσής G*   G435 άνδρας G1415 δυνατούς G575 από G3956 παντός G* Ισραήλ G2532 και G4160 εποίησεν G1473 αυτούς G1909 επ΄ G1473 αυτών G5506 χιλιάρχους G2532 και G1543 εκατοντάρχους G2532 και G4004.6 πεντηκοντάρχους G2532 και G1176.1 δεκαδάρχους G2532 και G1122.3 γραμματοεισαγωγείς
  26 G2532 και G2919 έκρινον G3588 τον G2992 λαόν G3956 πάσαν G5610 ώραν G3588 το δε G1161   G4487 ρήμα G3588 το G5246 υπέρογκον G399 ανέφερον G1909 επί G* Μωυσήν G3956 παν δε G1161   G4487 ρήμα G1645 ελαφρόν G2919 έκρινον G1473 αυτοί
    21 G2532 CONJ και G4771 P-NS συ G4572 D-DSM σεαυτω   V-AMD-2S σκεψαι G575 PREP απο G3956 A-GSM παντος G3588 T-GSM του G2992 N-GSM λαου G435 N-APM ανδρας G1415 A-APM δυνατους G2318 A-APM θεοσεβεις G435 N-APM ανδρας G1342 A-APM δικαιους G3404 V-PAPAP μισουντας G5243 N-ASF υπερηφανιαν G2532 CONJ και G2525 V-FAI-2S καταστησεις G846 D-APM αυτους G1909 PREP επ G846 D-GPM αυτων G5506 N-APM χιλιαρχους G2532 CONJ και   N-APM εκατονταρχους G2532 CONJ και   N-APM πεντηκονταρχους G2532 CONJ και   N-APM δεκαδαρχους
    22 G2532 CONJ και G2919 V-FAI-3P κρινουσιν G3588 T-ASM τον G2992 N-ASM λαον G3956 A-ASF πασαν G5610 N-ASF ωραν G3588 T-ASN το G1161 PRT δε G4487 N-ASN ρημα G3588 T-ASN το G5246 A-ASN υπερογκον G399 V-FAI-3P ανοισουσιν G1909 PREP επι G4771 P-AS σε G3588 T-APN τα G1161 PRT δε G1024 A-APN βραχεα G3588 T-GPN των G2917 N-GPN κριματων G2919 V-FAI-3P κρινουσιν G846 D-NPM αυτοι G2532 CONJ και G2893 V-FAI-3P κουφιουσιν G575 PREP απο G4771 P-GS σου G2532 CONJ και   V-FMI-3P συναντιλημψονται G4771 P-DS σοι
    23 G1437 CONJ εαν G3588 T-ASN το G4487 N-ASN ρημα G3778 D-ASN τουτο G4160 V-AAS-2S ποιησης G2729 V-FAI-3S κατισχυσει G4771 P-AS σε G3588 T-NSM ο G2316 N-NSM θεος G2532 CONJ και G1410 V-FMI-2S δυνηση G3936 V-AAN παραστηναι G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-NSM πας G3588 T-NSM ο G2992 N-NSM λαος G3778 D-NSM ουτος G1519 PREP εις G3588 T-ASM τον G1438 D-GSM εαυτου G5117 N-ASM τοπον G3326 PREP μετ G1515 N-GSF ειρηνης G1854 V-FAI-3S ηξει
    24 G191 V-AAI-3S ηκουσεν G1161 PRT δε   N-NSM μωυσης G3588 T-GSF της G5456 N-GSF φωνης G3588 T-GSM του   N-GSM γαμβρου G2532 CONJ και G4160 V-AAI-3S εποιησεν G3745 A-APN οσα G846 D-DSM αυτω   V-AAI-3S ειπεν
    25 G2532 CONJ και   V-AAI-3S επελεξεν   N-NSM μωυσης G435 N-APM ανδρας G1415 A-APM δυνατους G575 PREP απο G3956 A-GSM παντος G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ G2532 CONJ και G4160 V-AAI-3S εποιησεν G846 D-APM αυτους G1909 PREP επ G846 D-GPM αυτων G5506 N-APM χιλιαρχους G2532 CONJ και   N-APM εκατονταρχους G2532 CONJ και   N-APM πεντηκονταρχους G2532 CONJ και   N-APM δεκαδαρχους
    26 G2532 CONJ και G2919 V-AAI-3P εκρινοσαν G3588 T-ASM τον G2992 N-ASM λαον G3956 A-ASF πασαν G5610 N-ASF ωραν G3956 A-ASN παν G1161 PRT δε G4487 N-ASN ρημα G5246 A-ASN υπερογκον G399 V-AAI-3P ανεφεροσαν G1909 PREP επι   N-ASM μωυσην G3956 A-ASN παν G1161 PRT δε G4487 N-ASN ρημα G1645 A-ASN ελαφρον G2919 V-AAI-3P εκρινοσαν G846 D-NPM αυτοι
  21 H2372 Moreover thou shalt provide [H8799]   H5971 out of all the people H2428 able H582 men H3373 , such as fear H430 God H582 , men H571 of truth H8130 , hating [H8802]   H1215 covetousness H7760 ; and place [H8804]   H8269 such over them, to be rulers H505 of thousands H8269 , and rulers H3967 of hundreds H8269 , rulers H2572 of fifties H8269 , and rulers H6235 of tens:
  22 H8199 And let them judge [H8804]   H5971 the people H6256 at all seasons H1419 : and it shall be, that every great H1697 matter H935 they shall bring [H8686]   H6996 unto thee, but every small H1697 matter H8199 they shall judge [H8799]   H7043 : so shall it be easier [H8685]   H5375 for thyself, and they shall bear [H8804]   the burden with thee.
  23 H6213 If thou shalt do [H8799]   H1697 this thing H430 , and God H6680 command [H8765]   H3201 thee so, then thou shalt be able [H8804]   H5975 to endure [H8800]   H5971 , and all this people H935 shall also go [H8799]   H4725 to their place H7965 in peace.
  24 H4872 So Moses H8085 hearkened [H8799]   H6963 to the voice H2859 of his father in law [H8802]   H6213 , and did [H8799]   H559 all that he had said [H8804]  .
  25 H4872 And Moses H977 chose [H8799]   H2428 able H582 men H3478 out of all Israel H5414 , and made [H8799]   H7218 them heads H5971 over the people H8269 , rulers H505 of thousands H8269 , rulers H3967 of hundreds H8269 , rulers H2572 of fifties H8269 , and rulers H6235 of tens.
  26 H8199 And they judged [H8804]   H5971 the people H6256 at all seasons H7186 : the hard H1697 causes H935 they brought [H8686]   H4872 unto Moses H6996 , but every small H1697 matter H1992   H8199 they judged [H8799]   themselves.
ERV(i) 21 Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating unjust gain; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: 22 and let them judge the people at all seasons: and it shall be, that every great matter they shall bring unto thee, but every small matter they shall judge themselves: so shall it be easier for thyself, and they shall bear [the burden] with thee. 23 If thou shalt do this thing, and God command thee so, then thou shalt be able to endure, and all this people also shall go to their place in peace. 24 So Moses hearkened to the voice of his father in law, and did all that he had said. 25 And Moses chose able men out of all Israel, and made them heads over the people, rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. 26 And they judged the people at all seasons: the hard causes they brought unto Moses, but every small matter they judged themselves.